Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 123 Military dog ​​training project experience

Chapter 123 Military dog ​​training project experience (two in one)

As a high-achieving student who graduated from science, Mama Yang is no stranger to these things, so she nodded in response, and then carefully prepared to listen to what instructor Chen said next.

Liu Jing is also standing beside Yang's mother now, and the two of them are seriously attending class side by side.

Seeing that both of them understood, the trainer Chen continued to say: "Then our goal is to eliminate some unconditioned reflexes of the general dog, that is, some bad instincts as much as possible."

"It's like if I quickly waved like this in front of your eyes."


Speaking of which, instructor Chen raised his hand and waved in front of Liu Jing's eyes. As expected, Liu Jing subconsciously took a step back and closed her eyes.

The people around saw Liu Jing's appearance and laughed kindly, and Chen's trainer also showed a simple and honest smile.

There is no way, from now it seems that the effect of the program can only be found from Liu Jing, and the camera has captured the whole scene.

"Hehe, this is one of the instincts. Soldiers and military dogs will try their best to overcome these instincts during training."

And Liu Jing looked at Yang's mother who was giggling next to her, and then looked at the camera, feeling that her image had collapsed.

She silently took a deep breath, ready to concentrate and prepare for the trainer's next surprise attack, and she had to find her way back.

Instructor Chen continued: "In addition, it is also necessary to cultivate qualified conditioned reflexes for military dogs, so that they can respond quickly when they hear orders."

"Let me demonstrate a few simple ones, and then we can use this as an experience project for you to try in a while."

"it is good."

As he said that, the trainer Chen took the black dragon to a distance to prepare for the demonstration.

And Yang's mother squatted down and hugged Fang Lin beside her, looked at him with calm eyes, then leaned into his ear and said: "I usually eat so much, now it's time for you to play, you will understand if you dare to lose the chain. "


Fang Lin licked his mouth and said nothing.

At this moment, instructor Chen was already standing in front of the black dragon, he raised his right hand and said, "Sit!"

The black dragon suddenly changed from a standing posture on four legs to a very standard sitting posture.

"That's the most common order to sit, and then follow."

At this point, trainer Chen smiled and said, "Accompanying should be the most practical order for you to keep a dog in your daily life."


Yang Ma stood up and nodded, she was a little worried and led the Princess to run around every day.

I saw the trainer Chen gently raised his left hand and patted his left leg and said, "Damn."

The black dragon immediately stepped forward and stuck close to his left leg, and followed the trainer Chen very obediently.

"Wow, that's pretty cool too."

Liu Jing was a little jealous when she saw this scene.

If my pet can obey my orders like this, then going out for a walk is pretending.

If she came out like this in the park, how much attention would she have to attract!

"Kaka, study hard later."

Liu Jing also came to Fang Lin's side and exhorted.


Fang Lin couldn't help showing a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

Doesn't he usually follow along like this?
Already emo.

It turns out that everyone can't see the usual silent giving, but only the occasional prodigal son turning back.

"Ha ha."

Instructor Chen straightened his military cap and coughed lightly. He was a little shy after being praised.

In fact, he brought the black dragon to the border every day, otherwise he would not have made so many achievements, this time he only came back after receiving a mission.

Usually in the army, you don't see any women at all, and even the military doctors are rough guys. Now he was a little nervous when he saw two beautiful women.

Liu Jing kept yelling and praising him, she really blushed a little.

In this case, he ordered some dry goods that the two ladies can usually use.

"I will demonstrate a few more basic commands. Although these are basic commands for military dogs, they are definitely enough for pets in daily life."

"The first is to not move. The requirement is to stay where you are after hearing the order, and to withstand certain temptations."

Yang's mother nodded, this suddenness could really come in handy.

Instructor Chen raised his right hand high, palm forward and said: "Sure!".

Following the order, Heilong remained motionless in a squatting position, and then trainer Chen let go of the dog leash, and ran away suddenly.

After running for about 50 meters, the black dragon was still in place without any movement.

Instructor Chen ran back again and said to Mama Yang and Liu Jing, "You can try it, it will definitely not move."


Liu Jing was stunned for a moment and Yang Ma looked at each other but didn't dare to go forward.

The black dragon squatted quietly on the spot, his aura of aloofness was very obvious, both the Kunming dog and the German shepherd were like this, if they were really indifferent, their appearance would become very intimidating.

What's more, the two of them just saw this military dog ​​jump up and bite the "enemy"'s arm, and then the whole person was torn apart.

If this is the case, give them a bite.
Fang Lin looked at Mama Yang and Liu Jing and curled his lips inwardly.

Hmph, I usually know how to oppress me, but I don't dare to meet someone who looks fierce.


In a real fight, he couldn't beat the black dragon and white dragon on the ground.

Instructor Chen rubbed his nose in embarrassment: "Uh, the Black Dragon can distinguish good guys from bad guys. It has carried out patrol missions in urban areas, so it won't bite people."

After finishing speaking, he didn't force it, and continued to show the four items of "lying", "coming", "forward", and "barking".

Especially barking, which is deeply loved by Yang Ma and Liu Jing.

Following Chen's trainer's command, the black dragon immediately barked fiercely at the front, which made people feel safe.

Mama Yang couldn't help asking, "Can you teach us all of this?"

Director Tao answered the question and said, "Of course, teaching is one of our planned activities."

Before Mama Yang could reply, Liu Jing said in surprise, "Great, shall we start now?"

"Well, in order to facilitate everyone's learning, we specially found a puppy who has just started basic training to do a synchronization demonstration."

Following Director Tao's words, a young-looking trainer walked over with a small-looking puppy.

The pup has a tawny undercoat up to the top of his army boots, but there are some light black hairs on the back, and the black on the tips of the ears and muzzle is slightly more pronounced.

Fang Lin looked at the puppy. It should be of the same breed as the black dragon.

Will he compete with this little boy later? ?

The little military dog ​​stood quietly at the trainer's feet, his eyes were a little curious but also timid.

The more Fang Lin looked at it, the more he frowned in his heart. Isn't this... a little contemptuous of him?

Couldn't it be because he knew he was a husky, so he was afraid that he would be ashamed, so he specially found a puppy who knew nothing to demonstrate with him?

The young trainer saluted a few of them with a cautious expression.

Because this is actually a test for him, it can be said to be an on-site test of business ability, and he needs to show his level to the people of the whole country.

Director Tao stood up and smiled at the camera and presided over it: "Next, trainer Chen will help Ms. Yang, and then compare with the young trainers in the base."

When the young warrior heard the words "bi one to one", his expression became much more serious.

Fang Lin, who noticed this detail, felt a little happy, why didn't he even give his last name.

But it's okay, I'll let you order.

As Fang Lin muttered in his heart, Director Tao stood to the side and handed over the scene to instructor Chen.

He coughed lightly and said: "First of all, let's start with the simplest sitting. The military dog ​​here is more than two months old and is undergoing training on these basic commands. If you usually keep pets, you can also start at this age. Get training."

"Because the training of these commands is not something that can be completed in a short time, I will take you through the training process."

"Come on, Xiao Li, you do it, and I will explain next to you."


Trainer Xiao Li stood at attention and saluted, then sat down dignifiedly on the open space, hugged the puppy to his left, took out a small snack from his pocket and hung it over the puppy's head.

During the process, the little military dog ​​became a little lively due to the appearance of food, and the trainer Xiao Li patiently guided its movements little by little.

Instructor Chen held a sound receiver and explained in a low voice next to Yang Ma and Liu Jing.

"If we want to train pets, we must first understand what kind of personality the pet is, whether it is excited, lively or quiet."

"Like this cub is the quiet type. This kind of cub may not be as flexible as the previous two types of cubs in training, so we can't give out commands continuously in the early stage. It is best to have a certain understanding of passwords and passwords. interval."

Sure enough, Xiao Li's trainer was very patient in his actions.

Yang Ma and Liu Jing didn't expect to have such a saying, and they really learned it.

Fang Lin was a little slanderous, why does this quiet type sound like a foolish type?

"Now Xiao Li is training to sit sideways, that is, when he is sitting on the ground, let the military dog ​​sit on his left side."

"Look, he is using food to lure the military dog ​​to jump up and look up. If it doesn't stand firmly on the ground, it is now!"

At this time, when the puppy fell down, one of its buttocks fell to the ground, and Xiao Li's trainer quickly said clearly: "Sit!"

When the little army dog ​​just sat down, he immediately said: "Okay." Then handed it the snacks.


Liu Jing took a breath and felt that she had learned some unique secrets.

Trainer Chen smiled and said, "Yes, that's it. Just keep repeating the conditioned reflex of letting the puppy stay at the end. Because it is only two months old now, it may need to be repeated many times."

Sure enough, when Xiao Li's trainer gave the order to sit down again after the little army dog ​​finished eating the snacks, the little army dog ​​was still sniffing his hand with its head stretched out.

After Yang's mother, Liu Jing, and the camera captured these pictures, the trainer Chen said, "Standing and sitting are no different from this one. It's the same. Now you can try it."


Director Tao handed Mama Yang a plastic sealed bag with some dog food in it.

After Yang Ma took it, she stood in front of Fang Lin nervously. She took a deep breath and looked at Kaka who was also staring at her and suddenly didn't know how to start.

Seeing Yang's mother hesitated, Chen's trainer took the opportunity to chat to ease her: "How old is this husky?"

"About four months."

"Ah?" Instructor Chen looked at Fang Lin's size, scratched the back of his head and said, "That's growing very fast, haha."

Fang Lin is more than a circle bigger than a normal-growing husky, but fortunately, he is still a little away from his adult size, otherwise it would be hard to say.

Mama Yang also calmed down after being interrupted by this.

The camera focused on a person and a dog, and Yang Ma's beautiful profile showed a serious expression.

She reviewed the process in her mind, and looked at Kaka again with confidence.

Well, the first step is
Mama Yang frowned immediately.


Fang Lin was also a little surprised, why did Yang's mother stare at him and not start?

"Well, Kaka, you stand up first."

Oh, this is it.

Fang Lin immediately stood obediently in front of Mama Yang.

Seeing Kaka standing up, Mama Yang nodded in satisfaction, took out a piece of dog food and hung it over Kaka's head.


So I should jump up and eat this dog food now?

Then I have to pretend I can't reach it, and finally have to sit on the ground without paying attention?
Fang Lin looked at the dog food above his forehead, hesitant.

Instructor Chen saw something was wrong, so he interrupted Yang's mother and said, "Ms. Yang, just give the order and try."


"Kaka, sit down!"

Fang Lin didn't hesitate and squatted down in front of Mama Yang.

Instructor Chen applauded and said: "Not bad, it seems that Ms. Yang, you usually train Kaka, don't you?"

"Uh, yeah."

Instructor Chen nodded. He felt that something was wrong when Kaka stood up obediently just now.

"Okay, that means Kaka has already learned this command, so let's move on to the next one? The audience friends in front of the screen just need to follow the steps I just explained to train."

Hearing what instructor Chen said, Mama Yang put the dog food back into the bag unwillingly, and it was over before she started trying it.

Yang Ma glared at Fang Lin with some resentment, making Fang Lin baffled.

"Then we will hold the leash with our left hand and shorten the leash."

"At this time, we hold the food in our right hand, and at the same time issue the command "Lean", and lead the military dog ​​forward. If it maintains a relatively correct posture, we will reward it with food."

Along with Chen's trainer's explanation, Xiao Li's trainer also began to train the little military dog ​​according to this method.

However, it may be that the little military dog ​​is only more than two months old, and the situation is frequent. He always walks and wants to drill the trainer's leg, or just looks around.

Even if it succeeds once, it will act as if it didn't hear it when it issued the order to rely on after extending the traction rope.

It seems that it still takes a long time to practice, so this is the reason why I started training for more than two months.

When it was Fang Lin's turn to play, Chen's trainer specifically asked in advance: "When you usually take Kaka out, does it run around?"

"Running around?"

"It's like rushing, or not following you to keep pace with your rhythm, staying behind or like to go forward and take you."

Mama Yang recalled it for a while, and it seemed that the princess had all the points mentioned by the trainer Chen! ! !

But Kaka is very obedient, and has always been by her side in a leisurely manner.

"No, Kaka has always been by my side."

"Demonstrate it."

So Yang Ma led Fang Lin for a while and then walked back, Lin followed her closely all the way.

Instructor Chen said in surprise: "This is the smartest and most obedient husky I have ever seen. The reason why we don't use huskies as military dogs is because they often disobey orders and have their own ideas."

Yang's mother couldn't help touching Fang Lin's head when she heard the praise.

Yes, very long face.

But she still asked, "Then what should we do now?"

Instructor Chen thought for a while and said: "Then I will take you to practice the command, just let it know that the command "rely" means to follow, and at the same time, you can use "fast" and "slow" to adjust the speed."

"It already travels, so it should be a quick learner."

(End of this chapter)

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