Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 102 Just don't feed the dog

Chapter 102 Just Don’t Feed the Dog ([-] words please subscribe)


Snowball put down the ball in his mouth.

She squatted dignifiedly in the middle, her sapphire-like eyes calmly looked at Kaka, and her big furry tail flicked.

Lin Yuqing, who was about to continue throwing tennis balls, stopped when she saw this scene. She didn't understand why the snowball fell down suddenly.

"Snowball, do you want to play too?"

Xueqiu turned his head and glanced at Lin Yuqing, his big eyes were full of resentment.

It's obviously the shit shovel officer who sleeps with his arms around him every night, why is he turning his elbows towards this little bitch in his heart now?
To actually bring Kaka to play games with her, it's really hard to guard against house thieves, meow!
Lin Yuqing looked at the complaints that were about to overflow in Xueqiu's eyes, and couldn't help being stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Xueqiu to express such strong emotions with only his eyes and expression without speaking.

But what did you do yourself?Because you didn't play with her?

"Do you want to play snowball?"

As Lin Yuqing spoke, he gently tossed the tennis ball in front of Xueqiu, but Xueqiu saw that the tennis ball remained motionless, and even moved sideways for a bit, as if the tennis ball was not clean.

Then Snowball turned his head and gently pushed his plush ball, and pushed it to Kaka's feet, wanting him to play games with him.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuqing recognized her thoughts even more.

That's right, Xueqiu is jealous of himself.

I heard before that when I bring other pets home, the cats at home will get jealous and pretend to be sick.

Now she is playing ball with the princess but she didn't call Xueqiu. Xueqiu must be angry with herself. You see, she is deliberately playing with Kaka instead of herself.

Alas, it's not good to have such a pestering kitten at home.

The princess didn't think too much about it, after all, she was still at a very optimistic age, and Xueqiu didn't compete with her for the ball.

She cheerfully chased the ball that rolled away, and then handed it to Lin Yuqing.

Xiaojie wanted to go to Kaka's feet to pick up the fluffy ball and Snowball to play with, but as soon as he walked to the side and bent down before touching it, Snowball opened his mouth and threatened him not to let him move.

Snowball is waiting for Kaka to play with him.

The scene was very complicated for a while, and Fang Lin's head began to hurt.

He seemed to have seen the scene of visiting relatives during the Chinese New Year.

He was still in high school at the time, and he also had two cousins ​​by his side, one who liked to play King of Glory, and the other who liked to play mobile games and eat chicken.

But both of them are very good at playing, and they both want Fang Lin to take them to play.

Fang Lin feels that the current plot seems to be exactly the same as it was then.

But fortunately, Fang Lin only had one mobile phone and one pair of hands at the time and couldn't play with two people at the same time, but it's different now.

He began to operate in two lines, kicking the tennis ball with his front foot and sweeping the fluffy ball with his tail for a while, and turning around for a while.

Next time, no matter what, it will be impossible to play ball again.

The Fang·Toolman·Lin of the dual-thread operation thought so.

Sioux City Federal Park, Temporary Command Center.

After killing the chickens to warn the monkeys and turning the tiger away from the mountain, the aunts temporarily lost interest in Federal Park.

And those urban explorers who want to come in and explore and break into the military blockade basically go to the police station for tea.

Now the 301 Special Brigade and the Special Affairs Bureau are completely idle except for patrolling over and over again.

Especially for Unit 301, which had done enough psychological construction and ideological education before departure, the suicide note written before departure and the signed non-disclosure agreement were really a bit of a fuss.

If I was nervous and a little afraid of the unknown before I came here, now I am looking forward to the possible supernatural phenomenon.

In the temporary conference room, Academician Lu of the Federal Academy of Sciences was having a meeting with Deng Jiefu.

"Hello, Academician Lu."

"I also like being called Professor Lu."

Hearing this answer, Deng Jiefu raised his eyebrows in surprise. This Lu Zhou is quite interesting, "I prefer to be called Captain Deng."


He hadn't had much contact with Professor Lu in private, after all, he was considered a member of the party and possessed great power.

And Professor Lu is also one of the five B-levels, and he is also the most amazingly talented scientist at the moment.

It is said that the research team led by Professor Lu is working overtime on the exercises, the meridians of the human body, moves and even supernatural powers and formations, perfecting them bit by bit.

So in the past few years, he has minimized his direct contact with Professor Lu so as not to arouse the suspicion of some interested people. After all, the impact of the discovery of spiritual energy is not small.

At this moment, a Spix's Macaw with dark blue feathers landed on Professor Lu's shoulder.

It looked at Yang Zhen who was standing behind Deng Jiefu in the video, and began to quack.

"Stupid hat~stupid hat~"


Deng Jiefu turned his head to look at the impatient Yang Zhen with some doubts, not understanding what was going on.

Professor Lu explained with a smile: "Hehe, when Director Yang came to the Academy of Sciences to cooperate with research, he met Xiaolan several times and got to know each other."

Hearing this, Deng Jiefu glanced at Yang Zhen.

It has to be you, Yang Zhen, who can quarrel with a parrot.

"It was discovered that the captives could talk to each other before, right?"


Since Deng Jiefu asked, Professor Lu explained the situation to him.

At that time, one of his students happened to be going to observe the lion, and Xiaolan also wanted to join in the fun and followed him. Unexpectedly, he communicated with the lion through the glass, and it happened that the students discovered it, so the subsequent experiments began.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and Professor Lu talked about the situation he analyzed with a straight face.

"Generally speaking, the passages between our home world and the spiritual world cannot be directly observed, but we can analyze them indirectly through the medium of aura."

"I established a mathematical model that can perfectly analyze its situation from another angle. I call it the Lu-L model."

"Through the data analysis and comparison of this model and the opening of several other channels, it can be determined that the channel in Sioux City cannot be opened normally due to insufficient spiritual energy supply."

"And through the data, I found that the channel may be opened again, but the specific opening time is not certain."

"You also know that the opening of the channel is due to the mutual interference between the two worlds, which led to the spread of aura."

"The reason for the inexplicable disappearance of spiritual energy before is still unclear, and the next wave of diffusion of spiritual energy is unpredictable. We have initially confirmed the existence of world consciousness, but it is too mysterious to seem to have some impact on this diffusion effect."

"In short, my suggestion is that the blockade of federal parks can be lifted, and in view of the uncertainty of access, field personnel can be sent on duty."

After listening to such a long list, Deng Jiefu frowned and said: "Since we are not sure about the possibility of opening the passage again, why should we lift the blockade?"

Professor Lu said very easily at this time: "After Xiaolan communicated with the captive, we found that the world distribution of the spirit world generally corresponds to that of Lanxing. At least the proportions are similar, and the sizes are just different."

"As for the surrounding areas of Su City, there is the Nine Nether Mysterious Cat Clan in the spirit world. Although their patriarchs used to be brutal, their attitude towards Lan Xing is still very neutral, and they don't seem to reject normal communication with Lan Xing."

Said that Professor Lu became a little excited: "I won't explain the specific demonstration process to you in detail. After research, we found that the spirit world is not monolithic, but each race is divided into autonomous areas, and they call Blue Star their ancestral land."

"Some sociologists and psychologists selected after discussion believe that certain races in the spiritual world should have the possibility of win-win cooperation. It is fine if the passage in Su City is not opened. If it is opened, it may become a bridge."

"What's more, because of the strict restrictions, most of the spirit beasts that come here are C-level spirit beasts. If Director Yang works harder, it will be easy to catch."

Deng Jiefu didn't care about Yang Zhen who was suddenly cueed, but caught a word from Professor Lu's mouth.

"Spirit beast?"

"Oh, that's what they claimed. It's a pity that Xia Chenglin only caught a C-level lion. You can help him when you have time. If you can catch a B-level lion, you should have more information."

"Hehe, since that's the case, I'll go there in two days, and I haven't been active for a long time. By the way, has Xiaolan taken the Qiling Pill yet?"

The Enlightenment Pill mentioned earlier was the research result of Professor Lu's team. There were only three of them in total, one was given to Deng Jiefu, one was given to Xia Chenglin, and the last one was naturally kept by Professor Lu himself.

"Yes, and the effect seems to be good so far. Xiaolan's intelligence level has been greatly improved, and she should already have the intelligence level of an adult, and she can also sense the aura factor."

"What about yours? I heard that Xia Chenglin went to capture a golden eagle and brought it back. You have to think about it carefully. You can't rule out the possibility that the material will be out of print. After all, the opening of the ruins is too accidental now."

Hearing this, Deng Jiefu and Yang Zhen looked at each other without speaking, Yang Zhen's expression was a bit complicated.

Professor Lu asked with some doubts: "What kind of riddle are you two playing? Could it be that a very rare animal wants to hide it? It's okay if you don't tell me, as long as you don't feed the dog, it's fine."

Said that Professor Lu interrupted the video.

There was silence in the conference room.

Yang Zhen saw that Deng Jiefu was sitting there not talking, and he didn't dare to speak out, the two of them remained silent like this.

After a while, Deng Jiefu said, "Let's lift the blockade tonight, and let Unit 301 evacuate in the dark. You can arrange a field worker to stay here, and notify immediately if there is any situation."

"I will ask Wen Yu to come over temporarily tomorrow. Anyway, the intelligence work here will not have any influence at the headquarters. After she comes, I will leave first."

Hearing that Wen Yu was coming, Yang Zhen was completely screwed, and all the big intelligence chiefs and small intelligence chiefs from the Southern Province came over.

Wen Yu is the intelligence director of the Southern Provincial General Bureau, and also one of the two C-levels in the Southern Province, and Li Mei's former immediate boss.

It seems that I have to be more careful when playing games in the future, so as not to be caught by her.

"Come with me to Yunting community at 05:30 tomorrow morning."

"Oh good. Huh? Where are you going?"

Deng Jiefu glanced at Yang Zhen who pretended not to hear clearly, then got up and left the meeting room.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Liu Jing finally edited the video and posted it. She has been editing this video since she got up in the afternoon.

She went downstairs happily, ready to read the comments with Kaka Xueqiu.

In the living room, only Xiaojie and Fang Lin were left to play with the princess. After playing for more than an hour, Lin Yuqing couldn't stand the bombardment of Zhao Hanya's information, and went upstairs to review.

There is no way, Zhao Hanya gave an ultimatum, if she doesn't review today, then she won't show her math homework tomorrow, who can stand it?
Xueqiu was also nestled on the sofa, quietly watching the intimate interaction between little Jekaka and the princess.

She is naturally quiet, and after playing for another two hours, she really didn't want to move, the fluffy balls were all fuzzy.

She didn't understand why the princess was so energetic.

Are you really going to lose?

Snowball put her two little paws into her arms, thinking a little aggrieved.


I can sleep on the same bed with Kaka at night, and I will envy you to death.

Xueqiu suddenly thought of taking stock, shook his tail happily, and decided not to sleep in Lin Yuqing, the bad woman's arms tonight.

And Fang Lin had more and more doubts about the princess's mental problems in his heart. He felt as if he had been having a dark day with his cousin for a day, and he was exhausted physically and mentally.

Finally Liu Jing's arrival rescued him.

As soon as Liu Jing greeted her, Fang Lin rushed to the sofa and stuck her body to look at the phone, finally able to rest.

Xiaojie felt a little tired after watching Kaka and didn't want to play anymore, so he turned on the projector and played the cartoon, and sat with the princess in his arms to watch it.

He is still looking forward to bed time at night, and he has been warming up from now on. He has never slept with a pet since he was a child.

My sister also mentioned that her sleep quality is getting better and better, which is really enviable.

That feeling should be good and happy, right?

And Liu Jing has already started to turn on her phone to refresh the comments on her video, although she knows that it hasn't been long since it was posted, and there shouldn't be many people following it.

But this sense of joy and anticipation is too heavy, just like in autumn, the farmer uncle will always look at the crops that are about to mature over and over again.

Video is her crop.

The content of this video is more casual. Immersively groom Kaka and Xueqiu, massage, and cut nails. Yang Ma also dressed up and memorized some lines.

"About the fact that I was thinking about what to say and found out that there were already 100+ comments."

"Wuhu! It was still hot 2 minutes ago!"

"Snowball, hey, Snowball."

"Is this massage so comfortable? Kaka's legs and tail are straightened."

"Kaka doesn't seem to shed a lot, my husky sheds a lot."

"It's another day when I like other people's dogs every day."

"Group to Steal Cats (1/1000)"

"Am I the only one who noticed Mama Yang's watch? Chanel is limited to 55 pieces worldwide. Although it is a watch, it is more like a work of art."

"55 yuan? So cheap?"

Liu Jing almost laughed stupidly when she saw the last comment and the reply below, but she recovered quickly and was very happy.

Although I don't have many fans now, but the stickiness seems to be good, and the future is promising.

Then Liu Jing began to choose comments that she found interesting and began to reply, after all, the interaction with fans is also a very important part.

Tens of millions of fans count as a big internet celebrity, right?

In this case, 200, 500, 1000 million, [-] million, [-] million, and finally [-] million, doesn't it seem very difficult?
It gained almost [-] fans in two days, and the video has not yet started to ferment.

Fang Lin watched from the sidelines, silently calculating in his heart, and felt that it seemed that he was just around the corner to become a big internet celebrity.

it is good!
I hope Mama Yang will keep her word and spend all the money to buy food for herself.

He grinned happily, leaned aside and continued to watch.

And the time passed by like this, and it was time to go to bed soon.

Liu Jing helped Xiaojie turn off the TV series, and led the way upstairs.

Followed by Fang Lin, Xueqiu, Xiaojie and Princess in order.

The princess wanted to overtake and follow Fang Lin very much, but she found that the little boy in front of her kept turning her head and smiling at her without looking at her.

She had no choice but to run at the end.

After reaching the second floor, Mama Yang also came out, looking at the big guys and little guys huddling together, she couldn't help smiling.

It was so lovely to see this scene before going to bed.

Liu Jing knelt down and rubbed the princess's head, she was a little bit reluctant to part with her, and now she had to see her again tomorrow morning.

Lin Yuqing rubbed her eyes and opened the door, and there was a big hutch directly. She was exhausted from studying mathematics for more than an hour just now.

The princess was also a little sleepy, and didn't understand what they were doing here, so she wanted to ask Fang Lin where they slept tonight.

However, Xueqiu unexpectedly called Fang Lin at this time.



The dog and the cat stopped immediately, looked at each other silently, and looked at Fang Lin at the same time, expecting him to answer themselves first.

Fang Lin looked at Xueqiu and the princess who called himself at the same time, and seemed to be competing with the princess, and was speechless for a while.

So it turns out that he is so popular among pets?

Fortunately, Lin Yuqing helped him out at this time.

"Kaka Snowball, come in and go to sleep."


Hearing the sound, Xueqiu walked gracefully into the half-closed door with her head held high, and halfway through, she turned her head to remind Kaka to keep up.

Then he glanced at the princess inadvertently, and walked in happily.

Fang Lin also hurriedly followed and stayed away from this place of right and wrong.

The princess saw Fang Lin leaving, and quickly stepped up to follow him into the house.

"I'm leaving~ princess."

At this time, Liu Jing shouted to the princess at the door of Mama Yang's bedroom, she wanted to see if the princess would run over and follow her, and she was about to enter the door.

The princess looked at Fang Lin and his own excrement shoveler who were walking in different directions, and was entangled in his heart for a moment. His snow-white front paws were hanging in the air and he didn't know where to fall.

If the princess has experienced nine years of compulsory education, these words must have appeared in her mind.

"Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been difficult to achieve, and heroes are saddened by beauty."

So she took another sneak peek at Liu Jing, then stuck out her tongue and chased after Fang Lin's back.

However, before she could take a few steps, she was picked up by Xiaojie.

"Princess, sleep with me tonight, are you happy?"

As he said that, he walked to his bedroom. The princess anxiously waved her little paw in the air, but it didn't help.

Seeing Fang Lin enter and close the door, she howled in grief and indignation.


 Thank you for the 100 starting point coins rewarded by Jun Chang, the super big Jiba, the 0 starting point coins rewarded by Jun Mo500, and the 600 starting point coins rewarded by the world!

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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