Chapter 250 Extra Volume:——Competition


"Let's compete! Your Excellency!"

Purgatory and Shoulang sat on the ground with excited expressions on their brows and eyes.

Komaji clicked his tongue, he clenched his fist, his chest was stuffy since yesterday, he responded loudly:


Just when Komaji, Purgatory and Juro, the atmosphere gradually became uncomfortable.


The door to the training ground was slowly pushed open.

Qingzang poked his head out from behind the door, saw several people sitting in a circle in the arena, and immediately smiled:
"Ah, you are here."

"It's time to eat now."

The rare clean-shaven Keizo came out of the door, and he waved to the standing Komaji:

"I understand!"

When Komaji heard Keizo's words, he answered loudly, then pursed his lips, and turned his head to look at Purgatory and Juro.

Stretching out his finger, he said viciously to him:

"eat first."

Purgatory and Shoulang nodded in agreement:
"That's right!"

"Eat enough to have the strength to compete!"

Komaji twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard Purgatory and Juro's answers that didn't suit him.

Afterwards, several people left the training ground together.

"…Sorry for disturbing you."

Sumire Kamado and the others had no choice but to stay cheeky and have breakfast with Komaji and the others.


During breakfast, Sumire Zaomen and the others had a preliminary conversation with Qingzang and the others.


After dinner.

On an open space in the dojo.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet, how rude!"

"My name is Purgatory and Shoulang!"

Komaji stood face to face with Purgatory and Jurou.

Purgatory and Juro are preparing to attack Komaji, and the Japanese sword on his waist has been replaced with a sturdy wooden sword:

"Your Excellency can just call me and Shou Lang!"

Komaji didn't speak, he just turned his head and glanced at Keizo who was sitting in the room not far away.

Qingzang nodded at him.

After Qingzang heard that the two wanted to compete, an uncontrollable curiosity burst out of his heart.

——This junior of Mr. Kamizumi, and Komaji...

——Which one is more powerful?

Komaji hasn't stretched his fists in actual combat for a long time.


This is also a new way for Komaji to get in touch with other martial arts schools from the outside world.

Therefore, Qingzang supported this matter with both hands, and deliberately vacated an open space.

Beside the clearing.

It is a room covered with straw mats with sliding doors open.

Shangquanna, Qingzang, Zaomen Sumire and Kimura.

Huiren, and Komaji's parents.

And love snow.

At this moment, they are all sitting in the room.

"Mr. Komaji..." Lianxue looked closely at Komaji who was standing in the middle of the open space. She clutched the clothes on her chest with both hands, feeling a little nervous.

Qingzang sat beside her, happily rubbing his daughter's head:
"Don't worry, it's just a discussion."

"Hmm..." Lianxue nodded in a weak voice.

Huiren frowned slightly, reached out and opened Qingzang's hand to rub his daughter:

"Don't move around, the tangle of hair is messed up by you, Lianxue tucked her hair for a while today."

"Haha, haha..." Qingzang withdrew his hand in embarrassment, scratched the back of his head, and laughed a few times.

Only Lianxue lowered her head slowly, her face turned red.

Her voice was as soft as a mosquito: "My lord..."

They sat on the edge of the room near the open space, looking intently at the two who were about to discuss each other.

Komaji wore the loose martial arts uniform of the Soryu Dojo, straightened his body, and looked calm.

Just when Purgatory and Shoulang felt the solemn atmosphere of the battle.

Komaji suddenly bowed to him, then straightened up, clenched his hands into fists, put on a pose ready to fight, and said in a flat tone:

"Soryu, Komaji, please join me."

He stared at Purgatory and Shoulang closely, stretched out a hand towards him, felt the weak vibration on the ground with his bare feet, and his lower body was extremely stable.

This is Suryu's basic form, which can basically deal with ordinary attacks.

Purgatory and Shoulang were taken aback for a moment, and he quickly bowed, then added in a panic:

"Ghost Killer... No, Breath of Flame, Purgatory and Juro."


"Come on."

His hand was also on the wooden knife at his waist.

At this time,

Qingzang's voice came from the room next to him:
"Then! Discuss—"


The voice just fell.

Purgatory and Shoulang standing in place instantly turned into an afterimage!He rushed towards Komaji!

"Komaji-dono! I'm going!"

"Sorry! I carry a weapon!"

Purgatory and Shoulang sprinted and yelled, his calf tensed, he tapped the ground lightly, and jumped sideways!
Appeared to the left of Komaji, and held the wooden knife in his hand horizontally:

"One Type Shiranui!"

It was vaguely like a blade wrapped in fire, passing through the air, and suddenly condensed into a thin line, cutting straight towards Komaji!


Do you want to call out the name of the move?

Komaji stared at Purgatory and Juro's movements.

The expression is also more cautious.

--So fast!
When the afterimage of the blade was close to his neck!

Komaji tightened his waist and core, and his upper body suddenly sank!
Bend your legs forward!The whole person instantly leveled off!



The blade brushed against Komaji's fluttering hair, Purgatory and Juro shrank their pupils slightly when they saw Komaji dodging quickly.

really!I found the right person!
Your Excellency Komaji!Really powerful!

Unimaginable reaction speed!

At the next moment when Purgatory and Shoulang sighed in their hearts!
Komaji, who was lowering his waist, straightened up suddenly, and grabbed the arms of Purgatory and Juro with both hands!
"Eh?!" Purgatory and Shoulang were taken aback.

【Su Liu·Twisting Strength】

Komaji clamped Purgatory and Juro's arms tightly with both hands!Pull it in the opposite direction suddenly!

Komaji relied on the core strength of his abdomen rebounding from his lower back, and he hit the whole body!He pulled back Purgatory and Shoulang who were running towards behind him due to inertia!
The footsteps suddenly pulled back!dusty!Komaji's neck violently bursts blood vessels!

As the huge power came from the arm, the expressions of Purgatory and Shoulang gradually became surprised because of the weightlessness:
"Wow wow!!"

Caught off guard, Purgatory and Shoulang were thrown heavily.

Fortunately, he reacted in time and used his strength to roll from the ground.

And holding the handle of the knife tightly again, the golden eyes looked at Komaji with enthusiasm:
"Your Excellency Komaji, your reaction speed is very fast!"

Komaji also took half a step back, he saw Purgatory and Juro's tensed forearms:

"You're also fast."

"It's also very resistant to beating."


This is the sound of muscles tensing and the soles of the feet grabbing the ground.

Suliu - the main content is boxing.

And the basic close combat is just the foundation that Su Liu needs to be proficient in.

Just now, the two just tested each other a little bit.

Next, is the real battle.

"Huh..." Purgatory and Shoulang slowly exhaled a puff of white mist:

"Thanks for the compliment."

Just after the two confronted each other for a few breaths.

next moment.

The sand is flying!

Komaji disappeared at the same time as Purgatory and Juro!


【Breath of Flame·Wu ZhiType·Flame Tiger】

The sound of the blade slashing through the air turned into a faint howl of a tiger, and it slashed away with wide open and closed!

【Suliu Hard Opening Mountain Gate】

The afterimages of the two collided heavily in the middle of the open space!
boom! !

The dull collision sound came from the middle of the venue!The people on the side immediately heard the sound and looked!

The smoke dissipated.


The figures of the two appeared in the middle of the field.

Purgatory and Shoulang tightly gripped the handle of the knife with both hands, but the blade of the knife that made the collision sound naturally trembled uncontrollably.

There was something bad in his eyes.


——Komaji's heavy blow with his fist exceeded his imagination!
——Specially made, the wooden knife is as strong as an iron knife, and it can't even bear it!

Under such a degree of collision, there is already a faint tendency to shake from side to side!
"...a lot of strength...!"

In front of Purgatory and Shou Lang.

Komaji breathed steadily, keeping his elbow out.

He raised his knees and elbows to resist the blades slashed by Purgatory and Shoulang!
But he still has another free hand!

Komaji looked at Purgatory and Juro with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

At the same time, with excitement:

"It's quite capable...!"


Purgatory and Shoulang took a decisive step back!

Immediately afterwards, he raised and waved the blade in his hand again!He slashed towards Komaji!

Komaji clenched his bandaged fist tightly, he stared at the trajectory of the blade, and punched to block it!

Clash of fists and wooden knives!

The wooden sword was hit by Komaji's powerful fist!It was bounced back!Even the blade has a faint curvature!
There were no accidents between Purgatory and Shoulang. He felt the numb tiger's mouth from the shock, and gradually had a cheerful smile on his face:
"Ah! That's it!"

He clenched the wooden knife tightly and slashed again!

The speed of wielding the blade in his hand is getting faster and faster!Gradually turned into an afterimage!Can't see clearly!
Komaji calmed down, his eyes keenly caught every slash, and punched at the same speed!It happened to hit the blades of Purgatory and Shoulang!

The blade was bumped, bent, and bounced back.

And gradually, the calm thinking in Komaji's eyes slowly disappeared!
"You are strong!"

He yelled towards Purgatory and Shoulang:

"But I'm better!"

The fist wind gradually engulfed his surroundings!
— Excited!

Clap clap clap! !
Komaji punches faster and faster!Instantly disintegrated the offensive of Purgatory and Shoulang, and turned from defense to offense!
Purgatory and Shoulang were instantly overwhelmed and out of breath!

--So fast!

Purgatory and Shoulang had serious expressions on their faces. They couldn't wait for him to take out the sword, and the blade was hit back by the fist again!
He was forced to shrink in place.

He could only raise the blade vertically, block it in front of his torso, and resist the powerful fist of Komaji's hammer!
"Hey!" Komaji punched vigorously, he had never waved his fists so happily and without any scruples, and he felt extremely refreshed at this moment!

The wooden sword stood up, resisting Komaji's fist again!
Then, Purgatory and Juro seized the opportunity, he captured the moment when Komaji closed his fist!

--It's now!
Raising the blade suddenly, he slashed towards Komaji's wrist briefly but powerfully!

But the next moment.

Komaji withdrew his fist, and with a light pad on the ground with his bare feet, he turned sideways to the side of Purgatory and Juro.

Instantly avoided the slashing of Purgatory and Shoulang!
The fist he withdrew turned into a posture of accumulating punches!

At the same time, the blades of Purgatory and Shoulang had already split into the air.

Komaji also tensed his arm muscles.

Under the wide white martial arts uniform, you can see the traces of bulging muscles.

next moment!
boom--! !

Like a roar, the fist slammed into the blade in the hands of Purgatory and Shoulang!

Hitting the knife from the non-blade side - it is easy to break.


In Purgatory and Shoulang's somewhat surprised expressions.

His specially made wooden knife, which was as hard as an iron knife, shattered in front of Komaji's fist in an instant, turning into fragments flying into the air!


The fragments fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Purgatory and Shoulang froze for a moment, and he glanced at the broken knife in his hand.

——The knife...broke?

This knife, I'm afraid it's far from the general knife - that is, the relationship between whether it is sharpened or not.

"Huh..." Komaji looked at the shattered blade, and slowly stopped his movements.

The weapon has been damaged, so it is time for this discussion to come to an end.

He looked up and exchanged glances with Purgatory and Shoulang.

Purgatory and Shoulang gasped heavily, he put away his knife and stood up, the expression on his face gradually changed from solemn to a happy smile:

"Your Excellency is a formidable opponent worthy of admiration!"



Saying that, he nodded apologetically to Komaji:
"Your Excellency Komaji, please don't pay attention to my rude behavior before."

"I just want to compete with Your Excellency."

Komaji stretched his palm, feeling the faint pain from his fist, he shook his head indifferently:

"Huh... I don't care about that kind of thing."

After having a good fight, Komaji's inner thoughts became much clearer.

Withdrawing his fist, he looked down.

Because of his emotional agitation just now, he lost part of his perception of physical pain.

The white bandage on the fist was soaked red by the blood oozing slightly from under the skin.

Undo the bandage.

The fist was already covered with bloody streaks from being hacked.

Komaji was slightly taken aback.

——It seems that the fair exchange between myself and this redhead is limited to the opponent using an unsharpened wooden knife...

——If it was an actual battle... my fist would probably have made more than a dozen deep cuts.

at this time.

"Mr. Komaji!" Lianxue saw that Komaji was dripping blood with sharp eyes, she hurried over while coughing slightly:

"It's okay, ahem, let me bandage it for you..."

", it's okay..." Komaji was slightly taken aback, and was just about to refuse.

"Crack, crack, crack, crack!" Not far away, Qingzang clapped his hands again, and walked towards this side slowly:
"That's great, you two."

"In the confrontation in the middle, I can't even see the speed of your moves."

"Hahaha!" Purgatory and Shoulang accepted Qingzang's praise without any politeness.

Just when Komaji smiled and looked at everything in front of him.

"Come here, here's something for you."

From the side, Shang Quanna stuffed Komaji with a heavy wooden box.

"Mr. Kamizumi...?"

Komaji froze for a moment, he opened the wooden box and took out the contents.

Start cold.

Hold it up and place it in the sun to view.

——two silver-white knuckles, glowing in the sunlight.

(End of this chapter)

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