My autobiography cannot be a tragedy

Chapter 466 Do you want power?

Chapter 466 Do you want power?
"Finally found……"

Meng Lang stared at the middle-aged man wearing a peaked cap on the monitor of the computer screen and smiled.

Zhao Hu, male, 42 years old, was from Hekou Town, Pei County.

Not long ago, due to a neighbor dispute caused by building a house in the countryside and encroaching on his own land, he brutally killed seven members of the family next door. He is currently at large and has a reward of 30 RMB!

However, he has another identity, that is, the reformer of the night demon clan... an assassin!
After seeing the arrest warrant on tv, meng lang immediately let zero go through the city surveillance system to closely monitor the area where chaoge was located, and at the same time searched for zhao hu's whereabouts in surrounding counties and cities.

Heaven pays off, and today I finally got a harvest.

The man in the surveillance footage was riding a bicycle, carrying a backpack, and dressed like an ordinary tourist.

Through the photo comparison, the face of the other party has obviously been camouflaged, and even acquaintances may not be able to recognize it.

But for Zero, who can recognize even a pig, these disguises are not enough...

"It's really cautious enough to come out after hiding for so long..."

Meng Lang looked at the man on the screen who stopped his bicycle, looked around and walked into a convenience store.

Fingers tapped slowly on the table, thinking about how to deal with the other party.

He was not sure whether Zhao Hu at this time point was an ordinary human being, or whether he had been transformed into an assassin.

It would be fine if it was the former, he wouldn't mind playing a cameo as a bounty hunter.

But if it is the latter, then the other party is likely to be controlled by the night demons, and the listener may have been listening to him around him...

For him, simply arresting an ordinary fugitive is of little significance.

Even killing an assassin is nothing more than cutting off a dog paw of the night demon clan in advance, which is not painful to the enemy.

Without Zhao Hu, there will still be Zhang Long. Judging from the number of assassins, human beings who meet the conditions for transformation are not a scarce item.

Maybe there will be a few more victims. should we deal with this Zhao Hu in order to maximize his value...

But before that, let's figure out the other party's situation first...

"Zero, is our Mr. Black Cat here?"

[Already in place! 】

"Well! Tell him not to be careless, if he dies, no one will help him collect the body..."


"Heh~" Ning Shisan's mouth twitched when he saw the message from his phone.

Although I really want to complain, the employee benefits I agreed to break through the sky, but I didn’t even have a body collection service for my sacrifice on duty...

However, such a mysterious and powerful organization can't even collect a corpse for itself. What kind of enemy is it that can make the mysterious people with all-hands-eyes fear so much?
And the reinvention that the other party said... Is that something that humans can do?

He felt 12 points of vigilance in his heart.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the glass door of the convenience store...

[Ding dong!welcome! 】

The automatic welcome machine sounded a reminder, and the man who was picking things in the small convenience store immediately looked up at the door vigilantly.

Ning Shisan glanced at it casually, picked up a shopping basket at the door, opened the freezer door, and threw a few cans of cold beer into it.

Then, like an ordinary customer, he walked around the convenience store and chose.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual, Zhao Hu looked away from Ning Shisan, pressed down on the brim of his hat, and continued to sweep things off the shelves one by one, filling two shopping baskets in a short while.

"Boss, check out!"

"Okay! Guests wait a moment!"

Seeing that the other party bought so many things, the smile on the boss's face became more sincere.

"Drip!" "Drip!"

Taking advantage of the time when the boss was scanning the QR code, Ning Shisan also looked like he had picked out his things, and stood behind Zhao Hu with the basket in his hand.

Zhao Hu sensed someone behind him, and turned his head to look at him vigilantly.

Seeing that the other party didn't even look at him, he took a cigarette out of the cigarette box and started puffing after lighting the fire, and then turned around again.

However, what he didn't know was that the moment he turned his head, the eyes of the man behind him were fixed on him through the lingering smoke.

From top to bottom, carefully observe the man in front.

His skin is dark, the muscles under his clothes are strong, and his hands are covered with calluses, but they are not the kind that hold guns. They should be engaged in manual work all year round.

Behind it was a rather small travel backpack, but it looked like most of it was empty.

The nose moved slightly, and suddenly smelled a smell of alcohol, it should have just been drunk.

Looked at what the other party bought.

Mainly instant noodles, chicken drumsticks and other vacuum-cooked instant food, and most of them are white wine...

Other than that, nothing more can be observed...

It seems that I can only take a risk...

"Hurry up, why are you so slow!" Ning Shisan held a cigarette in his mouth and shook his legs, pretending to be very impatient.

"I'm sorry, this guest has a little too much stuff, it will be ready soon!" The boss said quickly.

"Really, if you buy so much, you go to a big supermarket, what kind of convenience store do you come to! What a waste of time!"

When Zhao Hu heard this, he immediately looked back at him with a gloomy face.

"What are you looking at! Unconvinced!"

Seeing this, Ning Shisan looked annoyed, and pushed hard on the opponent's chest, causing the opponent to stagger back two steps.

"You!" Zhao Hu glared.

"What the hell! You still want to hit me? Come on, come on, there is surveillance here, try to touch me! Tell you! There is someone in my bureau!"

Ning Shisan, brother pheasant, was possessed, pointing to the convenience store monitor above his head, looking confident.

A trace of hostility flashed in Zhao Hu's eyes, but he didn't know whether it was the "surveillance" just now or "there are people in the game" that made the other party throw a mouse, but he clenched his fists but did not have the impulse, but subconsciously pressed the brim of his hat.

"Guests! Guests! It's just a small matter, not too much!

In this way, you see that this guest has few things, or let him go first? "The boss saw this and hurried up to smooth things over.

"Hmph!" Zhao Hu snorted coldly, but did not express any objection.

"You're smart!" Ning Shisan pretended to be complacent, and after scanning the QR code to pay, he left the convenience store arrogantly with his shopping bag in hand.

"Guest, don't be angry. There are people like this every day. We don't have the same knowledge as him."

The boss cheerfully gave Zhao Hu a step, and then settled the bill quickly.

"A total of 289."

"Keep the change, please!"

Zhao Hu threw down three hundred-yuan bills, then took off his backpack, and stuffed a bunch of things into it.

He walked out of the convenience store with his head down, looked around, and then rode the bicycle he had come on, picked a road with few people, stepped on the bicycle and left like a tourist, and soon merged into the traffic flow... …


On the overpass not far from the convenience store, Ning Shisan, who was smoking a cigarette, narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the back of the other party as he left.

After confirming the eyes, it is indeed the person who killed someone...

He just observed that the other party's bicycle parked outside has signs of being pried in the hidden place...

Looking at the direction the other party left, it should be the hotel area in this area.

He has a good sense of anti-reconnaissance. As a fugitive, he didn't choose a place with few people. Instead, he chose Suzhou City, which has a lot of people.

Suzhou City is a tourist city, and this season happens to be the peak tourist season, so many tourists will choose to rent homestays.

This kind of place is relatively loose in management, densely populated, and has complex terrain.

It is suitable for hiding one's identity, and it is easier to run away after being discovered.

As long as you find a rental house for long-term rental and mix with tourists, it is difficult for the police to investigate them one by one.

Judging from the quantity of things purchased, it is at least enough for one person to eat for four or five days.

The other party should be reclusive.

When your identity and bank card are locked and you can’t order takeaway food, going out regularly to buy food with cash is the easiest time to reveal your identity.

However, the other party was alert and did not choose to buy food near the hiding place.

Otherwise, with such a large purchase volume, several times will definitely attract the attention of interested people.

" should be an ordinary person..."

Ning Shisan rubbed his fingers, recalling the resistance he felt when he just pushed the opponent away.

Physical fitness is good, but only good.

I didn't use much force, but the opponent took two steps back.

It is not consistent with the fact that it has about three times the power of human beings mentioned in the information.

During the short contact process, I didn't find anything different about the other party.

Of course, this needs further confirmation...

Seeing that the other party was about to disappear from sight, Ning Shisan calmly took out his mobile phone, and a real-time video of the city surveillance soon appeared on it.

It is also very thoughtful to use highlighting to mark the target person in the screen.

The lens changes.

The next moment it turned into a high-altitude top view.

Ning Shisan looked up at the little black dot in the sky, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This is a land-air amphibious crossover with no dead ends for investigation. Once locked, there is nowhere to escape...

Follow you three kilometers away and ask if you are afraid?

An hour later, Zhao Hu, who had spared half a day's journey, returned to his homestay of [-] to [-] square meters.

Locking the door, I immediately took out the food I bought and devoured it.

After a while, the table was full of mess...

"Gudong Gudong~" Zhao Hu's eyes sharpened suddenly as he finished off the remaining high-grade liquor in the bottle in one gulp.

"Bang!" Erguotou's empty bottle shattered.

"Made! It's not a life for a fucking person!"

I hide from XZ all day long, like a frightened bird, not even daring to go to restaurants.

Seeing that the few cash on his body was bottoming out day by day, Zhao Hu's tense nerves were almost reaching the limit.

He knows that if there is no cash, even the days of hiding from XZ like this, I am afraid that there will not be many...

Now he has only two paths, either continue to kill and rob, and go all the way to the dark, or turn himself in.

Of course he doesn't want to go to jail, but he can continue to commit crimes. The more cases he has, the more dangerous he will be. It's also not a long-term solution...

"Damn it, it's all because of that soul, because my uncle is the village chief...

Damn him!Damn them all!

Everyone in this world deserves to die! "

Zhao Hu thought of that bloody night again, and his eyes became more and more red.

[Yes, they are all are right...

kill!kill kill kill!

Kill everything that gets in your way, and the world will be peaceful...

It's not you who's wrong, it's the world that's wrong...

Unfortunately, you are too weak...]

A deep and hoarse voice suddenly rang in my ears.

Zhao Hu, who was already half drunk, didn't notice any abnormalities at all, but kept nodding.

"That's right, I'm too weak, otherwise I can be killed! Kill, kill, kill..."

A beast-like growl came out of his mouth.

[Want power?

Go... that place... has what you want...]

(End of this chapter)

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