Chapter 126 Home (Two in One)

After Deng Jiefu explained these things to Fang Lin, he waved Yang Zhen and Fang Lin out, and he had to discuss some things with Xia Chenglin.

Fang Lin, who was a little dizzy after receiving a lot of information, followed Yang Zhen and left the meeting room. The two of them wandered around the closed area for a while and suddenly felt a little hungry.

Because it was dinner time, Deng Jiefu and the others would naturally arrange a small stove when they came here. Mama Yang and the others were having dinner with Director Tao, so Yang Zhen took Fang Lin and the two of them to set up a private room.

Yang Zhen originally planned to see if he wanted to give Fang Lin an entire order of military dog ​​meals, but Fang Lin could not agree, and he finally had a taste of the Longguo Army canteen, so he couldn't miss it.

I have to say that the army canteen of the Dragon Kingdom Federation is really rich, even if there is a lot of meat, the amount is still enough.

Dry-roasted crucian carp, roasted chicken nuggets with potatoes, mapo tofu, lettuce slices, vegetable fried rapeseed, and a soup, the rich aroma permeated the whole room.

Yang Zhen made a bowl for Fang Lin, asked Fang Lin to sit next to him, and picked up vegetables for Fang Lin while eating.

Because one person and one dog can both eat, and the more delicious they are when they sit together, the two of them directly made a CD and ate every serving.

You must know that each dish base is a sufficient amount according to the table. If you post it on Douyin, it will immediately become a trending search, which is even more exaggerated than the king of big stomachs.

People depend on food, and people will become very satisfied after eating and drinking.

In many cases, people actually don’t have so many material needs. Eating out with a few friends at night is too much to walk. It’s actually very nice for a group of people to walk and chat on the road at night.

Now after dinner, Fang Lin was walking with Yang Zhen on the small road at the base at dusk.

He somewhat enjoyed the leisure time after dinner at this moment, walking slowly to feel the satisfaction in his stomach, and he didn't deliberately digest it quickly.

To be reasonable, he likes the life after rebirth more and more. Although he is a husky, his life is leisurely and happy.

According to Deng Jiefu, it seems that the whole world will change soon, and the era of spiritual energy in the novel will truly appear before his eyes.

And fortunately, he is in a leading position in this new era and has excellent talent, so he can face all the changes in the future very calmly.

In terms of money, there is Papa Lin and Mama Yang, and in terms of aura, he has Dadi Ha. He feels that he can enjoy life easily no matter in the present world or in the future.

And Fang Lin, whether it was in the past or now, is actually not the kind of ambitious person who wants to find a sense of existence. It would be good to be able to live with his family in peace and stability.

And this ideal life has truly unfolded in front of him.

Taste delicacies from all over the country, catch up on sleep in the morning and watch movies with Yang's mother, Liu Jing, and go to Xiaojie's room to play games if nothing else, and then travel to various scenic spots.

Before, he had never seen the desert, the grassland, or the laser beams in the North Pole. He had only seen the sea once, and he didn't go into the water because of the high tide.

The previous life was a life of learning as the main theme, but from the age of 18 to the age of 24 was even more boring and dark.

When there is no one you care about in the whole world, let alone someone who cares about you, then everything you do will be meaningless in some way.

Fang Lin looked up at the gorgeous sunset on the horizon of the base, took a deep breath, raised his head and whimpered.


The distant howling sound echoed in the sky of the base, causing waves of dogs barking in the distance.

Yang Zhen looked down at Fang Lin with a smile and said, "Do you want to vent after eating and drinking? Remember not to make loud noises in such a closed base from now on."

Fang Lin was stunned for a moment and nodded. He forgot that this is the base.

After a short interlude, the two continued to walk along the road, and the atmosphere was a little silent, no one said a word.

After walking for a while, Yang Zhen sighed and said, "Actually, I don't want you to join the Pioneer Explorer Project, but your master is right, and this is indeed an opportunity for you."


Fang Lin looked at Yang Zhen with some doubts, since he knew it was an opportunity, why didn't he want to.

Yang Zhen stopped and pulled Fang Lin to sit on the curb by the side of the road, while Fang Lin squatted beside him.

"You have also seen the drills demonstrated today. Although some places on the training ground look a little fun, you should also feel the cruelty."

"Whether it's a bomb on the chassis of an off-road vehicle or a criminal shooting at a military dog, these are real things that happened, and war has never been far away from us."

Yang Zhen raised his hand and touched Fang Lin's head and said, "You are still young, and you have just come into contact with this world. All you see are beautiful scenes in this world, or just a beautiful and peaceful life in the Federation, but this In fact, it is because the danger is blocked by some people."

"The family you are in is good and very harmonious. You are also very cute in Douyin, which is very good. I hope you will always have this kind of life in front of you, far away from the other side of the world."

"After you join the Pioneer Explorer Program, it will definitely be very helpful to your future growth, but you have taken some responsibilities as a matter of course after enjoying these things. In fact, you don't need to take these responsibilities."

"Your master is far-sighted and doesn't care about these dangers, but I do. If you want to quit one day in the future, come to me, and I will definitely help you."

Yang Zhen looked at the handsome husky in front of him, met his sapphire-like clear eyes for a while, then stood up silently, and led him away from the blocked area.

Alas, I don't know whether it was right or wrong to give Kaka the panacea before.

Before meeting Kaka, every night in the dead of night, the graceful figure jumping out of the window with a grenade in his mouth would appear in his mind, and her eyes that seemed to understand everything were always getting clearer and clearer.

Kaka and her are very similar in temperament, usually there is a kind of humanized laziness that sees through everything, and things like eyelids are really strange without any reason.

When his psychological problems became more and more serious, he met Kaka, and his life seemed to be much easier, but now he is really afraid that the same thing will happen to Kaka in the future.

But with the advent of the Reiki era, who can tell what the future will be like, without power, there is no power to dominate oneself after all.

Yang Zhen tightened his grip on the dog leash and walked towards the meeting point.

At around 20:[-] p.m., after applying for a dedicated flight route, the mighty Wuzhi [-] took a group of people back to Sioux City from the military dog ​​base.

It was already past seven o'clock when Yang Zhen sent the group to the community. After saying goodbye, Yang Ma and Liu Jing couldn't wait to take Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai back home.

After arriving home, Lin looked at the familiar environment and sighed a little. He really enjoyed playing today and saw a lot of things he hadn't seen before.

In the past, he probably would not have been able to see these in person in his entire life, and he will definitely see more novel things in the future. It would be great if life could be so relaxed and happy.

On the way, Mama Yang told the family that she was going back. Papa Lin, Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie were already waiting in the living room, and Zhao Hanya was also sitting in the living room watching TV.

She has been here since nine o'clock in the morning, holding Lin Yuqing to study hard for a day, and tightly controlling the rhythm to learn for 40 minutes and rest for 20 minutes.

Except for the rest time she had planned in her heart, no matter what tricks Lin Yuqing used, it was useless, and she saw through them one by one.

Even if Lin Yuqing went to the bathroom or played with her mobile phone in the bathroom, she took the key from Dad Lin and grabbed her bag directly.

However, when Lin Yuqing was fishing in the afternoon, he swiped Kaka's live broadcast in the military dog ​​base, and the two watched it together for two hours.

Father Lin hurried up to help carry the luggage and pick up the clothes, and asked by the way: "You're back, how do you feel today?"

Xiaojie rushed over and said excitedly: "Mom! I saw you and Kaka on Douyin today!"

After changing her shoes, Mama Yang asked curiously, "Have you all seen it?"


"Hehe, Xiaojie and I watched the whole thing together after we had nothing to do. You all performed well, especially Kaka who offered praise."

Father Lin looked at Fang Lin and gave Fang Lin a thumbs up while talking.

Liu Jing felt that someone was missing, so she asked, "Where is Qingqing? Have you read it?"

Lin Yuqing immediately said with a bitter face, "I saw it, but I only watched it for a while."

"Who said that, Aunt Liu, she watched it for two hours, I remember it."

Zhao Hanya narrated to Yang Ma and Liu Jing the heroic deeds she had watched Lin Yuqing learn for a day, and was warmly praised by Yang Ma, who specially invited her to go camping next weekend.

However, Zhao Hanya's family education is relatively strict. Her parents are not as rich as Yang's mother and Lin's father. They belong to an elite family, so the management of her study and life is relatively strict.

Although Zhao Hanya was a little happy to hear about the camping, she was afraid that her mother would disagree.

Seeing this, Mama Yang patted her chest and said, "Don't worry about this, just leave it to me."

When Lin Yuqing heard about the camping, she felt very resentful. She could have gone camping to escape Zhao Hanya's claws, but unexpectedly, Kaka wanted to record a program and directly ruined the travel plan.

However, although Lin Yuqing was tortured when she was being pressed to study, she even wanted to press Zhao Hanya on the bed and torture her severely.

But after studying for a whole day and looking at my own learning results, a sense of accomplishment from the heart arises spontaneously, and I even feel a little grateful to Zhao Hanya.

In fact, sometimes playing is like an addiction, especially for Lin Yuqing who is not very strong when it comes to learning and self-control. If there is someone who can watch her study and control her, it will indeed be effective. of.

And Zhao Hanya is perfectly qualified for this role. She grew up with her, and in school life, she always covers her and studies well. She has always been the monitor in the class.

When Fang Lin saw the family chatting at the door, he wanted to slip on the sofa.

Although he gained a lot today, he was really exhausted. This kind of tiredness is more of a tired heart.

Now he just wants to lie comfortably on the sofa and watch anime or TV series with his whole body limp.

But before she got on the sofa, she was caught by Yang's mother: "Kaka, go to the bathroom with me to take a shower first, and I ran in the dirt all day today without looking at how dirty I am."


Fang Lin looked at himself, and it really didn't look dirty.

But take a shower, just take a shower, a hot bath is also very comfortable, not to mention that Yang Ma washed it for him, and he just needs to close his eyes and lie down and enjoy it.

Yang Ma said and looked at Jiang Baibai who just jumped out of Liu Jing's arms, thought for a while and said, "Forget it, the general doesn't need to wash it, it looks quite clean."

So, after Yang Ma changed into her pajamas, she took Fang Lin into the bathroom, while Liu Jing sat on the sofa with her family and talked about everything she had seen today.

Especially Xiaojie was very curious and asked questions. He was very interested in military dogs. He saw so many interesting projects in the live broadcast today and wished he could appear on the scene.

He also used his Douyin account to keep posting bullet screens saying that this was his dog, who knew that the netizens who noticed him would ridicule him, thinking he was just kidding.

Xueqiu also jumped off the cat climbing frame rarely, and lay down in Fang Lin's kennel beside the sofa, quietly watching the family chatting.

The princess hadn't seen Liu Jing for a day, and kept thumping at her feet.

After half an hour, Fang Lin and Yang Ma, who had enjoyed a hot bath and massage, came to the living room together, and a group of people began to discuss excitedly again.

Although there is a movie channel on the projection, it seems that it is only used as a background board for the family to chat. Occasionally, someone raises their eyes and quickly joins the chat.

The fact that Mama Yang took Kaka to the military dog ​​base to record the program was simply too cool, and there were tens of thousands of people watching it online.

Xiaojie has even thought about how to brag in front of Chenchen several times at the beginning of school.

He has been sharing the link of the live broadcast in the classmate group today, which made the fat little Ultraman who competed with him in the yo-yo envious. Unfortunately, the fat little mother doesn't like pets and can't keep them.

For this reason, Liu Chao rarely asked Xiaojie to let him watch Kaka after school on Monday, and the more he watched the live broadcast, the more he liked it.

Liu Jing also noticed that the number of followers on her account had exceeded 20, and it was still around [-] to [-] before today.

The number of people online is kept at tens of thousands, which means that the flow of people in a day must be doubled at least several times. After all, even on Saturdays, no one watches the live broadcast all the time.

Many people watched the live broadcast and remembered Kaka, an unusual husky, but they were too lazy to search and click on the search box to type these words.

After all, although this operation only takes a few steps, it is already a huge amount of labor in the eyes of many people, and they are not willing to search for small papers with white characters on the bullet screen.

Liu Jing participated in the program seriously and did not record the video herself. In the end Director Tao told Liu Jing that she would cut an interesting and short version for her to post on her account.

With the execution ability of the military film crew, the video can be edited and uploaded the day after tomorrow at the latest, and the number of fans will usher in a wave of increase by then.

Fang Lin rested his head on Liu Jing's soft thigh and listened to the good news contentedly. His career as an Internet celebrity has advanced to another level.

10 followers achievement get (√)

Jiang Baibai was lying on the edge of the sofa quietly observing the bustling family, everyone had smiles from the bottom of their hearts.

At this time, she felt an atmosphere called "home" from this family and even the bouncing princess, which was happy and harmonious.

Is this the warmth of a complete home?
Jiang Baibai looked at it for a while and felt a little strange in her heart. This kind of warm picture made her uncomfortable.

So she jumped off the sofa and walked slowly to the floor-to-ceiling windows to look out.

The round moon is hanging in the dark sky, exuding silver light, just like the moon in the spirit world is as bright and clear.

Jiang Baibai stared at the full moon and gradually became fascinated. The moonlight reflected on her beautiful different pupils, making her look more and more lonely.

 Thanks to Shuai Tutu——Yun Yueqing for the 1000 starting point coins!

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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