Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 100 Multifunctional Kaka

Chapter 100 Multifunctional Kaka
Such an Australian dragon weighs more than four catties, and Yang's mother bought three. After paying the money, the face of the proprietress's face blossomed with joy.

She is also a little familiar with Mama Yang, and she has bought a lot of things from her before, so she is a repeat customer.

The proprietress asked the man to pack it in a foam box and asked Yang Ma enthusiastically where the car was parked this time. She asked the man to help move it into the trunk.

Because Yang Ma wanted to buy other ingredients for the big seafood cafe, she kept Aolong here first, and took it away together after she bought it.

The proprietress patted her chest to let Mama Yang go shopping with peace of mind, and also recommended other products of her own.

But under her regretful gaze, Mama Yang still walked to other stores.

Because he came to the seafood market, Fang Lin put on a muzzle again, but the Princess didn't. After all, she doesn't look like a deterrent at all.

It was the first time for the princess to come to the seafood market, and everything he saw was novel.

She often stared at the seafood in the tank in a daze after walking around, and wrinkled up when she saw the big squids with their teeth and claws full of suckers, so she hurriedly looked away.

Suddenly there is a big fish tumbling in the water next to her, which will also startle her, but the husky is fearless, and the desire to move is still very strong, always wanting to take Yang Ma to a certain direction.

But because she is still relatively small, Mama Yang can handle it well, and Fang Lin will stop the princess in time when she wants to do something bad.

Fang Lin looks taller but is very obedient and follows Mama Yang closely. The princess is a naughty little guy running around, but her cute appearance makes passers-by like her.

There were even a few seafood shop owners who wanted to throw a few shrimps to the princess, but Mama Yang quickly declined.

In her heart, the princess is far less appetizing than Kaka and can eat anything. She even has a feeling of raising a big yellow dog in her yard when she was a child.

Whatever the family eats, I feed the rhubarb dog. At that time, I didn’t care about whether it was salty or not. Anyway, it has always been healthy.

But before Mama Yang knew the princess's appetite, she didn't dare to feed her indiscriminately. If she got sick with diarrhea, the princess would suffer a great crime.

Then, following Mama Yang's shopping around the seafood market, she bought a bunch of razor clams, clams, sea shrimp, oysters and crabs.

Although Yang's mother has been exercising all the year round, she can no longer carry the dog while walking, and the princess is still rushing forward, which makes Yang's mother a little overwhelmed.

Fang Lin noticed that Yang's mother stopped suddenly, so he raised his head and met Yang's eyes with some doubts.

Why do you feel that the eyes are malicious?
The inexplicable Fang Lin clamped his ass tightly and screamed.


Just say something, don't play charades, it's scary.

Yang Ma found a table and put all the bags on it, wrapped the dog leash around her hands, and then started to tie the bags with her hands.

It ended up being a dumbbell-shaped thing with a tie-in strap in the middle and bought seafood on either side.

Mama Yang held the middle with her right hand, felt the weight, and asked Kaka at her feet worriedly.

"Can you do it?"


Just kidding, so it's such a trivial matter?
Isn't it just carrying things?
As long as you let me eat a whole Australian dragon tonight, I can even carry you back.


Fang Lin screamed and stood sideways beside Yang Ma, motioning Yang Ma to put the things on his back.

Mama Yang slowly put the rope in the middle onto Kaka's vest, so as to prevent the strap from directly touching Kaka's flesh.

After all, everyone has carried plastic bags before, and they will really strangle your hands when they are heavy.

Yang Ma was like a trainer during fitness, she slowly put the weight on, for fear that Kaka would not be able to bear it.

Until Mama Yang let go of her hands completely, Fang Lin began to walk forward steadily.


Just ask if you are awesome?

Yang's mother saw the credit in Kaka's eyes, and cheerfully led him and the princess to the store where they bought Aolong.

Along the way, Lin's appearance attracted a lot of attention, and his leisurely appearance finally made Yang's mother feel relieved.

She also no longer considered other people's gazes, and started to take out her mobile phone and record while walking. After all, Kaka made an effort, so it must be recorded, or else it would be thanks to him?
"This husky cow can still carry goods."

"Indeed, give him the whole small trailer, and usually take it directly to grocery shopping."


Passers-by who saw Fang Lin's appearance along the way talked a lot, and some even came up to talk to Yang's mother.

Yang's mother became thoughtful when she heard the discussion of passers-by.

Small trailer?

It was almost six o'clock when we got home. After calling Liu Jing down to move the lobster into the elevator, Yang's mother hurried to pick up the two children from school.

Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie have fallen in love with the princess since they saw the princess in the car. As soon as they got home and changed their clothes, they played with the princess in the living room.

The two children also took Kaka's snacks and wanted to feed the princess, but Mama Yang stopped them.

"You can just play with her, don't feed her indiscriminately recently, do you hear me?"

After explaining, he started to go to the kitchen to clean up the seafood. Fang Lin looked at the two children and the princess, and ran to the kitchen in a panic.

He had never seen these before, such as seafood giants or Aolong, carefully observing Mama Yang's movements.

And Liu Jing knew that Mama Yang was a big seafood chef, so she quickly grabbed her mobile phone and came over to record. These are precious video materials, and she also learned cooking skills by the way.

Yang Ma first made three large transparent glass basins, took out ice cubes from the refrigerator to make three basins of ice water, and then put the three Australian dragons in by holding their backs.

The one in the middle suddenly frantically slapped itself with its own tail in Mama Yang's hands, and fell out of his hand and fell to the ground, and then those huge limbs kept waving and hitting the ground making noises.

Both Liu Jing and Xue Qiu who heard the sound were taken aback.

And Fang Lin unhurriedly found the right angle to step on the back of the big lobster on the ground, and exerted force to make it obedient, so that Yang Ma could pick it up.

Just kidding, he didn't even have pliers, so he was afraid of being scared.

This operation made the two of them praise Fang Lin repeatedly.

"I didn't expect Kaka to be so powerful. I usually see dogs with their noses pinched in the online videos haha."

"Today, all the seafood was brought back by Kaka."

"Really? Did you record the video?"

"Recorded, on my phone."

"Wow, how amazing are you!"

Liu Jing yelled and squatted down, hugged Fang Lin's head and rubbed it violently, making him a little embarrassed.

The frozen Aolong became more honest, Xueqiu also took the opportunity to step on the stool and leap onto the table to observe the frozen big guy up close.

Looking at the three Australian dragons quietly in the icy water, she wanted to stretch out her paws to touch them, but she didn't dare to touch them, they were alive and well.

And Mama Yang started to prepare other ingredients, because it was a sudden whim to make a big seafood restaurant, so Mama Yang specially bought sanded razor clams and clams, otherwise it would take a long time to process. (Parallel world, understand.)
Mama Yang soaked some vermicelli in water and pressed a lot of mashed garlic for later use.

Garlic mash can be said to be the soul of a seafood giant, and it must be prepared carefully.

Then put some water in the pot, boil the water, put in scallion knots and ginger slices to remove the fishy smell, add razor clams, clams, and sea prawns to blanch.

After cooking for about 1 minute, Yang's mother watched the floating powder overflow and the shrimp meat turned red, then took them out, washed them with clean water, and put them on a plate.

Then Yang's mother poured a lot of oil into the pot. When it was almost [-]% hot, poured in the mashed garlic, and slowly simmered the mashed garlic until fragrant.

A garlic aroma began to permeate, slowly drifting into Fang Lin's nostrils.

Tsk tsk, as expected of Mama Yang.

This operation was smooth and smooth, but Fang Lin seemed to have no difficulty watching from the side, and he felt that he could do it too.

Hurry up, Fang Lin began to look forward to the next move.

 This is the third update today, and I won’t show you the prepared seafood big coffee in the big night.

  Today and tomorrow I will move to the dormitory again, and the update may be later tomorrow.

  Thanks to Xiaoan from Fengliang World, Xia Shengnuan, and Yanquean for the 100 starting coins, and thanks to Prison Lover and Baili Ruoshui for the 500 starting coins!

  Thank you Gouge for rewarding Wanshang Helm Master! ! !
  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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