People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 251 Extra Volume: ——Fireworks Display

Chapter 251 Extra Volume: ——Fireworks Display


Shang Quanna pulled Komaji aside.

Komaji looked at the iron knuckle in his hand, he turned his head in doubt, put the knuckle in his palm, and looked at Shang Quanna:
"Mr. Umizumi, this is...?"

The shape of the knuckles is near the end of the palm, and the surface is slightly undulating to fit the design of the palm.

As for the end responsible for the attack, raised spikes were added to the undulations, and the blade was processed.

In the sun, it showed a sharp cold light.

——This is for killing ghosts in case of emergencies.

Komaji's eyes were full of doubts, he had never seen such a thing before.

Shang Quannai pointed to the hole on the tiger, he said with a smile:

"Try it on your finger."

"Finger?" Komaji tilted his head in doubt, he picked up a knuckle, raised his eyebrows, and tentatively put his hand into the knuckle.


Curl your fingers and hold the knuckles lightly.

The cold touch came from the palm, which seemed to dispel the heat of the summer in an instant.

Komaji's eyes lit up, and he repeatedly looked at the knuckles he held in his hand, the silvery white light shone.

The moment he put it on, after practicing boxing for more than two years, he instantly understood the function of this thing!

——Weapons specially for fighters!

- what a beautiful design!

Pat, he put on the other one a little strangely.

Then, he clenched his fists tightly, feeling the heavy fists.

Assuming a punching posture, he swung his hand a few times heavily into the air beside him.

The fist shadow flickered a few times quickly.

Komaji withdrew his fist, and his face couldn't help but become a little more joyful:
——In this way, it feels easier to throw a punch!


Turning his fist slightly, the sunlight reflected on the front of the sharp knuckles and flashed in Komaji's blue pupils.

He looked at the knuckles on his fists and smiled.

"do you like it."

Shang Quanna leaned against the wall, and he nodded towards Komaji:

"Here it is for you, use it as a weapon in the future."


"No, no, no, I don't actually have such a thing..." Komaji was stunned for a moment, he immediately wanted to take off his knuckles, he felt that he didn't need this kind of thing.

As an apprentice of Suliu Dojo, the opponents he faced were all apprentices in the martial arts dojo.

There is no need for such a weapon with great lethality.

Besides... Komaji has self-confidence, with his current strength...

——I still have confidence in killing the opponent with one blow with bare hands.

Therefore, self-defense is also powerful...

"Do not."

Shang Quanna reached out and pushed Komaji back, he shook his head:

"This thing is not for you to protect yourself, nor is it for you to use against people... Of course, it is not impossible to deal with people."


Shang Quanna stretched out a finger, poked it on Komaji's right shoulder, and nodded vigorously, with a dignified tone:
"Use this thing to protect the person you want to protect."

"At night, when you encounter suspicious, fast, powerful, and disgustingly long things running towards you."

Shang Quanna approached Komaji solemnly, stretched out his hand and asked him:

"Use this pair of knuckles to break the opponent's neck fiercely, go all out, and don't hesitate for a moment."

"It can only be smashed with knuckles. The material of this pair of knuckles is special."

"Better kill with one hit."

"do you understand?"

Although Komaji was a little confused, he still nodded subconsciously:
"Yeah, um! I see!"


Seeing this, Shang Quannai looked at Komaji with a child's teachable eyes, and patted him on the shoulder:

"Well, you can ask your parents about the details of that kind of thing, they know more."

"Mother and father?" Komaji was slightly taken aback.


Shang Quannai waved his hand, he paced indifferently, turned around slowly, and left the vicinity:

"The next usage of this weapon is up to you."

"That's it, I'll leave first."

Komaji quietly watched the back of Shang Quanna leaving, he lowered his head slightly, and looked at the knuckles in his hand.

Then, he raised his head suddenly, and shouted loudly to Shang Quanna:

"Thank you! Mr. Umizumi!"

After watching Shang Quannai walk away slowly.

Komaji let out a breath.

He turned his head, looked at Purgatory and Shoulang who were panting not far behind him, and shouted:
"Hey! guy!"

When Purgatory and Juro were called, he looked in the direction of Komaji, tilted his head, and his eyes revealed doubts.

Komaji's eyes were sharp. He raised his knuckle-mounted fist, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and shouted at Purgatory and Juro:

"Let's fight again!"

"The one just now, don't count!"

When Purgatory and Juro heard the words, he glanced at the reflective knuckles on Komaji's fist, and immediately became interested. He picked up his Japanese sword from the side:

"Oh—! Come on!"

Taking a step back, Purgatory and Shoulang made a gesture of drawing their swords:
"Your Majesty Komaji!"


"Eh? Eh?"

Lianxue was walking on the road, she was bringing a new bandage, just in time to hear Purgatory and Shoulang yelling, she raised her head in doubt:

"Komaji-san...? Eh? Are you going to fight again?"

At a loss, he looked at Komaji, then at Purgatory and Juro, with an obviously anxious look on his face: "This, that..."

Komaji turned his head, and exchanged a glance with the anxious Lianxue.

The eyes of the two met for a moment.

next moment.

Komaji's stance and clenched fists were suddenly released, and he decisively put away his airs and straightened up.

"Stop it! Redhead!" Komaji decisively released the pigeons of Purgatory and Juro.


"Your Excellency Komaji! You...!" Purgatory and Juro were stunned, as if he still wanted to keep him.

"Stop fighting!" Unfortunately, Komaji's thoughts were very firm.


Seeing Purgatory and Juro frustrated, Komaji didn't feel any guilt.

Komaji turned his head, looked at Lianxue who was relieved, and slowly took off the knuckles on his hand.

——In a few days, it will be the fireworks display.

——You have to be well prepared.

——I don’t know if the hairpin that I entrusted the silversmith in Dingjie to forge last time has been forged.

While Komaji was thinking like this.

"Mr. Komaji, come over here."

Lianxue's soft voice came from the side, she was waving at Komaji with a small arc:
"come here."

She was bedridden in the scene, and she developed a habit of not liking to attract attention.

In other words - the character has become a little more introverted.

"Here we come." Komaji agreed, and handed the knuckles to Qingzang passing by: "Here, master."

"Huh?" Qingzang took the knuckles with a dazed expression on his face. He looked at Komaji who passed by him and went straight to Lianxue, and several consecutive question marks appeared above his head.

He lowered his head and glanced at the knuckles:

"what is this?"


The conversation between Lianxue and Komaji came indistinctly.

"...Does it hurt, Mr. Komaji?"

"Um... no, um, a little bit..."

"Ah! I'm sorry, sorry, let me be lighter..."

"No, it's not because of Lianxue..."



Qingzang held his knuckles, he raised his head.

Seeing his daughter Lianxue blushing, she held Komaji's hand and carefully re-wrapped it for Komaji.

"Hmm..." Keizo pressed his chin with his free hand, narrowed his eyes, and glanced at Lianyuki and Komaji.

——The intuition of being an old father.

——Keizo thought that he seemed to have discovered something.

Keizang glanced at the figure of Komaji who was facing him sideways, and nodded slightly.

He narrowed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curved into a simple and honest arc.

at this time.

"Mr. Keizo—what's the matter over there?"

Behind Keizo came the voices of Komaji's parents, Kuraya and Nobue.

With his back to the crowd, Qingzang slowly shook his head:
"No, nothing."

He looked at Lianxue, slowly withdrew his eyes, turned around, stretched out his hands to embrace Huiren and the others behind him, and said in a dispelling tone and smile:

"Alright, alright, the sparring with Juro and Komaji is over, let's all go back and rest."

Qingzang smiled and nodded to the three people beside him: Purgatory and Shoulang:

"Thank you for your hard work, the three of you. Mr. Shangquan's room is on the east side of the training ground. The three of you can go there to rest for a while."

"Hey——" Sumire Zaomen and the others looked surprised, and shouted in a drawn-out voice.

"Thanks to Keizo-san, Komaji's moves are very... formidable!"

Kuraya had a satisfied smile on his face, he was very happy with Komaji's current strength.

It seems that bringing this child here to study is the right thing to do!
"I can't see the movement of the move at all!"

"Hahaha, where is it..." Qingzang laughed and walked forward with a few people, saying as he walked:

"Komaji has grown a lot in height and physical function in the past two years..."


After a while of pleasantries from the adults, Keizang managed to get everyone else out of the vicinity.


He stood on the spot by himself, turned his head, glanced at Komaji and Lianxue who had been bandaged for a long time, and scratched his head.


Take a step and leave slowly:

"This kind of thing...Let them make their own decisions."

"When the time comes, just let me know."

Finally, Qingzang sighed with a smile:
"Young, that's great..."


"Well, I don't know if my old bones can suppress Komaji again."

——A little dissatisfaction from the old father.


in situ.


Lianxue and Komaji, who had bandaged one hand for more than half an hour, were still standing there.

Lianxue's movements were very gentle and careful, but too slow and concentrated.


Komaji couldn't bear to disturb Lianxue, but he still spoke softly.

"Ah!" Lianxue was slightly taken aback, she raised her head, blinked quickly, and asked in doubt and worry:

"What's wrong, did I try too hard?"

"Does it hurt?"

"No, no." Komaji and Lianxue looked at each other, and he stuttered rarely.

He hesitated, then slowly opened his mouth:
"Loving Snow."

"This year's fireworks display is coming soon."

"Last year... it didn't work out, but this year..."

Komaji stared at Koiyuki's flower-shaped pupils:
"Shall we go see together?"

It's a straight ball!Komaji hit a straight serve!
Lianxue was stunned for a moment, then her face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her mouth hesitated a little at a loss.

Slowly, she lowered her head again, and stopped holding Komaji's bandaged hand.

"...Okay, okay."

After a long time, Lianxue's answer, as thin as a mosquito's voice, slowly reached Komaji's ears:
"go together…"


Komaji froze for a moment, raised his head, and looked around suspiciously.

— Strange, why did you hear the sound of water boiling just now?
Then he lowered his head.

Just happened to see Lianxue's flushed face.

Komaji was slightly startled, and quickly reached out to feel the temperature on Tan Lianxue's forehead——

"It's so hot!" He was startled, almost subconsciously, Komaji squatted down slightly, and hugged Lianxue!

His face turned to blame.

——Oops, Lianxue's body hasn't recovered yet yesterday!

——Lianxue shouldn't be allowed to stand here for such a long time!

"Sorry, I'll take you back to your room right now...!"

"No, no... Mr. Komaji, I'm fine..."




on the roof.

Shang Quannai was sitting on the eaves where the two were standing just now, his legs were hanging from the eaves, swinging casually, listening to the conversation between the two just now.

Feeling numb for a while, I couldn't help shaking my whole body, and let out a long sigh of relief:


"I'm not too old, am I?"

"Is this a generation gap?"

Then, there was another long sigh.


Soon after.

On the street.

Komaji, who is particularly eye-catching in the crowd of people, is wearing the "Soryu" martial arts uniform, and he is going against the flow of people.

He didn't pay attention to the strange eyes around him, but went straight to a certain place in the town street.

Finally, he arrived at the place.

In front of a shop.

Komaji stopped in his tracks, turned around, and looked up at the rectangular flag hanging diagonally to the side.

The words "real silversmith" are written on it.

It is said that the owner of this silversmith shop was once a top forging knife for some special people.

Until for some reason, I came to this remote town street and opened a silversmith shop.

And the silver jewelry that Komaji ordered was picked up from here.


Komaji stretched out his hand, he opened the curtain in front of the door, and walked in directly:

"excuse me."

Although it was daytime, the inside of the store was rather dark.

The boss was sitting behind the long wooden cabinet, forging something with a small hammer in his hand, his ears moved slightly:
"Oh, Kid Komaji is here."

Some vicissitudes and hoarse voices came from the boss.

"Well, it's me, the old silversmith." Komaji responded unceremoniously.

"Haha, you kid..." The boss laughed and cursed. He straightened his waist, turned around and stood up slowly, and walked behind the counter:
"I already guessed that you are coming around this time, come with me, what you want has been done."

The boss bent down, groped around the counter, and then took out a small wooden box with exquisite packaging.


Slowly pushed it in front of Komaji:

"It's here."

Komaji nodded, took out a piece of fine, and put it directly on the table:
"Thank you, I took it."

"Wait a minute." Seeing Komaji's anxious look, the boss called to stop Komaji:
"Aren't you going to inspect the goods?"

Komaji turned his head and said casually to him:
"I believe you."

Then, he anxiously opened the door curtain and walked away.

The boss looked at the direction of Komaji's departure and remained silent for a long time.

After a long time, he murmured:

"Bastard boy, I want to see the expression on the hairpin after seeing it."

"Such an exquisite thing has consumed a lot of my energy..."

"Hmph, Snow Flower? Thanks to that kid for thinking it out..."

The boss gradually walked into the store:

"It's not enough to collect such a small amount of money... Let's give it away..."

(End of this chapter)

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