Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 106 The Little White Cat

Chapter 106 The Little White Cat

Father, Uncle Yuan, let me be self-willed for the last time.

Zudi, here I come.

Jiang Baibai looked at the gradually disappearing passage behind him, and said to himself.

The people in the ancestral land must have discovered the opening of the passage, those strong men and even the trapping team that Uncle Yuan said should already be on their way.

A sense of urgency surged in Jiang Baibai's heart, he looked around and quickly left the place.

"Team Deng, just now the passageway of Federal Park suddenly opened for 47 seconds and then closed."

"What about the exact location?"


Li Mei took out a tablet computer that displayed a 3D map of the Federal Park, and a location marked in red was very obvious.

"Is it the woods next to Minghu Lake?"

Deng Jiefu immediately ordered without hesitation: "Notify the Sioux City Police Department to cooperate in the name of catching stray animals and building a civilized city to block all entrances and exits, and to examine any animals that come and go. arrange."


Li Mei saluted, turned around and hurriedly left.

Yang Zhen said to Deng Jiefu with some concern: "The Commonwealth Park is now open, and there are still many people inside."

"Don't worry, the race over there has a neutral attitude towards the channel and our side, and it's only open for 47 seconds, so there may not be any spirit beasts coming."

"If I arrive as soon as possible, nothing will happen. The rest is just to capture stray animals for resettlement. Your recording can come in handy. Send it to Li Mei."

"it is good."

Soon, a powerful helicopter quickly lifted off from an open space of the former Qingshui District Archives Bureau, carrying Deng Jiefu and Yang Zhen to the Federal Park.

In the yellow stewed chicken shop on the opposite street, the boss who was lamenting that there was no business suddenly stuck his head out in surprise when he heard the movement and looked at the helicopter that disappeared into the sky.

Jiang Baibai walked out of the woods stooping when he heard the noisy sound, and what he saw was a sparkling lake and upright walking animals wearing strange clothes but very neat.

These should be the human beings in the records, right?

Jiang Baibai looked at these humans curiously, but she didn't feel that they should be ordinary people.

These human beings walked together in twos and threes, smiling happily, and seemed to have no troubles.

Jiang Baibai looked around again and looked at the surrounding scene. It was a peaceful lake under the sun, and there were many cruise ships cruising on it.

There are many flower bushes, woods, pavilions and rectangular chairs that seem to be for people to rest around.

The clean ground and the green plants pruned according to certain rules all reflect that this is a place that is often cared for and repaired by special personnel.

Could this be the back garden of a certain noble in the ancestral land?

A trace of doubt flashed in Jiang Baibai's eyes. Except that the plants were all ordinary and not spiritual plants, the other structures were almost the same as the gardens in her family.

But if it is the back garden of some nobleman, why do these humans seem to be unfamiliar?

"Hey, little white cat!"

Just when Jiang Baibai was thinking, a human cub suddenly found her, pointed at her and happily shared it with the adults around him.


Jiang Baibai mobilized his spiritual energy and quickly left the place, pulling out a white afterimage on the spot, leaving only the family looking at each other in blank dismay.

The sweltering summer wind blows through the lush green grass, and the golden sun shines through the leaves and casts shadows all over the place.

Wildflowers bloom quietly by the lake, and a magpie sits on the back of a bench.

People, cities, nature, history, between scenery and people, people are also scenery.

Fang Lin walked on the road by the lake, feeling the breeze blowing across his cheeks, and squinted his eyes comfortably.

This kind of sunny weather should go to the park, which made him feel the long-lost harmony. People are really easy to get bored after staying in the room for a long time.

The Princess walked and sniffed, looking excitedly at everything around her.

Grass, dirt, leaves, trash cans, each made her very curious.

Occasionally, you can meet tourists who are also wandering with their pets, and the princess will come to say hello happily.

If you encounter someone with a bad temper, the princess will be very brave and start scolding directly with Fang Lin and Liu Jing behind her.

Of course, scolding is nothing but scolding, she didn't dare to do it, and the quarrelsome small dogs she met along the way also didn't dare to do it.

So when they and the princess passed by each other, they stood on both sides of the master in a tacit understanding and fought, as if the distance in the middle was an insurmountable gap.

In addition to small dogs that love to quarrel, I also saw many medium and large dogs that are very gentle and playful along the way, such as golden retrievers, etc. They would happily greet the princess with their tongues out.

Because Fang Lin was arousing a bit of coercion secretly, the big babies who originally wanted to come over to say hello to Fang Lin were discouraged, as if they were playing outside and saw their class teacher, they dared not go forward.

The princess continued to take the lead and marched forward, and Fang Lin followed Liu Jing quietly with a steady and dignified temperament.

The princess who was exploring forward suddenly found a little girl standing with her back to herself on the side of the road ahead.

The little girl is very cute. She seems to have just learned to walk. She is wearing little dinosaur open crotch pants, clapping her little hands and playing with the grandma squatting in front of her, while a pink stroller is parked beside her.

The princess stopped and sniffed, as if she smelled the delicious milky fragrance from the little girl, her big eyes were shining with curiosity.

She changed from her usual rashness and approached the little dinosaur very slowly.

When she walked behind the little dinosaur, she rubbed her head against the little dinosaur's back little by little, then stuck out her tongue and looked at her grandma obediently.

The child's grandmother was going to smile and remind her that there was a cute puppy behind her, but the little girl might be too timid.

Feeling the strangeness behind her and turning her head, she burst into tears when she saw the princess who suddenly arrived behind her, and threw herself into grandma's arms to wipe away her tears. The small dinosaur tail behind her was dangling in the air.

This posture startled the princess, and also rushed behind Fang Lin to poke her head out to observe the little girl.

Liu Jing hurried up to apologize, the little girl's grandma smiled and waved her hands, coaxing the child to turn around and look at the two huskies.

"Look, two puppies."

Perhaps it is the nature of human beings not to be afraid of things that are timid than themselves. When she saw the princess hiding behind Fang Lin and looking at her timidly, she wiped her eyes and stopped crying.

The princess found that the little girl was looking at her, so she retracted her head and hid herself completely behind Fang Lin.

Seeing this scene, the little girl suddenly became interested, and twitched and pestered her grandma to touch the princess.

So after obtaining Liu Jing's consent, grandma led the little girl and walked slowly towards the princess.

The princess who poked his head saw the little girl gradually approaching him and then hid behind Fang Lin, and started a circle around Fang Lin with the little girl.

After being frightened by the little girl's sudden crying at first, she thought the little girl was afraid of herself, so she didn't dare to go forward for the first time.

As a pet dog, the princess understood this very keenly, but after gradually realizing that the little girl did not reject her, she did not continue to avoid it.

Fang Lin was a little speechless watching the little girl who slowly walked to his side and started to interact with the princess and became happy. Isn't he cute?
(End of this chapter)

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