Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 113 That's it?

Chapter 113 That's it?

Liu Jing sat on the sofa sadly and waited for Mama Yang to come home.

She didn't dare to make a phone call either. She felt a bit like a child who did something wrong?

I hope Qian can negotiate the contract of the house as soon as possible, and move in by herself as soon as possible, otherwise she will feel guilty for doing something bad under her nose.

Fortunately, this little white cat looks very clean and cute, and it is quite obedient and does not bark.

There was no trace of tears at the corners of his eyes, and his whole body was snow-white, cleaner than Xueqiu looked.

Otherwise, Jiang Baibai would not be willing to embrace a cat of unknown origin if it wasn't for Jiang Baibai's good looks and clean appearance.

Just like that pregnant little female cat, although she will feed her, she will never hug her.

In her eyes, Jiang Baibai is a bit like a lost princess in a fairy tale.

Thinking of this, she grinned, wanting to see the little white cat again, but suddenly she couldn't find her.


Liu Jing was a little anxious.

Fang Lin yelled and stood up from the sofa.


Drinking water on the balcony is estimated.

He jumped off the sofa and signaled Liu Jing to follow him to the balcony.

"Is Kaka going to take me to Mimi?"

Mimi?Isn't it General Zhenyuan?

Although complaining in his heart, Fang Lin's actions were still fast.

After arriving at the balcony, Fang Lin and Liu Jing looked at the scene in front of them, and they couldn't laugh or cry.

Jiang Baibai was squatting in front of the automatic water dispenser, tinkering with the water dispenser.

She poked her head to look at the water outlet on the machine, stretched out her little white claws and pulled it.

Jiang Baibai couldn't figure out why the machine didn't come out of water, and she had already finished drinking the following.

She has keenly discovered the water outlet, but she doesn't understand why the water doesn't continue to flow out.

In fact, in a sense, it can be regarded as being clever and being mistaken by cleverness.

This machine is designed to prevent pets from getting water when drinking water, causing it to be poured.

And a normal pet will not stick its head down and stare at the water outlet after drinking water.

As long as you retract your head, the water will come out immediately when it detects that the water level is too low.

Fang Lin shook his head when he saw this scene.

It's really a local cat, even if it blocks the infrared sensor, it doesn't know.

Fang Lin Shiran walked to the side and pulled Jiang Baibai away who looked puzzled.

"The machine senses that your head is under it, so the water won't come out."

After Jiang Baibai was pulled away, the water dispenser soon discharged clean water.

She looked at Fang Lin with a look of embarrassment, imitating Fang Lin's words: "This machine...the machine is too weird."

Fang Lin looked at Jiang Baibai, who was about to shake the pot, and said, "This is a machine that dispenses water automatically, so as not to pour water over your head when you are drinking."

At the same time, he glanced at her.

Jiang Baibai looked into Fang Lin's eyes, his face changed, and he found out the shortcomings of this machine to save his face.

However, at the beginning of the design of this high-end pet drinking fountain, we selected the best from many solutions, and carefully selected from quality control to materials.

She couldn't fight back for a while but soon found blind spots in other things.

"Okay, so you can understand what I said! Why did you ignore me just now?"

Fang Lin looked at the little white cat who started to make trouble unreasonably when he couldn't say it, and he was a little puzzled: "You have a high IQ?"

"Nonsense, but as an ordinary domestic dog, you look so stupid that you are actually quite smart."

Ordinary domestic dog?
Does this mean you are not normal?

Fang Lin looked at the little white cat, who looked very different from his eyes and movements, and suddenly thought of the strange aura fluctuations before.

Could this little white cat be a cat from another world?
Otherwise, why would a person of Deng Jiefu's status come to Federal Park suddenly, and Yang Town's special department is pretending to be an urban management to catch stray cats and dogs.

Such an analysis really matched everything!

But the question is, is there a cat in another world?

Isn't this different world a bit too cute? Compared with the Kuroshio that invaded in the old wolf king's world, it can't be brought up to the table at all.

Seeing that Fang Lin suddenly stopped talking again, Jiang Baibai was a little puzzled: "What's wrong with you?"

At this time, Liu Jing came over: "There is already water, Mimi, drink it quickly."

As he spoke, he knelt down and pushed Jiang Baibai.

Jiang Baibai glanced at Fang Lin, walked to the water's edge very gracefully and lowered his head, sticking out his pink tongue and drinking the water with a very good rhythm.

"You two get along well."

Liu Jing watched Jiang Baibai finish drinking the water, smiled and picked her up and returned to the living room.

Then she turned on the projector and randomly found a variety show to watch.

The picture and sound that suddenly lit up on the wall startled Jiang Baibai.

She was a little confused: "Hey silly dog, what is this thing that looks like a phantom?"

Fang Lin jumped on the sofa and curled his lips: "Television, a kind of entertainment tool for human beings."

Jiang Baibai didn't understand anything about this sentence, it was electricity or something, but she still pretended to be enlightened.

Fang Lin also asked her curiously, "Are you from another world?"

Hearing this question, Jiang Baibai thought about it for a while, and there were only some smart local dogs in front of her, telling her that there should be no problem.

Moreover, a local dog that can only communicate is quite useful to her. After conquering him with his aura, it can also play a small role, such as that TV.

For the sake of Liu Jing's status in the family, she was subdued from a young age.

So she nodded.

Seeing Jiang Baibai's affirmation, Fang Lin looked at her carefully again.

Apart from not understanding anything, it really doesn't seem to be a threat.

"Why did you come back with Liu Jing?"

Liu Jing?

That woman's name?
"I'll follow her for now."


Fang Lin felt that he still had to eliminate some threats for Liu Jing, although this little white cat didn't seem to have any evil intentions.

What is the reason for this?
Jiang Baibai rolled his eyes: "The strong man in your human world asked me to follow her, the one sitting in the back just now, and finally warned me to be more honest with his eyes."

Could it be Deng Jiefu she was talking about?

No wonder why he suddenly sent himself back.

Now that Deng Jiefu knows, there should be no problem.

"Hey silly dog, when will you eat?"

Jiang Baibai said with embarrassment on his face.

Fang Lin frowned: "Do you all call others like this in other worlds?"

After all, he stopped talking to the little white cat.

Although he was also somewhat curious about the other world, especially about the practice of the other world, the little white cat in front of him didn't look very ordinary, even though he couldn't sense the aura.

Because no matter what the world is, a person with elegant manners must represent a good educational background, and at the same time represent a relatively complete understanding of the world.

But it's just this stupid dog, and she has to talk about it.

This little local cat doesn't seem to be very good at communicating with others, so he directly handles him.

Seeing that Fang Lin was angry, Jiang Baibai also felt that his address was a bit wrong.

In fact, it can't be all her fault, she has been regarded as a treasure by the clan since she was a child.

Although she often escapes to play, she has never been out of the territory of the Nine Nether Mysterious Cat Clan. Although the territory is large, it is fine. Usually, people introduce themselves directly in front of her.

"Then what's your name?"


"You won't be angry, will you?"

"Can you be angry? You are so small."


"Hey, don't be angry."

No matter what Jiang Baibai said next to him, Fang Lin ignored her and watched the variety show on the screen solemnly.

Seeing the little white cat chatting with Fang Lin more actively, Liu Jing felt relieved.

As long as you can get along peacefully with the rest of the family you're fine.

Jiang Baibai gritted his teeth looking at Fang Lin who couldn't say anything.

This silly dog, I am dignified. Oh, so annoying.

In fact, she is not a person who values ​​status very much, otherwise she would not be fighting with the princess in the car.

But she didn't know what to do for a while, and suddenly she thought of an idea.

"I'll give you something nice, don't be angry, come with me."

"It's really a good thing."

As she spoke, she jumped off the sofa to signal Fang Lin to follow him, and then ran to the balcony.

Fang Lin looked at the serious little white cat, and decided to take a look at it temporarily.

And Liu Jing looked at Kaka and the little white cat who were having fun, with an aunt smile on her face.

The princess had already fallen asleep in Fang Lin's kennel, only Xueqiu was quietly watching Kaka's figure from the cat climbing frame.

Seeing Fang Lin approaching, Jiang Baibai looked around and touched his little bell, and then conjured a fragrant fruit out of thin air.

This fruit is a bit like an apple, bright red, just smelling it makes Fang Lin's mouth water.

This! ?

space ring?

No, space bell?
Fang Lin looked at the fruit that appeared out of thin air in shock.

Seeing that Fang Lin had never seen the world, Jiang Baibai smiled triumphantly: "How is it? Haven't you seen it?"

"This is Yangqi fruit, you are just an ordinary dog ​​who can't afford other good things."

"It can use the aura contained in it to help you sort out the meridians on your body and improve your physique."

"This is the lowest-grade spirit fruit I can find. If it didn't taste delicious, I wouldn't even take it."

Said and handed the fruit to Fang Lin.

Fang Lin looked at Jiang Baibai, as if the word Kaizi was written on her forehead.

Where is this lady from?
Does she mean that there are many better ones?
But it wouldn't be poisonous, would it?

Fang Lin thought for a while, and felt that she had no reason to do so from various aspects.

"Why don't you eat?"

Jiang Baibai was a little puzzled, she thought that Fang Lin disliked the fruit, so she explained helplessly: "It's not that I won't give you better ones, but that you can't bear it."

Seeing that Jiang Baibai didn't seem to have the concept of poisoning in his mind, and his body also told him that there was nothing wrong with the fruit.

So Fang Lin didn't hesitate to bite down and swallow it.

For a while, a heat flow began to circulate in the body, and the limbs felt a little bit refreshed.

That's it?

 Thanks to book friend 202009** for rewarding 400 starting point coins, and thank book friend 13506** for rewarding 679 starting point coins!

(End of this chapter)

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