Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 2 Ooooooooooo

Chapter 2 Ooooooooooo
After playing around for a while, the two female shop assistants took enough photos and left the dog pen contentedly.

After the business was over, Fang Lin continued to lie on his side on the cushion in a daze.

He lives in a parallel world very similar to Earth.

When he was just in college in his previous life, his parents had a car accident and left this world.

He left him two 140-square-meter houses and a deposit of 30 yuan in his hometown. The insurance company later paid more than 100 million yuan.

With the comfort of his relatives and friends just now, Fang Lin finished the funeral in silence. After four years of peaceful college life, he went back to his hometown directly.

The blow of his parents' death was too great, and he never got out of it.

So after sorting out some meaningful things in the two houses, he rented out the houses with traces of his past life.

Because the location of the two houses is good, and the environment of the community is also very good, they can rent a total of 6000 per month.

He himself spent 120 million to buy a second-hand school district house of 60 square meters with two bedrooms and one living room.

A smaller house can give him enough security.

Because the normal university in college also took the teacher qualification certificate, so Fang Lin usually does two hours of one-on-one tutoring a day and then rests.

The days passed by like this, until he suddenly turned into a husky
In fact, Fang Lin himself has always wanted to have a dog, but he was still afraid of experiencing a parting in ten years, so he didn't buy it until he transformed.

Alas, forget it, there is nothing to miss, if you become a dog, you can become a dog.

Fang Lin stretched out his legs and kicked away the female Erha who was about to come over again, then put his cushion to the side of the dog pen near the two female shop assistants, lay down in a daze and listened to the two girls gossip.

Now that he has become a pure-blooded husky, the Buddhist dog that has spent the past ten years will be born.

The only thing he was looking forward to now was who would take him and die after a potentially happy ten years.

It's a pity that after a whole day, there are still not many people coming to buy dogs.

Only two couples stayed in front of Samoyed's dog pen for a while.

What's even more exasperating is that when passing the husky dog ​​fence, he only said one sentence: "Look! Husky!!! Haha!"

Sure enough, huskies are still the happiest when they are raised by others?
When Fang Lin was bored, he began to get familiar with his various organs.

He smelled and heard traces of many people, but these people stayed in the area where he could not see to buy cats.

Therefore, Fang Lin once suspected that this was actually a cat pet shop, and selling dogs was just an incidental addition to the boss, and the extra space was used rationally.
Because he smelled at least a few dozen different cats.

This damn cat smells, how could anyone like to suck cats.

Fang Lin thought indignantly.

However, this dog's nose is really smart!
Amid boredom, Fang Lin found himself getting more and more comfortable controlling his nose.

Fang Lin's body had been living here for a while, and he was familiar with all kinds of smells, but he didn't know what they were.

After Fang Lin crossed over, his soul merged with this body, and he would soon be able to correspond to what each smell corresponds to.

For example, the body odor of various dogs and cats, the smell of perfume in the air, the smell of excrement that was cleaned up by the clerk in time, and even the smell of human secretions when the female clerk watched videos of handsome guys.

But at the beginning, he couldn't match the quantity through the smell.

The smell was like clumps of marshmallows mixed together, and he could only know what was there, not how much of each.

However, after a day of trying, he slowly found that he could actually sort out the source of each smell. For example, he could smell 43 different cat body odors.

No, it's 41 now, two of the damn ones were sold just now.

When will it be the Huskies' turn?

Are huskies unworthy?
These cat buyers don't even want to turn the corner and look at the dog pens.

In the evening, Fang Lin finished his portion of chicken-flavored dog food, feeling unsatisfied.

He looked at the rice bowls of the other two huskies who were eating happily, a little ready to move.

Forget it, they've eaten it all, maybe the saliva is still on it.

Fang Lin is now about forty centimeters long, and he doesn't know how old he is, but he should only look like two or three months, which is the time to grow his body.

So Fang Lin sat by the dog pen with his small stainless steel basin in his mouth, looking at the two female shop assistants.

How can I say that I have sacrificed so much today, so eating more is not too much, right?

The two shop assistants were chatting and didn't notice Fang Lin beside him, so Fang Lin put down the small basin and started yelling.


After the two shop assistants noticed him, they quickly raised the rice bowl and signaled for more.

"Ah, he's really smart, he can even beg for food by himself."

"Then feed him some milk cake? It should be fine, right?"

"Then feed a little more. The milk cake is already rich in nutrients and easy to digest. If you feed it less, it won't last."

"it is good."

After the two discussed it, the female clerk who took the picture today took out the bag of dog food and walked in to pour it into the rice bowl.

While she was pouring out the dog food, Fang Lin seized the opportunity and suddenly pulled the bag.

Wow, la la, another pot full of dog food was poured out.


Fang Lin ignored the female shop assistant's exclamation, and hurriedly leaned his head over to eat.

He knew that the two shop assistants were afraid that the puppy would instinctively want to eat to support himself.

But inside these bodies is the soul of a 22-year-old adult, can he not know how much he can eat?
He felt that the pot just now filled a small half of his stomach.

The female clerk wanted to pick up Fang Lin, but Fang Lin ran with the rice bowl while eating, and finally the clerk gave up.

"He's such a small eater, Sasha, I really want to raise him."

"Haha, don't make trouble with Lei Lei, this one is very good in terms of pedigree and appearance, and it sells for 2 yuan, which is our salary for more than two months."

"I know, I know, but alas, well."

It turns out that this girl is called Leilei, Fang Lin thought while eating.

Soon the pot was finished, and Fang Lin felt that he was [-]% full.

Seeing that Leilei and Sasha didn't seem to be able to feed him anymore, Fang Lin went to the other male Erha's cushion to urinate, then returned to his own cushion and lay down.

It's not that he wants to defecate anywhere, the main reason is that there is no toilet for the dog pen, and the two shop assistants clean it up at any time.

As soon as he lay down, Fang Lin felt sleepy and closed his eyes.

It was already dark when Fang Lin woke up, the entire pet shop was empty, and the lights were turned off.

But this didn't affect Fang Lin's night vision at all. His sapphire-like eyes shone brightly in the dark night, and he could still see all kinds of things clearly.

Fang Lin looked around, and found that the female Erha had leaned against him on his mat and fell asleep while he was asleep, and the other dogs were also resting quietly.

Fang Lin just woke up and didn't feel sleepy. He pulled his feet out from under it and lay down quietly.

The pet shop in the dark has a different feeling. When Fang Lin was a human being, he had never had the experience of seeing so clearly in the dark.

He silently watched the entire corridor.

Suddenly, he seemed to see a light blue spot floating in front of his eyes.

Fang Lin was startled and sat up on his front legs.

When he took a closer look, there was really a light blue spot.

This blue spot of light slowly floated towards him in his sight, Fang Lin opened his mouth and bit it, then closed his mouth and looked around.

However, the spot of light passed through Fang Lin's body, continued to float in the distance, and gradually disappeared.

What is this?
Fang Lin was puzzled, he felt that this thing didn't look like a real thing.

Could it be the soul?It is said that dogs' eyes can see some strange things.

But it’s not right, how could the soul be a point of light?

Fang Lin scratched his head with his dog's paw, a little annoyed.

The pet shop in the dark was still silent and extremely silent. Fang Lin sat in the dark and looked at the direction where the light spot disappeared just now, thinking.

a long time.

Fang Lin didn't bother to think about it, it didn't matter.

He howled up to the sky.


"Wang Wang Wang!"

"Wang Wang!"

Immediately, dogs barked one after another from the three dog pens, and cats meowed from places Fang Lin couldn't see.

Erha, lying on Fang Lin's cushion, opened his eyes and looked at him in a daze, then went back to sleep.

Fang Lin looked at the golden retriever and Samoyed who had become active and barked, and grinned.

Let's make trouble, you make trouble at night, sleep well when guests come during the day, hehe.

He slapped the other husky that was woken up by him and wanted to sleep with him. Fang Lin continued to lie down and fell asleep with his ears closed.

(End of this chapter)

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