Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 118 The Charm of Language

Chapter 118 The Charm of Language ([-] words)
Why do you need to ask if you are afraid of heights to shoot a video?

Isn't it just going to a military dog ​​base, is there any project that requires two people to experience?
It's unlikely, the two of them went to the military dog ​​base, and the protagonist must be a military dog.

Zaza can't figure it out.

But Fang Lin suddenly thought of the sound of helicopters passing overhead that he heard in the park today, and couldn't help but feel moved.

What the hell!

Isn't it going to go there by helicopter?

The more Fang Lin thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case. Otherwise, he felt that there was no other possibility, and he could only let the two women experience some high-altitude event at that time.

But that doesn't quite fit the theme.

It sure is!

Fang Lin's dog's mouth couldn't help grinning.

That's a helicopter!

Just ask that boy who doesn't want to fly in a helicopter!

He had seen helicopters on TV before, and occasionally from a distance in the sky.

But I haven't seen or sat on it very closely.

Just when Fang Lin was happy, Yang's mother finally returned to the car.

She closed the car door and took a breath and said: "After finishing the work, the results will be available in the afternoon, and then wait for Lin Wenshao to come back in the evening and ask him to bring the general's poop over."

"How much did she pay for the physical examination?"

"More than 1000, I didn't look carefully."

Yang's mother found out the invoice and the receipt of the specific project amount issued by the hospital and handed it to Liu Jing.

Because Liu Jing is going to make a video about Jiang Baibai, talk about her situation and show the audience what a pet physical examination looks like.

So she picked up her phone and recorded these receipts on the co-pilot, muttering to herself.

"Examination of body surface and ear canal, 110."

"Edward Biochemical five types of blood routine and cat triple antibody, 980."

"Fecal examination is routine and Toxoplasma 420."

"A total of 1510, tsk is so expensive, there is almost a whole set of SK2 suits."

Liu Jing lowered her head, rubbed Jiang Baibai and sighed, then she asked again.

"Hey, why did you pay for the inspection?"

Mama Yang replied casually while fastening her seat belt and starting the car: "It's not much, I'll just pay along the way, and it's the same when I pay at night."

Fang Lin was whispering in the back row to translate for Jiang Baibai, while he was also muttering in his heart.

Is pet medical examination so expensive?Then I really might not be able to support myself before.

But Jiang Baibai didn't feel much after hearing this. She has never been short of material since she was a child, but the direction of wealth is different.

"The doctor said that the general looks good and there should be no problem. I will call the store manager of the pet home in the afternoon to order the general and the princess to deliver the necessities to the fifth floor."

Yang's mother drove the car out of the parking lot, and continued to say inadvertently: "Then you can clean up in the afternoon and you will be able to live there tonight."

Originally, Liu Jing was happily playing with Jiang Baibai, but when she heard Yang Ma's words, she pouted: "Qian, why do you want to drive me away so much, isn't it uncomfortable to sleep with me?"

Yang Ma glanced at her and said nothing.

"Hmph, I must be greedy for a man."

Liu Jing spat inwardly and accepted this fact.

Because the entire physical examination process took less than an hour, the group returned home at two o'clock.

Liu Jing shamelessly dragged Yang's mother to sleep for an hour before getting out of bed reluctantly.

I packed my things into the suitcase and took the key and moved to the room on the fifth floor.

Except for Xueqiu who didn't want to go out, Princess Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai went up to join in the fun.

The structure of the room is similar to Yang Ma's house, but the overall style is a little more simplified.

Liu Jing really likes the long western-style dining table, but she usually doesn't need it.

It is true that the room has not been lived in for a day, because the family has already planned to sell it because of the job transfer and going abroad.

So they simply don't live for a day, which is half a selling point.

Liu Jing took a new three-piece bed set from her previous home, and then chose a smaller second bedroom to live in.

It's not that she doesn't want to live in the spacious master bedroom, but that the house is too big for her to live alone.

In the past, she could bear it by herself, but now she felt a little uncomfortable seeing this empty and lifeless room.

This is because Yang Ma and Fang Lin are also here to join in the fun.

She could already imagine what it would be like for her to return to this house alone at night.

So Liu Jing chose a smaller bedroom without hesitation, and she also planned to let Jiang Baibai and the princess sleep on her bed.

Seeing her choice, Mama Yang actually guessed the reason, so she didn't say much, and started to make the bed with her.

The two chatted while packing their things, but the two dogs and one cat were more joyful.

Fang Lin took Jiang Baibai and the princess wandering around the new home to get familiar with the environment.

Because there are new furniture and new smells everywhere, Jiang Baibai and the princess are a little excited.

What Jiang Baibai has always brought in is that he and Liu Jing are at the bottom of this human family.

At the beginning, she had a scenario where the royal princess transformed into a small family branch, and then she was ready to start a plot of intrigue and reversal.

However, after learning from Kaka that love is used to maintain equality in this human country family, he accepted his eagerness to move.

However, in her opinion, Liu Jing is not really Mama Yang's family, so she always pays attention to her behavior in Mama Yang's house, showing her elegance and calmness to avoid embarrassment.

Now she finally and Liu Jing temporarily have an independent small world, even if she heard that Liu Jing lived in this house temporarily.

It's normal for the main line to distribute houses to collaterals. Although there is only the right of residence and no deed, it's not far from it.

Her steps were a little lighter, and she followed Fang Lin to inspect her territory.

But the princess didn't have so many thoughts, she just started sniffing around and the whole dog indulged.

Because she didn't smell much of Yang Ma's breath, Yang Ma was like a big devil in her impression.

This is why most owners don't tear down their dogs at home, after all, they are not stupid.

Except for the cat who dared to push things off the table in person, the dog dared to be presumptuous in person.

Usually, when the shit-shoveling officer is away, he will directly come up with a house renovation plan, and give him a surprise when he comes back.

Seeing the scene where the princess jumped onto the sofa and started to explore, Fang Lin warned Jiang Baibai: "Be careful when you come back at night, don't let the princess demolish the house."


Jiang Baibai looked at the princess who was throwing a pillow around on the sofa with some surprise.

It has a soft and cute appearance, clear and bright eyes, and a dangling little tail.

Aware of Jiang Baibai's gaze, the princess threw out her pillow and stuck out her tongue happily at her.

Just her?

Just this little bitch?

What can something so big do?
Using the word "demolition" is too much, Kaka still hasn't seen anything in the world.

Jiang Baibai nodded perfunctorily, not taking it seriously.

Seeing this, Fang Lin didn't say any more. While acting as a tour guide, he also told Jiang Baibai something about Liu Jing.

Now it's all right, it directly caused Jiang Baibai to frowned and his blood surged up.

Because of what she had seen and heard before, she had a good impression of Liu Jing, she had a good eye, and she was ready to live together for a period of time.

But now I suddenly heard such a big melon.

So this woman is stupid?
Can't control my own husband?

Jiang Baibai remembered the scene where Liu Jing stepped forward to rescue the pregnant kitten in the park, and her adventurous genes suddenly began to boil.

Unexpectedly, when I came to the ancestral land, I could save a kind human woman who was in dire straits.

She gracefully licked her paw and asked Fang Lin, "Where is that man now?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen you for a few days."

Fang Lin is indeed not very clear about Ren Da's whereabouts, and his family has never mentioned it. Maybe the supermarket is too busy recently?

He looked at Jiang Baibai's face ready to help her when she saw injustice, and was afraid that she would do something bad. After all, it is not like the old society where time is slow and life is only enough to love one person. The divorce rate is getting higher and higher. come higher.

Fang Lin hurriedly explained to her that the two were planning to divorce, and Liu Jing was also busy with her new career now.

"In short, everything is developing in a good direction. The scars in her heart just need time to heal."

"Do the scars in your heart take time to heal?"

Jiang Baibai, who had never heard any swear words in the spirit world, murmured this sentence secretly in her heart. She was like a traveler who suddenly drove out of the tunnel, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

Jiang Baibai did not expect that one day he would be touched by a casual word from an ordinary local dog other than handsome.

The way she looked at Fang Lin softened a lot.

"Your last sentence is quite interesting."

Her voice softened unconsciously.

Fang Lin didn't expect Jiang Baibai to say this, he was stunned for a moment and said indifferently: "Oh, I learned this from humans."

He saw that Jiang Baibai seemed a little interested, so he said a few more words casually.

"What's really scary is not the unexpected parting, but the flood of longing after the parting."


"There is always a person who always lives in the bottom of my heart, but disappears in my life."


There is always someone who has always lived in my heart, but disappeared in life.

Jiang Baibai stayed in place completely, repeating this sentence in his heart, his expression was a little out of control.

These words were like a sharp arrow shot from the shadows, directly piercing her heart.

Jiang Baibai suddenly broke her defenses. The things about her mother have always been the scars she has hidden in her heart.

She was silent for a while and said, "Did all of this be learned from humans?"


Fang Lin looked at Jiang Baibai whose eyes were a little out of focus, and felt a little unbelievable.

isn't it?
What is the level of emo?

You have never experienced the non-mainstream wave back then, and you have never seen the net suppression cloud at twelve o'clock.

And he hasn't said any more lethal poems yet.

"Ten years of life and death are boundless, without thinking, and unforgettable. There is nowhere to speak of a lonely grave."

"Things are people, but things don't matter. If you want to speak, tears will flow first."

"If you want to buy sweet-scented osmanthus and carry wine with you, it won't look the same, young man swims."

"Nowadays, I feel so sad that I want to talk and I still want to talk. I want to talk but I still want to talk. But the sky is cool for a long time."

There were too many of these, and Fang Lin didn't dare to say more to her seeing her like this.

"This is the art of language, learn it well."

Fang Lin patted her on the head with his paw, and continued to wander around the room by himself.

Jiang Baibai was still trying to ease his mood.

Sometimes it is like this, the emotions that are usually hidden very well will be made turbulent by a single sentence for no reason.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, the canned dog food and cat food snacks ordered by Yang's mother at the pet store, as well as the drinking fountains and cat litter boxes, have all arrived, and they are delivered directly to the door.

After the installation was completed, Fang Lin and the princess recognized it, and it was time to pick up the children and go home.

Because this was considered moving to a new house, after Yang's mother picked up the two of them and came back at night, she brought the materials upstairs to cook.

In the evening, Jiang Baibai was dealing with Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie while smelling the aroma in the kitchen and looking forward to dinner.

The two children were overjoyed. They just told their classmates that there was an extra husky in the house, and they gained a wave of envy. Today, another such a cute kitten came!
And Jiang Baibai's physical examination report has also been sent to Yang's mother's mobile phone, showing that there is no disease and very healthy, so both of them tried their best to tease Jiang Baibai.

Jiang Baibai's first impression of Lin Yuqing was also very good. She felt that this little human girl was inexplicably pleasing to the eye and spiritual.

And the two children are also very simple, you can see the clarity of the bottom of the heart at a glance, Jiang Baibai is not very repulsed to interact with them.

After all, Fang Lin was also translating beside her, so she wanted to stay with people who talked a lot.

The princess was so attracted by the scent that she kept interacting with Mama Yang Liu Jing next to the kitchen.

Of course, this kind of grand dinner will not forget Xueqiu, but she still jumped on Jiang Baibai's cat climbing frame and began to be a lonely beautiful girl.

Because there are many kinds, dinner is not ready until eight o'clock, and Lin's father has already gone to the pet hospital to deliver the poo and came back.

The first day of fire in a new home is sure to include chicken and fish.

Every meaning is good.

Mama Yang made a herbal nourishing steamed chicken and cooked two dishes of braised and steamed fish, which made her tired.

Steamed buns are also essential, and they are thriving.

In addition to Fang Lin's constant steak every day, Yang's mother also made him a big chicken drumstick.

Although the Princess has not been home for a week, she got a piece of chicken on a special day.

The size of the steamed chicken is very large, so the size of the drumsticks is not small.

The taste of various medicinal materials also penetrated into it, fresh and juicy.

Jiang Baibai couldn't stand it for a long time, she sat next to Fang Lin and ate her cat food, and then kept giving Fang Lin eyes to let him fulfill the agreement.

It's like asking the person next to you for an answer under the nose of the invigilator during the exam.

But Fang Lin really wants to eat this chicken leg.

Soon Mama Yang put on the extra meal for Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu, which was steamed perch meat.

It's just that Jiang Baibai was still urging Fang Lin after eating in two or three bites.

There was no way, seeing that Jiang Baibai was getting impatient, Fang Lin bit a part of the chicken leg and motioned her to take the rest.

Jiang Baibai didn't dislike it very much, she took advantage of Xiaojie who had been glancing at him not paying attention, and quickly ate it, and even mobilized her spiritual power to chew quickly.

Fang Lin also shared more than half of Jiang Baibai's steak, and with the canned food she and Yang's mother asked for, she was finally [-]% full.

Fang Lin waited until the meal was almost over, and then went to Mama Yang who was cleaning up the mess in the kitchen and asked her for a new steak.

She didn't bring enough ingredients, so Mama Yang packed up and took Fang Lin back to make him a new big piece.

Leaving aside the entertainment in the evening after dinner, Liu Jing still didn't catch Jiang Baibai's video after all, so I can only talk about it when I come back from filming tomorrow.

In the end, Liu Jing held Jiang Baibai in her arms and left reluctantly. Mama Yang finally had a good night's sleep with Papa Lin.

Early the next morning, Yang Zhen had already arrived at Yunting District in a black off-road vehicle.

Liu Jing and Yang's mother are also nervously preparing the things to bring, such as sunscreen, water, snacks and so on.

Although Yang Zhen had already called to inform that everything would be prepared, Yang's mother was still not at ease.

In the end, I packed a whole suitcase and pulled it out.

This time, only Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai were brought out, because the princess' mischievous nature had begun to emerge, and Yang's mother was worried that she would go somewhere and provoke the military dogs.

When Mama Yang was about to wrap Jiang Baibai in a cat, she was unwilling to say anything.In the end, she jumped directly on Fang Lin's back and lay down obediently.

"I don't want to go into that, let me stay on your back with a spirit fruit."

"make a deal."

Fang Lin ran a few steps in a timely manner, and Jiang Baibai lay on the vest very steadily, motionless.

Yang Ma and Liu Jing looked at each other and decided to let her go for the time being, but they still brought a cat bag just in case.

Finally, everything was ready, and they set off under the resentful gazes of Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie.

Especially Lin Yuqing, the promised camping was gone, and she even told Zhao Hanya about Kaka's filming.

As a result, Zhao Hanya found out that she was fine on the weekend, so she directly and unilaterally notified the society to come to her home to urge her to study, and even called Papa Lin last night.

Of course, Dad Lin is very happy. It doesn't matter what you are here for. Children are youthful when they play together.

After Yang Zhen picked up a few people, he drove straight to a lawn surrounded by woods on the outskirts of the city.

The surrounding area has been temporarily cordoned off.

After getting off the car, Liu Jing looked at the situation and was a little confused: "Where is this?"

Yang Zhen casually threw the car keys to Lin Shaohua next to him, then put on sunglasses and smiled mysteriously at Liu Jing.

Soon there was the roar of the propeller spinning rapidly, and at the same time, the violent wind pressure swept the surrounding lawn.

With the ups and downs of the branches, several people discovered that there was actually a gray-green and domineering helicopter parked on the lawn among the trees not far away.

"This is a fucking gunship, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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