Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 114 So You Still Need to Go to the Toilet

Chapter 114 So You Still Need to Go to the Toilet
"How is it? It may be a bit strong for you, so bear with it."

Jiang Baibai stared expectantly at Fang Lin who opened his eyes, and walked around him.


Is it big?

Didn't feel good at all.

But of course Fang Lin couldn't say that. He still wanted to see if he could get more wool from the little white cat.

This little white cat is not familiar with the place where he came here, so it is only natural that he, a local, will get paid after providing a lot of services, right?
However, I have to pay attention to some of my peculiarities for the time being. Although this little white cat seems to belong to a relatively peaceful camp, it is necessary to be defensive.

"Indeed, it is indeed the treasure of your world, even Blue Star doesn't have it."

"Yes, yes, this taste is delicious."

Although she usually hears a lot of compliments, she is still a little happy to hear the good-looking local dog in front of her praise herself.

Now it can be regarded as paid, and let him start to work.

Jiang Baibai rolled his eyes and planned to ask for some daily information.

She is obviously the Highness of the top clan in the spiritual world, but now she is in the ancestral land and can't even handle the drinking water machine. This contrast makes her feel a little uncomfortable.

She needs to adapt to the completely different environment in the ancestral land as soon as possible, so as not to make any embarrassment again.

"That dog, what's your name?"

Fang Lin thought about this question and said, "Kaka."


Jiang Baibai muttered for a while, feeling a little novel, and his little tail swayed behind him.

"Is that what you named yourself?"

Fang Lin glanced at her, the child must have some problem with his mind.

"Of course this family named it to me. Pets in human families will have their own names."

"Oh, why don't you have a last name?"

"Pets don't have surnames. Only humans can have surnames. After all, it's the human world."

Jiang Baibai nodded curiously: "Then what's my name?"

"You haven't picked up your name yet. Naming is an important matter that needs to be discussed. However, when Liu Jing fooled the officials before, she said that your name is General Zhenyuan."

"General Zhenyuan?"

Jiang Baibai was a little astonished, why did he have such a cute appearance and took such a name.

"It's okay, isn't it? It's quite domineering."

"Ha ha."

Jiang Baibai's mouth twitched.

At this time, the princess ran over desperately, wanting to play with the two of them, and rolled over in front of them.

Jiang Baibai pointed at her with his snow-white paws and said, "What's her name?"

"The county lord."


Jiang Baibai is stupid, human beings like to use positions to name them.

But why did he call himself General Zhenyuan with such a rough name.

Because of the connection with the ancestral land a long time ago in the spiritual world, many positions are copied. Jiang Yuan's daughter will be called the princess in the clan.

"Then why can't I be called Princess or Your Highness?"

Fang Lin was a little speechless: "Then you mention it to them."


Jiang Baibai muttered in his heart, it seems that the woman's name is Liu Jing.

This surname is the same as that of Longyuan's Silly Dragon.

Alas, I have to learn the human language quickly, or else I won't be able to understand anything.

Thinking of this, she said to Fang Lin: "Kaka, can you understand human speech?"


"Why do you look different from this... princess? Just smarter."

Fang Lin looked at the princess who was already interested in the flower pots on the balcony and said foolishly.

"There is a saying in the human world that the physiques of humans and humans cannot be generalized. The same is true for dogs. I may be born with different qualities."

Jiang Baibai pouted secretly.

He's just a little smarter than other local dogs, look at him proudly.

If he was in the spirit world, wouldn't this Kaka have to shut himself up on the spot?

Not to mention that standing in front of him now is the genius Jiuyou Xuanmao who can see eight cores when he senses the aura, and has stepped into the beast realm in just 100 years.

But she still complimented on the surface and said: "You are amazing, can you introduce these furnishings to me? It's like a drinking water machine."

Fang Lin agreed to her proposal without thinking too much.

Take people short, eat people short mouth.

This small favor can still help a group, and then Fang Lin took Jiang Baibai around the house and introduced some basic furnishings.

"This is a refrigerator, and the usual food will be stored in it."


"Yes, the temperature inside will be lower than the room temperature outside, so that the food will not rot."

Jiang Baibai looked at this big guy and nodded, it was quite similar to the ice cellar in the clan.

"How many spiritual energy formations are there in this refrigerator?"


Fang Lin was stunned for a moment and said, "Nothing you said, this refrigerator is operated by electricity."


"Hey, it's like thunder and lightning on a rainy day. It contains energy. Humans can generate electricity in many ways to use it. This is human technology."

Jiang Baibai nodded in confusion.

Looking at her appearance, Fang Lin knew that she half-understood. He had seen this expression a lot when he was in class.

However, he is not going to show Jiang Baibai his previous job to teach her.

As we all know, one-on-one tutoring by famous teachers is very expensive, and he doesn't want to do such a loss-making thing without compensation.

"It's a lamp, and it's also powered by electricity. Because of it, human cities are also bright at night."

Fang Lin noticed that Jiang Baibai was staring at the gorgeous chandelier above the living room in a daze, so he explained to her.

Jiang Baibai nodded, suddenly envious of the humans here.

I have never owned such a beautiful lamp.

Next, Fang Lin took Jiang Baibai for a walk in the living room, feeling a little tired.

Liu Jing watched the cats and dogs meowing and meowing all the way, and started watching the drama with confidence.

Jiang Baibai also almost knew some of the furnishings of the house, but Kaka didn't say a very important thing for a long time.

Although she was a little embarrassed, she couldn't help but asked in the end, "That cat over there, where does she usually go to the toilet?"

Hearing this, Fang Lin was a little surprised. Although he didn't see that the little white cat in front of him had aura.

But judging from Deng Jiefu's reaction and the fact that she still has a space magic weapon, this cat should at least be D-rank, right?
He can absorb food completely, so it takes a long time to need a bowel movement without thinking about it.

It seems to be a rookie.

Thinking of this, Fang Lin couldn't help but look Jiang Baibai up and down again.

This temperament seems to be a mine series at home, maybe she is a princess or something in her world.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so weak and have such a good baby.

After all, a baby with space storage function will not be a bad street thing.

What a big winner.

"On the balcony, this way."

(End of this chapter)

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