Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 104 This Couldn't Be My Blame, Could It?

Chapter 104 This Couldn't Be My Blame, Could It?

Fang Lin mobilized his spiritual energy to achieve a perfect circle at a very fast speed. After observing the situation, he came to the side of the green belt just now again.


Hearing the movement, Yang Zhen jumped out of the green belt with a smile on his face, knelt down and rubbed Fang Lin's head affectionately.

"Long time no see, miss me?"

Fang Lin broke away from Yang Zhen's hand in disgust. This kind of interaction with Yang Zhen always made him feel gay.

Besides, we just met each other a few days ago, didn't we?

Yang Zhen didn't take it seriously either, and said in a serious manner, "Let's go, I'll take you to meet someone, and you can be kind when the time comes, maybe you can get some benefits."

Fang Lin looked at Yang Zhen's mysterious look, and guessed in his heart that he should be the big man from the southern province mentioned earlier.

It's okay, I can be regarded as stepping into the upper class of the mysterious side.

Only now did he feel independent from the world of ordinary people, and felt that his walking posture became more energetic.

Yang Zhen led the way, and Fang Lin looked around in a serious manner, checking for non-existent sights like joints.

Soon, Yang Zhen took Fang Lin to a pavilion outside Yang Ma's running route.

Fang Lin saw Deng Jiefu who was facing him with his back at a glance, and a breath of stability like a mountain rushed to his face. At this moment, there happened to be a breeze blowing by, as if he was making a noise.

Sure enough, he is a boss, and his temperament is different.

"Hey, Team Deng, I brought him here."

Speaking of which, Yang Zhen turned his head and winked at Fang Lin: "Why are you standing there, call Master."


Fang Lin didn't realize what kind of seniority this was for a while, but he still whined quickly.


Deng Jiefu turned around slowly, staring at Fang Lin in front of him with a pair of deep eyes.

For a while, the pavilion fell silent.

Fang Lin saw a golden light flashing in Deng Jiefu's eyes, and the golden light scanned him from top to bottom, as if a dense golden net was covering him, but when he recovered, there was no movement.

"You avoid it."


Yang Zhen, who was somewhat puzzled, glanced at Deng Jiefu and stood outside the pavilion obediently.

With a light wave of Deng Jiefu's right hand, the air around the pavilion seemed to fluctuate, and an aura invisible to the naked eye sealed off the entire pavilion.

Fang Lin looked at Yang Zhen outside the pavilion, and looked around.

He really can't hear the voices outside, this technique is quite useful, it's very convenient to whisper or something.

Just as Fang Lin was looking around in a daze, Deng Jiefu in front of him put away the golden light in his eyes and spoke.

"Can you already understand human speech?"

As he spoke, he looked at the husky in front of him with great interest.

Fang Lin thought for a while and nodded at him. He could feel that the man in front of him was not malicious.

And for this kind of big boss in front of you, let alone a big boss with personal power, who knows if the other party has any special ability to sense whether you are lying or not.

Just understand the words, nothing to hide.

Seeing Fang Lin nodding, Deng Jiefu nodded slightly and continued to stare at him.

When Fang Lin was about to lose his temper, Deng Jiefu said, "You are not simple."

Ok?What do you see here?
Subconsciously, Fang Lin seemed to be pretending to be stupid, but Deng Jiefu continued to say: "The emergence of a substance like aura has an impact on the whole world."

"Some high-ranking people in the West began to circulate some theories of divine descent, thinking that this may be a divine grace descended from God or some messy god."

"As staunch materialists, we don't agree with this point of view. When we confirmed that the particle of aura really began to appear and exist, we all firmly believed that it was just a substance like oxygen. Perhaps the fairy god in the legend They really exist, they are just more powerful human beings, and they are also existences made by aura particles."

Fang Lin listened carefully to Deng Jiefu's words. He felt that these were very interesting, and no one had told him about them before.

But in Deng Jiefu's eyes, he should be just a husky who has just acquired wisdom, right?

This is the west, gods and materialism, are you sure you can understand?
Deng Jiefu paused at this point and said: "Although Yang Zhen is a little weak, he can always meet very good people."

"Reiki may fully recover in the near future, and the whole world may change. Every individual has his own opportunity. I hope you can grasp it and become a good citizen of the Dragon Kingdom Federation in the future."

Hearing Deng Jiefu's meaningful words, Fang Lin was stunned for a moment, and he keenly grasped the key point.

good citizen?
Can he be a citizen too?
"Besides, you still need to learn some basic knowledge, and some correct three views. I will find a chance and ask Yang Zhen to arrange it for you."

After talking about this, Deng Jiefu probably felt that he was a little too serious. He wanted to call Yang Zhen in. He temporarily closed the aura mask, and Yang Zhen walked in quickly when he noticed the movement.

When Yang Zhen came in, Deng Jiefu opened the aura mask again, smiled at Fang Lin and said, "You can call me Shigong and I won't treat you badly. As long as you don't do anything illegal, no one can force you to do anything." .”

Fang Lin was very happy when he heard this. In fact, he had been worried that his awakening would be exposed and studied. After all, everything in the world always has a dark side.

But does Shigong mean the teacher's teacher?
Yang Zhen was a little unhappy, and said dissatisfied with Deng Jiefu: "You give me something real, why did you draw a big cake?"

Deng Jiefu was a little helpless: "Then what did you say?"

"What kind of medicine do you have, take some out?"

it is good!
Yang Zhen, I recognize you as a cheap teacher!

"There are countless things in the ruins. My share has been shared by you long ago. How can there be any left?"

Deng Jiefu thought for a while and said: "After a while, I will go to the spirit world recently to see if I can get some good things."

"Okay, is that the end of the passage?"

"Well, you also heard it at the time, the concentration of spiritual energy suddenly dropped for some reason, so let's do this first."

Fang Lin looked at Deng Jiefu and Yang Zhen who were talking about some kind of secret without shy away, and his heart beat.

Reiki concentration dropped?

Qi Ling seemed to say that performing Tianshi needs to absorb a lot of spiritual energy. Could it be because of him?
But Fang Lin sensed the concentration of aura around him again, and it has been maintained at a certain limit now?
If it was absorbed by the studio, now shouldn't be the time to replenish, the surroundings should be absorbed, right?
Find time to ask Qi Ling to go.

Just as Fang Lin was thinking about it, Yang Ma and Liu Jing led the Princess towards the pavilion, followed by a security guard.

Yang Zhen rolled his eyes when he saw the security guard.

(End of this chapter)

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