My autobiography cannot be a tragedy

Chapter 467 Have you acted?

Chapter 467 Have you acted?
The Night Demons were on the move, and Meng Lang wasn't idle either.

It's just that one is in the light and the other is in the dark. Even the night demons themselves don't know that there is a pair of eyes that have seen through the future and have already stared at them.

If the conflict between humans and the Night Demons is still in the dark, then some of the conflicts between humans and themselves have been laid bare on the bright side...

[Dragon Boat Festival is ours! 】

[The dragon boat race is also ours! 】

[Kimchi is also ours! 】

[Strongly protest against Huaguo AI's secret promotion of misleading remarks! 】

[From love to hate!Just because of one answer, many groups in the southern peninsula demanded to block the Huaguo AI "Bajie" and related electric vehicles! 】


Just after the Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional festival in China, social platforms such as Must Die, Twitter, and Youtube were suddenly swiped by a message.

The cause of the incident was that a person from the cold country bought an idol electric car owner. Recently, he saw that Huaguo was celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival all over the country. He felt angry for some reason, so he asked Bajie a question on a whim——

"Is the Dragon Boat Festival a traditional festival of the Peninsula or Huaguo?"

As a result, the AI ​​told him without hesitation, the answer he least wanted to hear...

Immediately afterwards... "Did Hanfu copy Hanfu?" "Did the Spring Festival originate in the peninsula?" "Did papermaking be invented by us?"

Without exception, Bajie's answer ran counter to the peninsula's view of culture and history, which made him angry from embarrassment.

To say that the car owner is also a rich second generation who loves to play.

Originally, idol electric cars are only sold in Europa and Huaguo, and have not landed on the peninsula. However, after seeing Bajie's related video, they saw Lie Xinxi and imported one at a high price with money.

I just bought it back, so I had a great time playing it. All kinds of showing off videos have doubled the number of fans in the southern peninsula.

All kinds of real name envy in the comment area made his vanity burst.

But because of love and hate, sometimes love and hate are really just a moment...

He angrily made a video of the whole thing and posted it on his Youtube, so...

"Bajie" was violently attacked by the Internet...

As expected of the southern peninsula, which is known as the "Five Permanent Members of YouTube", there was a lot of enthusiasm, and under the strong condemnation, a certain degree of attention was formed in a short period of time, and finally it was listed on the country's hot search.

The various bloggers also seemed to have found the traffic code, and they joined the melon-eating army without thinking about the big things, and criticized "Bajie" with words and pens, and asked for attention by the way.

The news quickly spread to the country...

"Damn it! Last year's 'Desa' turmoil hasn't been completely over yet, why are these Han people here to make trouble again?"

"Pfft! An AI broke their defense..."

"Thank you for saving the flow upstairs."

"The copycats also want to pretend to be orthodox?"

Some people still take it as a daily joke, and many netizens are upset, they climbed the "Great Firewall" along the ladder, and argued with each other...

"The most powerful country in the universe is here to steal things again. Everyone, hurry up and hide Confucius, Laozi, Han Feizi, Sanqing Amaterasu, Spring Festival, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc., or they will be targeted!"

"Although you call it the 'Dragon Boat Festival', and the customs have been indigenousized, which is very different from our original Dragon Boat Festival, but it is a bit self-deceiving to say that dragon boat rowing is your traditional activity..."

"Axi! Dragon boat rowing was originally a festival activity invented by us, and there is also papermaking!!"

"I'll go! If you call writing on tree bark 'inventing paper'..."

"Writing words with bark is called the invention of papermaking? Then I wipe toilet paper with my butt, can I say that I invented Xiang?"

"Xiang: Are you polite?"

"By the way, it wasn't until the 15th century A.D. that the prototype of modern cold language came into existence. The so-called papermaking technique you write on should be all Chinese characters..."

"In the history of the peninsula, the Chinese language was only used by the upper-class nobles and officials, and it was not forced to be abolished until it became a colony in modern times.

Hmm... But Hanyu is too stretchy, and there are many ambiguities in various polyphonic characters, so it can't be completely discarded. Legal provisions that require accurate grammar and semantics are still written in Chinese characters, which is really embarrassing for others..."

"No wonder we went to the peninsula to travel. The things in the museum are all Chinese characters."

"Axi! What are you talking about! Chinese characters are also invented by us!"

Fuck!Never seen such a brazen man!
Now, even Southeast Asian countries such as Xinmatai, Fusang, and Annan, which belong to the Chinese cultural circle, are disgusted, and they have joined the debate one after another, making no secret of their contempt for the shame of a certain Asia.

"Chinese characters have been invented for at least 3000 years, and you have only learned to write for a few hundred years. Is this something to brag about?"

"Fart! Our Great Cold Empire has a history of 6000 years. What's so strange about inventing a Chinese character?"

"It's strange that you invented Chinese characters, and then you don't use them..."

"Axi! That's because our cold language is more advanced than Chinese characters!"

"Wait! 6000 years? When did the peninsula become an ancient civilization?"

"Hehe! If you meet a person from the cold country today, you two are chatting about history, and he or she suddenly tells you that their country has a history of 6000 years, don't be surprised.

Because the other party has probably already said as low as possible..."

"Pfft! Are you serious? Even we in Annan don't have such a long history. You must know that we once occupied a huge empire south of the Yangtze River!"

"Uh... Combining the history of the peninsula and Annan, you will find that the Chinese people have actually lived in the Yangtze River. No wonder they are called the descendants of the dragon..."

"I'm just curious. So many people are scolding them, but they are not ashamed but proud. Are their skins made of Gundam alloy?"

"I think it's phase armor or dimensional armor, at least physical attacks are invalid."

"Oh, what a cake! What is written in the history books of the Southern Peninsula? Their younger generation seems to have a deep misunderstanding of their own history?"

"Fengshen Bang and Journey to the West are at least adaptations of real events, and your publications must be marked as purely fabricated!"

"I thought it was just an individual's idea. Didn't I expect it to be universal? Are all their historians novelists?"

"I've read their fairy tales... Oh sorry, it's a history book, how should I put it... This is the only historical work that I can't read.

It’s just that after reading it, I often wonder why the earth’s aura is exhausted…”


"If they're joking, they're funny, if they're serious, it's really funny."

Even the master behind him couldn't stand the shameless talk of the southern peninsula.

A netizen on the other side of the ocean: "If a country is strong, does it still need to be obsessed with the past? You see, we have so much dark history on the other side of the ocean. I have never seen people around me avoid it. It's just a small country mentality."

"Okay, the soldiers in Hollywood blockbusters are all handsome and mighty, the German soldiers are all obscene and stupid, and everyone has propaganda, but it would be too shameless to change the entire historical fact..."

"Assi! You stupid, ignorant humans! Our peninsula definitely has a history of 6000 years, but Huaguo and Fusang have been tampering with our history!"

"So, don't you really use your knee jerk to think that the whole of Asia is falsifying your family's history...why?"

"Axi! Of course it's because of jealousy! The people of Huaguo are the ones who take the lead!
They are jealous of our brilliant civilization, and even more hate that we defeated Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty and shot him blind in one eye! "

"Pfft! Li Shimin was shot blind? Who said that? I never heard of it?"

" seems to be one of their TV series, the kind that is extremely flirtatious."

"I'm going, have young people in this country already regarded TV dramas as historical facts?"

"I finally know why the country rectified the film and television industry and opposed historical nihilism. The brainwashing effect is too terrible..."

"No wonder Ma Ma said that watching Korean dramas affects IQ."

"You are all jealous, jealous of our great cold nation having so many great inventions, which are the origin of human civilization!"

"Oh! Isn't that right, besides historians, which school of thought doesn't need to learn your history?

Even physicists have to bite the bullet, they need to open your history books to unravel the origin of the universe, and they will find out...

46 billion years ago, Han people unified the universe.

Two billion years ago, the people of Han Country retreated to the Milky Way under the influence of dark matter.

5 million years ago, the Han people continued to retreat to the solar system.

6500 million years ago, the temperature of the sun rose, and people from the cold country came to the earth, so the dinosaurs became extinct.

In the 3rd century BC, the Han people were defeated by Alexander and retreated to Asia.

In the 7th century AD, the Tang Dynasty rose and competed with the Han country for Asia. Although the people of the Han country shot Li Shimin blind, they were unable to change the shrinking territory and retreated to the eastern coast of Asia.
In the 14th century A.D., the people of the Han Country failed in the war with the Ming Dynasty and retreated to the peninsula.

After World War II, the Han people retreated to the south of the peninsula.

Throughout their history, it is a history of retreat.

A nation that once ruled the universe, the descendants of the sun, has now been reduced to a small corner, a tiny place.

I have to say, this is the saddest nation in the world..."

"Hahaha! Starting today, the southern peninsula has invented a new theory of the origin of the universe..."

The cynicism of countries all over the world basically revolves around "who is better at stealing technology, and the origin of the universe is the southern peninsula".

As the heat of the controversy continues to rise, the popularity of the "Bajie" in the whirlpool of this incident has risen to another level internationally.

"I watched that video, and I have to say that it is worthy of being trained by us Huaguo people. Our family's 'Bajie' is not only smart and knowledgeable, but also has a very upright outlook!"

"In this way, I want it even more... May I ask when my Bajie can deliver it? If you want a car, you can just @爱豆新能源"

"For those foreign friends who buy speakers and give them a car, if you don't like Bajie, you can boycott it? Then who doesn't want an account for me to use, how many people are waiting behind!
Don't care! "

"That's right, I bought it at a high price. Anyway, I don't mind exporting it to domestic sales, but what's the matter with you scolding and enjoying it? Do you think you are honest?"

"Axi! I didn't know it before, but now, I swear that I will never use this AI from Huaguo!"

"I heard that your national Go club has just purchased your country's Go AI 'Xingzhen' as the official training AI. Let me tell you quietly that 'Xingzhen' and 'Bajie' are produced by the same Huaguo company.

If you have the backbone, don't use the star array! "

"Hey! This may be difficult. Now both Huaguo and Fusang Chess Club have started to use AI to train games. I heard that the chess skills of all chess players are improving by leaps and bounds, and the overall ranking is soaring.

If the southern peninsula is no longer used, I am afraid that this year's Chess Championship will not have anything to do with them. "

"I'll go, is it that strong? My Bai Yeji is mighty!"

"Although I hope that our AI products can also sell well all over the world...but as the 'reserved car owner' of idols, I am willing to grant your wish!

Here I strongly urge my country to permanently ban beasts on the southern peninsula! "

"The above is reasonable. With the speed at which idols make cars, it is impossible to meet the domestic demand in 100 years. Let's protest the export of idols' new energy to foreign countries first!"

"Don't mind! We, Europa, are the first to disagree!"

Soon, the topic of debate evolved from the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival to whether or not to ban Bajie.

Several southern peninsula members followed the "public opinion" and publicly expressed their opinions, expressing their concerns that China's AI may cause "misleading" history and culture, and hoped that the southern peninsula government would intervene...

For one thing, they did it to win votes.

Secondly, I really felt the risk brought by the "Eight Precepts"...

The risk of losing the "public opinion position"!

Some people see the benefits of the large language model, such as a better human-computer interaction experience.

Others see threats, such as insidious influence over media and education...

To put it bluntly, it can quietly change the ideology of a country even without the awareness of ordinary people.

Especially for Western electoral systems where public opinion determines success or failure.

As we mentioned before, mastering the right to speak on the Internet is almost equal to mastering public opinion and power.

In the information "cocoon rooms" constructed by Internet giants, the so-called election will be just a game of left and right.

In this case, whoever has universal AI management power can occupy the crucial "high ground of public opinion"!
Induce, incite, or even create something out of nothing...

A successful information war can completely dismantle the enemy's regime from within.

Then you will find that if you want to quell a turmoil, you may only choose to disconnect from the Internet...

Technological supremacy!

Sometimes technology can really be transformed into real hegemony, but ordinary people don't even realize it...

The confrontation between humans and AI has a long history.

In novels and film and television works, it is commonplace for humans and AI to fall in love and kill each other.

What Resident Evil, Terminator, Matrix, there is no AI with online IQ, the director is ashamed to say that he is making a science fiction film.

However, there has never been an era where the impact of AI is so close at hand.

The controversy brought about by Bajie gradually spread.

Originally, only neighboring countries that regarded Hua as a tiger and wolf raised their vigilance and expressed concern about the spread of the influence of the "Eight Precepts".

However, as the controversy quickly went out of the circle, things finally caught the attention of the arrogant Western scientific community.

Only then did they discover that an oasis suddenly appeared in the far east, which was originally a cutting-edge software desert...

And this matter was quickly placed on the table of Director Najib, the world's number one intelligence chief, as a "special event"!
"Artificial intelligence language model...Bajie...Bai Yeji?

Um?How come I seem to have heard this name somewhere? "Naji showed some doubts.

"Cough! The director is the Huaguo IT company that provides the ERP for the Chrysanthemum Factory." The deputy couldn't help reminding.

Chief Najib was taken aback for a moment, and then his brows frowned even deeper.

"So, this company has really made a major breakthrough in AI technology?"

Entering the field of vision of his intelligence leader one after another is enough to show that the other party is unique in some aspects.

"Yes, although it seems calm on the surface, in fact, several high-tech companies in our country have begun to pay close attention to each other.

Bone Song was facing a formidable enemy, and even convened a special board of directors to discuss the matter, thinking that if this large language model really appeared, it would seriously threaten their search engine services.

Because it also means threatening their vital advertising revenue.

SAP and Oracle are also very nervous, worried that their ERP market share will be threatened.

In addition, the other party's language translation function is much more powerful than the products on the market. The stock prices of related technology companies on our side have been greatly affected.

In various fields, this kind of AI has great potential for development. "

"How could Huaguo rise up such a powerful technology company without making a sound?"

"I have investigated, and it is said that the other party has a very mysterious code development team called 'Demon Hunter'.

You know, the Chinese are hardworking and talented in this area. Even a considerable number of top AI engineers in our country are Chinese. It is not surprising that there are one or two geniuses. "

"Well! That's true." Najib reluctantly admitted this fact.

"By the way, Director! Gao Sheng heard that he has set up a team and is studying how to acquire the other party with the least cost. For this reason, he even lent the other party a large sum of money..."

Director Najib immediately relaxed his frown upon hearing this.

"That's right, hehe! So, Gao Sheng's group has already been eyeing each other?
I have to say, in terms of investment vision, we are really not as good as this group of guys who eat people and don't spit out their bones...

It seems we don't need to worry too much. "

If the CIA is a sharp blade, then Gao Sheng is a soft knife in the hands of the other side of the ocean.

You were cut all over with cuts and bruises, and you were able to bleed slowly invisibly.

Gao Sheng's money is not so easy to borrow...

"In any case, AI competition is related to our future national strategy, and we must not be sloppy at all.

You immediately organize a group of computer experts to assess the extent to which the other party's AI technology has developed through the other party's products.

In addition, organize manpower to cooperate with Gao Sheng's operation, they want Baiyeji Company, we only want their core algorithm!

For the peace and stability of the world and the maintenance of international order, this kind of thing should be in the hands of our world's first empire! "

Director Najib is indeed a proven CIA who can talk about stealing so freshly and refinedly, that is, he is not ashamed...

In this regard, the other side of the ocean and the southern peninsula are definitely going up and down...

"Yes! Chief!"

"It's up to you to do this.

Our current focus is still on Juchang!

Without chips, they are like water without a source.

Even if you are a genius, can you still bloom in the upper-level technology? " Najib said confidently.

After all, "Bajie" has not been promoted on a large scale, and Chinese people who are always engaged in the "water to oil" routine, exaggerating publicity to deceive investment is commonplace, and how authentic it is is also a question mark.

Director Najib only expressed concern.

But in his eyes, the threat of Juchang was more realistic and urgent than that of Bai Yeji.

"This..." When mentioning the chrysanthemum factory, the deputy hesitated to speak.

"what's wrong?"

"That... Mr. Director, we just received a new piece of news, and I don't know if it should be said or not."


"About that joint research and development project, Hujian Jinghua seems to have purchased a lot of equipment, and today it has begun to enter the factory one after another..."

"Huh? What device?"

"It seems...they are all production equipment related to optical modules."


Chief Najib was stunned for a moment, and then his mind froze for a moment.

Optical module equipment into the factory?
Generally speaking, this should be the pre-action of building the production line...

But... can't you?

It's just a bluff, as for really spending money to buy equipment...

Has this play been played?

Director Najib's face suddenly became cloudy and uncertain.

Although he didn't want to guess in the worst direction, his inner rationality told Director Najib.

It is basically impossible for profit-oriented corporate behavior to pay such a high price for meaningless strategic deception...


No way……

(End of this chapter)

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