Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 129 "Roommate" Contradictions

Chapter 129 "Roommate" Contradictions

At six o'clock on Tuesday morning, Yang's mother called Fang Lin out of Lin Yuqing's bedroom on time, and then took Fang Lin out of the house and downstairs.

When they got downstairs, Liu Jing was already waiting at the door of the building with the princess.

Seeing Yang's mother come out, Liu Jing raised her hand and gave a big "Hache", because of the back shake of Hache, she said vaguely: "Play the monkey."

There were crystal tears in her big eyes, she raised her hand to wipe it, looked down at Fang Lin and said with a smile, "Good morning, Kaka."


Fang Lin responded to Liu Jing, and then took two steps outside to look at the scenery outside.

It is now mid-September, and the days in Sioux City have gradually begun to shorten, and there is already a hint of it.

Fang Lin took a deep breath of the air at six o'clock in the morning, and felt better.

As long as everyone gets up early and looks at the sky outside, they will actually feel happy and have a positive feeling in their hearts.

After reading Lin Yuqing's photos before going to bed last night, Fang Lin was already looking forward to the next long-distance trip, which might be Eleven!

Seeing Fang Lin's figure, the princess happily moved over and wagged his tail.

When Fang Lin heard the movement, he glanced at the princess and suddenly realized that something was wrong. There were two thin lines of blood near the princess's white nose, as if he had been scratched.

However, the princess's appearance didn't seem to be affected by these two wounds, and she still stuck out her tongue happily.

At this moment, Mama Yang also noticed the situation on the princess's face, she squatted down in surprise, pinched the princess' dog face and said, "What's going on, why are there two wounds next to the nose."

"Oh, the general scratched it."

As Liu Jing spoke, he yelled again and said: "Last night, the princess suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and made a fuss in the room, waking up the general with yelling. He insisted on playing with the general, and then..."

She made a gesture of paw scratching and shrugged: "After that, I will be honest."

Mama Yang looked at the wound dumbfounded and said, "Well, it doesn't look like a big problem, but isn't the general quite obedient?"

"Hey, the princess had already started to make a fuss the night before yesterday. I guess the general couldn't hold back last night."

Yang Ma supported the princess by the neck and said, "I told you to be dishonest in the middle of the night and get beaten up?"

Then she stood up and said to Liu Jing: "You can try not to let the princess doze off during the day today. You wake her up when she sleeps. You should sleep until dawn tonight."

Liu Jing's eyes lit up and she readily agreed with this idea.

Fang Lin shook his head in his heart looking at the princess who didn't know that he was still being silly. The princess probably suffered a little today, and it was too uncomfortable not to be able to catch up on sleep during the day.

After a brief exchange, Yang's mother took Liu Jing for a jog, and until 06:30, Liu Jing, who was a little weak in legs, took the princess upstairs slowly.

When having breakfast at seven o'clock, Fang Lin saw Jiang Baibai who followed Liu Jing down.

This little white cat's face was not as relaxed and indifferent as before. It looked very ugly, as if someone owed her money, and it exuded an aura that strangers should not get close to.

Seeing this, Fang Lin smiled secretly and walked over to say hello: "Morning."

Jiang Baibai walked to the dining table and stopped and responded sullenly: "Morning."

Fang Lin observed for a while, and muttered in his heart: Tsk tsk, it seems that she was really angry last night.

Then he asked knowingly: "What's the matter, this looks very unhappy."

When Jiang Baibai heard this, he looked for the figure of the princess not far away, gave a fierce look and said: "It's all because of that stupid dog, which jumped around next to me in the middle of the night, I thought the bed was about to collapse. Still stepping on my head!"

"Then you hit her on the forehead?"

"Hmph, it's been two nights, and it won't work if you say it in a good voice, and you will be honest after a beating."

As he spoke, Jiang Baibai bit his little canine teeth and said, "Otherwise, I'll beat him up early tonight, so as not to make any more trouble at night."

Fang Lin looked at Jiang Baibai, who had lost her composure, and told her the trick that Yang's mother gave Liu Jingzhi just now.

Jiang Baibai immediately became interested after hearing this: "This is a good idea, she gets a lot of sleep during the day, no wonder she doesn't feel sleepy at night."

"Leave it to me! This stupid dog won't even try to fall asleep once today."

Does it make people so irritable when their sleep is disturbed?

Fang Lin imagined Lin Yuqing being disturbed while sleeping, wondering what this gentle and gentle girl would look like.

The two children were already seated, and Xiaojie was sitting next to Lin Yuqing staring at the table in front of him in a daze. He would always be in a daze for a while when he just woke up in the morning.

Lin Yuqing put her arms on the table to support her pretty face, and played with her black hair with her fingers.

Father Lin took his time and just came down from upstairs and sat down on his seat, straightened his cuffs and took out his mobile phone.

People with children are always busy and nervous in the morning. Fang Lin has not felt this kind of atmosphere for many years.

He has been living on campus since high school, and it has been nearly ten years since he experienced a family having breakfast together. After graduation, he has no mornings. When he wakes up, it will be one or two in the afternoon, and the day and night are reversed.

Jiang Baibai has almost calmed down, observing the family who are doing their own thing but are extremely harmonious.

Liu Jing also took the initiative to chat about the advertisers and prices she chose. This kind of thing should be shared with important people to feel the joy together.

Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie are more concerned about the one-hundred-thousand-million price that other people pay special attention to. Kaka has already started to make money, and they don't care if they earn more or less.

Fang Lin found that the way his family looked at him had changed slightly.

It's like turning from a hairy kid who can only eat and drink to a successful person.

But what is this, he, Emperor Ha, will surprise your jaws one day, hehe.

Xiaojie said in shock, "That's amazing, Kaka, I want to make money myself."

He was frightened by the schoolbag incident before, although he has enough food and clothing, but sometimes he especially longs for a sum of money that he can dispose of at will.

Compared with Lin Yuqing's small treasury with a large number of digits, Mama Yang gave him as much as he wanted.

That is to say, if he needs to buy something, he can say it. In most cases, Lin's father and Yang's mother will not refuse. For example, Lin's father bought the 2000-plus yo-yo without thinking about it.

But Yang's mother would not give him a lot of pocket money, and the children in the circle she came into contact with were not treated lightly.

So Xiaojie heard that Yang's mother wanted to get a bank card for Kaka, and he was envious of the salary that was used to pretend to distribute to Kaka.

"Mom, why don't I help Kaka keep his money?"

Regarding Xiaojie's proposal, Yang's mother glanced at him and ignored him.

Lin Yuqing asked again about the advertisements that Liu Jing received, and was going to write them down to share with Zhao Hanya at school.

It is also very interesting that Kaka started accepting advertisements, although Kaka has already become famous in her class during this time.

Compared with Lin Yuqing, because Xiaojie brags in class every day, the whole class knows that Kaka belongs to Xiaojie's family.

This caused more than half of the students in the class to wait with Xiaojie for an hour when Fang Lin followed him to pick him up yesterday afternoon.

Originally, it was just the little chubby Liu Chao watching Kaka alone, but it turned into a group of children surrounding the school gate, scaring the security guards so that they came out to watch for fear of any problems at the school gate.

At that time, Fang Lin was treated like an idol as soon as he got out of the car, and there were bursts of exclamations of "wow". Xiaojie directly unspoken the rules and asked Chenchen to touch Fang Lin first.

Because of Fang Lin, Xiaojie, who had a big face in front of Chenchen, also listened carefully to Lin Yuqing, and today he can play with Chenchen again.

At this time, Mama Yang began to bring out the prepared breakfast.

I ate wontons this morning. The rich aroma permeated the room and whetted my appetite, because the production process was troublesome. Yang's mother prepared it yesterday afternoon and put it in the refrigerator to freeze.

The stuffing inside is a mixture of shrimp, pork, and eggs, and it tastes very delicious.

Considering that there are more mouths in the family, Yang Ma made a lot of adjustments yesterday.
In addition to the normal breakfast for the pets at home, Mama Yang served seven or eight for Fang Lin, Jiang Baibai served three, and the princess and Xueqiu each tried something new.

After all, their appetites are not worthy of carrying Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai's shoes in the eyes of Yang Ma.

Jiang Baibai, who saw wontons for the first time, looked at the small dough in the bowl in front of her with some curiosity. She sniffed and felt a very fragrant smell pouring into her nostrils.

"what is this?"

"Wonton, a delicacy unique to this country."

And coincidentally, Fang Lin happened to have heard about the origin of this delicacy from his roommate who studied history before, and he introduced it to Jiang Baibai enthusiastically.

"2000 years ago, this human country was still a dynasty called the Han Dynasty. At that time, there was a very bad tribe called the Xiongnu in the north of the Han Dynasty. They often harassed the frontiers, and the people had no peace. They had two leaders, Hun and Tun, who were very cruel. The common people hated it deeply, so they wrapped it with meat stuffing and made it into a corner, taking the sound of "hun" and "tun", and calling it "wonton".

"After more than 2000 years of development, this delicacy has been spread all over the country, and there are many ways to make it very delicious."

Jiang Baibai liked to read classics and read the history in them since she was a child. She was very interested in this little story told by Fang Lin.

She felt that compared to the boring fights and killings and self-promotion and belittling others in the spirit world, it seemed that the human beings felt a little more here.

What is it called, yes, it is called fireworks.

Jiang Baibai learned this word yesterday while watching a TV series. Now she hopes that she can quickly learn to communicate and start learning characters, so that she can quickly learn about this somewhat mysterious country through various channels.

Because Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai had quite a few wontons, Mama Yang made a special bowl for them to hold some soup, otherwise she always felt that the wontons had lost their souls and was a waste of her labor.

The steaming wonton was placed in front of Jiang Baibai, and the fat little dolls were floating there exuding fragrance. She licked her mouth to see how Kaka would eat.

Fang Lin first suspended his head on top of the wonton to feel the temperature, hiss, it was a little hot.

He raised his head and looked at the people who were eating wontons. They all used a spoon to scoop one up and blew it slowly, but Mama Yang didn't give them spoons.

There is a kind of cold that makes mother feel cold.

Although Mama Yang filled out their wontons first, they were not cold at all.

But this didn't bother Fang Lin, he directly activated his spiritual energy to strengthen his mouth, and swallowed the wontons one by one in the steaming bowl.

Jiang Baibai stuck her tender tongue into the bowl imitating the example, and she raised her head the moment she stuck it in.

She stuck out her tongue and frowned at Fang Lin.

Is this silly dog ​​so thick-skinned?
Jiang Baibai shook her head and began to circulate her spiritual energy, slowly tasting the delicious wontons, the soft and glutinous skin, the crispy and refreshing shrimp, the wonderful taste made her eyes shine.

The food here has never disappointed her, Jiang Baibai also has a goal like Fang Lin in his heart.

After nine o'clock in the morning, Mama Yang and Liu Jing sat in the living room watching a TV series and chatting about the contract.

Mama Yang has asked Papa Lin to contact her for help, and she has found a reliable female legal counsel in the company to take on outside work.

Because Liu Jing's advertising contract has no workload at all for elites like them, and it's over after work.

Moreover, Liu Jing gave a very rich and generous price, so the selected female legal officer was very happy to contact Liu Jing just now, and asked her to push the contact information of the selected person in charge to her, and it will be done quickly. Liu Jing doesn't need anything Nevermind.

Liu Jing, who was relieved of the burden, began to think about how to add advertisements in a reasonable way. She studied the advertisements of other video bloggers, and it seemed that they were inserted in them casually.

Netizens are actually used to it and don't seem to feel anything.

Fang Lin still leaned on the Liu Jing brand cushion and watched the chicken feathers fly into the sky with relish.

He never gets tired of watching the plot where the hero doesn't know that the heroine is a girl.

Especially after the two of them did some shameful things, such as sharing the same bed, he was even more looking forward to the heroine revealing that it was a girl's thing.

And seeing now, this TV series is very interesting to him.

Chen Jianghe and Luo Yuzhu met in the trough, starved and made money together. Although life was hard, Fang Lin was moved by the pure affection between them.

It may be that men always expect that there will be someone who will accompany them in adversity.

Jiang Baibai also looked at a pair of beautiful different pupils that were shining brightly, and found a comfortable place to lean on the sofa, staring at the screen intently.

If she knew the hot words on the Internet, she would probably post a comment directly: "I'm too impressed with this pair of CPs!"

Luo Yuzhu's biological mother also passed away when she was young, which made Jiang Baibai feel very involved. For her, she also hoped that she would meet a spirit beast as considerate as Chen Jianghe.

Although she doesn't have any concept of feelings yet, it doesn't hinder the young girl Huaichun.

Jiang Baibai, who has never experienced the era of entertainment, came into contact with top-level TV dramas like Chicken Feathers Flying to the Sky, and fell into it directly.

However, she still forced herself to devote a little attention to the princess.

The princess got up at six o'clock in the morning. Not only did she exercise, but she also had a full breakfast. She has not closed her eyes for three or four hours.

She was lying on another sofa, her eyelids were already fighting, and she quickly closed her eyes.

Jiang Baibai discovered this scene in his busy schedule, jumped over and patted her on the head, and then jumped back to continue watching the TV series.

The princess trembled all over, raised her head and looked around in confusion, as if she was a little confused about how she woke up.

She lay on the sofa with her front legs crossed in front of each other, yawned and stared blankly at the screen.

Soon, her head began to droop again, as if she was listening to a math class.

Jiang Baibai ran over after seeing it.




(End of this chapter)

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