Chapter 125 The Future Can Be Expected ([-] words)

At this time, the number of people online in the live broadcast room has reached more than 3000, and netizens are all attracted by this show showing the skills of military dogs.

"What breed is this dog? It looks so handsome."

"Haha, those four people are going to be caught out."

"This feels like a script, right? This military dog ​​didn't even smell the document. How did it find it?"

Accompanied by the speeches of the netizens, the trainer Chen commanded the black dragon to successfully capture the four soldiers from among the soldiers watching the play, and by the way asked which one kicked his butt secretly.

"Haha, revenge must be revenged.jpg"

"I found this through the smell left by my owner? Are military dogs so powerful?"

"A dog's sense of smell is 1200 times that of a human's, let alone a military dog."

"Obviously ten thousand times."

"Let's start a team."

The live broadcast is more like a regular broadcast of a real-time event, and no one interacts with the barrage, only the small subtitles that constantly appear at the bottom of the live broadcast to introduce the situation to netizens.

Because the number of people in the live broadcast room has been increasing, it is still in the hot stage, and netizens are still more welcoming to the current program, so Director Tao urgently added two more performances, and at the same time sent someone to the cafeteria to bring back lunch for Yang Mom and Liu Jing and the staff.

According to the current progress, there must be no time to eat, so fill it in now.

The soldiers in the special training ground quickly prepared, and soon began the performance of the next project.

Next to the military arsenal, several sentries guarded vigilantly.Suddenly, a group of "terrorists" shouted to grab the weapon arsenal. The sentries were outnumbered, and the "terrorists" were close to their target.At the critical moment, a group of military dogs swarmed up screaming, and the "terrorists" ran away with their heads in their arms.This wonderful scene won a lot of laughter.

A "lawless element" put a tube of explosives in the chassis of a "Volga" car.A Chinese Kunming dog walked over and circled the car, then took out the explosives in the chassis with its mouth, and quickly threw the explosives into the deserted wilderness.

It was almost twelve o'clock when the two projects were completed. At this time, everyone had already had lunch, and more than 2 people were online in the live broadcast room at the same time.

Even though it was approaching noon, netizens still showed unexpected curiosity, and the number of online users increased steadily.

This is actually easy to understand. Military dogs are relatively new things to most people, not to mention that if they disagree with each other, they will go directly to blockbuster programs.

The gun is really firing, and the explosives are really blowing up.

Especially when the military dogs threw the explosives into the deep pit, the huge roar made many netizens sweat.

For a moment, almost all the bullet screens were boasting about the awesomeness of the military dogs. People with pets hated iron and steel and compared their own bear children with military dogs.

In the live broadcast, the trainer commanded the military dogs like an arm, which made their eyes warm.

With the end of the show, Yang Ma and Liu Jing are about to appear on the stage. Director Tao told them not to be nervous and just behave normally.

Liu Jing didn't care at the moment, the hastily started live broadcast was not on TV, so how many people would watch it, so she wouldn't be nervous.

She asked, "Is anyone watching the live broadcast?"

Director Tao nodded and said, "There are about 2 people online now, but the number is still increasing."


Unlike Liu Jing's shock, Fang Lin was a little surprised.

These 2 people are still on the Douyin platform. If these people see that he not only has a handsome appearance, but also has extraordinary wisdom, why don't they just follow him?
If this is the case, then the Douyin account can be started. Although Fang Lin thinks it will happen sooner or later, it would be great if he can speed up his process of becoming a big Internet celebrity.

Soon Director Tao brought Yang Ma and Liu Jing in military uniforms to the training ground, and the camera also showed them. Director Tao began to introduce that the purpose of this activity is to let everyone know more about the love of military dogs.

At the same time, it also introduced that Mama Yang Liu Jing came to visit as a guest, and the names of the accounts Kaka and Xueqiu briefly appeared on the live broadcast screen.

Fang Lin wearing sunglasses and a tactical vest stood beside Mama Yang very coolly, while Jiang Baibai lay on Fang Lin's back very well.

When this cat and dog appeared in the screen, the barrage exploded directly.

"Fuck! Is this a military dog ​​Husky?"

"This dog is so cool."

"Yaoshou, huskies can also be military dogs."

"Are all the barrages deaf? They introduced that this is the guest's pet named Kaka, and the little white cat is named General."

"Kaka yyds! I've been following this account for a long time, but where is Xueqiu?"

It's a pity that Fang Lin couldn't see these bullet screens. The trainer Chen went on stage to introduce the honors that Black Dragon had won, and then took Yang Ma to introduce the basic command training of military dogs from the beginning.

Whether it's the cute military dog ​​cub, or Fang Lin who can learn everything in no time, the barrage is addictive.

These training dry goods made many shit shovel officers watching the live broadcast silently remember their notes, and plan to try it on their own dogs when the time comes.

Follow them with a wave of their hands, and guard them with a wave of their hands, this is simply too poignant for their hearts.

And it looks very easy, you see that husky learns so fast, how can your own be stupid than the husky?
But the fans who have been following since the beginning saw their favorite Kaka gaining the limelight, frantically swiping the barrage to praise it, causing many people to start searching for videos under the name of Kaka and Xueqiu.

Fang Lin grasped the rhythm, tried his best to go through all the basic orders of Chen's trainer, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

After Jiang Baibai watched the performance and training process of military dogs from the beginning to the end, he was always amazed by the side. Humans always have very interesting inheritance and experience in animal training.

The concerns of the Sky Devouring Tiger and the Jinyan Saint Lion are indeed a bit reasonable. She wanted to laugh when she thought of the picture of humans training the two races into mounts.

Those who are usually defiant in the spirit world were originally mounts.

In the following afternoon, Director Tao took Yang Ma to visit many training methods, including smell search, obstacle running and so on.

In these more professional projects, military dog ​​cubs are naturally unable to appear on stage. After the professional military dogs demonstrated various skills, Director Tao let Yang Ma take Kaka to experience it.

Fang Lin has always controlled the range of his performance, showing a perfect husky image with a keen sense of smell, flexible body, and strong body, which made netizens shout that this is someone else's husky.

During the demonstration of the bite training, Liu Jing also went to experience a tool man, wearing protective clothing and thick protective sleeves on her arms.

When the military dog ​​hadn't entered the field, Liu Jing couldn't be happier, but when the astonishing military dog ​​gradually accelerated towards her, she immediately froze.

He screamed and wanted to run away, but was bitten by the military dog's arm and lost his center of gravity, so he rolled over and fell to the ground.

However, the military dog ​​still tightly bit the protective sheath on her right hand until the protective sheath was snatched away.

The camera also accurately captured the picture of Liu Jing still in shock, and the bullet screen became hahaha.

"Sure enough, one of the pets and the owner must be stupid."

"Hahahahaha, it's so cute. Follow it."

"Kaka's owner is Sister Qian next to her."

Finally, the entire visit process ended at five o'clock in the afternoon.

When Director Tao took Yang Ma, Liu Jing, and Fang Lin to say goodbye to everyone, the number of people in the live broadcast room had reached [-], and the peak number actually reached [-] to [-] at one point.

The main reason is that a lot of people come and go. Except for the hotter projects such as search bombs, etc., which have a higher retention rate, the others are mainly for military dogs, Kaka, and even Jiang Baibai.

Of course, many of them were attracted by the looks of Yang Ma and Liu Jing, and the film crew often left the camera for Liu Jing and Yang Ma to film their reactions.

Because Yang Ma and Liu Jing couldn’t actually see the barrage, they gradually got into the mood and were attracted by these novel projects. For a while, they forgot that they were live broadcasting, especially when they visited a group of military dogs who were crazy about cooking at the end. when cubs.

After the live broadcast, Director Tao thanked the two of them. The effect of this live broadcast was really good. Although Kaka got a lot of limelight, the military dog ​​was a good publicity.

After a busy day, everyone was a little tired. Director Tao took Yang Ma and Liu Jing to the cafeteria for a small meal. Yang Zhen took the opportunity to take Fang Lin out.

Yang Zhen led Fang Lin along the quiet path in the base, and joked, "You performed well today, and you acted like it."

Fang Lin rolled his eyes and didn't want to talk to him.

To be honest, he really felt that his performance today could win an Oscar. He vividly explained what a smart husky is, but he is not a husky who knows everything.

And Yang Zhen knew that Kaka's intelligence level was already very high, and he actually had some reservations about what he said to Lin's father, knowing that it was actually quite difficult for him to act today.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see Shigong, he has something to ask you."

Why are you looking for me again? Didn’t you also look for that little white cat today?
While Fang Lin was thinking wildly, Yang Zhen had already brought him into the meeting room, where Deng Jiefu, Academician Lu and Xia Chenglin were chatting.

After their meeting with Jiang Baibai today, they had a remote meeting with No. [-] here, and they just finished discussing some matters.

Xia Chenglin sat on one side of the conference table, pulled the chair back, and sat on the chair with his legs resting on the table.

He was exhausted from the serious afternoon just now, and as soon as the meeting ended, he immediately revealed his true colors.

Deng Jiefu chatted with Academician Lu, and they didn't shy away from it.

After all, they all belong to the top combat power in the world, and they will definitely still be the top group in the future. Not only is there no pressure to get along together, but there is also a tacit understanding.

The higher the status and strength, the lonelier the person actually is, just like Jiang Xuan only confided his heart when he was looking for the old turtle.

There are so many things at different levels that we can't talk about them at all.

At this time, Yang Zhen took Fang Lin through layers of protection, knocked on the door and walked in.

As soon as Fang Lin came in, Xia Chenglin jumped up from the chair all of a sudden, and he didn't know how he exerted his strength with his legs on the table.

He excitedly came to Fang Lin's side and patted the dog's head: "Just Kaka? How did you feel after taking the Qiling Pill? Did you feel any discomfort at the time? Hey, did you become smart all of a sudden? "

Fang Lin felt a strong wave of aura from this young man who looked a bit uninhibited and carefree in front of him, but this aura didn't look like a boss at all, hey!
"Okay, Cheng Lin, let's talk about business first, and then we can talk when we have time."

Deng Jiefu led Academician Lu over and interrupted his questioning, then bowed his head and said to Fang Lin: "This is Xia Chenglin, if you happen to meet him after something happens, it will be like meeting me and Yang Zhen Just find him."

Hearing this, Xia Chenglin looked at Fang Lin again, and then nodded at him.

Fang Lin was stunned for a moment and realized that this man who was also a boss should have a good relationship with Deng Jiefu, and he was trying to build a relationship for himself.

But Deng Jiefu's wording made him a little strange. What kind of things could he encounter outside with a pet dog?
Deng Jiefu then coughed lightly and said to Fang Lin seriously: "Kaka, I now officially grant you the status of a citizen of the Dragon Kingdom Federation, and invite you to join the Pioneer Explorer Project."

"I know you are a little confused now, because you haven't given you some common sense and thinking lessons, but I hope you can listen carefully to what I will tell you next."

"In the not-too-distant future, Blue Star will completely revive its aura. At that time, not only humans, but also animals and plants may experience some mutations."

"The Pioneer Explorer plan is to deal with possible changes in the future, take countermeasures in advance, and lay the foundation for the stability after the recovery of spiritual energy."

"This plan is important to the entire Dragon Kingdom and the world. All the measures and achievements of Dragon Kingdom's spiritual energy in the future will be born from this plan. What we have to do is to use our leading experience to lay the foundation for future generations."

"This is Academician Lu of the Federal Academy of Sciences. Academician Lu will take over some of your training programs. You can get to know them in advance."

Academician Lu smiled and stretched out his hand like Fang Lin, Fang Lin was taken aback by this action.

Fang Lin hesitated for a moment, raised his right paw and put it in Academician Lu's hand.

Academician Lu pointed to the blue parrot on his shoulder and said, "Nice to meet you, this is Xiaolan, you may become friends in the future."

"Since I have seen it and you have announced your matter, I hurried back. The experiment over there has reached a more critical place."

"I will sort out and submit your training plan tomorrow."

After speaking, Academician Lu took Xiaolan and left in a hurry. It seemed that something had happened to him.

After Academician Lu left, both Xia Chenglin and Yang Zhen relaxed a little.

Yang Zhen asked curiously, "What training plan?"

Fang Lin also stared at Deng Jiefu when he heard the words, and he was also a little puzzled, why did he suddenly have a training plan.

You don't want to teach him, do you?

Deng Jiefu smiled mysteriously and said, "This is my meeting gift for you."

"In the future, when the aura is fully recovered, there will inevitably be animals with aura qualifications. For example, these military dogs in the military dog ​​base may all be awakened in that wave."

"Naturally, we will not forget such a great help in nature, so we must come up with a plan in advance, so that it is possible to attract them to us and become a solid ally."

"It's like a special Reiki course that will be offered in the future. It's like having a charter in advance from elementary school to university."

"However, animals with intelligence and aura aptitude are rare and almost hard to come across, and Kaka is now a very good candidate for experiments."

Yang Zhen frowned and said, "You mean to experiment with Kaka?"

Xia Chenglin couldn't listen anymore and interrupted him directly, "You are the only one who is still the chief? Lao Deng is doing this for Kaka's welfare. Think about it, how could such a plan lose all kinds of rare treasures?"

Speaking of this, Xia Chenglin curled his lips and said, "No, I'll feed my Xiaojin Qiling Pill when I get back. No matter what, I have to catch up with this plan."

Fang Lin understood now.

Now I am actually the same federal citizen as before, and I have also participated in this kind of plan.

In order to better cultivate spirit beasts for the Dragon Kingdom in the future, I will now try to cultivate a plan with him as the target.

This kind of training plan seems to be really good if you think about it.

But how will he go? Do you want to tell Mama Yang?
Soon Deng Jiefu continued: "You will be selected as the endorsement dog of the Southern Province Military Dog, just like those celebrities who endorse. In this way, there is a reason to pick you up for a "medical examination" every week. Take this opportunity to give You go to class, and you will be notified when the time comes."


Fang Lin nodded obediently.

He suddenly felt that he really had the feeling of an agent. On the surface, he was an Internet celebrity dog, but he was actually a member of the Pioneer Explorer Program.

The future is promising.

 Thanks to zungfu for rewarding 5000 starting point coins!

  Thanks Boss Boss Boss Daqi Boss is in good health! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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