Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 111 General Zhenyuan

Chapter 111 General Zhenyuan
With the roar of the engine, the off-road vehicle drove out of the parking lot.

Fang Lin squatted on the co-pilot's seat and leaned against the back, and Yang Zhen even fastened his seat belt.

To be reasonable, it's a little bit tight.

But this off-road vehicle looks a bit handsome, and it deserves to be a special department.

Thinking in his heart, he turned his head and glanced at the little white cat in Liu Jing's arms in the back seat. Did this cat just go home with him?
It seems that Liu Jing wants to adopt her, but this cat doesn't look like anyone wants it.

When he was watching videos before, he also saw many bloggers adopting stray cats and dogs.

Generally, there is a very beautiful story, such as one night when the moon was dark and the wind was high, the blogger just got off work, and suddenly saw a stray cat on the way home, and this kind of cat kept meowing and followed Walk.

Belonging is fate.

But isn't that a bit random now?
It wasn't long after I started shopping in a park, and I went home and brought an extra mouthful of people back. . .

Harm, it doesn't matter anyway, it's just one more pet at home, as long as it doesn't bother me.

Fang Lin thought of the picture of the little white cat spraying himself before, and was inexplicably worried about Xueqiu.

This little white cat seemed a little arrogant, Xue Qiu probably couldn't get much favor in front of her.

As long as you don't fight, the rest will take its course.

While Fang Lin was thinking, the car quickly drove to the door, and some police officers could be seen evacuating.

They have been tossing hard these past few days. They just stood guard at the door without knowing anything. They used to block everyone, but now they are ordered to block stray cats and dogs.

And Liu Jing was also a little depressed sitting in the car. After all, there was a very powerful leader sitting beside him, maybe he was the director of the Urban Management Bureau.

But she remembered what Yang Zhen said before and couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart, so she asked Yang Zhen softly.

"Where is that base?"

"Oh, it's on the outskirts of the city. I'll take you there by car. It should be this weekend. Isn't it Friday today? I'll go tomorrow."

"Ah? So fast?"

"Well, after all, it is considered a confidential area. The event date was reported early. I originally wanted to notify Mr. Lin at night. It just so happens that you go back and talk about it. I will call Ms. Yang at about seven or eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

Liu Jing, who nodded again and again, took advantage of the presence of this insider, and felt that she was asking about topics that interested her.

"I heard that you guys will eventually cut it into pieces and post it on the official Douyin account, so can I record it myself?"

"Of course you can, but you should check your video at the end."

"Do you still want to check the video?"

Hearing this, Liu Jing was a little worried. She was a little afraid that she would accidentally capture some secrets and let them find out.

Yang Zhen glanced at Liu Jing through the rearview mirror and said with a smile, "Don't worry, the places I'll take you to will be fine. Watching the video is just a routine procedure."

While talking, Yang Zhen added: "Actually, if you want, you can save a copy of the video when the time comes, and I can ask the technician to cut the video for you."

Liu Jing was startled: "Is this okay?"


Happiness came a little too suddenly.

It can give Kaka a good opportunity to be exposed, and you don’t have to cut the video yourself?
She wasn't worried about the level of the official technicians, they were better than a half-assed person like her.

"Don't worry, you can cut it again if you are not satisfied when it is cut."

"No no no, I'm not worried about that."

Liu Jing hurriedly explained to Yang Zhen, and then the two began to chat about some details, such as how long the event will last, what arrangements are there, and so on.

Jiang Baibai couldn't help feeling a little annoyed seeing Liu Jing chatting more and more happily with Yang Zhen, a human official.

Alas, why didn't I think of this? Sure enough, human landlords will be closer to the power class.

Pity me, I dare not move.

She glanced at the princess who was about to fall asleep under the seat, and quickly jumped out of Liu Jing's arms and landed beside her.

The space next to Liu Jing's feet is narrower and more enclosed, and covered.

As long as you hide here, you will not be in the sight of the strong human being.

She was so uncomfortable in Liu Jing's arms that she always felt that someone was watching her back.

Jiang Baibai, who was finally free, observed the vehicle he was taking left and right.

How did this big black boxy guy move by himself on the road?
No one is pulling people in front?

And I saw many square boxes of this kind on the road just now, but the colors and shapes are somewhat different.

Jiang Baibai felt it for a while, and felt that the new carriage of human beings was quite stable.

There are very few means of travel in the spirit world, generally limited to carriages, but the carts are replaced by more noble creatures.

Moreover, the Jiuyou Xuanmao is mainly used to attend some very important occasions.

Of course, it is also related to their relatively small size in normal postures. Most races do not have such things as carriages. After all, they think it is more comfortable to run and fly by themselves.

On the contrary, Tianzhu and Jinyan Shengshi Clan elders will domesticate some spiritual animals to pull carts for themselves, maybe they have some kind of obsession.

Jiang Baibai pulled the car twice and nodded, the pomp is pretty good, I don't know if this woman's family has a similar carriage.

Jiang Baibai's actions woke up the princess, she turned over and found Jiang Baibai beside her, she couldn't help poking her head to play with her.

Who knew Jiang Baibai was slapped on the head before she touched her.

The princess shrank her head but found that it didn't hurt very much, so she continued to approach Jiang Baibai cheerfully.

Jiang Baibai didn't dare to use too much force, so he kept patting the head of the princess with the pads on his paws.

And the stubborn princess didn't feel any pain but aroused her interest.

A cat and a dog started making a fuss under Liu Jing's feet.

It made Deng Jiefu turn his head away.

Liu Jing looked at Deng Jiefu apologetically, then reached out and patted the heads of Jiang Baibai and the princess and said in a low voice.

"Don't make trouble!"

However, neither the princess nor Jiang Baibai paid any attention to her, and they were still attacking one by one.

She raised her head and smiled awkwardly at Deng Jiefu.

"Your pet is very lively."

"Uh, umm."

"What are their names?"

"This husky is called Princess, and then"


Liu Jing paused when she said this, she was still very calm on the surface with a polite smile on her face.

However, I was already crying in my heart, she was just a little girl who was almost 30 years old!

Fang Lin also laughed in his heart when he heard the movement, he really wanted to know how Liu Jing would behave.

Is there a name on the spot?
He also discovered that Liu Jing probably didn't want the little white cat to be taken away.

"Uh, her name is General Zhenyuan."

Liu Jing suddenly remembered the goofy costume drama she watched last night, and made up a name casually.


Deng Jiefu raised his eyebrows when he heard the name, which was obviously emerging.

He looked at Liu Jing and said with a gentle smile, "It's a very unique name."

"Ah, thanks."

Seeing that she was confused, Liu Jing quickly turned her head and looked out the window, as if something attracted her.

Seeing this, Deng Jiefu looked down at Jiang Baibai, just as she heard the conversation between the two just now, she also looked at Deng Jiefu.

The eyes of the two converged at this moment.

Jiang Baibai's heartbeat felt like it missed half a beat. Seeing the non-threatening smile on the face of the strong human being, she quickly turned her eyes away.

Why does it feel like a fake smile?You can't see yourself coming, can you?

It doesn't matter, I act first anyway, and I won't suffer anyway.

In which garden did I hear that the Dragon Kingdom loves peace?

The two armies are fighting without beheading.

If she is exposed, she demands equal treatment.

After that, she also found that those tourists were ordinary people. To build such a luxurious sightseeing garden for ordinary people and maintain it on a daily basis, it should be reasonable for Mingjun to be in power in this Dragon Kingdom, right?

Thinking of this, Jiang Baibai jumped into Liu Jing's arms generously.

She looked out of the car window at the tall buildings she had never seen before and couldn't help but be fascinated.




(Happy Valentine's Day everyone~)

 Thanks to Long Shang, book friend 20200904, starry night, joy at first sight, fairy and son, and Tian Zhengdu for the 100 starting coins

  Thank you for the 1500 starting coins that you don’t come here

  Thanks to book friends 202009042233 for the 500 starting coins

  Thanks to Chun Gaosheng for the 394 starting coins

  Thanks to Xiao Jiang for the 500 starting coins rewarded by the dog licking

  Thanks to book friend 20210301104 for the reward of 600 starting coins

  Thanks to the nickname that is too difficult to name, there are already 111 starting coins rewarded

(End of this chapter)

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