Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 116 Another Heavyweight Player

Chapter 116 Another Heavyweight Contestant ([-] words)

Yang Ma looked at Liu Jing who was hugging Jiang Baibai tightly, curled her lips, and then said: "By the way, I have already settled the matter of that house, and you can live in it today."

"So fast?"

Liu Jing was a little confused.

When did you buy a house so fast?

She thought it would take at least a few days to dawdle.

Mama Yang stretched her waist, and then supported her lower back with both hands to move around.

"What if it's not? They're in a hurry to get it out, and I paid the full amount directly. I've already signed the contract and closed the house in the morning."

Fang Lin was stunned when he heard this. Is this the difference between people?
Who doesn't want to buy a house so easily and comfortably, and pay more than 1000 million as soon as you say it.

Liu Jing pursed her lips and said formally to Mama Yang, "Thank you Qian."

"Stop it, stop it, you just need to run the video account well."

"Well, I will."

Liu Jing touched Jiang Baibai's head, and silently cheered herself up.

Then she suddenly thought that she met Yang Zhen today and said to Yang's mother: "I saw that Yang Zhen today, and he said that he will go to the military dog ​​base tomorrow, and he will pick us up in the morning."

"Huh? Tomorrow? I'm planning to go camping this weekend, okay."


What do they say?
Jiang Baibai asked Fang Lin.

"We're discussing where to go tomorrow."

Fang Lin shook his tail and said casually, suddenly he felt that this kind of information gap was quite interesting.

It kind of reminds me of the plot of that kind of drama I watched before, the characters in it fooled the Japanese pirates in a serious manner.

Jiang Baibai also felt the pain of not being able to understand the communication, and she found that the language system of this Dragon Kingdom is very complete and complicated, and it may take a little effort to learn it.

But it's not too difficult for her. After all, she is in such a language environment now, as long as she asks Kakado to translate for herself, she will be familiar with it after going back and forth.

Just when she started to ask Fang Lin to use him as a simultaneous translation tool, Mama Yang noticed the communication between the two.

"It seems that she has a good relationship with Kaka, did you name her?"

Liu Jing hesitated for a moment and said, "When I was fooling the city management, I became a general of Zhenyuan."

Yang Ma stared at Liu Jing and joked: "What kind of costume drama are you watching? It's the princess and the general of Zhenyuan."

"It doesn't sound good, you can change it again."

"It's okay, anyway, it feels a little different, so it's not bad to call it this."

Yang Ma rubbed her chin and continued to add: "But the four words are a bit too long, and it's hard to remember by itself, just call it General."

"Alright, hey, general general~"

Liu Jing and Jiang Baibai looked at each other with a smile.

Jiang Baibai asked Fang Lin with some doubts and learned that he had named himself a general.

It's okay, although it doesn't sound very good, it's not a weird name.

Jiang Baibai silently repeated the Chinese tone of General several times in his heart.

"Okay, I'm going to cook. After dinner, take the general to the pet hospital. It's better to do the examination as soon as possible."

After saying that, Yang Ma got up and rushed to the kitchen.

Jiang Baibai also jumped out of Liu Jing's arms and walked to Fang Lin's side to understand the situation.

"Kaka, what's the name of that woman? I think she has a higher status in this family than Liu Jing, right?"

Fang Lin was not used to Jiang Baibai's wording for a while, so he thought about it and said, "Her name is Yang Nianqian, and she should be the highest in the family."

Jiang Baibai was a little stunned for a while, and she asked: "Are there no male humans? Why is this woman the highest?"

Fang Lin looked into Jiang Baibai's puzzled eyes, and understood that her understanding of status should be a bit off, and it should be more like a cruel class like that kind of class.

So he probably introduced the members of the family like Jiang Baibai, and then said: "Everyone in the family is equal, but they are not equal."

Fang Lin explained to her again what it means to be strict with a wife and what is meant by a younger brother in the family.

"Because of love, family members will understand and compromise with each other."

Probably let Jiang Baibai understand a little bit. If you really want to analyze it with her, you have to talk about social factors in depth, so there is no need for that.

Speaking of this, Fang Lin added: "And people in the Dragon Kingdom are equal. Everyone must abide by the law, and officials are only public servants."

Seeing the astonished expression on the little white cat's face, Fang Lin reckoned that the foreign world should be a feudal society, otherwise why would he be so surprised to hear that everyone is equal.

Little white cat, little white cat, let's be infected by red, the ideology must be constantly improved.

But it seems that although this little white cat seems to be born in a noble family, it is quite rare to not have those smelly problems.

On the other hand, Jiang Baibai was lost in thought. Is there really a country where everyone is equal?

However, what Kaka said about mutual understanding between family members because of love fits her taste very well.

She also heard that the emperor father obeyed the queen mother's words, even if the emperor father was stronger than the queen mother.

Jiang Baibai had a different expression between his brows and eyes.

According to Kaka's narration, this country is simply the legendary Utopia, and she can't wait to learn about it in all aspects.

Jiang Baibai came back to his senses, considered Fang Lin and said, "Can you help me translate what they said?"

Fang Lin raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "What do you mean?"

"That is, you can translate for me a word they say, and I will learn human language."

Fang Lin looked at the little white cat and smiled secretly.

Isn't this 1-to-1 foreign language class?

That would be an extra charge.

So Fang Lin pondered for a while and began to show embarrassment, as if this matter was very difficult to handle.

Seeing Fang Lin's embarrassed expression, Jiang Baibai asked, "What's wrong?"

"This matter is not easy to handle. Do you think Liu Jing is looking at us now?"

Jiang Baibai looked up at Liu Jing who was on the sofa, and he was indeed looking at the two of them.

"Yes, and then what?"

"Humans have a rule that pets are not allowed to talk indiscriminately at home. We have already disturbed them by talking like this."

"If there are too many times, you may be kicked out of the house and become a stray cat or a stray dog, which is equivalent to a beggar, so the risk is very high."

Jiang Baibai frowned tightly because of these words.

She looked at Liu Jing who was smiling at her aunt and didn't feel it at all?
She was a little skeptical: "Didn't you just say that families are equal? ​​Because of love, we understand each other, and pets can't even talk?"


Fang Lin rolled his eyes and quickly made amends: "It's actually about humans, pets have a very low status at home, and ordinary life is simply horrible."

However, watching Kaka's somewhat exaggerated performance, Jiang Baibai also realized that this was for the benefit.

It was said just now that humans would shovel shit for cats. Isn't the status of this pet cat clear at a glance?

So Jiang Baibai didn't talk nonsense and said directly: "I'll give you two more of the spiritual fruit just now."

"make a deal."

Fang Lin agreed immediately when he saw that he was good, and looked at Jiang Baibai with a smile.

This is just a little bit of wool gathered in the early stage, so it can't be too much.

Although this spiritual fruit didn't bring him much improvement in his cultivation progress, it was still useful.

And it can't stand the delicious taste!

Do you think that the taste of the spiritual fruit that can be brought by ginger in vain because of the taste can be bad?

The moment it enters the mouth, it is very smooth and sweet.

Fang Lin likes to eat sweet fruits, and he doesn't like sour grapes at all.

This spiritual fruit is not only sweet, but also has a very refreshing aftertaste, which makes people feel refreshed.

For the time being, Fang Lin didn't want to expose the fact that this little white cat could practice by himself, so he didn't ask too much.

But looking at her rich and powerful appearance, there must be many high-level babies.

The days ahead are still long.

For example, this little white cat is interested in Chinese, is it useful to just speak it?
Isn't that illiteracy?
Do you have to read in the end?
This is another very difficult task, why don't you ask for something better?

I have a special talent and ability, at worst, I slowly revealed to her that I can practice such things, making her think that I awakened after eating her spiritual fruit.

Jiang Baibai looked at Kaka's expression secretly in contempt.

Humph, stupid local dog.

But it is a good thing for Fang Lin to adopt this set, after all, she has no shortage.

If he is a person who is unmoved and indifferent, her study plan will have to be postponed again.

So the two Jiuyouxuan cats and huskies with a total of 1 minds and eyes sat on the sofa together very harmoniously.

While watching the variety show on the projection, Fang Lin had to repeat it to Jiang Baibai in a low voice. He didn't know how effective it would be.



Seeing the new little white cat sitting with Kaka on the cat climbing frame, Xueqiu felt a little uncomfortable.

But she was inexplicably afraid of this little white cat, as if she was very fierce and would eat her, so she didn't dare to run directly to the side like she did to the princess.

But the princess didn't have so many worries, she struggled to climb onto the sofa and wanted to play with the two of them.

But Fang Lin had to retell the story while watching the variety show, and Jiang Baibai was even more busy.

She has to constantly use known vocabulary to correspond to unfamiliar Chinese, and there is no such thing as a dictionary to help her learn. It would be difficult if she was not talented.

What's more, Fang Lin sometimes translated abbreviated translations when he was tired of translating, so Jiang Baibai felt a little numb for a while.

Therefore, the princess who didn't see a response couldn't help but feel a little bored, and found a place on the sofa alone and started digging.

Soon, Mama Yang prepared the meals and asked them to eat.

This made Jiang Baibai breathe a sigh of relief.

This human language is indeed a bit complicated. It is obviously the same syllable and the same word, so she heard several meanings from Fang Lin.

Maybe the situation will be better after a little more samples.

She also felt a little hungry. Although she had been using the Whale Swallowing Technique to supplement the energy needed by her body, it could not completely replace eating.

But it keeps her from eating exaggerated amounts of food.

Jiang Baibai looked at the food on the dining table that looked like it belonged to humans, and couldn't help asking Fang Lin: "What will I eat?"

"Cat food and canned cat food, buy the best ones, you should like them."

Anyway, Fang Lin felt that these were quite in line with his own taste, but he preferred meat.

Sure enough, Mama Yang took out a snowball spare rice bowl.

After observing Jiang Baibai's figure again, he poured cat food about the same size as Xueqiu into the rice bowl.

The cat food is also rich in protein, and the water content of the cat food bought by Yang Ma is not low, which is good for the cat's body.

Yang Ma put the rice bowl in front of Jiang Baibai, but how could this be enough?
Jiang Baibai frowned with some doubts: "Isn't the conditions at home very good? Why only give me so much?"

She looked at Kaka's huge rice bowl and the pointed dog food inside and was a little dissatisfied.

"Generally pet cats don't eat much. She is afraid that you will last too long. You can finish eating first and then ask for more."

Just when Jiang Baibai expressed his understanding, Yang's mother had already brought Fang Lin's daily extra meal and put it on the plate.


Jiang Baibai looked at the large piece of beef that was sizzling in Kaka's bowl, and suddenly felt that he was being treated differently.

She sniffed the air with her little nose, and couldn't help but feel a little tongue-tied.

The beef seemed surprisingly delicious to her.

Ordinarily, the spirit world doesn't pay much attention to food, just pay attention to eating enough and not dying of hunger.

Even if she is a highness of the family, she can only improve the taste of some spiritual fruits and spiritual plants.

Some delicious food was indeed mentioned in some records about the ancestral land, but she had never seen it.

Jiang Baibai silently took a bite of the cat food in the rice bowl, it was unexpectedly delicious.

But as soon as she saw Kaka eating a large piece of beef, she felt that the cat food had become tasteless.

Fang Lin couldn't help being a little funny when he saw Jiang Baibai's appearance. Could it be that this silly kid has never eaten steak?
But Mama Yang quickly ordered a small piece of salmon for Xueqiu and Jiang Baibai.

Jiang Baibai still felt unsatisfied after swallowing it in one gulp, but she didn't feel much about salmon.

She had never eaten any kind of spirit fish in the spirit world. In contrast, she wanted to try Kaka's special cooking method of beef.

But she didn't know how to speak, and stared at Kaka hesitantly.

Fang Lin noticed the look in her eyes, and swallowed the last of the steaks in one gulp, making Jiang Baibai grit his teeth secretly.

There was no way, Jiang Baibai, who was not full, jumped onto the dining table with the rice bowl in his mouth, and squatted in front of Yang's mother who was eating lunch.

This startled Mama Yang, but seeing Jiang Baibai's obedient appearance, she understood that she was not full.

Could it be another heavyweight player like Kaka?

For this kind of behavior of actively asking for food and being very calm, Yang Ma generally expressed her trust.

So under Xueqiu's aggrieved eyes, she took a box of canned food from her snack cabinet and put it in front of Jiang Baibai.

Although Jiang Baibai actually wanted Mama Yang to make her the kind that Kaka ate just now, but since he had only been here for less than a day.

She felt that she still had to know how to measure, so she lowered her head and finished the canned food bit by bit.

Well, the taste is okay.

Jiang Baibai licked his mouth, and continued to squat in front of Yang's mother with the rice bowl in his mouth.

She felt like she'd have to eat at least three more cans.


Mama Yang looked at Jiang Baibai who was quietly squatting in front of her and didn't know what to say.

 I won the lottery for eating barbecue yesterday.

  Gastroenteritis, diarrhea, fever, body aches.

  There are only [-] words, tomorrow's update will go to the military dog ​​base, if the body recovers well, I will add a little more.

(End of this chapter)

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