Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 107 I like to masturbate other cats outside

Chapter 107 I like to masturbate other cats outside

Are these hounds domesticated by humans?

Along the way, Jiang Baibai saw many humans leading various dogs, but why did he feel that these dogs were not vicious at all?

On the contrary, she felt that they were more like these human children, very harmless.

Jiang Baibai also found that there are many ordinary cats alone in this garden, and they seem to be free, wandering around in the garden looking for food.

And the humans in this garden are not surprised by them, and some even greet them.

After discovering this, Jiang Baibai boldly walked around in the garden after two attempts.

With Zhetian Ling, she is not worried that someone will find out that her aura is fluctuating, so she can completely disguise herself as these free cats.

She jumped onto a bench by the lake and looked at the lake quietly. The people passing by did not have any ill intentions towards her, and some even took pictures of her with a square object and smiled happily. .

Jiang Baibai ignored the humans around her, and she observed the aura core in her body.

She was originally a beast envoy at the peak level, but after lighting up three aura cores, now only one is still shining.

Alas, I don't know if my father has heard the news of my coming to the ancestral land.

You should already know, I hope he won't come looking for me.

The ancestral land seems to be unexpectedly safe.

Just when Jiang Baibai was thinking, suddenly she felt a young woman approaching herself with a smile on her face.

She stepped back a little and looked at the human with some vigilance.

Seeing Jiang Baibai's vigilant look, the girl hurriedly took out a pack of jerky, opened it and squeezed out a little.

This is the ration of cats in her own family. When she is free, she will come to the park to look for stray cats to play with, and then pick the cute ones that are pleasing to the eye, feed them, and touch them by the way.

Although you have to wash your hands with hand sanitizer before going back to prevent the cats at home from smelling other cats and getting angry.

But even with some troubles, she still likes this feeling more and more.

After all, the cats in the park after getting the food are very well-behaved. They don't even protect the food and let her stroke it casually.

You can experience different types of cute cats with only one pack of jerky, which is simply irresistible. It’s more cost-effective than cat coffee!
Jiang Baibai watched the woman holding something and wanted to approach her, and took another step back. She already wanted to leave this place.

At this time, the girl was a little anxious. She didn't expect this cute little white cat to be so vigilant.

There is still a small bell around the neck, so it can't be because it was abandoned by others, so it is wary of humans, right?

Without thinking about it, she put the jerky at a certain distance from Jiang Baibai, and then stepped back a little.

Indicate that Jiang Baibai can inspect the goods first, and then start by himself after he feels that there is no problem.

Jiang Baibai looked at the woman's movements with some doubts, and somewhat understood that she wanted to give him that jerky-like thing.

So she went over and sniffed, um, it seemed to be beef.

But she looked at the woman and didn't intend to eat this piece of jerky, and she wasn't hungry now.

Besides, why would someone feed themselves jerky for no reason.

In the eyes of ordinary creatures in the spirit world, food is the most precious, so how could they give it to others at will.

She also learned a lot about the ancestral land from some classics. It seems that the ancestral land has always been short of food.

What's more, Jiang Yuan has heard such terrible things as Yizi's cannibalism, and it is even more impossible for her to eat jerky for no reason.

This woman must be up to no good.

Jiang Baibai looked at this pretty woman, jumped off the chair and ran away.

"Ah, why are you leaving?"

The young girl stomped her feet in annoyance, and regretfully picked up the jerky.

That little white cat is so pretty, it's the cat of my dreams!

Too bad no photos have been taken yet.

The girl waited and watched for a while, and had no choice but to set off again to find the next kitten.

And Jiang Baibai ran for a while and came to an arch bridge. The arch bridge was not too high and there was a crystal clear lake below.

There are also a lot of goldfish in the lake. The colors are various and should be ornamental fish.

Standing by the side, Jiang Baibai looked at the fish and felt that these fish were pretty good-looking. Although all the fish in his own lake were spirit fish, they didn't seem to be as good-looking as these fish after removing the light and shadow.

These fish should have been bred by special personnel, otherwise they wouldn't be so beautiful.

There are people in her clan who specialize in doing this.

Jiang Baibai thought about it and suddenly noticed a scene that shocked her.

The human beings on the bridge are taking some broken things to feed the ornamental fish, causing the fish to gather together under the arch bridge.

And the place where the arch bridge is in contact with the lake water is the front and rear transparent holes, and there are actually several cats gathering there to fish!
She just watched helplessly as a cat with black and white spots nimbly picked up a fish, grabbed it in its mouth and ran away.

Does this work too?

Don't humans care?
Seeing this, she was also a little moved, and she forgot to save some spirit fish in Zhetianling to eat.

I don't know if these good-looking fish in Zudi are good or not.

Without much thought, she also ran over, ready to grab one and have a look.

Since she was a child, she can do whatever she can think of in the clan, and she has no worries at all.

And at present, it seems that Zudi doesn't look dangerous, and those who have spiritual energy can't see any of them. She just needs to disguise herself as these free cats in the garden.


Just when Jiang Baibai arrived at the entrance of the cave, a female cat with yellow and black stripes in front of her saw her approaching, hesitated for a moment and then warned her.

It roughly means that it is her turn now, and you can't compete with her.

The two small canine teeth in the open mouth further exaggerated this momentum.

Seeing this, Jiang Baibai felt a little funny.

What is her status?
The patriarch of the Nine Nether Black Cat Clan, the noble bloodline is one of the best in the spirit world.

What's more, when she came, she wanted to prevent these cats in the ancestral land from being blind to Mount Tai, and she also released a trace of coercion.

There are also many ordinary creatures in the spirit world, so the coercion she releases is just right to make the cat in front of her feel a little scared when she sees her, but it won't scare away directly, after all, she still has to hide herself.

How dare this ordinary cat in front of him threaten him?
However, after her careful observation she fell silent.

She could see that the yellow and black striped female cat in front of her was pregnant with a new life.

And the threat that the female cat held on to also revealed a trace of timidity, and her body trembled slightly.

There seemed to be some small scratches on her body, which seemed to be left after a fight.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Baibai thought of his mother for a moment. Although the emperor did not let her know the news, how could there be an impenetrable wall?
Females are weak, but mothers are strong.

A lot of imaginary images flashed in her mind. The mother cat in front of her was fighting with other cats for food for her own child. She lived a difficult life, and she suddenly felt very sour.

Alas, as expected, the ancestral land is still the territory of humans, and the life of cats is not ideal.

But why didn't this female cat go to a human?It seems that their attitude towards cats and dogs is okay?

Although he had doubts in his heart, Jiang Baibai silently put away his coercion and took a few steps back, signaling that the female cat could hunt.

Seeing this, the two male cats behind Jiang Baibai also wanted to step forward to grab the position, so she stopped them directly and gave them a look to keep them obediently in place.

Hmph, I don't know good from bad.

The yellow-and-black striped female cat quickly caught a fish, glanced at Jiang Baibai timidly, and then wanted to leave.

Jiang Baibai bid her farewell gently, and was about to grab one to taste the saltiness himself, when he heard a commotion.

A security guard in uniform came over with a bamboo stick to drive away the wild cats in the bridge hole. These ornamental fish are the property of the park, and they cannot be taken for nothing.

He also pays attention to proportion, but he just drives the cats away and doesn't really hit him.

However, the female cat dropped the fish in her mouth in panic just now, and wanted to pick it up anxiously, but the security guard had already come over with a bamboo pole and continued to drive her away, so she had to yelp sadly and stay away for a few steps.

Seeing this episode, Jiang Baibai's body was trembling, his eyes were turning red, and his whole body was burning with anger.

Just when she couldn't help but wanted to teach the human holding the bamboo pole in front of her, a sudden movement from the mother cat interrupted her.

"Mimi, are you hungry? I happened to have something to eat~"

 Thank you Quan Kun for the 100-point starting coin, and thank you book friend 20200904 for the 200-point starting coin.

  Boss atmosphere Boss health.

(End of this chapter)

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