Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 1 I really didn't let him T

Chapter 1 I Really Didn't Let Him T (Teleport)

At two o'clock in the morning, on the fourth floor of a six-story residential building.

In the dark bedroom, the computer screen is still glowing persistently.

The young man sitting in front of the computer desk took a deep breath, and moved his hands quickly on the keyboard to draw afterimages, and the keyboard kept beeping with a strong rhythm.

"Who made you T (teleport) down? T (teleport) down?"


"Will you play? I let you TP (teleport)?"

"Hehe, the dog made you T."

Fang Lin smiled contemptuously, and he just clicked the teleportation that the top order was ready for.

Besides, for someone like Fang Lin who has been on the Internet all year round, the hardest part of his body is his mouth, which has long been made of titanium alloy non-stick pans.

After a while of fighting, Fang Lin watched the scene of the explosion at the base and stretched, shaking his legs to drink water.



After a flash of lightning, Fang Lin's eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.

Water sprinkled on the keyboard can also electrocute people? ? ?
This was the last doubt in Fang Lin's mind.



As if raindrops fell into the sea, a torch fell into the abyss, there was a ripple in time, and ripples in space.

In a daze, Fang Lin seemed to have his own consciousness again.

But like a person drowning in the deep sea, he could clearly see the sun shining on his face through the quiet blue water, but he could only suspend quietly, looking up, unable to move.

Finally, he slowly closed his eyes.


Suddenly, the water splashed.

Fang Lin finally opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a puppy with blue eyes, white face and black head, and pricked ears constantly licking himself.

Isn't this a husky?Where is the dog?

The husky's wet tongue made Fang Lin feel a little itchy, so he reached out to push it away.

But with this stretch, Fang Lin saw that his hands were actually white and fluffy claws!

He jumped up in a jerk, startling the husky cub who was about to come forward to play with him.


The husky in front of him let out an aggrieved cry.

Fang Lin was startled, because he found that he could understand its meaning, probably because he blamed him for scaring him.

In addition, he can actually tell that this is a female husky.

The appearance is surprisingly pleasing to the eye.

Fang Lin shook the dog's head to get rid of these distracting thoughts, and hurriedly looked around to check the situation.


Ten minutes later, Fang Lin was lying on a cushion on the edge of the dog pen, with his head hanging weakly on his front feet.

Meow meow, I actually turned into a dog? ? ?
I really didn't let him TP!
Fang Lin rolled speechlessly, rolled over from the cushion, and landed on the wooden floor.

But he felt that lying on the wooden floor was not as comfortable as the cushion, so he got up and moved to the cushion.

Yes, Fang Lin really turned into a dog.

But Fang Lin felt that there must be something wrong with him.

Because the world in front of him is still colorful, and his eyesight is not bad, he can see the smallest words on the poster on the wall at the end of the corridor.

He didn't know if a normal dog could distinguish so many colors, but he could.

Other than that, it appears to be a pet shop.

Fang Lin is now in a husky dog ​​pen, and there are three husky cubs in it.He can also see two dog pens, Golden Retriever and Samoyed, in front of him.

There is actually a small slide in the Samoyed dog pen!
There are three dog pens in a rectangular open space, the husky dog ​​pen is the innermost one against the wall, and the corridor is the outermost golden retriever dog pen, and then you have to turn right and go out.

Although Fang Lin couldn't see outside, he could smell a lot of cats, so cats should be sold here by the way.

The crystal chandelier hanging on the roof also dazzled Fang Lin, and the decoration of the entire pet shop gave people an elegant and extravagant feeling.

He couldn't help being dumbfounded, this pet shop automatically added the word "high-end" in his heart.

Is it just for decoration?Do not.

Because Fang Lin saw the sign standing beside the fence.

Competition-level huskies, priced from 9999.

It's not that Fang Lin has never seen a husky before, and a colleague bought one before, for about 2000 yuan.

This one starts at 9999 competition level, isn't this a high-end pet store?

Can the average person afford it?
But thinking of this, Fang Lin also became happy.

Anyway, he has become a husky.

Sitting and lying are very natural.

Fang Lin summed up his experience of reading novels in his previous life, and felt that this showed that he should have perfectly merged with the dog's soul under some special influence.

So now, he should be a pet dog with the memory of his previous life.

What is the most important thing for a pet dog?
Of course it's a meal ticket.

Being bought by ordinary people and being bought by local tyrants, will the future dog life be the same?

When he used Douyin before, he often saw pet videos. The pets in it ate better than him, with a combination of meat and vegetables, and fruits after meals.

Fortunately, he is worth a lot now, with a pure bloodline, and belongs to the race-level husky. The person who bought him should be a small golden man, right?
Fang Lin couldn't help fantasizing, but a trace of worry arose in his heart as he thought about it.

A race-level husky, isn't that a pure-blooded husky?
Huskies have long had a reputation for tearing down homes.

Pure blood dude, will there be local tyrants to buy it?What if I can't see it?You won't be a slow-moving product, will you?
The dog head sighed, alas.

After thinking about it, Fang Lin decided to observe his competitors first, so he sat up from the mat and propped himself up on his front legs to watch.

Well, these little golden retrievers are not a threat, they look silly.

Needless to say, the appearance of the young Huskies is really top-notch.

Fang Lin turned his head to look at the husky that was licking him just now. It had a beautiful dog face, and its sapphire-like eyes were even more dazzling.

Thinking about it, I shouldn't be bad, I'm handsome and unrestrained.

However, these Samoyeds.
Hmm, some violations.

Smiling Angels might appeal to cute girls, whether single or with a boyfriend.

Buying yourself is estimated to be a handsome single guy?
Oh, I really want a hostess.

Ok?No, it's a woman shoveling shit.

After observing, Fang Lin felt that it would be difficult to sell in a short time, so he shook his head and lay down again.

At this time, the female husky suddenly squatted down on the floor near him, and urinated in public under Fang Lin's disbelieving eyes.

Then he continued to run around happily in the dog pen like a normal person.

no?Really defecate everywhere?Don't high-end pet stores give dogs a litter box?
Fang Lin frowned as there was a foul smell, and subconsciously covered his nose with his paw.

Feeling hypersensitive is also not a good thing.

"Hey! Look! That husky actually covered its nose!"

"Take a picture, take a picture!"

The two shopgirls who were chatting by the dog pen began to bluff.

Fang Lin was startled when he heard this, and quickly put down his hands and turned to look at the two female shop assistants.

"Ah, he put it down and didn't get a picture!"

"Okay, you drag the piss for a while, I'll try to see if I can let him do it again."

So a female shop assistant came in and sprayed a scented liquid on the floor and cleaned the floor.

Another female shop assistant squatted in front of Fang Lin and stroked his dog's head.

The two female shop assistants were both wearing black silk uniforms. Fang Lin happened to be lying on his stomach. He glanced at the mysterious field facing him, and quickly sat up, seeing no evil, no evil.

"Learn from me, that's it!"

"Put both hands up and put them on your nose."

"Learn from me, dear."

While putting her hand on her nose to demonstrate to Fang Lin, the young female shop assistant tried to reach out and grab Fang Lin's paw and put it on his nose.

Fang Lin looked helplessly at the female shop assistant in front of him, are you teasing a child here?

He was too lazy to play house with her, and when she put down his hand, he got up and ran away.


The saleswoman stood up regretfully.

Fang Lin, who was running away, suddenly thought that the two of them might be the shop assistants in charge of the nearby dog ​​fence. If she got angry, what if she tripped herself?
He ran back in a hurry, arched her calf with his head, jumped up and put his paw on her thigh again.

Successfully made the female shop assistant look down at him again.

Seeing that he had attracted her attention, Fang Lin sat upright in front of her.

The female clerk hesitated for a moment, then put her hand on her nose again to demonstrate to him.

This time, Fang Lin obediently raised his two front paws and put them on his nose, making a gesture of covering his nose.

"Haha, look at Sasha!"

"Hey, I saw it, take a picture!"

(End of this chapter)

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