Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 122 Conditioning Reflex

Chapter 122 Conditioning Reflex
But the kennel was relatively quiet, and the doctor caught her voice, so he said in a gentle voice, "This is another vaccination for military dogs."

"At the same time, we have regular monthly physical examinations for military dogs. Our canine disease cure rate and breeding survival rate rank first in the same industry in the country. At the same time, a military dog ​​disease prevention and control institute is also located here."

Seeing this situation, Fang Lin murmured in his heart.

It seems that the security level of this military dog ​​base is not low, otherwise so many important things are here.

However, the kennels for these visits should be booked in advance, and the process should be prepared early in order to show the appearance of the base as much as possible.

But Fang Lin doesn't reject this kind of process. If there are so many kennels here to visit like chickens without a head, the day will be over in a while.

After the injection, the female doctor also checked Fang Lin's physical condition in front of the camera, and looked at him all over.

In the end, she repeatedly praised Mama Yang for taking good care of her, and said that Kaka's physical condition was very good.

Soon the group went on to the last kennel to visit. Director Tao made a special phone call and told Mama Yang that the opportunity to visit this time was very rare.

This made Fang Lin a little curious.

Finally, after some guidance, Fang Lin was taken to a kennel that looked obviously more advanced, with a big number 6 written on it, which should mean the number six.

This kennel is not big, and there is only one military dog ​​living in it, with a breeder and a doctor standing next to it.

Director Tao took a few people closer to have a look, and the good guy turned out to be a Labrador who was giving birth.

Liu Jing immediately opened her mouth, but quickly covered her mouth and dared not make a sound.

All living beings are naturally in awe of life. Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone quietly lowered their voices and slowed down their movements, leaving enough space for the doctors on site, for fear of disturbing them.

The breeder next to him who was sweating profusely saw Director Tao coming, wiped the sweat from his forehead, walked over and began to introduce in a low voice.

This military dog ​​is a British Labrador named "Yug", which was carefully bred at the base.

While everyone was watching, Yuge also looked curiously through the figures of the doctors with his wide eyes open.

The eyes of the black dragon also softened rarely, and he squatted far away, afraid of disturbing her.

Because the timing was so ingenious, the first puppy was born soon, the pink and tender skin seemed to have blood vessels, and the whole body was wet.

The doctor quickly tore the fetal membranes on the puppy, wiped the mucus from its mouth and nose with gauze, cut the umbilical cord short, and applied iodine to the wound.

Finally, he put the puppy back to Yugo's mouth, and Yugo, who looked a little tired, dutifully licked the newborn puppy with his tongue, licking him dry.

The first puppy was born so smoothly.

Yogg is a snow-white dog with yellowed ears, and this puppy looks exactly like her, it can be called a miniature version.

Seeing this, Liu Jing gave a small cheer, and she put her hands tightly on her chest and prayed.

Mama Yang also stared at Youge intently, but for some reason she suddenly looked at Fang Lin with very soft eyes.

This action made Fang Lin, who was also concentrating on it, a little puzzled.

I don't understand, it's all right to see what I'm doing?
However, Mama Yang's eyes didn't stay for long, and soon returned to Yuge who was giving birth.

One puppy was born, and a second came soon after.

The whole delivery was going on, Director Tao patted Yang Ma and Liu Jing at this time, indicating that they could leave quietly.

Is this gone?

He also wanted to see if both mother and child were safe in the end.

Although he was too far away to get close, this new life gave him a sense of hope.

The visit has come to an end here for the time being, and the time has come to almost ten o'clock in the morning.

Director Tao led a group of people to a small training ground, which was an open space with some simple obstacles set up here.

On the training ground, several trainers happened to be training their military dogs. Following the actions of the trainers, a military dog ​​jumped onto a high obstacle and began to climb upwards.

Everything went smoothly until here, but the next rope bridge made the military dog ​​a little scared.

The height of the cable bridge is as high as two meters, the steps are very small, and the distance between them is relatively large. The military dog ​​stepped on it tentatively, took two steps and then stopped.

The Kunming dog actually looks a little cute, and its appearance is somewhat similar to the German Shepherd, but there are some differences.

The pure black hair covers the back, while the limbs and abdomen are yellow fur, and it also has black mouth tips and eyes.

This appearance makes them intimidating when they are fierce, but makes them feel like a child when they are wronged.

This somewhat tall military dog ​​felt a little bit like this at this time, and his pace was a little hesitant.

"Lightning! Come in!"

The trainer stands below and directs the military dog ​​while preventing danger from happening.

After he repeated several times, Lightning finally obeyed the trainer's order and strode forward.

And when Lightning overcame his inner fear, he easily conquered the rope bridge and ran down.

The camera recorded the whole scene observed by Mama Yang and Liu Jing, from nervousness to happiness after it succeeded.

Instructor Chen led the black dragon and explained to Yang Ma and Liu Jing with a smile: "This is actually the normal state of military dogs at the beginning."

"In the beginning, they were just ordinary dogs. They were afraid of heights, fire, and loud noises. What we ordinary people are afraid of, they are actually afraid of."

"But after training, they can grow into very good fighters in the end, just like the black dragon."

The trainers on the training ground were already waiting in place, and when a group of people came over, they lined up to welcome them.

After the simple opening remarks, Chen's trainer finally started to explain the hard goods. He will start to briefly explain to Yang's mother how to train a prohibited military dog, and at the same time, he is going to let Yang's mother use Kaka for experiments.

In the camera, Mama Yang, who is wearing a military uniform and looks heroic, is holding Fang Lin and standing aside to prepare to train according to what he said, while the trainer Chen stands opposite and begins to speak.

Fang Lin was inexplicably nervous.

It's so exciting, how many times should I do it?
"First of all, before training, we need to understand a concept."

"What is conditioned reflex and unconditioned reflex."

"Unconditioned reflexes are simply what we often call instinct, such as the blinking, breathing, and defecation of puppies."

"The conditioned reflex is the temporary neural connection formed in the cerebral cortex by countless external stimuli during the acquired life process of the individual."

Liu Jing nodded her head while wandering away.

Instructor Chen looked at Liu Jing and smiled and said, "It's very simple. For example, if someone calls your name, you will turn your head unconsciously. This is a conditioned reflex."

"Oh, I see."

(End of this chapter)

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