Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 120 Black Dragon

Chapter 120 Black Dragon ([-] words)

Soon the scene changed again, and one of the black backs took the lead to cross all obstacles and enter the final fire circle obstacle.

It looked at the raging fire in front of it without any fear, and its four paws flew over without stopping for a moment.

At the same time, the trainer, who was dressed in wartime clothes while holding an assault rifle, also rushed over and made a gesture at the same time.

In such a chaotic and noisy scene, the military dog ​​can also quickly receive instructions, and immediately sneak into the trainer's crotch in a vigilant posture, and search forward with him.

Soon the other nine military dogs and trainers were also in place, moving forward in cooperation with each other.

The "enemy" in front was wearing thick protective clothing and held a gun in his right hand. Seeing the military dogs approaching them, they began to flee backwards.

At this time, the trainers immediately issued an attack command, and the military dogs roared out and rushed towards the "enemy".

The "enemies" were frightened, and while continuing to flee forward, they began to pick up firearms with blank ammunition and shoot at the military dogs.

For a while, the gunshots rang out again, and the explosives in the side ditch detonated again, and the sound of huge explosions was heard endlessly.

These military dogs did not change their expressions in the face of the hail of bullets and the explosions that were close at hand. They jumped sideways and quickly approached these gun-wielding enemies, and then bit the "enemy"'s arm without letting go. "Take it directly to the ground.

The trainers rushed to subdue the enemy, and the military dogs immediately returned to their cages and surrounded the trainers to be vigilant.

This exercise and game is now completely over.

Yang Ma and Liu Jing looked at it with relish and their blood boiled, especially the sulfur smell in the air was stimulating their brains.

Although frightened by the gunshots and explosions, the timid avoidance of the two beauties is not offensive. After all, this is the normal reaction of the people in peaceful times.

Only in this way can it highlight the well-trained soldiers and military dogs.

Mama Yang's hand holding Fang Lin's dog leash turned white from the force, which was much more exciting than the usual war movies.

Facts have proved that boys are not the only ones who like to dance with guns and sticks. Mama Yang from the Northeast and Liu Jing, a cute girl born and raised in the south, both seemed a little excited.

Mama Yang looked down at Fang Lin, her eyes were shining brightly.

She wanted to train Kaka well, and then try the cooperation between the trainers and the military dogs during the morning exercise. It looks very interesting.

At this time Director Tao stood up in front of the camera and began to spread some knowledge to Yang Ma, Liu Jing and future audiences.

It roughly means that the contest just now fully demonstrated the prohibition and well-trained military dogs, and also examined their endurance, explosive power, anti-interference ability and so on.

Because normal dogs are very repellent to violent sounds and pungent smells, because they all have sharper senses of hearing and smell than humans.

The flames, gunpowder, smoke and explosions in the field are each a huge challenge.

But even a little bit of fear can't complete this set of procedures smoothly, not to mention the scene of actually facing the bullet shooting at the end.

After Director Tao's analysis, Mama Yang and Liu Jing, who already thought these military dogs were powerful, couldn't help nodding their heads.

"Now let me take you to have a closer look at them."

Director Tao smiled and started to lead the two and one dog to the training ground, where ten trainers and their military dogs were already waiting in line.

Fang Lin stepped on the ground of the training ground and slowly looked at the entire training ground.

To be reasonable, in the end the military dogs charged at the gunmen really shocked him.

He is indeed a D-rank awakener now. Although ordinary D-ranks cannot resist bullets, one or two guns at their speed can no longer pose a threat to them.

And because Fang Lin's special physical talent is not far from C-level, he will not be injured.

But Fang Lin hasn't really tested his abilities yet. Even if he knows that he won't be injured, his heart will be pounding in the face of bullets.

He felt that if he faced gun shooting, unless he was already on top at that time, he would definitely choose to turn around.

Who is not afraid of normal people?
The training of these military dogs is also too cruel, so they can just rush if they say they want to.

Just when Fang Lin was sighing in his heart, he suddenly remembered that this was a military dog ​​base.

Is it because military dogs are trained more rigorously than police dogs?Or the police dogs are so fierce.

It's a pity that no one answered his doubts for the time being.

Director Tao has also brought several people to the scene, and the leading soldier took the lead to welcome Yang Ma and Liu Jing.

Director Tao began to let the trainers introduce the situation in turn after some pleasantries.

The lead trainer and his military dog ​​are the first champions to complete the task.

The military dog, a majestic Kunming dog, squatted beside the trainer, stared at the few people calmly, and then focused on Fang Lin.

Because military dogs serve for the special tasks of the army, the general scope of activities is in the army, or serves in the special environment of army activities.

Therefore, it is difficult for us to see it in our daily life, and this kind of dog breed is like a soldier in the army. They are all strictly selected, such as German shepherds and Doberman pinschers. Famous military dog.

However, the local Kunming dog generally used by the Longguo Federation is also known as the king of military dogs.

The ten military dogs in front of me are basically Kunming dogs, but there are some differences in their appearance.

All ten military dogs noticed Fang Lin who was wearing sunglasses on the opposite side, and their curious or plain eyes all focused on him.

Fang Lin's keen senses also noticed the leader. He could feel the battle-tested indifference from him, and at the same time, he could feel a trace of murderous aura.

This military dog ​​has really killed the enemy.

He had felt a similar aura from the young version of the old wolf king who was evolving and fighting in the studio.

Of course, the old wolf king's body is much richer than it. After all, although the old wolf king was young at that time, he had grown up fighting all the way.

However, there is a big difference between having murderous aura and not having it.

According to normal people, if you look at this dog, even if it does not move or bark, just standing opposite, you will feel fear involuntarily.

Many people should have felt this feeling from the big wolf dog tied in the village when they were young.

The trainer of this military dog ​​is a strong and capable man, he saluted and started the introduction.

"Its name is Black Dragon. It has done second-class merit once and third-class merit twice. It is good at biting, tracking, identifying, searching, searching for explosives, skydiving, and blasting. "

Heilong held his head high, as if he knew that the trainer was talking about his glorious experience.

Yang Zhen and Li Mei, who had been following not far away, watched this scene quietly.

After Li Mei sent Jiang Baibai to the quarantine area set up, she was handed over to the special person there to take her with her.

Now she was holding a small DV in one hand, and poked Yang Zhen with the other.

"Is this scene very familiar, does it bring back some memories?"

The complex look in Yang Zhen's eyes under the sunglasses was fleeting, and then he frowned and looked at Li Mei: "Which pot do you not open and which pot do you carry?"

Li Mei curled her lips: "I just want to see if you've opened your eyes. You have to look to the future instead of staying in the past."

Who doesn't have a comrade who died in battle.

As the intelligence officer who inspected Yang Zhen, she naturally knew about Yang Zhen, so she wanted to comfort Yang Zhen.

Because she felt that since Yang Zhen took the initiative to take the lead in visiting the military dog ​​base, she should have already seen it, so she used a teasing tone.

Who knows, it seems that Yang Zhen is still thinking about it.

Looking at the ten military dogs, Yang Zhen sighed in his heart. He will never forget the grenade that flew in and that vigorous figure.

On the other hand, Yang Ma and Liu Jing's eyes widened after hearing this series of resumes, and Liu Jing even exclaimed: "So powerful?"

Director Tao was very satisfied with Liu Jing's reaction. In fact, the effect of the program is to be praised. It would be too embarrassing if there was no response after a series of talks.

She even planned to tell Liu Jing to let go after this project, not to be too restrained.

Fang Lin sounded normal at the beginning, but it didn't feel more and more outrageous until the skydiving blast later.

This means that I went skydiving with dynamite in my mouth and exploded?
How did this military dog ​​ignite?Or are the explosives remotely controlled?
No matter how you think about it, it feels difficult to complete.

Next, the nine trainers introduced their military dogs respectively, and Director Tao finally made a summary.

It turns out that this southern province military dog ​​base sends hundreds of high-quality military dogs to the whole army every year.

The ten students in front of me are those who have already graduated and came back to show.

And the drill just now was actually a big meal, first to show Yang Ma, Liu Jing and the audience how powerful the military dogs are.

There will be no such serious activities in the future, just visit the base to see those military dogs who are still in training, and experience experience projects and the like.

The other nine trainers had already evacuated with the military dogs, and the trainer surnamed Chen and Hei Long stayed behind with Director Tao to take Yang Ma and Liu Jing to the kennel.


Fang Lin took the initiative to say hello to the approaching black dragon. In his eyes, this could be regarded as a serious civil servant.

Who knew that Heilong just responded with a nasal voice and didn't talk to Fang Lin anymore, maybe he regarded him as a little fanboy or something, showing his aloofness.

Fang Lin couldn't keep his face hot and his butt cold, so he didn't speak again.

But elites are always aloof, and a future Emperor Ha like him can't care too much about fighting heroes.

In case there is any competition experience project for him to participate in, he will have to be a little bit clumsy so as not to surpass the black dragon.

It's just to save face, but also to be reasonable. After all, fighting heroes like Heilong are experienced in many battles. What if he, a husky who is a circle smaller than others, competes fiercely and broadcasts it?
But you have to play it a little bit.

Recently, the official account of this kind of military theme has attracted more and more attention due to the improvement of national pride. This is also an opportunity for him to go to sea.

A group of people left the training ground in several cars and came to the breeding and living area of ​​military dogs.

When you get off the bus, neat rows of brick and tile houses appear in front of you. There are very complete facilities here.

Swimming pools, epidemic prevention stations, kitchens, various venues, etc. are all available, and the loud and clear barking of the military dogs living and training here can be heard continuously.

"Wow! Qian, look quickly!!!"

Liu Jing who just got out of the car looked around curiously, and then quickly pushed Mama Yang beside her.

This movement caused everyone, including the camera that had just been set up, to cast their gazes over.

It turned out that not far away was a dark-skinned trainer who was wearing black training short-sleeved camouflage trousers and military boots on the upper body, and passed by forcefully.

The reason why Liu Jing exclaimed was that he actually hugged seven or eight puppies in his footsteps.

These little guys have just grown to the height of the trainer's military boots, and they are all black, especially the tips of their ears, mouths and tails are black and translucent.

They buzzed and crowded, everyone wanted to squeeze next to the trainer, and then followed the trainer slowly away.

Yang Zhen smiled when he saw this scene.

And Yang Ma and Liu Jing were also very happy, who wouldn't want to be surrounded by so many cute little guys and pull their legs?

Of course, Fang Lin was unwilling. A group of little bitches had annoyed him when he went camping.

"This is because the trainers cultivated the obedience of the military dogs from an early age, and often took them for a walk."

Instructor Chen saw Liu Jing and explained curiously.

"Oh, so cute."

Director Tao smiled when he heard this and said: "Our military dogs are all like this. They were cute when they were young, and they are majestic and brave when they grow up."

After finishing this sentence, she took a group of people to start the first visit - the military dog ​​dormitory.

"The first place we are going to go is the military dog ​​dormitory."

"The life of the military dogs in the base is guaranteed. The food standard for each military dog ​​is 1500 yuan, and the ration of food is 50 catties. The supply includes grain, meat, fish, vegetables, and some dairy and egg products. "

Director Tao led a group of people into a kennel while introducing.

On the other hand, Jiang Baibai was a little bit hard.

This is a conference room specially selected in the base, and the surrounding area has been blocked several times inside and out to ensure that no information will be leaked.

The three B-levels opened three aura shields to envelop the conference room.

In the conference room is a long dark solid wood conference table.

The three of Deng Jiefu sat on the side with the Dragon Kingdom Federation flag and sickle flag hanging behind them.

Deng Jiefu was in the middle, Xia Chenglin and Academician Lu were on both sides.

The blue-haired parrot was still squatting on Academician Lu's shoulder.

They all looked at Jiang Baibai opposite with sincere smiles on their faces.

Jiang Baibai sat on the other side of the conference table. Considering Jiang Baibai's height, a lot of cushions were specially raised and fixed on her chair, and the position of the chair was adjusted so that she could sit there very comfortably.

There was a bunch of fruits in front of him, with small crystal clear water droplets on them, which looked extraordinary at first glance.

Jiang Baibai looked at these fruits, and recognized that these were actually fruits with a little aura, far worse than the ones she ate for Kaka.

In the spirit world, it belongs to the kind that no one will eat except ordinary animals, which are very common fruits that grow on the side of the road.

However, she also felt the sincerity of these human beings, after all, she also knew that the concentration of aura on the ancestral land should be rare.

She adjusted her sitting posture, showing her aristocratic demeanor, waiting for a few people to speak.

After the three of Deng Jiefu looked at each other, Academician Lu who was sitting beside him coughed lightly and spoke.

"Hello, Your Royal Highness, Princess of the Nine Nether Mysterious Cat Clan, I welcome you on behalf of the Dragon Kingdom Federation."

Just when Jiang Baibai couldn't understand and frowned, the blue-haired parrot on Academician Lu's shoulder spoke.

"Googling, humming, gurgling, quacking."

After the blue-haired parrot finished speaking, it slowly opened its beautiful dark blue wings.

Then he stepped back a foot in a very gentlemanly way, stroked a wing on his chest and bowed slightly forward, doing a very standard meeting etiquette.


 Thanks to those who have never seen the ancients and never seen the future, Ceha Pentium rewarded 1500 starting point coins! ! !

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health! ! !

  There are two normal updates every day, I just put them together to make everyone look more comfortable, woo woo.

(End of this chapter)

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