Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 115 You Give Her to Me First

Chapter 115 You Give Her to Me First

Jiang Baibai felt that her cat's face was a little hot, but there was no way she wanted to go to the bathroom.

She is not a beast-level impermeable body, so of course she needs to excrete.

Hmph, this Kaka must have been intentional, otherwise why would he not introduce the most important thing after introducing it for a long time.

Alas, I'm a little hungry.

Jiang Baibai secretly operated the Whale Swallowing Technique, absorbing the surrounding aura.

If you are above the level of the beast master in the spirit world, you can eat wind and drink dew and live on spiritual energy. After all, with the energy they need, if you really let go
However, those below the Beast Venerable can still use special high-level formulas to achieve the same effect, but they cannot be completely replaced.

In fact, aura is the best source of energy, but the body at a low level has not been upgraded to have this function, so it can only rely on special formulas to achieve part of the effect.

I don't know what time the family opens for dinner.
Speaking of which, Fang Lin had brought her to Xueqiu's litter box.

"This is specially invented by humans for cats. Generally, after going to the toilet, you can use cat litter to cover up the excrement and wait for humans to deal with it."

Jiang Baibai was a little puzzled: "You mean, humans will help"

"Yes, helping to shovel shit and deal with these, so the breeder is also nicknamed the shit shovel officer."

Jiang Baibai couldn't help laughing when he heard this, he raised his paw and covered his mouth gracefully.

Shit shovel officer?

The humans in the ancestral land seem to be surprisingly friendly to animals.

She couldn't help but look forward to her trip to her ancestral land even more.

She approached the litter box and took a closer look. It was indeed quite clean, and tried to step in to find a suitable place.

Then she quietly stared at Kaka who was watching from the sidelines.

Fang Lin saw that the little white cat hadn't moved after entering, thinking that she wouldn't be able to use it, so he said, "You can just do that, and then bury it with cat litter."


Jiang Baibai is a little speechless, can't he go to the toilet by himself at such an age?
Do you still need to teach me this?
She said, "Stop talking, I'm going to use this litter box."

"Well, you can use it."

Jiang Baibai blinked at the invisible Kaka: "Do you have a special habit of watching the opposite sex go to the bathroom?"


Hearing this, Fang Lin was stunned.

Looking at Jiang Baibai's playful eyes, he felt a sense of death that he had never felt since his rebirth.

"Uh, then you cough cough, I'll go first."

Fang Lin ran out with four legs.

On the contrary, the princess heard the movement and ran to the balcony to look around curiously.

After Jiang Baibai buried her with cat litter, she gracefully walked out of the litter box.

She looked at the princess who was somewhat spiritual but still naive compared to Fang Lin, and believed Fang Lin's words in her heart.

It seems that Kaka is indeed very smart among the local dogs, and he is quite lucky, using some spiritual fruits to buy a dog who understands the situation.

In the spirit world, due to the concentration of aura, it is not uncommon for creatures to have no cultivation base but have IQ.

So because of the different worldview, Jiang Baibai didn't think there was anything wrong with Kaka's high intelligence.

And as a local tyrant in the spirit world since she was a child, she really felt that it was very profitable to use some spiritual fruits (luxury cars, huge sums of money) to obtain information.

Of course, Fang Lin also felt that it was very profitable.

Finally, at 11:30, Yang's mother returned home.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Liu Jing, who was watching the projection foolishly, hastily turned off the TV and sat down on the sofa.

Mama Yang was a little surprised by this well-behaved appearance. She put her bag aside, changed her clothes and shoes, and walked into the living room.

"What do you mean by that expression? What's wrong with you?"

Yang Ma said, and went to make a cup of tea for herself, which made her very tired all morning.

"No, you sit and sit, and I'll soak you."

Yang's mother was pressed on the sofa by the enthusiastic Liu Jing, looking at Liu Jing who was helping her make tea, she felt that something was wrong.

Yang Ma leaned on the sofa and raised her slender thighs and said, "Tell me, the princess bitten something bad again, I can stand it."

"Hey, it's not the princess"

"what's that"

As Mama Yang was speaking, she suddenly noticed Jiang Baibai, who came out from the side with a small bell, and her eyes widened.

Liu Jing followed Mama Yang's line of sight and found that she just sat down beside her and hugged her as soon as she saw it.

Fang Lin also stood beside Jiang Baibai, and Jiang Baibai squatted down and licked his paws gracefully, his long tail swaying in the air.

A noble aura radiated from her, and Mama Yang couldn't help but put away her legs.

Elegance never goes out of style, and a gentleman knows no age.

Jiang Baibai's education since she was a child is to put on the demeanor of being the heir of a top wealthy family at any time.

She saw just now that this new woman seemed to have a higher status than Liu Jing, and she had to give Liu Jing some face.


Hello there.

"Jing, where did you buy the cat?"

Yang Ma stood up and walked towards Jiang Baibai, hugging her in her arms.


What are you doing?

Jiang Baibai was a little panicked, why did this human being get started as soon as he came up.

"She likes you."

Fang Lin yawned and explained beside him.


And Yang's mother held Jiang Baibai in her arms, rubbing her head carefully, observing the appearance.

"What kind of variety did you buy? Did you buy such a beautiful one without saying a word?"

"Well, it's a bit like the pure white highlands, but there are some differences."

Liu Jing was a little embarrassed: "Is this a stray cat picked up in the park?"

"stray cat?!"

Soon, Liu Jing talked about Jiang Baibai's affairs with Yang's mother.

"Impossible, how could this be a stray cat?"

Yang's mother hugged Jiang Baibai and didn't want to let go. This little white cat is too clean and beautiful.

"You really couldn't help it at the time. If the city management took it away, the cat must have had a hard time."

Yang's mother directly agreed with Liu Jing's approach, Liu Jing suddenly became happy, and the two best friends chatted about it.

In the final analysis, people are animals based on their appearance. If Jiang Baibai is dirty and unattractive, even if Liu Jing feeds her, she will not let her jump into her arms and take it away.

"But let's take her to the pet hospital for a checkup first."

"Should I post a video to see if anyone is looking for it?"

Yang Ma thought about it and said: "You can post it, but you have to do a good job of screening."

"This kitty is so pretty, there must be some malicious people coming to claim it. How about it, I'll ask Lin Wenshao for someone from the legal department. Just leave her phone number, and you won't get in touch with these nasty things."

Jiang Baibai rested his head on Mama Yang's chest and moved comfortably and asked Fang Lin: "Kaka, what are they talking about?"

"They are worried that you have a master, and want to see if someone will take you away."


Jiang Baibai was stunned, she finally found a new home that looked similar, and she paid for the spiritual fruit.

Why does it look like I'm going to change my home.

Jiang Baibai jumped out of Yang Ma's arms, and then plunged into Liu Jing's arms.

Use all means to express your reluctance.

Liu Jing's heart melted when she saw it, she hugged Jiang Baibai tightly in front of her mountain and said to Yang Ma: "Qian, does she not want to leave me?"

Yang's mother was a little moved: "Well, don't worry, it might be that the Shang family can't afford it. I will let the person who is connected to do a good job of screening. If it can really prove that it is the owner, we will return it."

"it is good."

Liu Jing rubbed her nose against Jiang Baibai's little nose.

Yang's mother felt a little itchy, she said, "Quiet."


"She hasn't been checked yet, maybe she has an infectious disease, please give her to me first."

"I do not."


Fang Lin looked at Yang's mother whose scheme was seen through and secretly sighed in his heart, women are indeed visual animals.

Am I not handsome?

Jiang Baibai noticed Fang Lin's expression and smiled proudly at him.

Is this His Highness's charm something that you, an ordinary dog, can understand?

(End of this chapter)

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