Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 112 Where did the country girl come from?

Chapter 112 Where did the country girl come from?
It's ten o'clock on Friday morning.

The sun was a little stronger than in the morning, but not as hot as noon.

The large area of ​​green plants in Yunting District looks more green under the sun, giving people a sense of tranquility amidst the trouble.

This is also the reason why Yang's mother chose to buy a "temporary" house in Yunting District after choosing a school. After living here for several years, she also likes the environment here very much.

Although the home is as green as the villas in various places, the surroundings are not so lively, and there is no sense of urban vitality.

At nine o'clock, Liu Jing took Fang Lin and the princess out to take a taxi to Commonwealth Park before being driven back by Yang Zhen. It was only ten o'clock now.

Yang Zhen showed a pass at the gate and drove into the community. After sending Liu Jing home, he reluctantly said goodbye to Fang Lin and drove away.

Jiang Baibai nestled in Liu Jing's arms in a state of shock. When she got out of the car just now, Deng Jiefu stared at her with meaningful eyes for a long time.

Sure enough, you have exposed your feet. His Highness has long seen your hypocritical mask.

Alas, life is impermanent.

If Royal Father and Uncle Yuan were by my side, why would you threaten me.

However, it seems that the official attitude of this human country towards spirit beasts seems to be relatively neutral.

But is it a little too trusting of yourself?If they were replaced by some vulgar races in the spirit world, wouldn't that lead to bad consequences?

Fortunately, I met Her Royal Highness, the beautiful and kind-hearted Princess Ben.

Because of the usual height of thinking, Jiang Baibai was actually worried about Longguo's diplomatic decisions.

"Yang Zhen."


"Go back and use the special internal line to contact No. [-]. I will go to Beijing immediately and have something to report in person."

In the off-road vehicle, Yang Zhen glanced at Deng Jiefu through the rearview mirror with some surprise.

Deng Jiefu was leaning on the back seat and looking out the window with deep eyes.

"Aren't you going to the magic capital?"

"Let's not go now."

Yang Zhen nodded, thought for a while, and suddenly said happily: "The passage has been closed, so Wen Yu doesn't need to use it anymore?"

Hearing this, Deng Jiefu showed a smile on his face: "I still have to come, isn't there a small building behind yours, it's good that she is here."


On the other hand, Jiang Baibai looked at the environment of Yunting community with more and more curiosity in his heart.

Is this a human residential area?

She looked at the neat and clean building with doubts in her heart.

All the mental construction she did after entering the ancestral land seemed to be useless, including the homework she had done in advance.

The ancestral land learned from the classics and this place are like two completely different worlds.

Clean and tidy environment, calm and gentle humans.

The man in front of him is obviously a gray-haired old man, but he can bask in the sun lazily and happily in front of his eyes. Only nobles can have pet dogs.

Shouldn't older humans be eliminated?
These human beings are not like those old immortals in their own clan.

And the most important thing is that the humans I met along the way seemed to have no fear, and their faces were full of confidence.

What kind of leader can create such a country, or is the human world like this?
Jiang Baibai seems to have discovered a novel toy, and wants to learn more about this world more and more.

She looked at Liu Jing who was close at hand, and made a decision in her heart to go to the woman in front of her for a while.

I just came to this world and urgently need a safe and suitable environment to get familiar with and adapt to the new world.

And that strong human should also acquiesce in staying by her side, after all, she is also a family princess.

If there are humans coming to her territory, she feels that she will also provide an environment and send shadow guards to observe around.

The most important thing is that she is actually a little hungry.

Even if she was a beast envoy in the spirit world, she still needs to eat, and as the Nine Nether Mysterious Cat, Her Royal Highness the Princess has never worried about these things.

Even if she sneaks out, she can hunt ordinary animals to fill her stomach, but there seems to be no place to hunt in the ancestral land, and she will be chased away if she catches a fish.

The woman in front of her must have two pet dogs at home, she must have a good family background, and she has a caring person. Such a perfect meal ticket is hard to find.

And Liu Jing was a little worried after returning home with two dogs and a cat.

I am afraid that I will be scolded for bringing back a stray cat without saying a word?
And nothing is prepared. When the princess bought it, the pet store provided all the necessary things. As long as you need it, it can be delivered to your home immediately.

What about this little white cat?

In her heart, she wanted to raise one. Mama Yang had a cat and a dog, and she didn't think there were too many of them.

But she had never had the experience of adopting stray cats, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

After returning home, Fang Lin was a little thirsty. After Liu Jing untied the rope for him, he went directly to the balcony to drink water.

The princess also followed behind.

After Jiang Baibai was put down by Liu Jing, he walked very slowly and observed the house.

She knew that this should be this woman's home, so she began to inspect her territory in the living room for a while.

Snowball on the cat climbing frame stared at the strange little white cat on the ground with wide eyes, feeling very puzzled.

Why did Liu Jing bring another cat back shortly after she left the house?

She looked at her own kind with some vigilance.

Jiang Baibai also noticed the snowball on the cat climbing frame at this time.


Hello there.

She greeted casually and continued to inspect the room.

Jiang Baibai, as His Royal Highness of the top wealthy family, suddenly felt like Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

She didn't know what many things were for, and she could only make some judgments based on some smells.

The smell in this house is quite mixed, it seems that there are many people.

I don't know what position this woman has in the family, can she be in power?

She knew that she was brought back by Liu Jing, and she would definitely be labeled with her, and for the time being, she would be both prosperous and ruined.

If Liu Jing is the kind who is marginalized in the family and wears small shoes, she has to find a way to see if she can improve Liu Jing's status.

After drinking the water, Fang Lin went back to the living room and found the little white cat staring at him with a strange face, and shook his head in his heart.

Poor little cat who has never seen the world.

He directly jumped onto the sofa and nestled down. Although Liu Jing forgot to wash his paws, this is not his problem, right?
Jiang Baibai keenly noticed the water stains around Fang Lin's mouth, and she was also a little thirsty for a while.

"Hey silly dog, where is the water source?"

Hearing the meowing, Fang Lin froze for a moment, looked at Jiang Baibai and turned his head again.

Isn't this local cat calling himself again?
"I'm talking to you."

Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin, who was looking around, a little dissatisfied.

And Fang Lin frowned, listening to Jiang Baibai's dialect-speaking words and didn't bother to talk to him.

There is no manners at all, where did the local girl come from?
But IQ seems to be quite high, the logic is quite smooth.

Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin lying on the soft long chair and actually closed his eyes, and rolled his eyes secretly.

I guess he couldn't understand what he was saying.

It's not his fault that he has a low IQ.

Jiang Baibai recalled the route Fang Lin had just come over and touched it by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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