Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 128 Kaka is starting to make money

Chapter 128 Kaka Is Starting to Make Money ([-] characters)

Yang's mother took Liu Jing's mobile phone and took a rough look at the advertisers who added her on WeChat. She found Liu Jing through some unreliable passes, and there were underwear advertisements.

Those commercials that don’t offer much money are not considered directly. After all, accepting advertisements is not doing charity, and inserting too many advertisements in the video will also affect the viewing experience.

Liu Jing sat next to Mama Yang and held her arm. Fang Lin moved to the other side, watching Mama Yang operate in amazement.

In this era, traffic represents making money, and Liu Jing's account is directly the one that is in the limelight, and there is an endless stream of people looking for her.

And the news of 99+ was preliminarily sorted in less than 10 minutes by Yang Ma, and the remaining bids were more than 50, and they looked more reliable. Let Liu Jing choose, and see what she is interested in. home is fine.

Liu Jing took the mobile phone happily and called Fang Lin over, and picked Fang Lin together in her arms.

Looking at this scene, Yang Ma leaned on the sofa and sighed a little: "I really didn't expect you to really succeed in Douyin."

"Qian, this actually has nothing to do with me. It all depends on Kaka and the activities of this military dog ​​base. Those people only paid attention to Kaka because they liked Kaka after watching this show."

Speaking of this, Liu Jing said to Yang's mother seriously: "Should we donate half of the next month's income?"

"To whom?"

"Well, I don't know."

Yang Ma thought for a while and said: "Then we can directly donate to the military dog ​​base. This time it is all up to them, just to improve the food for those military dogs."

"And when we had dinner with Director Tao that afternoon, didn't we also talk about the unadopted military dogs who were injured and retired due to work are placed in a special nursing home, and we can also use some of them to help them."


Liu Jing very much agrees with Mama Yang's suggestion, and after a short time with her that day, she has completely fallen in love with those military dogs who look fierce but are very cute inside.

Yang's mother joked: "Don't think too much now, think about how to spend the money before you start earning it."

Liu Jing hugged Fang Lin and said to Yang's mother: "Hey, what are you afraid of if you have Kaka? Is it Kaka?"


Fang Lin agreed.

I didn't expect that I would earn hundreds of thousands of dollars by becoming a husky in this life.

Although he used to have no pressure in life because he had fixed assets, but according to this posture, he probably earned all the money of his previous life in one month.

Is this Internet celebrity?So scary.

At this time, Dad Lin went downstairs slowly, took a can of Coke from the refrigerator and sat on the sofa.


After pulling it away, Papa Lin took a sip comfortably.

Mama Yang frowned looking at Papa Lin's appearance: "They are all in their 30s, and they still drink Coke at night. I bought you Ningxia wolfberry for more than 200 pounds per catty. Can you soak it for nothing?"

Papa Lin scratched his head and put the Coke on the table.

Fang Lin raised his head and looked at Papa Lin, feeling very happy. Jiang Baibai stopped watching TV dramas and watched Mama Yang and Papa Lin with interest. She thought this human couple was quite interesting.

Although she didn't know what the three of them were doing with something called a mobile phone before, she could still understand the current interaction.

Father Lin also had something to do when he came down. He paused and said, "Well, Liu Jing, just now Ren Da called me and asked me to tell you that he can't come back for the time being because he ran a chain in Southern Province."

"What he did has nothing to do with me. Just wait for him to come back when he is free and get a divorce."

Yang's mother said with some disgust: "Why are you down when you have nothing to do? You are disgusting when you come here."


Papa Lin took a sip of the Coke, and made up his mind not to care about Ren Da's comparison anymore. He paused and said, "What are you talking about?"

Yang's mother watched the TV drama on the projection and ignored him, while Liu Jing said, "Someone asked me to accept an advertisement, and Qian just watched it for me."

Father Lin immediately became interested. After chatting for a while, he sorted out the situation, so he suggested to Liu Jing: "Actually, you can buy another mobile phone for work."

"For these businesses, you can ask them to add your dedicated WeChat, so that it will not affect your daily life, otherwise you will be confused when reading this pile of news."

Hearing this suggestion, Liu Jing's eyes lit up, yes, it would be much more convenient this way.

Lin's father continued to smile at Fang Lin and said, "I didn't expect Kaka to start making money now."

"Hey, Kaka is amazing. When the money is earned, Kaka and I will split it fifty-five and buy him food."


Father Lin looked at Yang's mother in a daze, and guessed that Yang's mother might have said this to take care of Liu Jing's emotions, so he didn't say that there was no need to share these words.

"Haha, that's interesting, then how do you two distribute the money to Kaka, and use cash to build a doghouse for him?"


Fang Lin's ears perked up. In fact, it's not impossible to let him feel this way in private.

And Yang's mother rolled her eyes directly: "Can't I get a bank card? You are so vulgar, hurry up and walk around."

Papa Lin shrugged, stood up, patted his buttocks, and went upstairs with an iced Coke.

Liu Jing picked it up with her mobile phone for a while and said, "Why don't we try this dog food, and we will give you 100 million in just ten seconds, and I searched and found that this brand is made in China, and the evaluation is not bad, but it is not very popular. .”

Mama Yang said nonchalantly, "Okay, tell them to wait. You can buy a bag online later and come back to have a look."


Liu Jing then picked out a few more that she was interested in, and there was also a match [-] game that she occasionally played.

"Hey, we'll start filming La Kaka's commercial tomorrow."


Fang Lin was also very happy, making money.

Jiang Baibai watched the interaction between Liu Jing and Fang Lin, and became more and more curious about the mobile phone.

Fang Lin only perfunctorily told her that this thing is called a mobile phone, and it is a product of the new era of technology, and she can't use it without learning the language.

Hmph, wait for this princess to learn.

Jiang Baibai watched the TV series honestly according to his emotions.

Liu Jing sat here until ten o'clock in the evening, and then took Jiang Baibai and the princess back to the room to sleep, and Fang Lin was also called back by Lin Yuqing on time.

Now that he no longer guided Yuehua for the two at night, he felt that it would not be too late to wait for the spiritual energy to fully recover. Anyway, it seemed that not awakening now would have no effect on them.

And Fang Lin was used to going to bed half past one, and he didn't want to sleep. He looked at Lin Yuqing and Xueqiu who fell asleep after a while, and felt a little bored.

In the past, in this situation, he must have taken out his mobile phone and played for a while. Is he still young if he doesn't play with his mobile phone before going to bed?


Fang Lin, lying on the bed, looked around in the dark bedroom. In the dead of night, the slight breathing of one person and one cat could be clearly heard in his ears.

Hey, how about playing a tablet?

Fang Lin's eyes focused on the tablet wrapped in a pink condom on the bedside table.

Although he has no way of facial recognition, he knows the password, 323702.

March 23 is Lin Yuqing's birthday, and July [-] is Zhao Hanya's birthday.

Fang Lin couldn't bear the thought of secretly playing with the tablet. He observed the sleeping person and cat again and quietly stood up.

Because of the effect of the previous moonlight, the two of them slept so well that they couldn't wake up until dawn.

But just in case, Fang Lin mobilized his spiritual energy quietly, and even activated the concealment ability he had acquired without making a sound.

At this time, Fang Lin didn't know that his two abilities recognized by the emperor's space had another name - supernatural power.

But even if Fang Lin knew it, it probably didn't matter.

It's just magical powers, isn't it just right for stealing the tablet?
He tiptoed and watched his feet, and slowly walked to the head of the bed, pushed the tablet away from the table a little, and lifted the tablet with his mouth gently holding the exposed part.

The room was quiet, and Fang Lin felt a different kind of excitement in his heart, as if he had found the feeling he had when he was a child.

When he was a child, he would secretly get up in the middle of the night to watch TV in the living room, open the door on tiptoe, take the remote control, and concentrate on the whole process, and press the mute button immediately when the TV series is on.

In case the light from the tablet would wake them up, Fang Lin walked to the floor at the end of the bed with the tablet in his mouth.

He nimbly peeled off the protective cover with his claws, and the screen suddenly lit up.

The photo of Lin Yuqing riding a white horse in the grassland suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. After Fang Lin admired the screen saver, he entered the password with the pads on his paws.

After Fang Lin turned his voice to mute, he stared at the turned on tablet and thought for a while.

Although I was a little excited before I brought the tablet, I suddenly didn't know what to do after I opened it.

He suddenly wanted to enter his previous social account to have a look.

However, this idea was rejected by him only for a moment.

First of all, even if he climbed up, there was nothing to see. Four years of life in a dead house without real social interaction, almost blurred all the relationships.

Secondly, he is now in contact with these special departments every day. If he really logs into his account, who knows if someone will find out this secret by some means.

Even the spiritual energy has been revived, and the rebirth seems to be understandable. He intends to keep this secret in his heart forever.

So Fang Lin, who had nothing to do, was going to flip through the tablet casually. Seeing Lin Yuqing, who was smiling happily on the horse on the screen saver, Fang Lin opened the photo album on a whim.

As soon as Fang Lin saw Fang Lin, his eyes lit up. The photo albums of young and beautiful girls were indeed different from those of rough guys like him.

The photo album is carefully divided into several parts, and there is a feeling that he was frantically building photo albums when he was playing with Koukou Space when he was a child.

Fang Lin opened the photo album at the bottom, which contained a photo with a sense of history.

Lin's father, who is in full bloom, is standing on the deck of a cruise ship holding the young and beautiful Yang's mother, and Yang's mother is still holding Lin Yuqing in her arms.

There is also a note on the photo. Fang Lin clicked on it and found that it said "I took a boat with my parents when I was one year old."


Fang Lin calculated in his mind that if he was one year old, it was about 11 years ago. At that time, Yang's mother and Lin's father should have just graduated, and they looked 2223 years old.

Moreover, the deck looks quite luxurious, so Dad Lin must have been a rich second generation at the time.

Different from Father Lin's spiritual short hair now, Father Lin in the photo still has long bangs, while Mama Yang has the ladylike waves that were very popular at the time.

There was a love that was about to overflow in the eyes of the two of them.

Fang Lin reckoned that Lin Yuqing must have affected the two people's world at that time. It was originally a romantic trip on a cruise ship, but Lin Yuqing must have been crying and making noise in the middle of the night, hehe.

Thinking of this, Fang Lin subconsciously raised his head and looked in the direction of the head of the bed, but he didn't care because he was covered by the floor at the end of the bed.

After letting go of his senses as a warning, Fang Lin continued to look at other photos.

Fang Lin found out that before Lin Yuqing was three years old, Lin's father and Yang's mother would travel twice a year almost every year.

Fang Lin saw a lot of photos, all in Sanya, Erhai Lake, Gulangyu Island and other places where the sour smell of love is very strong.

Lin Yuqing is like a small pendant.

Seeing these, Fang Lin had confirmed his guess in his heart. Mama Yang and Papa Lin must be worried that they would have less time to travel in the future, so they took this opportunity to go out and play more quickly.

Lin Yuqing is not bad, Xiaojie is three years younger than her, and Xiaojie still can't be seen in the photos of Lin Yuqing who went on a trip after he was five years old.

It must be too naughty, Yang's mother is too lazy to take him out to play, in that case, he will be coaxing Xiaojie and playing ass all the way.

After Lin Yuqing was six years old, the place of travel became more normal.

At this time, she had grown to the height of Mama Yang's waist, with a cute student haircut and neat bangs, which was very cute and cute.

In the photo, six-year-old Lin Yuqing and Yang Ma took a group photo in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. In the photo, there is also a meandering river hovering there quietly, revealing a kind of historical background leisurely.

What kind of river is this?

Fang Lin thought for a while and then gave up.

For a person like him who has never been abroad, hearing the sight of the Eiffel Tower in Paris still has to be published on the Internet. As for the name of this river, it is beyond his knowledge reserve.

Woohoo, it turns out I'm really a bumpkin.

The country bumpkin Fang Lin continued to flip through other photos with joy.

Oh, it seems that Yang's mother and Lin's father should take her on a trip across Europe when she was six years old.

Because many of the photos below are from this time period, the appearance of the three of them has not changed much.

Sintra like a fairy tale town, Tuscany on the cliffs by the sea, the Louvre, a palace of art, and the majestic and harmonious Notre Dame de Paris
Lin Yuqing's happy smile is preserved here.

Familiar places such as Athens, Milan, Rome and the Vatican all have three figures.

Looking at Fang Lin, he also knew the name of the river just now. In the notes of a photo, he saw that she was the Seine River.

No wonder a river seems to have a gentle temperament, like a quiet and beautiful girl.

Having been to so many places with a long history at such a young age, it is no wonder that Lin Yuqing always has a different feeling in his temperament.

The places she has seen and visited, and these historical cultures have all been integrated into her body and become her heritage.

Alas, is this Lin Yuqing's boring childhood life!

Fang Lin was really envious. Looking back on himself, it seemed that he spent all day playing with a group of little kids downstairs.

Suddenly Fang Lin had another goal, he also wanted to visit these places with a long history.

Now that he is making money, Mama Yang might bring her with him when he goes on a trip, even if it is transported by air?
And by that time, the aura might have been completely recovered, and the strange beasts had already integrated into people's lives. He, a serious citizen of the Dragon Kingdom, might be able to fly directly.

He continued to flip through it, went to see the pyramids when he was 8 years old, and went to the Maldives when he was 10 years old.

At this time, Xiaojie finally appeared. On the endless sea of ​​Maldives, Xiaojie smiled happily and smirked.

Love didn't want to take Xiaojie to play until he was 7 years old!

Looking at the scenery in the photo, Fang Lin was constantly amazed. The sea water in this place looks so transparent, it feels like a light blue instead of a dirty dark brown.

There was nothing else to do after that, probably because she didn't take such a long-distance travel, or because Mama Yang and Pa Lin didn't take her with her.

But this kind of family that goes camping in almost two weeks feels perfect.

Fang Lin casually flipped through the pages and heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I have left a lot of space for myself, and I still have a chance.

It is still possible to go to the North Pole to see the aurora that I want to do.

In addition to the travel photos, the following are some funny pictures of Lin Yuqing taking selfies in his spare time. Various cute expressions appeared in front of Fang Lin's eyes, and he was very happy to see them.

After seeing the photo, Fang Lin secretly put the tablet back contentedly. He didn't want to use too much electricity to expose it. After all, his claws are not very good at charging.

In the dark bedroom, Fang Lin lay at the end of the bed and slowly closed his eyes.

In this life, we must take a good look at this beautiful world.

(End of this chapter)

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