Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 105 Xiaojie's Dark Circles

Chapter 105 Xiaojie's Dark Circles
This security guard was the one who was scolded by his captain because of Yang Zhen.

Just now when Yang Zhen was outside the pavilion, the security guard saw Yang Zhen during his patrol, and felt very unlucky. After noticing that Kaka was also inside, he went to patrol elsewhere without coming up to say anything.

He knew that Yang Zhen was an official, so he wasn't too worried when he saw Kaka there. After all, in his opinion, Yang Zhen seemed to be at odds with Yang's mother's family, and he didn't bother to wonder why.

At that time, if you open your mouth and ask, and then Yang Zhen reprimands you with secrets, then the loss outweighs the gain.

But when he was patrolling elsewhere, he happened to meet Yang's mother who was doing morning exercises, so he mentioned the situation here to her, and Yang's mother came over with Liu Jing.

Yang Zhen noticed that Liu Jing was still holding a little husky, so he smiled and said to Fang Lin, "Is that the wife you found?"


Fang Lin glanced at Yang Zhen speechlessly and ignored him.

Deng Jiefu removed the aura mask, smiled and looked at Mama Yang and Liu Jing who walked in slowly, and took the initiative to greet: "Hello, Ms. Yang."


Yang Ma looked Deng Jiefu twice and said, "Are you his leader? Are you talking to my Kaka?"

She originally said the second half of the sentence as a joke, but unexpectedly, Deng Jiefu nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, I came here to see Kaka's situation and chat with him."

Hearing this answer, Mama Yang raised her brows: "The chat is over now? I can take him home."

Although she was still asking questions, Mama Yang had already raised her hand to greet Kaka.

"of course can."

So Fang Lin walked towards Mama Yang, and Mama Yang took Fang Lin away after saying hello.

On the way, Fang Lin turned his head to look at the pavilion, and saw Yang Zhen waving at him from a distance.

At seven o'clock in the morning, it is the busiest time at home and the most urgent time.

In other words, it was the time when Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing had the most sense of urgency.

Because Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie have to wash up in a short time and come down to eat, and Yang's mother will send them to school after dinner.

Xiaojie came down very late today, it was already 05:[-], he went downstairs slowly and yawned and sat down at the dining table.

The whole family arrived early except him.

Lin Yuqing held the bun and asked Xiaojie curiously: "What's wrong with you? Such a big dark circle?"

Yang's mother also looked carefully when she heard the words, and then laughed unkindly: "Did you not sleep last night, okay? When I went to your room this morning, I saw that you were still asleep."

Yang's mother quietly went to Xiaojie's room at six o'clock this morning and brought the princess out. At that time, Xiaojie was so sleepy that the princess didn't even wake him up by jumping up and down.

"Oh, it turned out that you took her away. I said I didn't see the princess in the morning."

As he spoke, Xiaojie gave another big hutch, and then said with a sad face: "Mom, I won't sleep with the princess tonight."

With a painful expression on his face, he narrated how the princess danced by his pillow in the middle of the night.

Xiaojie saw that Lin Yuqing had been sleeping soundly every night recently, how could he have expected such a thing?
The princess kept making noises at two or three in the morning as if he had drunk fake wine, which made him lose his temper at all.

He was really sleepy, and fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes after being woken up, but soon the princess woke him up again.

And there are various ways to wake him up, including but not limited to stepping on his face.

After Xiaojie complained, he asked Lin Yuqing aggrievedly: "Sister, don't Kaka and Xueqiu bother you at night?"

Seeing his younger brother's miserable appearance, Lin Yuqing suppressed a smile and shrugged: "No noise, I will sleep until dawn."

Yang's mother suddenly remembered what happened this morning, and ignored Xiaojie's sighs, she asked Lin's father.

"What did that Yang Zhen come to see Kaka that day? It seems that he brought a leader over to see Kaka this morning."

"Maybe they are looking for Kaka to shoot a military dog ​​promotional video. Someone called me yesterday, so it should be the nearest."



As soon as these words came out, Mama Yang, Liu Jing, Lin Yuqing, and Xiaojie all looked at Papa Lin in surprise.

This news is too explosive, right?Kaka is going to make a movie?
"Why didn't you say it before? But huskies don't seem to have anything to do with military dogs, do they?"

"Didn't I say it? Maybe I forgot. It's not about letting Kaka become a military dog, it seems to be the form of that experience."

"Yesterday, the staff of the military dog ​​base called me and said that it is probably that you take Kaka to visit him, experience the daily life and training of military dogs by the way, and then they will video the whole process and edit it into a promotional video. , and send it out on the official account.”

Fang Lin was also a little interested while listening. He used to like military dogs. After all, they were also protecting people's lives and property.

He can't do this, but it doesn't affect his respect for military dogs.

But now that he has become a husky, he also wants to visit the military dog ​​base. Does this feel a bit novel?
After hearing this, Mama Yang exchanged glances with Liu Jing and said, "That sounds good? But why are you looking for Kaka?"

Lin's father shrugged, and Yang's mother nodded and did not pursue this question any further.

Papa Lin's company gives back to the society every day, and has technical cooperation with some special organizations in Longguo, and even offers to give away profits, so it seems that it is not unexpected that such a good thing will come to the door.

Liu Jing didn't think too much about it. She asked Lin's father very expectantly, "Then can we take pictures by ourselves? I also want to take some pictures and post them on Douyin."

"No problem, just shoot."

Before Liu Jing was happy, Xiaojie couldn't sit still. He hurriedly asked: "Father, when are you going? I want to go too."

Lin Yuqing was also looking forward to Papa Lin's answer. After all, if Xiaojie could go, then of course she could too.

"No, you are too young and the military dog ​​base is not open to the public at will. It is not easy to manage when you go there. You can just watch the video when the time comes. It's no fun."

"Do not!!!"

Xiaojie hung his head directly on the table, as if life had lost hope.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Liu Jing sat on the sofa and swiped her phone boredly.

Yang Ma went out alone to talk about the house, and she didn't let her follow because she thought she was in the way.

Fang Lin lay lazily on his side by the floor-to-ceiling windows basking in the morning sun, Xueqiu lay beside him in the same posture, sweeping Fang Lin with his big tail from time to time, and the restless and energetic princess had already begun to sit in the living room I played it myself.

"Hey, Federal Park is open, why don't you go out and play?"

Hearing the word "go out to play", the princess who was fighting with the trash can immediately pricked up her ears, and hurried to Liu Jing's side.

going out to play?

Fang Lin looked up at the bright sunshine outside the window, it was really good to go out for a walk, and he was tired of staying at home all the time.

So Liu Jing tidied up her belongings happily. She turned out her casual attire and carried a small bag, which contained necessities such as mobile phone keys and plastic bags.

I also found a small bag to put the small bowl of the princess. After all, if Kaka and the princess are thirsty, I can pour mineral water into it for them to drink.

Afterwards, she excitedly took Kaka and the princess and set off, but she didn't think of the transportation until she got out of the community. Mama Yang used to drive her out to play.

Although she had a driver's license, she hadn't driven for a long time and didn't dare to drive Mama Yang's car for a test, so she had to call and call for a car, and finally set off after negotiating with the driver about the cleaning fee with tears in her eyes.

Spirit world.

Jiang Baibai was rolling on the grass in boredom, she had been waiting here for a long time.

Why hasn't the channel been opened yet?


She opened her different pupils and looked up at the blue and lofty sky in the spirit world, as if her mind had also flown into the clouds.

Jiang Baibai is about to celebrate his [-]th birthday.

In the spiritual world, a hundred years old means that the child has grown up and can go out and explore independently.

However, she is still restricted in the territory by her father. She understands that this is for her protection, and she is not stupid.

Over the past 100 years, she has also learned some information about her mother intermittently.

Jiang Baibai, who had no mother since he was a child, spent his childhood when he was held in his hands for fear of falling and holding it in his mouth for fear of melting. Instead, he became extremely yearning for the outside world.

Especially when she accidentally learned that her mother ran out of the territory alone to take risks outside and met her father, she strengthened her belief.

By coincidence, at this time, she realized that the passage to the ancestral land was slowly opening up, and suddenly there seemed to be a voice in her heart, urging her to explore the ancestral land.

So she took her father's sky-blocking bell, which not only can cover her aura, but also has an excellent space storage function, which is as big as a hall.

She put a lot of spirit stones and fruits in it, all kinds of rare treasures and food, and kept collecting information about the ancestral land.

A mysterious, ancient but somewhat outdated image had already appeared in her mind, which seriously aroused her desire to explore.

And she has also prepared a strategy, she is the strength of the beast envoy, even if she arrives at the ancestral land and is suppressed to the beast spirit level, it doesn't matter.

I have the Zhetian Bell and some magic weapons for self-defense, and the ancestral land has just recovered, so as long as I be careful, I can avoid the strong people in the ancestral land.

She had made enough plans at first, and even called the Xingling Rhino King to help, but after hearing what the old rhino said, she was a little shaken.

If I went into the ancestral land, would my father and Uncle Yuan go to find me at all costs?
Jiang Baibai understood very clearly the limitations of the passage. If the emperor wants to violate the rules of the two worlds and force his way in, he will even be directly destroyed by the rules.

Now that the channel is no longer open dramatically, she even wonders if these are the arrangements of fate?
Otherwise, forget it.

Jiang Baibai sighed.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The interference between the two worlds here suddenly strengthened, as if the previous calm was just a big blow.

The aura rioted crazily, and at the same time, the concentration of aura in Sucheng suddenly increased, and the colors of the whole world seemed to become more brilliant.

Xing Lingxi King noticed the movement and sat up quickly and said to Jiang Baibai: "Your Highness, it seems that the passage is about to open, you and I should evacuate back together, let's take a look from a distance, I can't stay near the opened passage .”

However, he did not wait for Jiang Baibai's response.

He only saw Jiang Baibai looking at him with extremely complicated eyes, with hesitation, entanglement, struggle and a trace of determination inside.

"Your Highness"

"King Xi, please tell my father, don't come to me, otherwise I will never recognize him again in this life."

Listening to Jiang Baibai's immature threat, King Xinglingxi sighed deeply in his heart, and he realized that the passage was about to disappear in place in an instant.

At the same time, a blue circular light hole suddenly appeared not far away, and the surrounding space was distorted to reflect the light.

The light hole was only the size of a tennis ball at first, and it gradually grew larger, as if it was extremely difficult to open.

But even though the passageway is very small this time, the rules of the spirit world still come down immediately, suppressing the surrounding existence irresistibly like the power of heaven.

Several shadow guards stopped in front of Jiang Baibai one after another, and the leader Beast Venerable saluted her.

"Your Highness, please follow us back."

At this time, the passage had opened to the size of a basketball, and the aura formed a small vortex around the passage.

Jiang Baibai estimated the distance between herself and the passage, glanced at the shadow guards, touched the bell hanging around her neck with her right paw, and an awl-like object appeared in front of her.

"Your Highness!"

The moment the Beast Master saw it, he wanted to snatch it, and at the same time mobilized the power of heaven and earth to press down on Jiang Baibai. Under normal circumstances, Jiang Baibai would be suppressed and his actions would be slow and unable to move.

However, Zhetianling blocked the pressure with a slight flash, and Jiang Baibai immediately mobilized the space cone from the moment he took it out.

Her figure disappeared instantly and appeared in the passage 200 meters away, and jumped into the passage in a flash.

The leading Jiuyou Xuanmao Beast Master looked at this scene in disbelief. He couldn't imagine that his majestic Beast Master didn't stop His Highness who was just a beast envoy.

Looking at the constantly twisting passage, an indescribable feeling of the sky falling enveloped his heart.

He hesitated for a moment, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he said decisively: "I will chase after him to protect His Highness, and you should notify the emperor immediately." Shadows emerged from his body, and he was about to rush into the passage.

"No need."

A calm and familiar voice sounded from his heart, and he froze for a moment and stopped his movements.

At the same time, after Jiang Baibai entered, the channel seemed to have lost the power to continue to support it, gradually shrinking until it disappeared.

The world became calm again, and the rules that suppressed the strong in the spirit world disappeared out of thin air, as if nothing had happened.

"The Emperor"

The shadow guards prostrated themselves on the spot.

 Six thousand words today, okay?
  Ask for a monthly pass.

  Thanks to Super Big Jiba, Hateful and Fat Handsome, and Xiaoxiang for the reward of 174 starting coins, thanks to Chun Gaosheng for the reward of 275 starting coins, and thanks to Dabai Lizi for the reward of 2020090422 starting coins. Thanks to book friends 300*play Thank you for the 322 starting point coins rewarded by the angel of the Phoenix Temple for the [-] point starting point coins.

(End of this chapter)

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