Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 127 Oh, let me come

Chapter 127 Oh, let me come (four thousand five hundred words)
Zhao Hanya played here until ten o'clock in the evening, and her father didn't send her home until her mother called Yang's mother.

Zhao Hanya is the only child in her family. Her parents have very strict requirements on her. She never eats or sleeps, and she has always performed very well.

But she actually prefers the atmosphere in Lin Yuqing's house. Everyone seems to have no pressure and can do what they want.

When I left, I was still a little bit reluctant, and I made an appointment to come back to play tomorrow.

For her decision, Lin Yuqing said that as long as she doesn't watch her study tomorrow, she will welcome her with both hands.

In the next two days, because of the busy schedule on Saturday, Yang Ma, Liu Jing, and Fang Lin all directly entered the state of Buddhism.

Except for the unshakeable morning exercise in the morning, all outdoor activities were directly eliminated.

On Sunday, Fang Lin accompanied Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya to watch a variety show in the bedroom for a day, and Jiang Baibai also accompanied him carefully listening to Fang Lin's translation and learning Long Guoyu.

On Monday, the two children in the family started to go to school, and Yang's mother was even more free during the day, and directly started watching the next round of TV series.

After choosing with Liu Jing for a while, she finally decided to give up Country Love, because it would be too long to watch from the first part, so she directly chose Chicken Feather Flying to the Sky.

The classic TV series are really enjoyable to watch. Fang Lin sat on the edge with Jiang Baibai and translated for her while watching. From the perspective of learning spoken English, this method is really efficient.

And I have to say that Jiang Baibai is really good at learning. After a few days of Fang Lin's high-intensity translation, she has learned some daily Dragon Mandarin.

At least she was able to understand what Yang Ma and Liu Jing usually said to her, but after learning the spoken language to this point, it will be easier after the most difficult part at the beginning.

So on Monday night, Fang Lin also found an opportunity to ask Jiang Baibai for real-time translation.

After he called Jiang Baibai to the balcony, Jiang Baibai didn't hesitate to take five spiritual fruits for Fang Lin directly from the space, which was more than agreed at the beginning.

Because of Jiang Baibai's generosity, Fang Lin's impression of her improved a little bit, and Fang Lin swallowed three of them in one bite.

The spirit fruit melted in the mouth, and in Fang Lin's stomach it turned into a continuous stream of spiritual energy that was absorbed by him. The fragrance of the spirit fruit in his mouth and the warm feeling in his body made Fang Lin squint his eyes.

At the beginning, Jiang Baibai was going to remind Fang Lin not to be so anxious, but she gave up after finding out that there seemed to be no bad problems.

In the past two days, she also summed up the conversations she had with the strong human beings. In her opinion, a pet dog like Kaka who was born with intelligence in the ancestral land must also be a lucky one with some luck in the ancestral land.

Although I can't cultivate for the time being if I don't have enough aptitude, it is really rare among the many animals in the ancestral land.

After Fang Lin swallowed three spiritual fruits, he sensed the progress of his second spiritual energy core, and it probably only progressed by a few percent.

Calculated, one piece is roughly equivalent to the amount of spiritual energy he absorbed for 24 hours of on-hook practice.

However, for a husky like Fang Lin who senses a galaxy of auras during his cultivation, the amount of aura he obtained after practicing for 24 hours is really quite a lot.

Although the help of this spiritual fruit is limited to him, it should still be very precious to ordinary creatures. It is worthy of being a big local tyrant in another world.

Fang Lin looked at the remaining two fruits and was a little entangled. It was not very useful for him to eat it himself, but if he gave it to Lin Yuqing, it should improve the progress of awakening a lot.

Lin Yuqing has been under the influence of Yuehua for almost a week. As a talent recognized by the Emperor's Space, Yuehua's effect goes without saying.

Although it is not as outrageous that ordinary creatures can be awakened overnight, Yuehua Shengzai has no side effects at all, subtly nourishing the body and improving aptitude.

Lin Yuqing's mental state during the day is getting better and better, her eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and her temperament is more energetic.

Coupled with her increasingly aura, she has transformed into a young and beautiful girl, full of sunshine.

Normally, when she and Zhao Hanya walked on campus, she didn't know how many young boys' eyes she would attract.

In addition to the changes in appearance, she has now been able to study mathematics continuously for an hour or two without moving.

This in disguise reflects that her mental power has improved significantly, thus improving her concentration.

Why do many people say that they can't learn things when they are old, because their energy is not as strong as before, and they can't concentrate for a long time.

In fact, there is a very simple quiz, which is to sit cross-legged on the sofa or bed, and count 1, 2, 3, 4 silently in your heart.
Counting is very simple, see how much you can count without being dazed or distracted.

This data can be measured once a week, every month, and every year. It is easy to find that if you don’t sleep well and don’t exercise, your energy will soon be sluggish.

Don't look at the video can be swiped all afternoon, such a simple count may be in a daze when you count to 30.

Fang Lin didn't know how long it would take for an ordinary person to be able to sense aura, but it was definitely not far away, and he should be awakened directly in two or three weeks at most.

He thought for a while and decided not to give Lin Yuqing the spiritual fruit for the time being.

How could he explain that a dog suddenly offered her a fruit?

Secondly, the spiritual energy has not fully recovered. As a human being, Lin Yuqing could suddenly see that the target of the spiritual energy is too big.

Besides, she is still a student now, so it may not be a good thing if she is discovered by the special department.

It's better to wait until she recovers completely and then help her awaken. At that time, the Dragon Kingdom Federation will definitely come up with a complete training plan.

Let Yuehua stop at night for her first, since her math studies have improved recently, there is no need to be so anxious.

However, the promotion of Xueqiu and Princess can continue to be on the agenda.

For ordinary animals, Yuehua also has the precious effect of opening up the mind, so it will take longer.

Fang Lin recalled that Jiang Baibai had also said that these spiritual fruits are not insignificant for ordinary animals. Although they have little effect in opening up spiritual intelligence, they can also nourish and nourish the body.

If Xueqiu and the princess could have normal intelligence, it would be no problem to let them sense aura in advance, after all, the target of pets is much smaller.

At that time, there will be a big emperor and two holy beasts in the future family, which feels really good.

Fang Lin has a feeling that he is playing Pokémon in reality. Bringing a plug-in can improve the qualifications of his pet beast.

After laughing in his heart for a while, he secretly called Xueqiu and the Princess to the balcony and asked them to eat a spirit fruit each.

Regarding Fang Lin's words, the princess opened her mouth and gnawed without hesitation. After sniffing, Xueqiu also ate in small bites.

Soon one cat and one dog ate the whole spirit fruit, a warm and swollen feeling appeared on their bodies, and they both curled up in pain.

Fang Lin frowned and felt carefully. He found that there was an aura in the bodies of the princess and Xueqiu that lingered for a long time.

Why is this not absorbed?

Jiang Baibai thought for a while and said: "It may be that their bodies have not been nourished like ordinary creatures in the spirit world, and some of them can't bear it, but it's not a big problem, and it will dissipate automatically after a while if they can't absorb it."

Can you do this?

Xueqiu was in a much better condition than the princess because she had been continuously irradiated by the moonlight, and the spiritual energy had already begun to be slowly absorbed by her body.

But the princess felt a little uncomfortable, and cried out in a low voice, crying more and more bitterly.

Why doesn't it look as simple as Jiang Baibai said?

Fang Lin was a little worried that she would be as explosive as in the novel, and wondered whether to try to summon Yuehua in front of Jiang Baibai.

Yuehua's effect is very great, and it must be able to work, but if Jiang Baibai saw it, he would no longer be able to hide what he had practiced.

Let Yang Zhen or Deng Jiefu know that Fang Lin feels that nothing is wrong, but Jiang Baibai
Just when Fang Lin was hesitating, Jiang Baibai took out a transparent round stone from the bell, and as she injected spiritual energy and started to move it, ripples began to appear in the center of the transparent stone.

The unabsorbable spiritual power in the main body of the county began to be guided out and gathered in the stone. After a while, Jiang Baibai put away the shining stone.

At this time, the princess also calmed down and stood up from the ground.

Seeing this, Fang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, almost doing something wrong with his own good intentions, but luckily the Princess didn't sob loudly just now, otherwise it would be another troublesome thing to attract Mama Yang.

At this moment, Fang Lin suddenly understood the difference between him and ordinary creatures, and he couldn't even share a small fruit.

Fortunately, he has a god-level talent like Yuehua, otherwise, in the next ten or a hundred years, he would have to dissipate everyone in front of him like the lonely immortal cultivator in the novel.

The spiritual energy in Xueqiu's body was also absorbed at this moment. She opened her eyes and leaned over to rub Fang Lin. Although she is not as intelligent as a human being, she knows that Kaka is good for herself. s things.

"Okay, looks all right."

Jiang Baibai also relaxed. She didn't feel much about Fang Lin's way of distributing the spirit fruit to two pets. After all, what was given to him was naturally his own, and he could do whatever he wanted.

However, the almost accident was unexpected to her. Thinking that Kaka had swallowed three spiritual fruits in a row just now and there was nothing strange about it, Jiang Baibai suddenly became curious.

It seems that Kaka's physical talent is good, but it's a pity that his innate aura qualifications are not enough to start practicing. When the aura is fully recovered, the gap with other people who started to practice early in the ancestral land will only widen.

Jiang Baibai looked at Kaka who was interacting with Xueqiu and the princess, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But you are also lucky to meet me.

Fang Lin waited on the balcony with Xueqiu and the princess for a while, and after making sure that there was nothing unusual, he led them away from the balcony.

Or let them be smarter first, don't go to the level of aura awakening, let's talk about it until the aura is completely recovered like Lin Yuqing, it will be bad if the two hairy children get into trouble at that time.

Fang Lin shook his head and lay down in his bed.

Although Fang Lin had been resting at home for the past two days, the Internet had started to turmoil.

It just so happened that nothing major happened in the past two days, and it was all about the bullshit of some celebrities. The two entries of "military dog" and "husky" rushed to the trending searches after the live broadcast ended.

Many people recorded interesting clips during the live broadcast and posted them on Douyin, which received a lot of likes.

And many pet bloggers also posted pictures of themselves and their pets watching the show together. Some little bitches saw Kaka's eyes shining in the picture, causing netizens to boo.

Directly leave a message below to encourage these bloggers to go to Liu Jing to propose marriage, and even those who have male dogs at home have not let go of them, and they are hard on CP.

There is no way, Fang Lin is too different as a well-known husky all over the country.

Many huskies become naive when they grow up, and their eyes look very "smart", mainly because their eyes become round and round as they grow up.

If you pay attention to writing some close-ups of wolves who are very cruel in the wind and snow, you will find that the eyes of wolves are all star-browed and sword-like, which just match the slender face.

And Fang Lin inherited the mutated blood of the old wolf king, so naturally he also had the same handsome eyes, coupled with his tall and straight figure, he was exceptionally handsome.

Moreover, he showed extremely high intelligence and literacy in the program, especially the sense of smell of being able to wrestle arms with military dogs, which amazed netizens.

Since Longguo netizens are naturally on the weak side, they are not stingy with their praise when they see that Fang Lin is only slightly inferior in the competition with the military dog.

For a while, Fang Lin actually became the King Ha of the husky world respected by netizens, the kind who would not reveal his secrets even if he mixed with wolves.

This wave reached its climax after the official release of the entire video tonight. Although it was only an online program organized by the Federation Legion in the Southern Province, it was directly discussed by DFTV (dragon federal Television). The last episode aired.

At the same time, the video also announced that the Federation Legion of the Southern Province had selected Kaka as the spokesperson for the military dog. It introduced this decision in a joking way, and then introduced that it was to promote the public to better understand military dogs and pay attention to military dogs.

This kind of official coquettish operation made netizens directly climax, and all kinds of stalks began to run rampant on the Internet, especially many people began to compare some outrageous spokespersons with Fang Lin, directly saying that even dogs are not as good as they are, and let the topic directly Added a layer of heat.

After the meal, Yang Ma was sitting on the sofa with Liu Jing, and Fang Lin leaned against Liu Jing to watch her use Douyin.

In the afternoon, the film crew helped her cut a collection of interesting scenes and sent it to her, so that Liu Jing would release it simultaneously at seven o'clock in the evening.

It is now eight o'clock in the evening, although only one hour has passed, the number of comments directly exceeded [-], and the number of likes directly exceeded one million, and this number is still increasing.

Everything is said in the comments.

"The Kajiajun report!"

"Kaka yyds!"

"Ten-year-old fans come here uninvited."

"When Kaka and I took the college entrance examination together, I knew he was not easy."

In addition, there were those who praised Liu Jing and Yang Ma for their good looks, those who praised Jiang for nothing, those who asked where Xueqiu was, and so on.

Fang Lin was very happy to find that he seemed to be popular. Looking at these comments, he felt so beautiful, his career as an internet celebrity was about to take off.

"Why are you so happy, your mouth is grinning."

Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin curiously.

"You don't understand, I will tell you slowly when the time comes."

After Fang Lin dismissed Jiang Baibai in a few words, he then leaned next to Liu Jing and looked at the phone.

Jiang Baibai pursed her lips and focused on the TV series "Chicken Feathers Flying to the Sky" that was being played on the projector. She can almost understand it now, and watching it by herself can be regarded as a kind of test.

And she has never been exposed to such things as TV dramas, let alone quite interesting.

But Liu Jing frowned and looked a little uncomfortable. Yang's mother was a little funny when she saw her look: "Why does she look unhappy? Isn't this very good?"

Liu Jing pinched her phone and said with a bitter face, "Qian, I... I'm a little unsteady, and the number of fans is growing too fast."

She called up the interface to show Yang Ma, the number of fans clearly stated 583 million.

This is because the official video has not been released in the past two days, and the 583 million people have searched and followed it by themselves.

The abnormal increase in the number of fans in the past two days made Liu Jing feel more and more stressed.

Just when Mama Yang asked, she took this opportunity to ask Mama Yang wholeheartedly.

Fuck, is that much?

Fang Lin was also a little surprised.

"And someone who sells dog food approached me and asked me to accept an advertisement for 100 million yuan, you see."

Speaking of which, Liu Jing showed the phone to Mama Yang.

"This is for shoes."

"This is from XXAPP."

"This is."

After showing it around, Liu Jing pouted and said, "Qian, what should I do?"


Yang's mother sighed deeply when she saw Liu Jing's face that had never seen the world.

"Oh, let me come"

(End of this chapter)

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