Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 117 Jiang Baibai: Don't come here!

Chapter 117 Jiang Baibai: Don't come here! (five thousand words)
In the end, Mama Yang still only brought Jiang Baibai a box of canned food, even if in the end she still tried the same tricks and wanted to eat.

Mama Yang really didn't dare to feed anymore, she was a little afraid that Jiang Baibai hadn't eaten for a long time.

But looking at Jiang Baibai's not very fat body, and his stomach is not supported, he still has some doubts.

Jiang Baibai couldn't help seeing that Yang's mother stopped giving her food, so she jumped off the table with the rice bowl in her mouth and came to Fang Lin's side to tidy her hair.

Fang Lin glanced at the sullen Jiang Baibai and teased, "Aren't you full?"


"No way, you don't look like a cat that can eat a lot. She is afraid that eating too much will be bad for your health."

Jiang Baibai was a little helpless when he heard this sentence again. He was obviously cared about by others, but he couldn't be happy at all.

She felt that she was only about [-] to [-]% full.

Fang Lin thought for a while and suddenly came up with a way to pluck the wool: "Deng er, that strong human being let you stay here, he must not want you to be exposed, right?"

Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin, not understanding why he mentioned this.


"Then you must behave like a normal cat, right? It's okay for you to eat more like today, but no matter how much you eat, you will definitely not be fed."

Looking at Jiang Baibai who nodded silently, Fang Lin glanced at Mama Yang and Liu Jing who were eating seriously, and hurriedly continued to be persuasive.

"Did you see the fried steak I just ate?"


"That's a rare delicacy. Do you know how to do it? The process is very complicated. You need to sprinkle olive oil, black pepper, and sea salt on both sides of the steak, and you also need to massage the steak."

Jiang Baibai was a little surprised: "Massage the beef?"

Seeing that Jiang Baibai was so upbeat, Fang Lin was overjoyed and started to fool around.

"That's right, haven't you seen it? The food in the human world is made in this way, and the ingredients I told you earlier, such as pepper, are very precious seasonings."

"If it weren't for our family being rich, ordinary people wouldn't be able to eat it, and that steak is snowflake steak. Do you know what snowflake steak is? Anyway, it's a very high-grade beef in the world."

"At the end of the cooking, both sides have to be fried for 60 seconds with great precision. It doesn't matter if there is a second or a second. The woman's cooking skills are also very good. The final steak is very delicious."

Originally, Jiang Baibai didn't have enough to eat and looked at Fang Lin and wanted to continue talking, but she couldn't help but interrupted him directly: "What do you want to say?"

Fang Lin saw that the emotions of this little cat who hadn't seen much in the world had already been mobilized, and he said unhurriedly, "Although you can't eat more, I can."


"My body is still growing, and pet dogs already eat a lot. I can ask for a large piece of steak for each meal in the future."

"And then you eat next to me, eat the steak while they're not looking, how about that?"

Jiang Baibai's eyes lit up when he heard it, yes, this idea is really good, I didn't expect this silly dog ​​to be quite smart.

She really wanted to taste such a complicated food.

But looking at Kaka's expression, Jiang Baibai also guessed what he was thinking: "Should I exchange it with a spiritual fruit?"

Not bad, although this little white cat has never seen anything in the world, but he understands the ways of the world.

"Yes, but you know that you cook a lot of delicacies every day at home? So you can often eat different kinds of food. This is a long-term deal."

"How about one of those spirit fruits per week?"

Jiang Baibai was a little hesitant when he heard it, but he didn't think it was too expensive.

Not to mention that what she wants is just this kind of spiritual fruit for ordinary creatures to eat, she doesn't care even if it is what the beast master often eats.

The space of Zhetianling is as big as a large hall, almost covering an entire standard football field.

She took so many goodies for this adventure that she could spend them casually.

On the contrary, she didn't take a lot of this kind of spiritual fruit that only satisfied her appetite, and there were less than a hundred of each kind.

Fang Lin was also not very satisfied with this, after all, the fruit didn't do much for him.

His new core didn't know why the amount of aura required was ridiculously large, and he was a little annoyed at the thought of needing more in the future.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have grabbed the little white cat and plucked it violently.

Fang Lin pondered for a while and tried to make a request: "For the time being, I can, but maybe I will be promoted after eating your fruits and I will no longer be an ordinary dog? Can I replace it with a better one?"


Jiang Baibai was a little surprised when he heard Fang Lin's words, advanced?

This silly dog ​​wouldn't be talking about being promoted to the Beast Spirit Realm, right?

If she could be promoted by eating just one or two spiritual fruits of this level, wouldn't she have already been a beast envoy?
Although the time required for promotion basically increases exponentially, it won't take her 100 years.

Although he felt a little funny about Kaka's naive idea in his heart, he was still very sure of Kaka's idea on the surface.

"Okay, you can."

As he said that, Jiang Baibai stretched his waist, observed the situation, and took out a different spirit fruit, took a few mouthfuls, and put it into his mouth.

She can only top it off with spiritual fruit for the time being, the effect is better than eating ordinary food, but after all, there are a lot of them.

Alas, if only I could eat whatever I want like in the spirit world.

Because Yang's mother and Liu Jing were also more concerned about Jiang Baibai's situation, they unanimously decided to take Jiang Baibai to the pet hospital without taking a nap after lunch.

This pet hospital is also a relatively formal and reliable one that cooperates with Pet Home.

Along the way, Yang's mother was driving, and Liu Jing was also recording the screen with her mobile phone. She planned to release the video about Jiang Baibai tonight.

After Yang's mother had the experience of the princess gnawing on her Chanel sandals, it was difficult for the princess to stay at home alone, so she simply brought Fang Lin and the princess with her.

Jiang Baibai was brought out in a cat bag. She felt that staying in the cat bag was too uncomfortable. The small space made her very depressed, and she had to find a way to get out without being restricted in the future.

Soon the group arrived at the pet hospital. Mama Yang, a VIP customer, had already called to make an appointment, so she was greeted by the waiting nurse as soon as she entered the door and began to arrange a full set of physical examinations for Jiang Baibai.

Jiang Baibai felt inexplicably uncomfortable looking at the human beings wearing masks and white coats in front of them, so she asked Fang Lin: "What is this for?"

"I will give you a physical examination, that is, a full body examination to see if you are sick, and early detection and early treatment."

"I'm very healthy."

Fang Lin was a little helpless: "I know, but they don't know that the medical level of human beings is now very advanced, and doing these tests can help many cats not be troubled by diseases."

"You know, ordinary cats are not that smart, and they can't tell humans when they get sick, and they are easy to die, so humans will regularly give pets physical examinations to ensure their safety."


Disease is indeed a tricky thing, Jiang Baibai can feel the kindness behind it, so he endured the discomfort for the time being.

"Wow, what a beautiful cat."

"These eyes are also very special."

The doctors and nurses in the hospital couldn't help but praise Yang Ma and Liu Jing after seeing Jiang Baibai.

"It looks a bit like the pure white highland in Zhe'er, but some details don't match."

"I picked it up in Commonwealth Park this morning, so I brought it in to check her health."

The doctor smiled when he heard this and said, "Then this little cat is very lucky."

Fang Lin squatted aside and watched the movement on the stage very honestly. He didn't want to be kicked out.

Liu Jing is also recording all the details.

First of all, the doctor took a small scale to weigh Jiang Baibai, and Fang Lin explained to her the current project.

The doctor carefully put her on the small pink scale, and finally the number on the display stabilized at 6kg.

The doctor was a little surprised: "It weighs 12 catties, I didn't see it."

Oh, 12 catties.

That's not too heavy either.

Then check whether there are parasites in Jiang Baibai's ears and whether there is cat moss on the skin.

After all, what Liu Jing said was picked up from the park. If these two problems are serious, they will be contagious.

However, after searching carefully, the doctor found that this cat was actually cleaner than 90.00% of domestic cats, and he couldn't help sighing.

Although the doctors and nurses feel that this cat is definitely not a stray cat based on their own experience, after all, such a hygienic quality is carefully raised.

But they wouldn't bring this up in front of Mama Yang, not to mention that Liu Jing also mentioned that they would shoot a video and post it to find out if there was an owner, so they wouldn't be bored.

Check and go to the next item.

Fang Lin continued to report to her for the next link, which was to have a blood test for biochemical blood routine.

He specifically told Jiang Baibai to draw her blood with a needle and let her control herself.

The doctor put a cute Elizabeth circle around Jiang Baibai's neck, and then prepared to draw her blood.

Jiang Baibai felt a little anxious looking at these needles.

It was the first time that she allowed a sharp needle to pierce her skin. This was a huge challenge for Jiang Baibai who grew up in the spirit world.

It's hard to imagine that she'll just do nothing one day.

Why do I trust them so much?

Jiang Baibai looked at Liu Jing and Yang Ma, who looked distressed and nervous, and sighed inwardly.

During the process, doctors and nurses kept touching her body, worrying that she would be afraid.

After all, this is a very scary thing for ordinary cats, and some cats may even be too scared to eat.

Liu Jing stood beside her while holding her mobile phone and stroking her head.

Soon the doctor drew a tube of blood, and the process went smoothly.

The doctor breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This cat is very brave."

Ordinary cats are either so frightened that they dare not look panicked, or they thump violently and need the help of nurses to press them down.

Fang Lin translated to her in a timely manner: "They praise you for being brave."


Jiang Baibai looked at these doctors and nurses and rolled her eyes. Would she be afraid of this little needle?
It feels like these people are coaxing children.

Fang Lin looked at Jiang Baibai who was showing disdain, but he clearly felt a little joy in her heart.

Oh, she cat.

Fang Lin yawned a little bored and was about to translate the next item to her.

The doctor also explained to Yang Ma and Liu Jing in a timely manner: "The next step is to check."

Of course, the pet hospital wouldn't let Jiang be excreted in vain on the spot, how could an ordinary cat have such an IQ.

Therefore, they usually carry fresh stool within two hours or perform an anal examination.

Because Yang's mother and Liu Jing didn't carry poop, the doctor asked the nurse to bring in a straw-like thing from the outside after communicating with Yang's mother, and prepared to probe into Jiang Baibai's chrysanthemum for sampling.

Seeing this scene, Fang Lin began to lose control of his expression management. He didn't know how to explain this to her.

"What is this for?"

Jiang Baibai was a little anxious, and felt that the white coats around him were holding down his body, and they were holding an inexplicable object moving towards him.

This is not right?

Seeing that the white coats were ready, she urged Kaka again: "Hurry up?"

Fang Lin quickly got to the point, including using a tool to penetrate her ass.


Jiang Baibai is stupid, will there be this item in the physical examination?

What is her status?
The Nine Nether Mysterious Cat Clan, one emperor and two kings, can be regarded as the most elite group in the spirit world.

As the only Highness in the clan, it's fine to draw blood, how could she agree to such a thing now.

Absolutely impossible!
Without hesitation, she twisted her body lightly and broke free from the pressure of several people, ran to the concealed door with a swish, and then pulled it out of the examination room.

Jiang Baibai's speed was so fast that everyone at the scene was startled.

The doctor panicked when he saw this scene: "Why didn't you close the door! Go find it!"

The nurse who came in with the equipment just now turned pale. It was because Jiang Baibai was too quiet and obedient just now, and the door was not closed tightly when she came in.

If you really lost it, it would be considered a medical malpractice.

Mama Yang and Liu Jing were anxious since they had never seen such a situation before.

But Yang Mafu yelled at Fang Lin with all her heart: "Kaka, go after him!"

Fang Lin, who had no intention of chasing him, rushed out biting his dog leash when he heard this.

After Fang Lin chased him out, he just saw a young girl with a cat bag pushing the door in, and Jiang Baibai just ran out along the opened door.

The girl was startled and stayed where she was, Fang Lin hurried over and ran out while she was in a daze.

Fang Lin was actually not worried. This little white cat was not like Xueqiu and the princess who might accidentally run away and get lost after being frightened. It was probably just hiding for a while.

If it were him, he wouldn't want to be stabbed in the ass.

He ran all the way to the parking lot following the smell, and he found that Jiang Baibai was squatting next to the BMW, and the Elizabeth circle had been roughly destroyed by her and scattered beside it.

Seeing Fang Lin coming over, Jiang Baibai felt a little complicated, both shy and annoyed.

"Did you know it would end like this?"


"That's right. Oh, you are so annoying."

Jiang Baibai was completely annoyed and turned his head away to ignore Fang Lin.

Fang Lin grinned and almost fainted from laughter, he didn't know it would happen.

This situation is really difficult for this little white cat to accept.

Seeing her angry look, Fang Lin suddenly thought of Xueqiu.

Xueqiu can also be regarded as a cat who has been getting along with her since the first day of her rebirth. Fang Lin has treated her like Yang Ma as a family member since she wanted to integrate into this family from the beginning.

However, no matter how he is a family member, Xueqiu is still a lovely pet cat.

This little white cat made him feel more like the kind he had been looking for for a long time.

I hope Xueqiu can also wake up sooner, this Yuehua doesn't have a progress bar.

Although he was thinking wildly in his heart, Fang Lin gradually approached Jiang Baibai and explained to her.

This thing can't be blamed on him.

He also explained in detail that the matter could be checked with ready-made poop, which finally made Jiang Baibai breathe a sigh of relief.

To be honest, if it was necessary to check, she wanted to run away directly, even if the strong human being gave her eye hints at that time, it didn't work.

Soon Yang Ma and Liu Jing also chased here, followed by a little nurse.

Seeing a cat and a dog, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

After they asked the girl Fang Lin where they were running, Yang's mother guessed that Jiang Baibai might run back to the parking lot.

But she had some doubts in her heart. If it was Kaka, she would definitely not hesitate.

But Jiang Baibai just arrived home, what if he is not so smart?
She could only pray in her heart, otherwise it would be a great heartache to run away and lose a cat and a dog all at once.

Liu Jing rushed up to pick up Jiang Baibai and kept saying, "Let's not do it, we can't run around in the future, you know?"

Then Yang's mother went back to check out, and Liu Jing took Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai to wait in the car. She was afraid that Jiang Baibai would run away again when he saw the pet hospital.

Liu Jing, who had calmed down in the co-pilot, kept teasing Jiang Baibai and talking to her.

"You know what, I was terrified at the time."

"Fortunately, you know the way and run to the car at home. Hehe, I didn't expect you to be as smart as Kaka."

Fang Lin kept translating in a low voice in the back seat, causing Liu Jing to turn her head and look over.

"Kaka, go back and play with you~"


Fang Lin was speechless.

At this moment, Liu Jing's mobile phone rang suddenly. She took out the mobile phone and found that it was an unfamiliar number. After waiting for a few seconds, she still connected the call.


"Hi, I'm Yang Zhen."

"Oh what's wrong?"

"I want to ask if you and Ms. Yang Nianqian have a serious fear of heights?"


Why do you ask about this?

Liu Jing was a little confused, but after thinking about it, she replied, "I didn't, and she probably didn't either. She even went bungee jumping before."

"Okay, nothing else. Oh yeah and remember to bring your cat with the bell with you tomorrow."


"At that time, there will be a posing session. Your cat is very cute, so it will be more effective. Don't worry, she will stay in a very safe place tomorrow. Longguo can assure you that she will have no problems."



After Yang Zhen finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Liu Jing didn't even say goodbye, she shrugged and put away her mobile phone.

Are they all so aggressive now?
Afraid of heights?

Fang Lin also frowned and began to think.

([-] words, two and a half chapters at most!!! It has been reviewed, please subscribe, please ask for a monthly ticket, please.)
(End of this chapter)

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