Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 101 She is going

Chapter 101 She's Going ([-] words!)

Mama Yang took out a square steaming plate, put the washed Flammulina velutipes mushrooms and soaked vermicelli on the bottom of the steaming plate, then put the hairy crabs that were bought and cleaned in the middle, and placed the shrimps, oysters, etc. Put it around.

Drizzle some light soy sauce, then pour the boiled garlic oil over the seafood, and then put the steaming plate into the steamer.

After a while, the fresh and fragrant breath wafted away.


The door opened.

At this time, Father Lin returned home from get off work, changed his clothes and smelled this fresh scent as soon as he walked into the living room.

"It's delicious, what is this delicious?"

"Seafood big coffee, and Aolong, I bought three. What flavor do you want?"

"I can eat steamed food, can you help me?"

"Go, go, don't make trouble."

Papa Lin shrugged and was happy to relax, Xiaojie poked his head out and shouted to Papa Lin: "Papa, come and see!"

Father Lin heard the sound and walked over, unexpectedly found a dog's head protruding from Xiaojie's arms, blinking and looking at him.

"I bought it back, did you name it?"

"Get up, call the princess."

Liu Jing walked over nervously, and told Father Lin the name, wondering how Father Lin would react to the name.

Father Lin nodded and said with a smile, "It's not bad, it sounds good. Did you start it?"


"It's very tasteful. If you include the princess in the video, your account will soon become popular. How many fans do you have now?"

"More than 5, because several bloggers helped promote it, but the increase is still not too high."

"It's okay, your video content is very good, keep updating and it will come out soon."


Fang Lin listened for a while and ignored the conversation of several people in the living room. He concentrated on watching Yang's mother start to cut up Aolong's body with a knife.

In the end, I made three flavors: steamed, scallion fried, and baked aolong with cheese. Each kind of Yang Ma gave Kaka a part, and there was almost a whole one in total.

The scientific name of Australian lobster is Australian rock lobster. It is rich in nutrition, its meat is soft and easy to digest, coupled with Yang Ma's exquisite cooking skills, it completely conquered Fang Lin's taste buds.

But the only downside is that it doesn't feel like a lot.

After dinner, I went to supervise Liu Jing to cut videos, increase fans and accept advertisements to make money!

Fang Lin began to worry.

I recorded so much every day, so I quickly cut it out and put it outside. Fang Lin felt that he could quickly conquer those audiences with his good looks.

In the spiritual world, a boundless freshwater lake has little golden ripples in the setting sun.

The [-] li water lake here is the territory of the Xuangui clan.

Although Xuangui's name is simple and unpretentious, and their personality is relatively gentle, but they can occupy such a huge treasure land in the spirit world to protect countless aquariums, large and small, because they have more than one emperor.

Every emperor has an extremely long lifespan and loves to travel. Except for the reigning emperor, everyone else wanders in the vast waters of the spirit world, including the sea area, which is also unimpeded.

Maybe a certain bird clan was tired from flying out to sea, and accidentally saw an island in the sea, which might be the back of the black turtle.

The Emperor Xuan Turtle sleeps for decades, and they are all happy to provide a resting place for the creatures of the spirit world, regardless of whether they have spiritual intelligence or not.

Of course, when they wake up and want to move around, they don't care whether the creatures on their backs have settled down.

And in the vast water territory of the Xuangui clan, there are many small islands, large and small, and the bigger they get, the bigger they get.

The largest island in the center, three kilometers in diameter, is lined with trees.

The center of the island bulges upwards, and the highest place in the middle is actually a garden, with buildings, terraces and waterside pavilions where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant.

There is a small pond in the garden with some small turtles and many kinds of fish swimming in it.

In a stone pavilion in front of the pond, a black cat with a crescent on its head and a tortoise with complex lines on its back are lying on the soft cushion and communicating.

"Chen Ze, every time I come to your place, I feel that your little life is much more comfortable than mine."

"Hehe, the Black Emperor, who has a bad reputation, would actually say good things about me."


The black cat looked at Xuan Gui who was proudly talking about the old stalk, and asked him helplessly: "How long have you been sleeping?"

"More than 70 years, just woke up, what's wrong?"

The black cat shook his head, no wonder.

80 years ago, he took care of Jiang Baibai until she was 20 years old, entrusted Jiang Yuan with various matters in the clan, and found this black turtle once by himself.

After going out, they wiped out the magic dog family, from the emperor to the beast envoy, and the story is legendary, concealment, assassination, and unrivaled unparalleled.

The name of the Black Emperor resounded throughout the spirit world, and various images of cruel, cunning, and ruthless were spread wildly, but this was all a long time ago.

"It's okay, I still want you to do one thing for me when I come to you this time."

"Ginger in vain?"

"Yes, now that she is older, she always wants to run out alone, and this time she has her eyes on the passage to the ancestral land. I wonder if it will be bad or bad for her if she enters the ancestral land."

The old turtle shook his head slowly and asked curiously: "You Jiang Xuan won't let her go, can she go now?"

The black cat looked at the distant sky and shook his head.

"She is like a bird longing for freedom, every feather exudes the glory of freedom."

"Exactly like her mother."

At this point, he was silent for a moment, his dark pupils exuded a real murderous aura, and a ray of aura was accidentally revealed.

The little turtle and the little fish in the pond in front of the two of them swam in another direction in panic.

"Yo yo, don't dare, don't dare."

The old turtle counteracted the black cat's aura with a distressed face. There are creatures in this pool that have not activated their intelligence. It's not good to be frightened.

"Hmph, damn dog."

"Your words are discriminatory. You have killed all the demon dogs, and the others have not messed with you."

The black cat snorted and didn't answer. Although he took revenge with his own hands in the past few decades, the pain and longing in his heart became more and more intense with the passage of time.

Now he gets annoyed when he sees a dog, and often falls into a vicious circle of memories, self-blame, and regret alone in the hall. He is stupid but persistent in not allowing the clansmen to tell Jiang Baibai about her mother.

He was very afraid that Jiang Baibai would come to him crying and blame him for not taking good care of his mother. Every time he fantasized about this scene, his heart would be pierced.

But now, as Jiang Baibai grows up and her strength improves, she yearns for the outside world more and more. Sometimes Jiang Xuan looks at her as if he saw the past.

He also gradually realized that his protection was too much, and it was time to unshackle her and let her fly freely.

This time, Jiang Xuan came to find the old turtle, besides helping to calculate good and bad luck, he also chatted casually. He was too lonely in the clan, and stayed in the grand but deserted hall every day.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

Even facing Jiang Yuan, he couldn't express his heart.

The old turtle looked at the pensive Jiang Xuan, and sighed silently: "You Jiuyouxuan cats are quite strange, look at my clansmen in the water outside, one by one is lazier than the other."

The black cat rolled its eyes: "That's your wonderful family of black turtles, whoever gets older like you is getting more and more restless."

There is a strange phenomenon in the Xuangui clan. The younger the Xuangui, the lower their strength, the more they want to stay in the clan.

Every day, I sleep, eat and sleep in this [-] water pool, and practice for a while when I feel like it, which is very Buddhist.

On the contrary, the emperors and kings of the Xuangui clan didn't want to stay in the clan anymore, or they wanted to sleep in another place, so they basically traveled outside.

There was once a very outrageous thing in history. The Xuangui clan was in crisis at that time, but the emperors and kings didn’t know where to go.

So after that, the rule of changing the patriarch on duty every thousand years was set, and at the same time, the Xuangui Emperor worked together to study a supernatural power-the incarnation of mind.

The main body separated a thought and turned it into an entity, which is what the old turtle looks like now.

Normally, the main body sleeps underneath, and when there is nothing to do, the thoughts also sleep on it, and wake up to deal with the thoughts when encountering things, so that the patriarch on duty can also make a plan for nothing.

It can only be said that laziness is the primary productive force.

"Okay, okay, I'll do the math for you."

As the old turtle's voice fell, the whole island began to tremble slightly.

The light and shadow changed, and a huge formation formed by aura patterns rose from the top of the island, and the stars in the sky seemed to become bright and reflect each other.

a long time,

The formation dissipated, and the old turtle looked at the black cat seriously and said, "She's going."

Jiang Xuan froze for a moment and nodded.

Yunting Community, the living room.

Lin Yuqing was sitting on the sofa with her tablet in her arms, chatting in the group, taking two pictures of the princess and sending them over from time to time.

Putting his head down and studying hard: "This is the husky I told you about before, Kaka's younger sister~"

Putting his head down and studying hard: "And she is a sister who is not related by blood~"


Fang Lin always felt a little strange watching this news from the side. What does this imply?
Daba daba daba!

Why are these people always thinking about his relationship?
Can't you care about Xiaojie?

That day he honestly confessed that he wanted to attract the interest of other girls, you, as a sister, can't take responsibility and gossip too much!

Li Rui: "Wow, so cute."

Zhao Hanya: "The princess is really cute, but she doesn't have homework."

Hard work: "."

Putting his head down and studying hard: "I have finished my other homework, the math teacher asked for leave, and the substitute teacher didn't assign any homework."

Zhao Hanya: "Then take this opportunity to review quickly, or you will have to worry about homework tomorrow."

Lin Yuqing pursed her lips, looking at Xiaojie, who was having fun with the princess, and fell into a tangle.

Xiaojie is playing with the princess with Kaka's tennis ball. The princess has learned very quickly in what he likes, and has already learned to pick up the ball.

Lin Yuqing sighed, she really wanted to play with the Princess, but reason told her that she should really review it.

She thought for a while and suddenly came up with a way.

You can roll dice in the Koukou group, if you roll six, then she will play with the princess for an hour!
One in six chances of playing, isn't too much, right?

If she really voted six, it meant that God also wanted her to rest.

So she started typing happily.

Put your head down and study hard: "If I vote six, I will play for an hour before studying!"

Working hard: "Dice (Emoji)"

Following Lin Yuqing's expression, the dice began to spin rapidly.

Fang Lin also stared closely at the movement of the dice, couldn't it really be six?

Soon the dice stopped.

Fang Lin was delighted when he saw it, hahaha.


Lin Yuqing wailed while hugging Kaka, and the two slender legs of "Winnie the Pooh" couldn't stop shaking.


Lin Yuqing picked up the tablet and typed.

Put your head down and study hard: "Ah, it's five."

Put your head down and study hard: "Then I will play for five or 10 minutes before going to study."

Zhao Hanya: "."

So Lin Yuqing happily put the tablet aside, moved to Xiaojie's side and snatched the tennis ball.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

"Hey let's play together, come to Kaka~"

Fang Lin looked at Lin Yuqing inexplicably, not understanding what she was going to do.

Lin Yuqing said and waved the tennis ball on his hand: "Let's pick up the ball and play together."

Fang Lin: .
What's the meaning?Let him, Emperor Ha, play with the princess to grab the ball?


It's so cheap, don't even think about it.

Seeing that Kaka was unmoved, Lin Yuqing came to the sofa and dangled Kaka's body acting like a baby.

"Come and play, come and play."

Don't play, don't play, Fang Lin turned his head.

Lin Yuqing supported Kaka's head with both hands, turned his head and said pitifully: "Kaka, I only have five or ten minutes, please let's play together for a while."

Looking at Lin Yu's clear and watery eyes, Fang Lin felt a little helpless.

Why is this so soft every day?I can't stand it.

As an old soul who has been single for more than 20 years, no girl has ever talked to him like this, let alone a young and beautiful girl in front of him.

Who can stand this?

Are you still a man?

Fang Lin had no choice but to stand up slowly and jumped off the sofa to stand with the princess.

Seeing that Fang Lin also came to play with him, the princess jumped happily around his chin, and then spun around twice to get ready to go.

"Okay, here comes the ball!"

Lin Yuqing tossed the tennis ball lightly, and the princess immediately spread her paws and ran towards the tennis ball, the hair on her body became wavy.

Fang Lin walked over there like walking in the garden, although he agreed to participate in this kind of parent-child activity.

But seriously, it's kind of embarrassing.

The princess was the first to get close to the tennis ball, and began to sink her buttocks and braked the car. However, the ground may be smooth, so she still slid out for a certain distance with the tennis ball.

Then he picked up the tennis ball and turned to look at Fang Lin happily.

Finding that the princess got the ball, Fang Lin planned to turn his head and walk back, but unexpectedly, the princess came over and put the ball at Fang Lin's feet.

She jumped excitedly, motioning Fang Lin to pick up the ball and send it back.


Fang Lin looked at the princess in astonishment, feeling the mixed emotions of reluctance and happiness in her heart, and suddenly became a little confused.

Is this because you think you will be unhappy if you can't grab the ball?Then send yourself back?
He was a little speechless looking at the princess jumping around at his feet, what a stupid husky.

Lin Yuqing was also urging Kaka to take the ball back, but the princess was drooling after catching it, and Fang Lin still didn't take it.

He raised his foot and dribbled the ball back like a soccer ball.

The tennis ball was shuttled back and forth between Fang Lin's two front feet, firmly controlled by his feet, showing superb ball control skills.

"This level of skill is good, much better than men's football."

At this time, Father Lin, who went downstairs to look for something, looked at Kaka in surprise, and suddenly forgot what he was going to do and hurriedly said, "I'll get a football for Kaka to try."

Lin Yuqing picked up the tennis ball in dissatisfaction and said, "Dad! We are playing now, you can try again another day."

"Okay, you guys have fun."

Lin's father, who also couldn't refuse Lin Yuqing, found a USB flash drive from the coat hanging at the door and reluctantly went upstairs.

This time it was Xiaojie who tossed the ball, and the tossing game started again.

And Snowball on the cat climbing frame felt more and more uncomfortable watching this scene, especially when seeing the interaction between the princess and Kaka.

Snowball's big tail dangled anxiously, she didn't know why she felt so uncomfortable, and no one told her what this feeling was called.

Yuehua itself has a soothing effect on the soul, so both Lin Yuqing and Xueqiu slept soundly at night.

As Xueqiu became more and more spiritual, Fang Lin also became more and more dependent on Fang Lin, although before the princess came, she did not follow Kaka like she did when she first arrived.

But she still often stays on the cat climbing frame and watches him.

After all, the expressions of good girls are always very tactful.

The scene when she first met Kaka began to flow in Xueqiu's heart. Seeing the princess happily interacting with Kaka again, she made up her mind.

Finally, she stood up, picked up her plush ball from the cat climbing frame on the upper floor, jumped, and landed lightly on the ground.

Then, with graceful steps, he stopped slowly among several people and interrupted the game.


She dropped the ball in her mouth.

 Thank you for the 500 starting point coins rewarded by Jiuxiangzizui, thank you for the 1500 starting point coins rewarded by Hunter Rongguang, and thank you Yu Qinyuan for the 2000 starting point coins rewarded! ! !

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health! ! !

  I was too tired to move the dormitory today, and I lost my schoolbag on the school bus, and I was dizzy.

  That's all for now.

  In the past two days, I have been chasing down so badly. Is it because I have changed too much?
(End of this chapter)

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