Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 109 This Silly Dog Is Not Bad

Chapter 109 This Silly Dog Is Not Bad

But Fang Lin felt that this aura was a bit familiar. It seemed to be Deng Jiefu's feeling?

Could it be the reason for the strange aura fluctuation a few minutes ago?

At this moment, he suddenly felt a wave of worry around him. Fang Lin observed it and found that it was coming from the little white cat with the bell.

He found that the little white cat was also looking up at the source of the momentum.

Fang Lin observed the little white cat curiously, um, it was a female cat, her eyes were quite unique and exotic, and her body curve was also very good, it must be some kind of very expensive quality, right?

Because he could feel the faint nobility from her, as if she was born to blend into every move.

Jiang Baibai recovered and found that one of the woman's pets was staring at her, with a trace of scrutiny in her eyes, which made her a little uncomfortable.

While the woman was not paying attention, she spoke to Fang Lin.


What are you looking at, silly dog, have you never seen a beautiful woman?


Fang Lin frowned and looked at the little white cat who was angry at him, feeling a little funny in his heart.

But he didn't care too much, after all, it was just an ordinary cat, he is dignified, what is he so concerned about with a little female cat?And the first impression is not bad.

So Fang Lin looked away calmly, very gentlemanly and indifferent.

This silly dog ​​can't understand what I'm saying, right?
Through previous observation and practice, Jiang Baibai has found that his voice is the same as that of these cats and dogs, at most it has some dialect flavor.

And the pregnant cat can communicate with itself simply, maybe this good-looking dog is not very intelligent.

Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin with a trace of regret.

She ate the jerky unhurriedly, observing the changes around her.

Now that the strong human beings are here, the human army should arrive soon, right?I just used the woman in front of me to pretend.

And the facts developed just as Jiang Baibai thought.

A group of people who also wore black uniforms in September drove the urban management van in twos and threes to spread out in the park. When they encountered stray cats and dogs, they shot them directly with small anesthetic guns and packed them into plastic boxes.

When encountering pedestrians who are leading dogs or carrying cat bags, they will also ask when these pets were purchased and whether they have been vaccinated.

Sometimes, some passers-by thought they were stealing dogs and selling meat in broad daylight, so they bravely stepped forward to argue, but they were soon convinced by their sufficient reasoning.

"This is an event jointly organized by the Sioux City police and the urban management department, all for the purpose of building a civilized city."

"It's just to catch these cats and dogs and vaccinate them. They will be released after they are vaccinated. For details, please follow the WeChat public account Wenming Sucheng."

It's just strange that every time they use an anesthesia gun to catch a stray cat or dog and put it in a plastic box, they will play a dog barking next to the sleeping cat or dog.

And this situation quickly spread to Liu Jing and his party.

Liu Jing, who was constantly taking out dried meat to feed the two cats, looked up and suddenly found a cow-colored stray cat with black and white hair not far away that was shot unconscious by these uniformed men and put it into a box, and then took it Take out the recording pen and play the recording next to it in one go.

For a moment she didn't realize what was going on.

Jiang Baibai was also surprised, what happened?

Are these the armies of man?

She hurriedly observed these black uniforms, and suddenly found that some people did have aura fluctuations on them.

Moreover, these people seem to only catch free cats and dogs, and use a weapon to quickly hit these cats and dogs, and then they fall to the ground without moving.

Is the life of a free cat and dog so cheap?
However, Jiang Baibai, who was a little angry, soon discovered that these cats and dogs were just in a coma, and did not die immediately.

And what was that sudden dog barking?
"The Dragon Country Federation loves peace, but is never afraid of war. We treat prisoners preferentially, and only by surrendering can we survive, otherwise we will castrate them first and then kill them."


What a cruel human being.

What should we do now?
If she doesn't show her strength, she can't escape the special weapons in the hands of these troops with the speed of ordinary cats in the ancestral land. If she is caught, she will be castrated first and then killed, although she doesn't know how these humans will treat them female cat.

But she knows how the spirit world treats hostile groups, and it should be similar to humans.

But if she uses the strength of the beast spirit (D grade), she will be exposed immediately. The power of that strong human being has been shrouded in the sky, not only acting as a deterrent but also as a sensing effect.

Just when Jiang Baibai didn't know what to do, the eyes of these black uniforms had already fixed on Liu Jing and the little yellow and black striped female cat beside her.

Liu Jing, who was confused and still a little scared in her heart, saw these black uniforms coming over and pointing the muzzle of the anesthesia gun at the yellow and black striped female cat beside her.

As if the little female cat would be shot down in the next second, she subconsciously got up and stood in front of the little female cat.

"What are you doing!!? She's pregnant!"

She stood up and looked at the black muzzle of the gun, feeling very panicked and regretful at the same time.

In her heart, she was just a child, how could such a thing happen?

Seeing this situation, Fang Lin quickly jumped forward in front of Liu Jing, looked at the black uniform in front of him indifferently, and slowly lowered his body to let out an aura to shock the black uniform in front of him.

He heard these people playing their own voices, and guessed that something should have happened.

But I didn't expect them to act so domineeringly, and they dared to raise their guns when the little cat was beside Liu Jing?So confident in yourself?
The field soldier holding the anesthesia gun was stunned by Fang Lin's aura, and quickly put down the anesthesia gun after realizing it.

The task he received was to anesthetize any stray cats and dogs with an anesthesia gun, and his companions were responsible for the follow-up tasks of capturing and explaining to the public.

Just now, after he judged that the yellow and black striped cat was a stray cat, he subconsciously raised his gun.

Because stray cats and dogs are very good at judging, the hair on their bodies is neat and tidy, etc., and although Liu Jing is beside him, he is also confident that he can hit every shot.

However, Liu Jing suddenly stopped him in front of him afterward, and a husky jumped out suddenly, looking at him with indifferent eyes, and he actually saw a trace of murderous intent in the eyes of this husky , which made him stunned again.

"Put the gun down!"

Lin Shaohua, who was in charge of the overall progress, just came here and noticed the confrontation here. He yelled and ran over and kicked the field soldier's ass, causing him to stagger.

"Damn you! To whom are you raising your gun? Huh?"

As he spoke, he kicked up again.

The field soldier who was kicked numb stabilized his body and wanted to stand upright, but remembered that he couldn't reveal his identity, so he adjusted his posture again, as awkward as he wanted.

"I'm sorry, lady. Don't be afraid. We are the urban management of Sioux City. We are just here to catch these stray cats and dogs for vaccination."

Lin Shaohua turned his head and hurriedly explained to Liu Jing, telling her not to be afraid.

Liu Jing, who was still in shock, took a deep breath and waved her hands. She was really scared just now.

Facing the gun for a few seconds, she felt that her legs were weak now, and she was really afraid that the urban management would go off.

Jiang Baibai hid behind Liu Jing and looked at her back, with an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes.

And that silly dog, who seems to be quite useful when encountering things.

She wondered whether she should take this opportunity to slip away directly, but after looking around the empty surroundings, she decided to observe the situation temporarily, and she must be patient and not impatient.

Jiang Baibai cheered herself up, not to mention that she has run to show that she is not normal, and the garden should be surrounded.

At this moment, a park's "open-top" security car drove over slowly, and then stopped beside it.

"what's the situation?"

Yang Zhen, wearing sunglasses, sat in the driver's seat and asked Lin Shaohua, and blinked at Fang Lin next to him, completely forgetting that he was wearing sunglasses.

However, Fang Lin spotted him immediately and turned to look at the back seat.

Hey, isn't this my master?

Fang Lin hurriedly greeted Deng Jiefu.

 Time is a bit tight, I will thank you for the reward tomorrow, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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