Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 103 The Belonging of the Soul

Chapter 103 The Belonging of the Heart ([-] words soon!)
However, Xiaojie didn't care about the princess who was throbbing in his arms all the time, and brought her back to the bedroom with a happy face.

Yang Ma and Liu Jing looked at each other, shrugged and went back to the room to rest.

And in Lin Yuqing's bedroom, she was in a stalemate with Xueqiu's big eyes.

Qingqing was wearing Winnie the Pooh pajamas, with a very confused face.

She wanted to put her arms around Xueqiu and turn off the light to sleep just now, but she didn't expect Xueqiu to break free and not let her hug her!
Xueqiu found a place next to Lin Yuqing's pillow and nestled down, wrapping herself around with her big fluffy tail, glanced at Lin Yuqing resentfully, and buried her head in her arms.


Lin Yuqing looked confused, what happened?
Is it still an evening thing?

Do kittens hold grudges like this?

However, Lin Yuqing was not too angry. In her opinion, Xueqiu's jealousy made her a little happy, which showed that Xueqiu valued herself!

The plots of some domineering president novels that she had read before came to her mind. If the heroine in it got angry, the male protagonist would always have an evil face and be very domineering, and he would coax the female protagonist to the wall soon.

So Lin Yuqing followed suit. She spread the quilt over her back and spread it out, and then a hungry tiger rushed to cover Xueqiu and herself under the quilt.


The constant surge in the quilt showed the fierce struggle inside, and soon Snowball broke free from the quilt and jumped out.

Lin Yuqing lifted the quilt and straightened her messy hair.

She was tired and sleepy from the math problems she had studied for a long time, and with Xueqiu like this, she was a little emotional.

"Hmph, bad Xueqiu, don't sleep if you don't sleep, come to Kaka and let's sleep."

As he spoke, he got up and brought Kaka at the end of the bed to his side, let him lie down beside him and covered him with a quilt.

"Good night Kaka."

After speaking, he quickly reached out and turned off the light, and the room suddenly fell into darkness.

Fang Lin turned his head to look at Lin Yuqing who was facing him sideways and closed his eyes, and couldn't help shaking his head.

Sure enough, it is easy for women to have a plastic relationship. They were sleeping together last night, but now they are turning against each other.

In the darkness, Xueqiu stood on the floor and stared blankly at Lin Yuqing and Kaka for a while.

Then she silently jumped onto the end of the bed by herself and curled up in a ball where Kaka usually slept.

Fang Lin didn't dare to turn his head when he noticed the movement. He was lying beside Lin Yuqing now, and Qingqing's arm was still on his back under the blanket.Under the influence of her keen hearing, her slight breathing became clearly audible.

Anyone who has a girlfriend understands this similar feeling. With one arm pillowed by his girlfriend, he is cautious about any movements he wants to make.

Not daring to move, he put the dog's head on the pillow on the right side and stared blankly at the headboard in the dark.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Lin Yuqing's body beside him suddenly trembled slightly, and the sound of breathing gradually calmed down, and the whole person had already fallen asleep.

Fang Lin slowly turned his head to look at her sleeping face, feeling a little surprised.

Do you still shake when you fall asleep completely? Why didn't you notice it before?

After Lin Yuqing fell asleep, there was still a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and the faint fragrance of her body lingered on the tip of Fang Lin's nose.

Perhaps it was because the world was quiet at night, at this moment he suddenly felt very peaceful and at ease.

Recently, every night, his mood will be a little complicated, because he will feel very lonely.

Yes, very lonely, no sense of belonging.

It seemed to be back to the days just after the death of my parents. There was no sky in front of my eyes and no support for my soul.

It stands to reason that after Fang Lin was reborn, he should be happy to come to his new home.

Because from the very beginning, Yang's mother and Lin's father regarded Fang Lin as their family, including Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie also regarded him as their younger brother, although Fang Lin did not recognize Xiaojie's status.

As soon as he entered the door, a very ceremonial dinner was held specially for him to celebrate his joining this big family.

For so long, Fang Lin has been working hard to let himself accept this family, and he also hopes that he can integrate into it.

Because he found that every corner of this home smelled of happiness and love, which made him feel the long-lost warmth.

However, recently he was confused again.

Every night in the dead of night, he unconsciously thinks about what he is.

The secret of rebirth cannot be told to anyone, he no longer belongs to the category of human beings.

But he never thought of himself as just an ordinary pet dog.

From a very outrageous point of view, he admires beautiful women spiritually, but his body will spontaneously be interested in ( ).

Especially in the past few days after accepting the inheritance, he was even more confused. He actually wanted to chat with the old wolf king.

Fang Lin felt that he should have a lot to talk about with that old wolf, but unfortunately that old guy disappeared spontaneously.

From the vague clips that the old wolf king had shown him, he knew that the life of the old wolf king before the black tide came was very happy.

I have a gentle and powerful owner or human companion with a smile on my back, a considerate and gentle white wolf wife, and my own clan.

The old wolf king should have a great sense of belonging.

But how does he position himself?World of Warcraft?

But this is Blue Star, Blue Star doesn't have such a thing, and Fang Lin has never seen a beast with the same mature thinking as himself.

Blue Star has a population of several billion, and such a great she also breeds countless creatures and thousands of species, but none of them is the destination of Fang Lin's heart now.

Obviously this is his own world, but he is like a wanderer in another country, wandering in the world alone.

So at that time, he thought that he would be so happy when Xueqiu had also awakened, as if he wanted to have another real companion.

That's why he now uses Yuehua all night long.

But at this moment, looking at Lin Yuqing who was hugging him, he suddenly felt that he seemed a little too hypocritical these two days.

Obviously my current family is not far away, and there are obviously people worthy of company by my side, why do I always feel lonely?

Fang Lin, who was relieved a lot, looked up at the ceiling and exhaled.

However, soon, as his thoughts diverged, an inexplicable panic shrouded his heart again.

Now the family really treats themselves as family members from the very beginning, and they are also trying to accept them.

But if one day Mama Yang, Pa Lin, Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie knew that they could cultivate and awaken spiritual energy, what would they think?

Will you be afraid of yourself?Or do you still see yourself as family?

A worry began to appear in Fang Lin's mind.

He didn't know if it was because he had already approved of Yang Ma and Lin Pa, Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie in his heart, so he had such concerns that they would not accept him.

Or is it that I haven't really accepted the new life from beginning to end?


Lonely people who have closed themselves off for a long time, although they are more likely to be moved by warmth, they still think wildly.

It would be great if there was a spiritual revival that swept the world in the novel, and humans, animals and plants all awakened together.

I don't know if Yang Zhen knows some news?But I can't communicate with him, so annoying.

Let's take a step at a time, maybe Yang Ma Lin's father Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie won't reject themselves even if they find out that they can practice?

Let's keep working hard and let Lin Yuqing and Xueqiu wake up first.

Recently, he has become more and more aware of his innate ability as he uses it. Yuehua awakens creatures in stages. Smarter and more energetic.

Only when everything will come to fruition will there be a smooth awakening.

Anyway, no matter how you think about it, the above parts are all beneficial to Xueqiu and Lin Yuqing.

Fang Lin turned his head again to look at Lin Yuqing who was close at hand. As a silver light began to shine in his eyes, two streams of warm moonlight appeared out of thin air over Lin Yuqing and the snowball at the end of the bed and slowly fell.

Snowball, who had already fallen asleep, also gradually stretched her body and relaxed completely.

Fang Lin maintained his guidance and closed his eyes.

Outside the window, the bright and clear moon hangs quietly in the night sky, spreading a little silver light to everything in the world, as if it is redeeming all the souls staring at her.

At six o'clock the next morning, Yunting Community.

Today is still a sunny day, and the rising sun, which represents hope, has clocked in early and hangs in the sky.

Due to the high coverage of greenery in Yunting Community, you can always hear the melodious chirping of some birds in the morning.

The trees are lush and the sun is rising. In such an environment, you will feel that you are full of spirit and strength.

In a small pavilion, Deng Jiefu stood with his hands behind his back and observed the surrounding scenery, while Yang Zhen stood beside him with a heavy heart.

"It should be almost there. You can find an opportunity to call him over and let me see who you choose."

Yang Zhen looked at Deng Jiefu's back and wanted to say something but didn't dare to speak.

Deng Jiefu frowned and turned his head to look at him and said, "Go? I won't do anything to him, so why are you so nervous?"

"It's normal to let me take a look at it. Such a precious Qiling Pill, I have to see what the husky you gave looks like, right?"


Yang Zhen scratched his head, turned his head to look at Deng Jiefu, and walked out of the pavilion slowly.

He sighed, and suddenly felt like bringing his girlfriend to meet his parents, even though he didn't have a girlfriend.

The intelligence authority of the Special Affairs Bureau is top-notch among the various administrative agencies of the Dragon Kingdom Federation, so he already knows Yang Ma's morning exercise route by heart.

So he found a green belt on the road he had to pass and hid in it. After making sure that the road could be seen clearly through the gap, he found a very small pebble from the ground, squeezed it in his hand and waited quietly.

Soon two people and one dog gradually appeared in his field of vision.

"Come on~ come on~"

Liu Jing cheered the princess panting while holding the princess.

However, the princess didn't seem to need her support at all, and she happily ran ahead.

Sometimes I feel that Liu Jing runs slowly and will come back and run around her, so that Liu Jing has to change the rope around herself again.

There is no way, because of Liu Jing's physical problems, the pace of the morning exercise has been slowed down.

Fang Lin followed slowly, wearing a dog mask. He took a deep breath, and the anxiety of last night had been completely forgotten.

Father Lin still feels sorry for Kaka. In his opinion, it is not very comfortable for Kaka, who has an IQ similar to that of Xiaojie, to wear a rather aggrieved mouth mask all the time.

So he researched for a long time in the company yesterday and finally found a substitute for a mouth mask, that is, a mask for pets, which not only has the function of a mouth mask on the outside, but also allows Kaka to have room to move, but breathing is a bit uncomfortable But it can also prevent some diseases.

After he came back last night, he took the time to call Kaka into the study and educate Kaka very seriously. He first stated to Kaka the function of the mask he bought for him, and then warned him earnestly.

"Dad believes that you are a good boy and won't bite people, right?"

"Look at where we are now is our house. Every family has its own house. The place where you and your sister sleep at night is also in our house."

"Because we have a house, we will not be exposed to the wind and the sun or get wet from the rainstorm, so the house is very important, right?"

"If you bite someone, then Dad will pay him the house, and our family will all sleep on the street outside, do you understand?"


Good guy, will you pay more than 1000 million yuan for a house by biting someone?
Did Lin's father think that he was going to smash the opponent into pieces or something?
If you want others to know this, then you really have to ask yourself to bite him, right?
At that time, Fang Lin was very speechless listening to Father Lin educating himself like a child, but he could also feel that Father Lin was really thinking about himself.

He's an adult soul with mature morals, and he understands that walking a dog on a leash with a muzzle is right, so he doesn't reject it.

Those who really have good moral values ​​will be bound by these morals.

People like Father Lin naturally understand this truth, but since he learned about Kaka's true intelligence from Yang Zhen, he no longer treats Kaka as a pet dog.

How can this kind of intelligence be just a pet dog?

He already regarded Kaka as an adopted child in his heart, and he had to consider Kaka's feelings from all aspects, even if certain decisions would cause potential hidden dangers to others.

So Lin's father thought about it and finally thought of using a mask instead of a rope and a mouth mask, and he was really prepared for what price he would pay if Kaka bit someone, just like Xiaojie fighting at school It's like hurting someone else.

It was just a house, and Lin Wenshao could still afford it.

The most important issue is Kaka's mental health. Kaka only has a life expectancy of ten years. Now is the time when his ideology begins to mature, so he must ensure his healthy growth.

So if Kaka really bit someone, he had already figured out where his family would sleep on the street that night.

But he didn't want this to happen, not because he felt sorry for the house, but because he didn't want Kaka to do such a thing.

So at that time he was looking forward to waiting for Kaka's answer.

Naturally, Fang Lin didn't disappoint Papa Lin, he nodded his head to let Papa Lin understand that he did understand what he meant, and he even bit his mouth on Papa Lin's leg, then stepped back and nodded.

He didn't know why Papa Lin didn't tell others about his IQ, but this didn't prevent him from agreeing with Papa Lin.

So Fang Lin put on a mask logically.

And when Liu Jing asked about it when she was going out, Yang Ma explained to her with a strange expression.

"Old Lin said that he would also order a small vest for Kaka. It said biting people to pay for the house, and told me not to wear a mouth mask for him when I went out in the future."

Liu Jing was shocked by these words.


Fang Lin, who was jogging at Liu Jing's speed, was lost in thought.

However, suddenly a small stone hit his butt and disrupted his thoughts, Fang Lin looked over there with some doubts.

Ok?Green belt?

The 3D sensory map in his mind began to work, and he analyzed a familiar smell, and at the same time he saw the figure inside through the fine gaps.

It was Yang Zhen who was secretly squatting inside.

What the hell are you doing with this plane?

Fang Lin was dumbfounded. Someone was squatting in the green belt early in the morning. Did he have something to do with him?

He turned his head and glanced at Yang Ma and Liu Jing who continued to run forward in front of him, and then turned his head to look at the green belt.

At this time, Yang Zhen, who was temporarily safe, also poked his head out from the green belt, and frantically gestured to Fang Lin to let him come to his side.


Come on, be mysterious.

But this kind of thing is really exciting. It feels like when a friend secretly called him to go to a black Internet cafe in front of his parents when he was a child, Fang Lin was still a little excited.

So Fang Lin took a look at the situation, spread his legs and ran forward, planning to make a quick lap before coming to Yang Zhen.

"Hey, Kaka, where are you going?"

"It's okay. He probably thought we were running too slowly, so he went to find a place to go to the toilet."


 There are a lot of school things these two days, and I have to run to the college all the time, alas, I am so tired.

  Thanks to VIPer, Priest W, and Xiaoxiang for the rewards of 100 starting coins, thanks to Chun Gaosheng for the reward of 174 starting coins, thanks to Mitangmifan and Fengyueke for the rewards of 200 starting coins, and thanks to book friends 20200904** for the reward The 264-point starting point currency! ! !

  Thank you reader 20210209204** for rewarding 500 starting coins! ! !

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health!

(End of this chapter)

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