Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 110 Sending You Chapter

Chapter 110 Let's Take You Back

Deng Jiefu in the back seat noticed that Fang Lin nodded slightly to him, and then looked at the situation with his eyes.

Lin Shaohua heard Yang Zhen's words and went to the security sightseeing car to explain the situation to him.

Jiang Baibai hid behind Liu Jing and looked at Deng Jiefu in surprise. She could feel that the human being in front of her was a strong human being who was constantly exuding coercion.

God bless, I hope the woman in front of me can play a role.

Yang Zhen nodded after understanding the situation, got out of the car and took off his sunglasses in front of Liu Jing.

The little female cat with yellow and black stripes had already finished eating the beef jerky. She felt a little scared of the situation in front of her, so she took this opportunity to slip away.

"Don't worry, our doses have been strictly calculated and will not affect the cat's health."

"You were the one that day."

Yang Zhen interrupted Liu Jing with a smile: "Yes, it's me, so don't worry, we have all undergone strict training."

As he spoke, he turned his head and pointed to the place where the cat disappeared with several field soldiers, signaling them to chase after it.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Baibai groaned inwardly, it seems that this woman can't protect these cats either.

What can she do?
Jiang Baibai thought about it and suddenly felt that there was still a chance of life if he didn't run away.

Taking advantage of Yang Zhen's turning around, she hurriedly pawed Liu Jing's calf.

When Liu Jing turned around and looked down at her, she jumped into Liu Jing's arms as soon as she took off, and Liu Jing just subconsciously reached out and hugged her.

Jiang Baibai dialed his own little bell, and then very intimately slid into Liu Jing's arms and did not move.

A very familiar and intimate look.

Liu Jing looked closely at Jiang Baibai, who was covered in snow and without a trace of hair, and carefully moved into a comfortable position.

She suddenly understood what some little white cats meant.

Although Yang Zhen said that nothing would happen, but after all, he had to take an injection of anesthesia, and the Datong bunk where people slept was so uncomfortable, let alone the cat that would be under unified management?

This little white cat is so cute and has a small bell on its neck, what if it is lost by others, anyway, we can't let her be caught by these people and suffer so much.

She lowered her head and smiled at Jiang Baibai.

Jiang Baibai, who was in Liu Jing's arms, felt very happy in Liu Jing's willingness to cooperate. It is recorded in the ancient books that human beings are very evil, but it seems that there are still good people.

Fang Lin was a little puzzled when he saw this scene, did the cat jump into Liu Jing's arms so familiar?

At this time, Yang Zhen turned his head to look at the princess Liu Jing was leading and Jiang Baibai in her arms and asked.

"Are they all vaccinated?"

Liu Jing was a little nervous: "I hit it."


"Hey, I remember you bought this dog two days ago? Is this cat?"

After Yang Zhen reacted, he was a little puzzled. The intelligence department usually reported every piece of information related to Fang Lin to him.

Hearing this sentence, Liu Jing couldn't help holding Jiang Baibai's hand a little harder, she was calm on the surface and thinking quickly in her heart how to round it.

It never occurred to Yang Zhen why she would know her information.

Although Jiang Baibai couldn't understand human words, he still felt that something was wrong.

She looked up at Deng Jiefu in the car, just in time to meet his pair of eyes that were emitting a faint golden light.

Jiang Baibai was startled and hurriedly lowered his head.

Seeing that Liu Jing didn't reply for a long time, Yang Zhen thought she was a little afraid of him, scratched his head and was about to speak again.

At this time, Deng Jiefu's plain voice came over.

"Okay, let's go."

The golden light in his eyes was fleeting and had calmed down at this moment.


Yang Zhen didn't understand what Deng Jiefu meant.

Deng Jiefu looked around and there were many pedestrians who stopped to watch and said again: "Tell Li Mei that you can leave."

Yang Zhen looked at him and understood that Deng Jiefu should have sensed it. Since he said he was fine, he must be fine.

Yang Zhen took out his mobile phone and started sending messages to Li Mei.

At this moment, Deng Jiefu smiled and asked Liu Jing, "How did you get here?"

Liu Jing, who was rescued suddenly, froze for a moment, and said subconsciously, "I came by taxi."

"You have three pets with you, isn't it easy to take a car?"

"Uh, kind of."

"Well, it happens that we are going back too, so let's drive you off."

Liu Jing suddenly understood that this person who seemed to be the leader meant to send her home.

It was too sudden, and she just made up a lie and was rescued by him, so what if she finds out.

She smiled and wanted to decline, but Yang Zhen's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He doesn't want to let go of any chance to get along with Kaka.

"Okay, come on."

"Haha. That's too polite, no, no need."

"Hey, you're welcome, just let me tell you about Kaka's going to the military dog ​​base."

"Huh? All right."

Liu Jing was a little shaken when she heard the military dog ​​base, okay, anyway, I just insisted that it was my cat and it was over.

So Yang Zhen took Kaka's dog leash with a smile and led him to the side of the driver's seat of the security car, while Liu Jing led the princess and sat beside Deng Jiefu with Jiang Baibai in his arms.

He asked Liu Shaohua for the keys to the off-road vehicle, happily sat in the driver's seat of the security car, patted Kaka's head, and started the car.

This car has only two rows, front and rear, with no doors on both sides, and only a roof above the head.

Yang Zhen's car was not slow, and the car quickly galloped along the road in Federal Park and headed towards the parking lot.

Fang Lin looked at the landscape trees running back from him with a special flavor.

If you are visiting the scenic spot, it would be nice to rent this kind of tram.

I am not tired and enjoy the beautiful scenery, the big deal is to drive slower.

The princess poked her head out from the side at Liu Jing's feet.

The wind brushed across her cheeks, and the princess happily blowing the wind with her mouth open, her tongue fluttering in the air.

Jiang Baibai looked down at the princess who was having fun alone, and secretly groaned.

Knowing nothing is indeed a bliss.

The man was sitting next to her, and she didn't even dare to turn her head for fear that he would see something and take her away.

A top Beast Master is sitting next to him, and now he can only use the strength of the Beast Spirit, which is really too difficult.

Hurry up and leave him, why does this woman sit with this man?

Soon the group arrived at the parking lot, and Liu Jing got out of the car with Jiang Baibai in her arms.

But before Jiang Baibai had time to be happy, he saw Yang Zhen go to the side of a black boxy thing and opened a door.

What made her feel even more chilled was that the woman holding her also opened a door and sat in, and the strong human was still sitting next to her!

And this time it was still in a closed space.

To be reasonable, she sneaked out to play and found that when Jiang Yuan appeared in front of her, she was not as sad as she is now.

(End of this chapter)

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