Chapter 124 Luck ([-] words)

When Mama Yang and instructor Chen were studying seriously, a soldier suddenly ran over and called Director Tao away. After a while, Director Tao came back with a smile on his face and interrupted everyone who was teaching.

"Come with me, two ladies."

Director Tao called Yang Ma and Liu Jing, who were a little confused, to the side, coughed lightly and said, "Before you come, you two should know that you will show your face when we make the last video, don't you mind?"

Mama Yang raised her eyebrows and said, "Of course I don't mind. If I did, we wouldn't have come." After she finished speaking, Liu Jing also nodded.

Director Tao pondered for a while and then said: "The military region still pays more attention to this promotional activity. When we made the plan before, the report to the base included live broadcasting. At that time, we considered multi-angle propaganda, post-production video + live broadcast. Live stream the process."

"But the base did not pass the application for live broadcast due to some considerations at that time, but the military region decided to approve the application for live broadcast, so our project may have to be suspended for a while, let's debug the equipment, and then check the following on the Douyin official account The event will be broadcast live.”

"If you don't have any questions, I'll go and inform them to prepare now."

Seeing Director Tao's gaze, Mama Yang hesitated and nodded, "No problem."


After talking, Director Tao hurried to direct the camera team.

Liu Jing and Yang's mother walked back slowly. On the way, Liu Jing quietly asked Yang's mother: "Why do you want to broadcast live suddenly? I'm a little nervous."

"It's okay, you can just behave normally."

Mama Yang comforted Liu Jing, then thought for a while and said, "In the future, if you have more fans, you can actually live broadcast occasionally, such as when you take Kaka and them out to play."

Liu Jing nodded thoughtfully.

When they returned to the scene, the film crew was busy, and Yang Ma and Liu Jing had nothing to do. They went to watch Xiao Li's trainer conduct basic training for the little military dogs.

Occasionally ask some questions to prepare for going back to train the princess.

Fang Lin, on the other hand, had nothing to do. He looked around at the training ground and the base outside.

From here, he could feel a busy but calm atmosphere.

Whether it's the occasional barking of dogs, the smiles on the faces of trainers and military dogs, or even the blue sky above their heads, they all give Fang Lin a very special feeling.

Fang Lin felt that this place was a bit like a paradise for military dogs.

They may be born here, raised, trained, and then travel across the country to really become a soldier with an establishment.

If you really live your life like this, it should be quite interesting, right?
Fang Lin looked at the black dragon who was still aloof and maintained a standard squatting posture, and then at the puppy wagging its tail cheerfully. A feeling almost inherited suddenly came to his heart.

It's a pity that I didn't go to a military academy in my previous life to experience the melting pot of the military camp.

Fang Lin found a place with lush grass, and lay on his side on the ground lazily basking in the sun.

Heilong, still maintaining his military posture, glanced at Fang Lin and didn't look at him again.

After a while, the equipment was almost ready to be adjusted, and Jiang Baibai came back, and it was Li Mei who went to pick her up.

Jiang Baibai jumped out of Li Mei's arms as soon as he arrived, first went to say hello to Liu Jing and Yang's mother, and then slipped to the side of Fang Lin who was basking in the sun.

Jiang Baibai looked at Kaka with a relaxed face, and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

She just had an equal meeting with the current highest combat power of mankind. Their gentle attitude and very smooth meeting made her mentality fluctuate a little.

In the past in the spirit world, although many clansmen seemed to respect her and liked her, they actually regarded her as a troublesome highness who needed to be taken care of.

No one had ever really discussed so many formal matters with her, which gave her an unprecedented sense of ritual.

What's more, when she discussed with them, she shared a lot of information with each other and learned a lot of secrets about the ancestral land.

For example, the three of them are now the highest combat power, and the seemingly oldest human high-level is about to break through to the king level and so on.

This difference makes her very happy now, and she really wants to share her current mood with others, especially when she sees Kaka again, a local dog that is pleasing to the eye although she has never seen the world.

After all, he would be shocked for a long time by casually revealing a little news, so he must be an excellent listener.

Jiang Baibai walked slowly to the side of Kaka who was lying on his side basking in the sun with his eyes closed, gently wagging his tail and raised his head: "I'm back."

She kept her posture and waited for a while, but found that there was no movement around her. When she looked down, Kaka was still closing her eyes and did not respond.

Some round stomachs rise and fall rhythmically.

Jiang Baibai frowned and came to Kaka's face, and patted him with his paw: "I'm back!"

Fang Lin, whose dog's face was patted, opened one eye, glanced at Jiang Baibai and closed it again: "I'll be back when I come back."

What's the matter with this little white cat, Deng Jiefu pulled him over and asked him, his mind is not normal?


Doesn't the native dog wonder why she was taken alone?
"I know a lot of human secrets."


Fang Lin opened his eyes and raised his head slightly, looked at Jiang Baibai who was with the old god and asked, "What's the secret?"


Jiang Baibai turned his head away.


Seeing her like this, Fang Lin was a little speechless. Women are always like children.

But Jiang Baibai didn't say anything, and Fang Lin didn't bother to listen. It had nothing to do with him anyway, so Fang Lin closed his eyes and put his head back.

Jiang Baibai waited for a while but did not wait for Kaka to ask again, so he turned his head and found that he had closed his eyes again and began to bask in the sun.

Sure enough, he has never seen a silly dog ​​with no ambitions in the world, who likes to bask in the sun every day.

I'm so annoying.

She secretly sulked because she wanted to share things with him as soon as she came back.

Jiang Baibai let go of it motionless, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he stretched out his hind foot and kicked Fang Lin's back.

Fang Lin felt the movement behind his back without pain or itching, and it was quite comfortable, like a massage.

"Do you know what luck is?"


Fang Lin became interested when he heard this word. He has read a lot of novels, and he is very curious about the legendary word luck when he hears it.

Could it be that she knew about luck?Is there really such a thing as national luck?
Fang Lin turned over, smiled and leaned over to Jiang Baibai's side, bumped her and said, "What kind of luck, just talk about it."

Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin with a simple and honest face, but he still couldn't help but groaned in his heart and said: "I tell you, luck is a very important thing, and the luck of this human country we are in now is very powerful. It is all due to the blessing of the race and the luck of the country that they can have five beast masters in just five years."

So mysterious?

Fang Lin hurriedly continued to ask: "What do you mean, you know a lot, please explain it to me?"


Jiang Baibai squatted down gracefully and said unhurriedly: "From the day the ancestral land and the spirit world began to interfere, spiritual energy began to permeate the ancestral land, and luck began to work."

"It's not easy to explain the luck occupied by a person or a race, but people who are shrouded in luck will feel as if they have divine help when they practice. Breaking through the epiphany is as simple as drinking water and eating."

"There is a saying that the world actually has spirits, so the ancestral land is suddenly nourished by spiritual energy after a long period of no spirit, and a strong luck bursts out in a short period of time, and these lucks will be divided among all the creatures in the ancestral land. "

"Because humans dominate, humans will gain more luck."

Jiang Baibai also shared the theory of luck with Deng Jiefu and the others, which more or less resolved some of their confusion.

Because almost all B-levels in the world now have a feeling of divine assistance in cultivation for a period of time, and the induction is abnormally clear, just like adding a buff that increases the cultivation speed by a hundred times.

If they can continue to maintain this state, human beings probably have the power of kings long ago.

Regarding this situation, the Federal Academy of Sciences is actually also studying, and even put forward the mysterious conjecture of the will of the world.

After all, Blue Star is now interfering with the spirit world, and it will be fully integrated in the near future, and Blue Star has just possessed aura, and in terms of personal strength, it is normally impossible to resist the spirit world.

In such a very dangerous situation, someone suddenly has such a buff, it is hard not to let people think about it.

Because this kind of thing has happened many times in history. For example, when a country is in a critical period of life and death, batch after batch of amazingly talented people will always be born in a short period of time.

All kinds of Tianjiao-level characters popped up as if they had been wholesaled.

Now that the luck brought by Jiang Baibai is more in line with this situation, academician Lu has already had a lot of inspiration in his heart.

"You mean, the reason they practice quickly is actually because they have strong luck?"

"What else? Five years! You have been promoted from an ordinary person to a beast master! Although it is recorded in the ancient books that humans can cultivate faster than spirit beasts, it is impossible to be so exaggerated."

Fang Lin couldn't help being a little curious: "Do you mean that the speed of beast cultivation will be very slow?"

When mentioning cultivation, she thought of the three perverts who had been promoted to Beast Master in five years, and she was not in a good mood, so she didn't answer in detail, and then said: "Anyway, it won't be so soon."

"Oh, is there no luck in the spirit world?"

Jiang Baibai rolled his eyes and said: "Of course there is, but because the ancestral land is due to the outbreak of luck after a long recovery from forbidden magic, the two cannot be compared."

So do I have great luck?
Fang Lin was a little curious when he thought of his own situation. He had only practiced for less than half a month and reached level D, but he didn't know how the remaining levels were divided.

But according to the current progress, if the second core is practiced on-hook for 24 hours, it will be filled within a few months. This speed should not be slow, right?

So he looked around and asked Jiang Baibai mysteriously: "Can you see how much luck I have?"


Jiang Baibai looked at Kaka's curious eyes, and didn't really want to hit him: "I can't see it, this kind of thing can only be observed by some very special races, but the main beneficiaries of the ancestral land must be human beings, and according to their It is said that the luck of the explosion should have returned to normal now."


Very special race?

Fang Lin thought to himself.

Jiang Baibai noticed that Kaka had suddenly lowered her head and fell silent. She couldn't help but raised her paw and patted his back and said, "It's okay, you must have a little bit of luck for being so smart."

As she spoke, she looked around and approached Fang Lin and whispered: "According to your wisdom, you can be regarded as a spirit beast at the beginning, and you can be regarded as your own. As long as you mix with me, not to mention the king level, the beast master pile can also give it to you." How about you pile it up?"

Jiang Baibai began to throw an olive branch to Fang Lin, but she had no choice but to be alone in the ancestral land now.

According to the meaning of those three, what I'm living in now is one of the thousands of ordinary and happy families in the Dragon Kingdom Federation. As long as she doesn't cause trouble, she can be allowed to experience the new world of human beings in the whole family.

When she sneaked out of the clan before, she used to use her treasures to buy a powerful foreign aid to help him conceal it, such as Xing Lingxi King.

In her eyes, Kaka is also a good target. Although she doesn't have the talent for cultivation, she knows the ancestral land better than her.

After Fang Lin heard Jiang Baibai's words, he was a little moved, but suddenly he was a little vigilant.

This little white cat doesn't want to learn from capitalists to draw big cakes, imagine a bright future for her, and then want to use up her spiritual fruit?

Just like before, it would be good to end the temporary work on the same day, and don't pay the salary arrears at that time.

"Don't do it, what if they think I'm a traitor and want to find me?"

Jiang Baibai never expected that Fang Lin would reject him so much, she was a little annoyed: "You are not human!"

"Then I am also a dog of the Dragon Kingdom."


Jiang Baibai doesn't want to deal with this short-haired, short-sighted silly dog ​​anymore.

At this time, Director Tao also adjusted the equipment and started the live broadcast, because the hard dish in the morning was a very exciting opening remark, but it was a pity that the application was not approved at that time.

So Director Tao contacted the base again to prepare a performance as the opening of the live broadcast. At this time, it was already eleven o'clock, and everyone rushed to the special training ground again and started the live broadcast after preparations were completed.

At the same time, the Douyin headquarters received "suggestions" from many departments at the same time, hoping to push the live broadcast.

So soon, no matter whether you have followed the official account of "Southern Province XX Military Dog Base" before, or netizens who like or don't like military dog ​​pet videos, you can watch this live broadcast after swiping a few videos.

For a while, many netizens poured into the live broadcast room.

"Military dog ​​base? Where are the military dogs?"

"Hey guy, is this the training ground?"

"There is no bald hair, it's boring, slip away."

Just when the netizens were posting barrages in boredom, the camera was pushed steadily to the center of the training ground.

In the picture, the training field is quiet, only a signal soldier is walking on it with a document bag, and suddenly four "enemies" pop out from the ravine nearby, push the signal soldier down to the ground, tie him up, and snatch the documents. Advance into the ravine.

"Hahaha, is it so cute?"

"Look at the one on the far right who secretly kicked the bound foot."

Then the four men ran along the training ground to a place 200 meters away, buried the documents, and then mixed into the pile of soldiers on the sidelines.

At this time, the black dragon appeared, and he quickly ran to the trainer Chen who was tied and pushed into the ditch, bit off the rope and rescued him, and then the camera moved forward.

Under the command of trainer Chen, the black dragon sniffed and searched all the way, and barked when it came to a dirt bag, and trainer Chen took out the documents smoothly.

In the end, instructor Chen led the black dragon to a group of soldiers on the sidelines with a grinning grin, and issued a search order to the black dragon, asking him to find the "enemy" among the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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