Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 108 It Rubbed Me

Chapter 108 It Rubbed Me

In Jiang Baibai's sight, a beautiful woman with fair skin and a smile was taking out a bag of jerky from her small satchel, tore it open, squatted down and called the little female cat, and blocked it with her body intentionally or unintentionally. Security sight.

Was this woman trying to feed her?

Jiang Baibai looked at the two domesticated hounds beside the woman, one of them was handsome and calm, and seemed to be well taken care of.

It seems to be a very good human being, with a good temperament and good clothes, and is also very friendly to animals.

This little episode also dispelled the anger in her heart. After all, she was in a foreign land, so it was good that someone stood up for this female cat.

Jiang Baibai felt like a chivalrous woman drinking tea in a tavern in the story, squatting aside to observe the progress of the matter.

The little female cat looked at the fish that were still jumping on the lawn not far away and was still unwilling, but the security guard quickly stepped forward to grab some dying fish on the ground and threw them back into the pond.

Seeing this scene, the little female cat glanced at the vicious security guard, and accepted the fact helplessly.

No way, the number one secret to their survival in this park is not to fight these uniformed people.

So she meowed and approached the woman, and the woman tore open the package of jerky at her feet.

The little female cat didn't eat directly at the first time, but first rubbed her body against the woman's feet as if to thank her, and then ate happily without avoiding the woman.

"Hey, Kaka, look! It rubbed against me! It's so fat, I don't know if it's a male or a female."


Fang Lin was a little speechless, Xueqiu often came to play with you at home, how come the wild cats outside are more fresh?It's so fun to rub it.

But even though he complained in his heart, Fang Lin still carefully observed this yellow and black striped cat. It was covered in gray and black hair with some yellow lines in the middle. It looked cute, but there seemed to be some scratches on its body.

He could tell that this should be a female cat, and looking at the somewhat raised belly of the female cat, she should still be pregnant with a baby.

The Princess directly leaned over to smell the little female cat. Although she often heard different cats meowing in the pet store, the only one who came into close contact with her was Xueqiu.

She was still very curious about cats, and suddenly she didn't get along well with Xueqiu at home. Although she was very curious, she still resisted getting close to Xueqiu. Now that she had this opportunity, how could she let it go.

It may be that the princess' enthusiasm frightened the little female cat, or the little female cat thought that the princess would eat this piece of jerky.

She looked up at the princess who was approaching and then at Liu Jing, licked her mouth reluctantly, and took the initiative to stay away from the jerky.

Then she looked around and was still waiting by the side, as if expecting Liu Jing to give her some more.

Seeing this scene, Fang Lin was a little surprised. Why didn't this stray cat eat jerky while she was pregnant?
Although he was puzzled, he still stretched out his paw and patted the princess to tell her not to scare the cat when she came back. It seemed quite sensible and it would not be too late for her to play after eating.

The princess also saw that the little female cat was avoiding her and walked back to Fang Lin with some disappointment.

"Eat it, why don't you eat it?"

Being invited again, the little female cat happily approached the jerky again and started eating.

"Hey Kaka, you see, the little kitten has a big belly, so it won't be pregnant, right?"

Liu Jing took out her mobile phone and recorded the video.

At this time, the security guards continued to drive away the remaining cats in the bridge hole, and Jiang Baibai stood aside, calmly watching the security guards who were getting closer.

Just when the security guard took out the bamboo pole to scare Jiang Baibai, Liu Jing saw this scene and hurried a few steps closer, took out another bag of dried meat from her bag, and greeted Jiang Baibai.

"Mimi~ I still have you here, hurry up, master, don't scare her."

"Ham, I can't help it. If you don't care about them, keep fishing."

The security guard didn't continue to chase Jiang Baibai after he said that, after all, she didn't continue to fish, and with the persuasion of Liu Jing, a beautiful young woman, he left the spot and started patrolling not far away.

"Come on, Mimi~"

Jiang Baibai looked at Liu Jing who smiled and looked at Liu Jing with anticipation in his eyes, and subconsciously leaned over.

Seeing that Jiang Baibai really came, Liu Jing quickly tore open the packaging bag and handed it to her.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Baibai nodded again in his heart. This woman knew how to feed her herself, not bad.

But she was a little hesitant. There will be no problem with this food, right?

She looked at the happy little female cat who was eating, and then at Fang Lin and the Princess, weighing the pros and cons in her heart.

It seems that this woman should be a well-off person among human beings. It seems that her hunting dogs have grown into good-looking watch dogs and are well taken care of.

It should be the type of landlord who has no worries about food and clothing and is kind-hearted.

Jiang Baibai glanced at the woman's sincere eyes, and slowly gnawed a mouthful of jerky with his sharp teeth, biting off a small piece in his mouth in an instant, and began to chew, forming a sharp contrast with the struggling little female cat beside him. contrast.

In fact, this kind of snack is for the princess and Kaka, and it also has the effect of grinding teeth.

Well, the taste is not bad, but it feels a little dry.

Jiang Baibai looked curiously at the packaging bag containing the jerky, which was a silver material of unknown material.

Is the bag unusable after one use?
Jiang Baibai looked at the bag that tore open and did not seem to be able to be closed again, and strengthened his mind.

Even the bag for animal jerky is so extravagant, this woman really has extraordinary financial resources.

And Liu Jing was also very happy to see Jiang Baibai eating her jerky. She liked this little white cat very much, and her eyes were shining.

"Hey Mimi, why are you wearing a small bell, have you lost it?"

What is this woman talking about?

Jiang Baibai looked at Liu Jing talking to herself with some doubts while eating the jerky, but she could feel that this woman should care about herself.

The human voice in this ancestral land needs to be learned when you have time, otherwise you can't understand what they say and hide yourself.

Just as Jiang Baibai was thinking, the sound of propellers suddenly sounded incessantly over Confederation Park, and a domineering helicopter flew directly above and stopped on a lawn in the park where the staff had cleared the field in advance.

"Huh? Is there an extra helicopter ride in the park?"

Liu Jing couldn't help looking up at the place where the helicopter landed in the distance, a little curious.

Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai raised their heads solemnly, and they both felt a power against spiritual creatures hanging over the entire park, as if they were warning something.

Such a domineering aura, is he a strong human being?

There was a trace of worry in Jiang Baibai's eyes, but she was very confident in her Zhetianling, she was sure that she could disguise herself as an ordinary cat.

(End of this chapter)

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