Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 119 It's Strange

Chapter 119 Is Really Strange ([-] words)

When Fang Lin was surprised, the group noticed the huge monster between the trees.

A Secret Service field soldier ran over to pick up a few people into the cordon, and arrived at this large lawn after passing through a row of woods.

The shape of the entire helicopter was completely revealed in front of several people.

The huge gray-green fuselage stands quietly on the lawn, and the huge propeller above the head is rumbling and spinning at high speed, making huge noise and wind pressure.

The lawn centered on the helicopter was violently blown outward by the wind pressure, as if it was about to be blown up by the roots.

There is also a small propeller on the long tail, and a cylindrical radar under the nose.

The soldiers helped carry the luggage and lead a group of people to prepare to board the plane.

Liu Jing tried her best to stabilize her hair that was fluttering in the wind, but after working hard, she found that it seemed to be a futile effort.

She directly gave up and said, "We want to sit."

However, she found that her words could not be heard in this level of noise.

So she turned up her voice and yelled at Yang Zhen: "We! We want to sit! This one!"

Yang Zhen heard the movement and replied loudly: "Yes! The base is far away! Board the plane!"

"Can I take a picture?!"

It was the first time for Liu Jing to ride such a domineering helicopter, so of course she couldn't help but want to take a video.

"Someone shoot!"

Yang Zhen dragged her by the shoulders to make her turn her head, and pointed to Li Mei who was holding a small video camera behind her.

Then he quickly boarded the plane with a few people, he didn't want to be blown all the time.

In fact, the normal process should be to wait for a few people to board the plane before starting to take off.

But this armed Z-20 is a military tactical helicopter specially assigned to the Sioux City Secret Service, and the pilot is also an ace pilot in the army.

How can it be possible in the military to wait for everyone to board before taking off? The pilot does not have this habit.

So as soon as he received the news of Yang Zhen's arrival, he immediately entered the preparation posture and could take off on the spot at any time.

Yang's mother pursed her mouth tightly, covered her hair with one hand and led Fang Lin to the plane, while Liu Jing hugged Jiang Baibai tightly in her arms. After they were helped onto the helicopter, they were put on small vests, fastened their seat belts, and put them on. Headphones.

Yang Zhen also put on earphones for both Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai.

This is because the noise on the helicopter is too loud, on the one hand to protect hearing and on the other hand to facilitate communication.

After everything was in place, the helicopter slowly rose into the sky under the control of the pilot.

It wasn't until then that the group of people calmed down a little.

Mama Yang is a little bit better, because many scenic spots have helicopter sightseeing projects. She has been on a helicopter many times, but this is the first time for a military helicopter.

Liu Jing held back for a while and said in the communication: "What kind of helicopter is this? Is it an armed helicopter?"

She was a little excited, and the green color of the helicopter camouflage made her a little bit overwhelmed.

The people of Dragon Kingdom always have an inexplicable liking for their own army.

If she could put the scene of boarding the plane just now into the video, it would definitely explode.

"No, armed helicopters are specially used for combat and cannot be transported."

Yang Zhen explained to her: "This is the armed Z-20, a military armed transport helicopter."

"Huh? Then can I cut the photos I took before into the video?"

"The video and photos you took this time will be reviewed in the end, and didn't I tell you that I will cut the video for you in the end, so you don't have to worry about it."


The helicopter tilted suddenly at this moment, and Liu Jing was so frightened that she hurriedly tightened her seat belt.

Since it is a military armed transport helicopter, the comfort level in the cabin is much worse than that of the helicopter outside, because there is no consideration in this aspect, and it can be pulled.

Fang Lin lay obediently in the cabin, never expecting that he would have the opportunity to experience such a cool helicopter.

He once hesitated whether to apply for the military academy, but finally gave up because he didn't want to have surgery because of his vision problems.

It's a pity that there are no missiles on the external hanger of this helicopter, otherwise it can still satisfy the eye addiction.

And Jiang Baibai was even more curious, poking his head and looking out the window through the glass of the cabin.

This big guy can really go to heaven?

In her impression, except for birds and other spirit beasts that are born with wings and can fly, the rest can only go to the sky by mobilizing the power of heaven and earth by promoting the beast master.

Of course, you can also borrow some treasures to achieve corresponding effects.

But now she really didn't see how this big guy that looked like it was just made of some kind of metal could fly and make such a loud noise.

This thing should have the same principle as the self-moving carriage I've seen before, right?

She couldn't help asking Fang Lin, but forgot that she still had a headset on her head.


The meowing sound was clearly heard by everyone, and everyone looked at Jiang Baibai.


Fang Lin reluctantly opened his mouth and let her get off the helicopter.

It's like everyone is connected to the mic together, he doesn't want to meow in everyone's ears all the time.

That normal cat and dog can talk so well?

Yang Zhen looked at Jiang Baibai and Kaka thoughtfully, thinking secretly.

This little cat does seem to have something wrong, Lao Deng still kept secret to me, and I had to rely on my own sharp eyes to see the abnormality.

Jiang Baibai also suddenly realized that the earphone on his head was probably like a treasure that could transmit sound, so he immediately closed his mouth and stopped talking.

The atmosphere in the cabin gradually became lively again. Liu Jing pulled Mama Yang to watch the scenery outside the window.

This heavenly perspective is indeed somewhat novel.

Lin's father had previously discussed with Yang's mother whether he should learn to get a helicopter driver's license, but Yang's mother refused him because of safety concerns.

But now she felt that Dad Lin probably would like this feeling very much, so she couldn't help thinking about it again.

Soon after the helicopter flew for almost an hour and covered more than 200 kilometers, it slowly landed in the open space of the Southern Province Military Dog Base.

Because the B-level is equivalent to a super-large-yield nuclear weapon that walks, the Secret Service, a department that is not yet known to the public, has a terrifyingly high status in the Dragon Kingdom.

The event was almost entirely organized by the Secret Service.

But it's also just right, because of the changes in the international situation in recent years, the Dragon Kingdom Federation has grown in strength day by day.

The people's favorability towards the Federation and the military is also rising rapidly, so the military is also constantly carrying out various propaganda.

The publicity of the military dog ​​base was actually on the agenda early on. After receiving the invitation from the Secret Service, the military was also very cooperative.

This time the Secret Service came to Yangzhen, Li Mei and the pilot, and the helicopter shut down immediately after it landed.

After the group got off the helicopter, there was already a circle of welcoming people in front of them.

A heroic female officer in military uniform stepped forward to greet several people.

"Ms. Yang, Ms. Liu, hello, you can call me Director Tao. You are very welcome to visit the base."

"Because today's schedule is relatively tight, please come and change your clothes with me first, and then we can officially start the tour."

"Change clothes?"

Yang Ma and Liu Jing looked at each other with some doubts, but naturally there is no need to worry about safety issues here, so they followed obediently.

After the exchange, Yang's mother's luggage needed to be checked, and was dragged by director Tao and the two of them approached the group of people next to him. Fang Lin stayed where he was and waited next to Yang Zhen, and Jiang Baibai and Li Mei took it.

But at this moment, the two of them realized something was wrong, because Deng Jiefu was actually standing in the middle of that group of people, with two young men standing on either side, the three of them were clearly different from the people around them.

On the left is a young man who is a bit carefree, and on the right is a calm looking man with glasses. The most peculiar thing is that there is a blue-haired parrot standing firmly on his shoulder.

And these two people are Xia Chenglin and Academician Lu, three of the five Dragon Kingdom Guardian Medal winners gathered here.

The photographers specially prepared by the military with very professional long guns and short cannons are not allowed to shoot at this time.

After a group of people shook hands with Yang's mother Liu Jing one by one, they watched Director Tao take the two away to change clothes.

Because in military activities, all personnel should wear camouflage uniforms, and the base has prepared suitable clothes for the two of them, but there are no epaulettes.

Jiang Baibai was a little restless in Li Mei's arms, she could feel the extraordinary aura of the three people in the middle, each of them was a top existence among the beasts.

Especially the one I met before, who vaguely already has the aura of a king.

Isn't it here to wait for you?
Jiang Baibai felt like a sheep in a pack of wolves now.

But this sheep jumped in on its own initiative.

She wanted to chat with Fang Lin to relax, but suddenly remembered that he was just an ordinary local dog.

That's it.

Jiang Baibai took a deep breath and adjusted his posture.

Although she escaped secretly, she also represents the image of the Nine Nether Mysterious Cat Clan.

Jiang Baibai knew in his heart that this kind of thing would come sooner or later. After knowing that he came here, no matter how peaceful this country is, he would definitely come to communicate with him.

The good news now is that the three people in front of them don't look like they want to do something, they are still looking at themselves and smiling.

Fang Lin glanced at Jiang Baibai, and also guessed that Deng Jiefu was here to find the little white cat.

I didn't expect this little white cat to be quite important, so I came to look for it again?
Deng Jiefu watched Liu Jing and Yang Ma leave, and nodded to Yang Zhen and Li Mei.

Li Mei stroked Jiang Baibai lightly to stabilize her emotions, then carried her towards Deng Jiefu and the others.

She knew whether the spirit beast in her arms was a C-level spirit beast. Although only the top D-level spirit beasts were suppressed now, she was not even a D-level spirit beast.


Fang Lin called out to Yang Zhen with some doubts.

Yang Zhen explained to him: "Be careful with that little white cat, it has an unusual background."

Fang Lin gave him a blank look.

I use you to say this?

The great emperor has gathered a lot of wool.

I want to ask you why you are here.

Seeing Fang Lin's disdain, Yang Zhen squatted down and pointed to Xia Chenglin and Academician Lu, and said, "Did you see those two next to Lao Deng? One is the person in charge of the Shanghai Secret Service and the other is from the Federal Research Institute. A B-level like Lao Deng, very powerful."

"I guess I took the little white cat to ask and explain something, and I have to live with you in the future."

Speaking of this, Yang Zhen was a little distressed: "I knew that the kitten was so troublesome and I wouldn't let Liu Jing take it home. She didn't bully you, did she?"


Fang Lin frowned a little dissatisfied, what happened to Yang Zhen?

Can he be bullied by cats?

Deng Jiefu signaled to Fang Lin and Yang Zhen again at this time, and then the three of them and Li Mei took Jiang Baibai to the confidential reception room prepared earlier in the base.

After a while, Director Tao came out with Yang Ma and Liu Jing who had changed their clothes.

They were wearing camouflage uniforms, combat boots on their feet, and ponytails behind their heads, which was a bit different from usual.

Especially Liu Jing, even the camouflage uniform couldn't hide the magnificence of her chest, and the soldiers even painted a small rectangular strip of oil paint on her fair and tender face.


Liu Jing and Yang Ma came to Fang Lin, and Director Tao handed it to Yang Zhen with a small tactical vest in his hand.

what is this?
Fang Lin was a little puzzled, and soon Yang Zhen put on this tactical vest for him, and took out a pair of sunglasses for Fang Lin to put on.

In an instant, Fang Lin became a handsome and compelling military dog ​​husky.

"Wow, Kaka is too handsome."

Liu Jing looked at Fang Lin and cried out. At this time, the photographers next to him finally started working and started to follow along.

Yang Zhen and Yang Ma explained that they were going to experience the project soon, and after temporarily settling Jiang Baibai, they handed Fang Lin's rope to Yang Ma and stood in the distance.

"Welcome both of you to visit the Southern Provincial Military Dog Base. It happens that the military dog ​​champion competition is going on in the base. Come with me to have a look, both of you."

Director Tao spoke an opening remark that everyone understood in front of the camera, and led a few people into an open military off-road vehicle and drove to the observation area beside the training ground.

There are already 20 officers and soldiers with military dogs and gloves lined up on the training ground.

In front of them are trenches and obstacles, as well as a ring of fire burning raging fire. In the farthest distance, there are 20 "enemies" wearing thick gloves on their hands.

It seems that these military dogs should quickly pass through these obstacles and finally throw down those enemies.

Just as Yang Ma and Liu Jing got off the station with Fang Lin, they heard an angry roar: "Get ready! Let's go!"


As a soldier with oil paint on his face pulled the trigger, twenty military dogs galloped out.

Like an arrow leaving the string, it shot through the two-meter-wide trench and entered various dazzling obstacles.

"Bang! Boom!"

At this time, a group of soldiers with painted faces crawling on the other side of the training ground began to continuously pull the trigger on the distant target, rehearsing the scene of the real battlefield.

The continuous gunshots made Yang Ma and Liu Jing frown.

The camera also closely captured the expressions of several people, as well as Fang Lin's appearance.

Even gave a close-up.

This is also the careful thinking of the military photographer, who knows that Kaka is just a pet dog.

Normal cats and dogs have a great reaction to noise. For example, you can often see someone playing kicks and so on during the Chinese New Year in the countryside.

When the cannons are fired, the dogs in the family are always frightened and barking.

Although the sound of gunfire is not far from those sounds, it is still such a dense shooting sound.

Although they are at a safe distance now, the photographers still want to capture Kaka's embarrassment to contrast with their own military dogs.

These military dogs advanced rapidly in the smoke of gunpowder, listening to the trainer's orders and performing various tactical actions.

And Fang Lin stood aside wearing sunglasses without any fear, but the husky with a smooth appearance under the camera is even more outstanding.

The photographer curled his lips and secretly withdrew from the camera.

At this time, the military dogs had already rushed into the ruins of the obstacle, passing through obstacles made of various tires and climbing obstacles formed by railings.

"Boom~ boom!"

At this time, the explosion of the explosive package sounded directly from the ammunition pit next to the training ground, and the flames shot up into the sky, and it continued continuously.

For a while, gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the strong smell of sulfur also spread on the training ground.

The sound of the explosion was more violent and sudden than the sound of the gunshots, which scared Mama Yang into swearing.

Liu Jing turned pale and hugged Mama Yang's arm tightly.

Are you playing so hard?

Fang Lin couldn't help admiring the military dogs that were still advancing swiftly amidst the flames and gunpowder smoke on the training ground.

They are just ordinary dogs, but they can still face these things without changing their expressions, which shows how much they usually suffer.

At this time, the camera quietly aimed at Fang Lin again, trying to film its reaction.

However, the cameraman only captured Fang Lin's ears moving, but still failed to capture the whimpering scene he had imagined with his tail between his legs.

It's so weird.

The cameraman was a little surprised.

 Thanks to book friend 20200904** for the 900 starting point coins rewarded, and the 500 starting point coins rewarded by Yin Yang Liangyi!

  Thanks Boss Boss Boss Daqi Boss is in good health!

(End of this chapter)

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