Chapter 121
Jiang Baibai carefully observed the blue-haired parrot, which was the second animal she met in her ancestral home that could communicate freely with her.

However, unlike Kaka, she could feel a wave of aura from this parrot, indicating that it had embarked on the path of aura cultivation, but had not yet reached the beast spirit realm.

Have the animals in the ancestral land also started to practice?
Jiang Baibai was thinking to himself, and on the surface he leaned back calmly and saluted.

Things are getting more interesting.

When she first came here, everything in Zudi felt novel to her. From Kaka, she knew that it was because of the changes brought about by such things as "technology".

But now the ancestral land seems to have opened a new track, and I don't know what it will look like under the influence of aura.

She now has an inexplicable feeling that she is witnessing history. She used to be fascinated by important or interesting things when she read classics, but now she is participating in it.

It was really the right time to sneak over here.

Academician Lu smiled gently and said to Jiang Baibai: "We know that your name is Jiang Baibai, right? It's hard to believe that you clans in the spirit world would use the surname of Longguo. One source."

Xiaolan waited for Academician Lu to finish speaking and began to translate in a murmur.

Jiang Baibai nodded without hesitation and replied: "The spirit world and the ancestral land did come from the same source a long time ago."

She felt that this kind of thing was not a secret.

Xiaolan started translating directly with authentic Beijing movies.

After a translation, the three of Deng Jiefu and Deng Jiefu looked at each other in surprise when they heard Jiang Baibai's words. It seems that the princess of the Nine Nether Mysterious Cat knows a lot.

And it doesn't seem to be against talking to them, which could be an opportunity.

Deng Jiefu pondered for a while and said, "Your Highness Jiang, I don't know if you know that in the near future, Blue Star and your spirit world will completely interfere together, and many permanent passages will be formed."

"Cuckoo, quack."

"Well, I've heard it, and that's why I came to investigate the ancestral land on behalf of the Nine Nether Mysterious Cat Clan."


Jiang Baibai seized the opportunity to express his importance in a timely manner.

Although these human beings seem to be very kind, what if they have bad intentions?

Seizing every possibility to improve their status in their hearts is the key.

"Please rest assured, Longguo has always been very hospitable to its friends, and we will only be as ruthless as the autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves when we treat our enemies."

"If the nobles are neutral or even willing to cooperate in their diplomacy with their own country, we will naturally reciprocate and guarantee your personal safety here."

"Of course, it would be even better if you are willing to introduce some basic information about the spirit world to us."

Seeing Deng Jiefu's serious face, Jiang Baibai knew that his words had some effect.

So without much hesitation, she roughly talked about some common sense and distribution of the spirit world, as well as the attitudes of the various races in the spirit world towards the ancestral land that they were most concerned about.

After hearing this, Academician Lu frowned and said, "You mean that the reason why the Sky Devourer and the Jinyan Saint Lions are hostile to us is because they are afraid that we will use them as mounts like before?"

"There is a possibility."

When Academician Lu heard this, he shook his head and didn't want to say anything more.

Since this is the case, there is nothing to talk about. The two clans have nothing to do with the Dragon Kingdom now. When the aura is fully recovered and the aura practice standards are implemented throughout the country, there will be more talents.

At that time, if it develops, whether to use these two clans to scare chickens and monkeys, or to let go of hatred and negotiate peace will be the initiative of your own side.

As the topic unfolded, the atmosphere in the conference room gradually became harmonious.

Xia Chenglin even took the opportunity to help his little Jin ask some questions about his future practice, and he couldn't bear it after learning that spirit beasts also possess exercises and the like.

Although Jiang Baibai in front of him is considered neutral for the time being or the friendly side can't attack, but he doesn't want to be soft on those stupid lions and tigers.

He and Deng Jiefu looked at each other and made up their minds to catch a B-level one, but it was a little difficult to implement.

Because the highest level of the spirit world that can get close to the passage is B-level, they often form groups or do not show their faces at all to confront each other.

The translators at both ends of Xiaolan were a little thirsty, and the meeting temporarily entered a break amidst its dissatisfied protests.

At the same time, Fang Lin finally entered a kennel to visit.

The kennel is a large flat floor, which is divided into individual cubicles.

Military dogs live in single rooms, which are warm in winter and cool in summer. In winter, there are special heaters and planks for sleeping. These basic facilities guarantee the daily sleep quality of military dogs.

After all, the training of military dogs is very hard and exhausting, and the jobs that military dogs are generally engaged in are tasks that humans cannot complete or are extremely high-risk, and some of them can even be said to be dying.

Therefore, military dogs are also worthy of such treatment. During the mission, they will unswervingly obey orders and face guns without hesitation.

There are an average of 20 military dogs here, and there is a soldier "nanny" who serves them meticulously.

After entering the kennel, there is no such imaginary smell of excrement. On the contrary, the overall cleanliness and cleanliness are amazing.

The glass is clear and clean, and the floor is also spotless. It can be seen that the soldiers are cleaning it every day.

Perhaps because of the recognition of life, the military dogs in the small cubicle started to jump at the side of the cage and bark at the group of people after seeing the group of people, and the barking became one in the blink of an eye.

This startled Liu Jing and Yang's mother. Fortunately, these Kunming dogs did not have the aura of adults, otherwise they would not have dared to go inside.

"Wow wow!"

Heilong also followed Chen's trainer and walked in. He was a little annoyed when he heard the cries of a group of younger brothers, and wanted to suppress them.

However, these little Kunming dogs are all newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, not to mention that they also know that black dragons cannot get in through the cage, so they bark even more fiercely when there are no birds at all.

Fang Lin thought about whether to use his aura to help the black dragon shake the place secretly, but the military dogs should have this feeling of fearlessness.

Just when he finished fighting, the "nanny" assigned by these little military dogs arrived and ordered all the puppies to stop barking and sit down obediently.

Because Yang Ma and Liu Jing didn't like the vicious looks and rowdy behavior of these little military dogs just now, so after the trainer's brief introduction and visit, they went out without nostalgia.

Sure enough, women are perceptual animals.

In the following visit, Director Tao took Yang Ma and Liu Jing to visit a kennel.

In this room, a group of people saw a female doctor in a white coat and a mask. She was holding a needle tube and giving injections to military dogs.

The military dog ​​endured the pain silently without saying a word, but there was some fate in Hei Liang's eyes.

Liu Jing touched her goose bumps, and asked Director Tao in a low voice, "Is this sick?"

 Thank you for the 500 starting point coins rewarded by Judgment Spike, and the 1500 starting point coins rewarded by Teemo who brushed the abyss! ! !

  Thanks Boss Boss Boss Daqi Boss is in good health! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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