Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 99 Seafood Master!

Chapter 99 Seafood Master!

In such a peaceful society today, superpowers seem to be really useless for a while, after all, they cannot be exposed, and they don't fit well with the current social theme.

Unless something like the revival of spiritual energy in the novel happens one day, and the cultivator also becomes a class, what he has now can truly be transformed into his social status according to the rules and rationally.

But now if you want to gain social status, you still depend on power and money.

He is a dog now, so he can only focus on money. Fang Lin thought about it carefully, and he only has one way to become an Internet celebrity.

Alas, if it weren't for the pressure of life, who would want to go to sea?

Think about it, what's so good about him shooting videos in the sea?
In order to be recognized by the beautiful girls while walking on the street, rush up to ravage him and take a photo with him?

Huh, sounds good too?

Fang Lin turned over happily on the cushion and continued to think about it.

I just don't know what kind of personality Liu Jing will arrange for herself, it is best to be witty, intelligent, considerate and mighty.

Even if he has to be an internet celebrity dog, he must not be a funny dog!
Say no to funny dogs!

There is still some hot sunlight outside in the afternoon, and the living room with the air conditioner turned on and the temperature is suitable makes people feel warm.

Who doesn't want to take a good nap when they are full of food and drink and sleepy?
It's best to close the curtains and sleep in a dark room all afternoon.

Fang Lin slowly closed his eyes like this.

The princess turned sleepy after wandering around the living room by herself for a while, and the upper and lower eyelids began to fight.

For the four-month-old princess, the quality of her sleep is excellent now, and her body also needs sleep very much. When sleepiness comes, it is like a tide that cannot be stopped.

She glanced at Fang Lin, who was sleeping soundly by the French window, and walked towards the nearest kennel, but her body turned off automatically as soon as she reached the kennel.

Finally, she lay down on the floor next to Fang Lin's kennel, her stomach rising and falling, and she seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Xueqiu glanced at the princess who was sleeping on the ground with some doubts, not understanding why she didn't sleep on the bed, her big fluffy tail was gently shaking in the air.

At this time, a very, very soft female voice sounded in the quiet living room in the afternoon. It turned out to be Liu Jing who was greedy and came to get ice cream.

"Look, the princess and Kaka have already started taking a nap~"

Liu Jing suddenly felt very happy looking at the two huskies, one big and one small in the same sleeping positions. She raised her mobile phone and explained quietly.


Xueqiu on the cat climbing frame greeted Liu Jing.


Liu Jing gestured to Xueqiu, and then slowly approached the princess.

"Why does the princess have a bed and doesn't sleep on the ground?"

Liu Jing was afraid that the princess would catch a cold, so she struggled for a while and chose to reach out and drag the princess to carry her into Kaka's kennel.

Fortunately, the princess was not woken up, and even the breathing rate did not change. It seemed that she really felt very safe.

Liu Jing nodded in satisfaction, took another pat on the sleeping positions of the two huskies, went to the refrigerator to get an ice cream, and was about to go upstairs.

"Good afternoon Snowball~"


Liu Jing quietly waved to Snowball on the cat climbing frame, and tiptoed upstairs.

Snowball looked at the living room that had fallen into silence again, made a small hutch and closed his eyes.

After the lunch break, Mama Yang and Liu Jing originally planned to buy a camera, but after checking the guide, Liu Jing became dizzy.
The recommendations of various bloggers are varied, and they are also divided into entry-level models, advanced models, and so on.

In the end, Mama Yang and Liu Jing discussed and decided to call Papa Lin directly and ask him to buy it. Online shopping is fine, as long as they help solve this problem.

So in the afternoon, the two started fishing again. They had just finished watching a TV series, and Yang's mother didn't plan to start the next one so soon, so the two housewives were very happy lying on the bed and playing with their mobile phones.

It wasn't until four o'clock in the afternoon that Yang's mother got up from the bed and planned to buy some seafood and eat back. Liu Jing, who was too lazy to go out, planned to stay at home and edit the video.

And ask Mama Yang to take the princess and Kaka with her, and record the video if nothing else happens.

But normal people go out to take pictures every day, so the camera on Kaka's head was immediately put on the agenda, and Mama Yang sent new requests to Papa Lin again.

Yang Ma changed her clothes and went downstairs, greeted Kaka and the princess, and walked towards the door.

The princess looked at Fang Lin with some doubts, not understanding what the female devil meant.

She shrank her head in the kennel, not daring to go to the entrance. She was taught a lesson there just today, is she going to turn over old scores?

Go out to play.


The Princess hurriedly jumped out of the nest and moved to Mama Yang, wagging her tail excitedly.

She is now sleeping very well, which makes her very energetic when she wakes up. If she hadn't been a little reserved when she first came here, she would have been looking for something to eat.

The princess happily put on the little vest and showed off to the snowball on the cat climbing frame, so she can go out and play.



Xueqiu gave her a disdainful look, and shook her big tail gracefully.

Fang Lin felt a little headache when he saw the two treasures at home. They were fine at first, so why did they suddenly become awkward?

Fortunately, both of them are cowardly and will not fight.

Spray it.

Maybe arguing will cause feelings.

"Tonight, I'll eat a big seafood coffee, and I'll make you Aolong."

Yang Ma led Kaka and the Princess out of the house with a smile, and drove the BMW straight to the seafood market.

Fang Lin wagged his tail in anticipation along the way. He didn't know what Aolong was, but he seemed to have heard the name before.

Is there any difference between this Australian dragon and Boston lobster?

There was no way, Fang Lin couldn't be blamed for this.

Think about it, boarding life started in high school, getting up at [-] o'clock every day and going to bed at [-] o'clock, no mobile phone or Internet.

The impression of stars and the like is stuck several years ago, which can be said to be insulated from society.

After finally going to college and having an accident, I spend all day in the dormitory playing games and ordering takeaway, and all I order are braised chicken, rice, fried chicken and the like.

And the family is a bit northerly, so the seafood is really hard to recognize.

Until he was in the seafood market and saw the proprietress couldn't restrain her smile and picked up a huge black lobster.

Fang Lin realized that his understanding of shrimp seemed a little lacking.

The head of this Australian dragon is very big, accounting for half of its body. It is covered in fiery red hard armor and even a little black. There are two large tentacles on the top of its head, and a dozen huge tentacles on its body are waving in the air.

There are dense spots and protrusions distributed on the shell on the top of the head, Fang Lin frowned when he saw it.

Is this appearance a bit too domineering?But why no pliers?

Just as Fang Lin was thinking, the huge Aolong started to move in the hands of the boss, its big tail curled up crazily and slapped his abdomen.

It made a sound like steel clapping.

The princess who was staring at Aolong was startled and quickly took two steps back.

In Fang Lin's mind, he fantasized about fighting an Aolong of the same size. It seemed a bit difficult to do it?Armored.

Fortunately, I didn't meet this kind of opponent, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with. I don't know if there will be any in the studio.

But it's okay, I'll eat you tonight hehe.

"What do you think of the color? I'll give you a little less than three hundred and one catties."

"Are there any fresh ones like this? Take two more."

"Yes! Of course there is!"

(End of this chapter)

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