Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 131 Automatic Cultivation Link

Chapter 131 Automatic cultivation practice (Day [-])
After an unknown amount of time, Fang Lin opened his eyes in a daze.

Jiang Baibai was still working seriously with his two little paws beside the bed, and the bright sunlight shone into the room, revealing some fine dust in the air.

Fang Lin got up and yawned, and watched Jiang Baibai's operation in a daze for a while.

Feeling the movement, Jiang Baibai glanced at Fang Lin and said, "Why did you fall asleep just now? I was just guessing and playing. You can translate the plot for me."

"Oh, okay."

However, as soon as the words came out of his mouth, Fang Lin felt something was wrong.

Damn, how long have I been asleep, Mama Yang and the others won't get up, right?

Fang Lin looked around in a panic: "What time is it?" Finally he found the time on the wall and took a look.

It was two thirty in the afternoon.

It's broken, Mama Yang must have woken up.

Fang Lin quickly released the sensor, and the 3D map in his mind immediately appeared clearly.

He found that the air balls of Mama Yang and Liu Jing were still in the bedroom, but the air ball of the human figure belonging to Mama Yang was already moving.

"What does this sentence mean, translate it for me?"

"What are you still playing, turn it off quickly, they woke up."


Fang Lin hastily turned off the game console and put the controller back in place, picked up the tablet and left the room with a somewhat dazed Jiang Baibai.

He asked Jiang Baibai to go downstairs to the living room first, put the tablet back in Lin Yuqing's room and slipped out quickly. When he just went downstairs, Yang's mother just opened the door and came out.

"Hey, I haven't played enough yet."

Jiang Baibai said to Fang Lin lying on the sofa and wagging his tail.

Fang Lin rolled his eyes and said, "Didn't you see that they were all awake? What if they were caught?"

Why doesn't this little white cat have any experience in fighting with parents? Doesn't he know how to play games secretly?

Just now he suddenly fell asleep and broke out in a cold sweat. How would he explain this if Mama Yang caught him?

It smells like intrigue when I was a child.

"Then when can I continue playing? I just got another very cute elf, with a golden body and three characters in its name."

Fang Lin thought for a while, and felt that what Jiang Baibai said seemed to be Pikachu, and there would indeed be an easter egg in the early stage to get this elf.

"At noon tomorrow, the two of them don't go to work, so we can only have a chance at noon when they are sleeping."


Jiang Baibai is very unwilling like an Internet addicted girl, but there is nothing she can do.

She walked back and forth on the sofa a little anxiously, feeling itchy in her heart. Anyone who is eager to play games should understand this feeling.

Fang Lin looked at Jiang Baibai's appearance and laughed a little in his heart. To be honest, Pokémon Sword and Shield is at best a mediocre game in the game world, and there are many more fun games than it.

These outsiders seem to have very few ways of entertainment in their daily life?

At that time, if you see these movies and games of Blue Star, you must not be addicted to them directly.

Just like when the Internet was first born, those people would be so crazy when they played legends and the like, if people at that time saw such a complete entertainment industry all of a sudden.

These are all business opportunities.

After playing the game himself, Jiang Baibai has just played the game, and he has discovered that the spirit beast can indeed play the game and even use the keyboard.

Although they are not as slender and nimble as humans, they can't hold back their fast hands. Fang Lin himself can quickly produce afterimages in fighting games.

As long as a larger button is specially designed for these alien spirit beasts and a layout is arranged, they can play normally.

At the speed of pulling out afterimages, it is entirely feasible to use the claw as a finger.

For example, QE Erlian, they can press two buttons at a speed comparable to that of ordinary people using two fingers.

However, pictographic spirit beasts or weird claws are not enough, and they have to be adapted to local conditions.

It's a pity that I'm just a husky now, even if I know some inside information, I can't plan ahead. Otherwise, I might make a batch of game consoles or computers suitable for spirit beasts in advance, which might become popular.

Forget it, I think it has nothing to do with me.

While Fang Lin was secretly sighing, he suddenly thought of an idea.

The real scenes and battles in the space are so real, isn't it just a natural fighting game, and death in it will not affect the real body.

Wouldn't it be a perfect virtual reality game if it could include a plot and the like?

At that time, the spiritual energy will recover, and if I can bring in those spirit beasts from outsiders who are stupid and rich in money, I will be a game manufacturer by then, earning their spiritual fruits to cultivate for myself.

After this thought arose in Fang Lin's mind, he couldn't bear it any longer. He went directly into the space and asked about Qi Ling's situation.

However, what Qi Ling said made Fang Lin a little discouraged. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that this idea was indeed a bit unrealistic.

Qi Ling told Fang Lin that the space will unlock more functions with Fang Lin's level. With Fang Lin's current level, there is no way to pull others in out of thin air as he said.

But it is possible to open the vest in the space, and it is easy to create a phantom, after all, this is his own space.

The most important thing is the issue of energy. A place with such abnormal functions as the studio consumes a lot of aura.

The main reason is that Fang Lin's level is not enough and the concentration of aura around him is not high, resulting in a limited amount of aura that the space can absorb every day. In the future, the aura absorbed by the emperor's space may be enough to meet consumption.

And if I can pull others into the space without anyone noticing in the future, the studio is a perfect training ground. After I open a vest, I can use it to charge money in exchange for the sky I need. Materials and treasures.

There is no need to make any unnecessary games.

Secondly, the Emperor Space will definitely not only have this venue in the future, but will definitely have other functional venues. In fact, it feels more like a high-end practice room.

At that time, I can pull in some second-generation spirit beasts who are also stupid and rich. I must think that the emperor's space is a great opportunity, and obediently hand in the treasures of heaven and earth to use the functions in the space.

Suddenly, Fang Lin was inexplicably looking forward to a complete spiritual recovery. Such a world must be wonderful, right?
I hope that the minds of those scientific researchers will become better, and the virtual technology will make a breakthrough, so that they can play the virtual reality game in the novel once in their lifetime.

While Fang Lin was thinking wildly, Mama Yang moved her sleeping body and sat on the sofa, turned on the projector and continued watching the TV series.

The wontons I made for so long yesterday were almost numb. Mama Yang made the preparations for dinner a little easier and didn't need to prepare too much.

And the arrival of the TV series did relieve some of Jiang Baibai's Internet addiction, and one person, one dog and one cat watched TV.

Thanks to Jiang Baibai who went to play games at noon, the princess took the opportunity to have a good sleep in the kennel in Fang Lin's living room.

At this time, I stretched again, shook my body like a drum washing machine, and began to wander around the room.

Because Mama Yang was sitting in the living room, the princess went out of Mama Yang's sight to find something to play with.

She didn't dare to do anything wrong in front of Mama Yang.

So the living room started a leisurely viewing time in the afternoon, Fang Lin reluctantly leaned on Mama Yang's lap when Liu Jing was not there.

Although the touch is not as soft as Liu Jing's, it does not have a tight elasticity, and it can only be said to be a good athlete.

Mama Yang also put her left hand on Kaka's dog's head and stroked it gently. She felt that Kaka's furry head felt really good.

She looked around, Jiang Baibai was watching the TV series seriously, Kaka was obediently lying on her lap, Xueqiu just woke up and combed her hair gracefully on the cat climbing frame.

Mama Yang took a deep breath and suddenly felt very comfortable and peaceful. At this moment, she suddenly did not regret that she brought so many furry children home.

In the past, she was the only one at home during the day, and Liu Jing would not come over except in the morning.

At a young age, she felt that she had become an empty nester. After taking a nap at noon, she woke up confused and looked at the empty room and felt a little lonely in her heart.

It's not like now, when I watch a TV series in the afternoon, so many cute and obedient children than Xiaojie are by my side.

Some distant memories of the past came to Yang's mother's mind. When Xiaojie first moved here, Xiaojie was still young, and he watched TV dramas with him like this.

It's just that it's very noisy, moving around, playing this and that, and watching cartoons all day long.

Look at Kaka, watching a TV show with me and not moving is so obedient, much better than Xiaojie when he was a child.

A smile appeared on Yang Ma's face, and she gently rubbed the dog's head with her hand.

Chicken Feather Flying to the Sky has reached the stage where Chen Jianghe and Luo Yuzhu started their own business after they separated. No wonder a business opportunity suddenly popped up in Fang Lin's mind today.

Sometimes people's seemingly independent thinking is indeed affected by what they see and hear during this period of time.

Xueqiu saw that the parent-child movie watching started in the living room, and after tidying up her hair, she also jumped down calmly, ran to the sofa and lay down next to Fang Lin.

Yuehua's enlightening effect on ordinary animals is quite amazing, which is why this talent can be called supernatural powers, not to mention that Fang Lin's acquired these are supernatural powers among the supernatural powers, each with infinite uses.

Xueqiu, who was gradually improving in wisdom, no longer had any dissatisfaction with the princess at this time, and in her eyes, the simple-minded princess did not threaten at all.

Although Fang Lin treated them both as part of the family and as cute pets, she could feel that Kaka cared more about herself.

Having gained wisdom, she also understands that Kaka is so smart and excellent, so of course she has no interest in the ordinary her.

Fortunately, she is also constantly improving, which makes her see a lot of hope.

But the newcomer Jiang Baibai directly threatened Xueqiu's eyes and rushed to 999+.

Xueqiu felt that Kaka and this little white cat seemed to have a special tacit understanding before. Although they just met and were not familiar with each other, Kaka was more comfortable getting along with her than with himself.

She felt that she had to do something, Kaka was too special for her.

After careful observation in the past few days, Xueqiu could see that Fang Lin liked good girls like Lin Yuqing very much, so she decided to implement the line of cute cats and must have her own characteristics.

And the most important thing is to understand Kaka's hobbies. She feels that she usually stays on the cat climbing frame, but instead loses the opportunity.

So Xueqiu also concentrated on watching the TV series. When Yang's mother saw Xueqiu coming over, she reached out and hugged her in her arms and stroked her.

"Are you finally willing to come down?"

She hugged it for a while and then put it on her lap, the weight of Xueqiu is slowly coming up now, Mama Yang is really tired watching the TV series and holding it.

The picture in the living room became very harmonious at this time, the beautiful Yang Ma and three cute cats and dogs, this may be the life of many people's dreams, and it is also the motivation to work hard.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Jing finally edited the video and sent it out. She posted two videos in a row.

In addition to the Kaka dog training mentioned earlier, there is also a video introducing Jiang Baibai's origin.

There are some pictures of Liu Jing playing in the park and feeding stray cats, and there are videos of taking Jiang Baibai to the pet hospital.

After posting the video, she hurried downstairs to read netizens' comments and responses with Kaka Yang.

Liu Jing likes the rewarding feeling of being praised by netizens after a few hours of hard editing, not to mention that Kaka is sharing this happiness, which directly doubles.

And although she knew that Kaka was illiterate, it felt different to have Kaka looking at her phone next to her.

"I've finished cutting it, and sent two."

Liu Jing kicked the little white rabbit's slippers and ran to the sofa quickly. Because Fang Lin was lying next to Yang's mother, she sat down next to Fang Lin.

He reached out and patted Fang Lin on the back, indicating that it was time for him to read the comments with him.

As far as pet bloggers are concerned, the accounts of Kaka and Xueqiu are already one of the most influential accounts on Douyin.

So far, the number of fans has reached a terrifying 689 million, approaching 700 million.

The enthusiasm about military dogs has gradually dissipated on the Internet. After all, the world is full of wonders, and the attention of netizens is quickly attracted by other things.

However, the analysis on the accounts of Kaka and Xueqiu on the Internet has slowly become popular.

After all, this kind of god-like growth rate can be said to be unheard of and unseen, which made many bloggers on Douyin who make a living selling success studies start to feel itchy.

I made videos one after another to analyze the secret of this account's success.

In fact, it's nothing to say, it's nothing more than that the military dog ​​event held by the military is very exciting and attractive. Even if Fang Lin didn't participate, it would be very interesting to replace it with a reporter doing interviews dryly.

But Fang Lin's outstanding appearance and wonderful performance are too suitable for the theme of this event. Military dogs and huskies, each of which actually has its own traffic.

Coupled with the most important official push stream, the official documents of the Southern Provincial Federation Legion (the previous article has also been revised and blocked by reports, and this will be the same statement from now on) are sent layer by layer, and the traffic push is the same as the Spring Festival Gala of the Dragon Kingdom Federation It's almost live.

The blessing of traffic and the hard power of his own program made the military dog ​​popular, and at the same time it also made Fang Lin popular, not to mention the assistance of the Southern Provincial Federation Legion-the spokesperson of the military dog.

It can only be said that the Special Affairs Bureau is yyds. Without the influence of Deng Jiefu and Yang Zhen, it is impossible for this kind of thing to fall on Fang Lin.

It stands to reason that many video bloggers with ulterior motives have actually discovered the role of the Southern Provincial Federation Legion behind this increase in fans, and wanted to post videos to question it.

However, the consequences can be imagined, the military and the Special Affairs Bureau were provoked, and the video could not be released at all.

Because both the starting point and the results of this promotional activity are very satisfactory to the bosses, it is impossible to allow people with ulterior motives to trample on this hard-won results.

As for Fang Lin, who became popular with the help of the east wind, it was like one or two people who would become popular in every large-scale official event.

In addition to the endorsement from the Special Affairs Bureau, Fang Lin himself is also very positive. He performed very well in the show and carried forward the spirit of hard work. He "panted" and persisted in completing many tasks that ordinary pets could not complete. Being able to reflect the good values ​​that the Dragon Kingdom Federation has always wanted to convey is in line with the main theme of society.

This combination has resulted in only praise and attention for Liu Jing and Fang Lin on the Internet. After all, most netizens are normal in their hearts, and they can't think of such a dark place.

As new quasi-big Internet celebrities, the accounts of Kaka and Xueqiu are also the focus of many people's attention.

As soon as Liu Jing's front foot video was released, there were a bunch of likes and comments on the back foot.

She took the dog training video that Fang Lin watched first, because this video contained advertisements, and she was a little worried that netizens would criticize her for eating.

Liu Jing also specifically said at the top of the comment area that half of this month's proceeds will be donated to the government to improve the lives of active and retired military dogs.

Fang Lin didn't have this awareness, so what's wrong with video bloggers?Public welfare?He is not the reincarnation of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

He happily scans the comments to see if there are any compliments on himself.

"2 minutes ago, it was hot."

"About the fact that I thought about it for two seconds and the comments were 99+."

"Snowball finally appeared!!! Touched (crying)"

Since Liu Jing just posted it, many of the comments were pre-empted, and it is estimated that most of the hardcore fans haven't finished watching the video yet.

Liu Jing also discovered this, so she swiped other videos with Kaka for a while, and among them, some videos analyzing her own account were swiped.

"Qian, it's so strange to get others to analyze why I am successful."


The TV series was playing at a critical point, and Yang's mother nodded her head again and again, perfunctory Liu Jing very seriously.

After more than ten minutes, Liu Jing couldn't help but read the comments on her first video again.

"Is this Bomei? So fierce?"

"Damn it, this Pomeranian still bites."

"Hehe, most small dogs are fierce in character, and they will never raise small dogs in this life."

"Don't knock down a bunch of dogs with one blow, okay? There are still a lot of docile and lovely ones."

Regarding Yaoyao's face in the camera, Liu Jing mosaiced it, because Yaoyao's mother is an employee of the Sioux City Procuratorate, although Yaoyao said nothing.

But she was still afraid of bad influence and mosaiced it. After all, you can't imagine the thinking of some trolls. It would be bad if she caused some trouble to Yaoyao.

In addition to the netizens who were frightened by Bomei earlier, there were also many optimists who were amused by the scene of Kaka and Lala being punished.

"Haha, Kaka's eyes are so startled, why does Lala make me stand for biting?"

"Kaka is so powerful, he called Lala and obediently followed him to stand for punishment."

"Snowball and Kaka are playing ball together! It's so cute, the sisters formed a group to steal Snowball and rush (1/1000)"

And the comments about Kaka training the dog in the latter part of the video finally increased, and the hot comments were also pushed up.

"My mother, Kaka really can train dogs and stunned me!"

"No wonder it was officially selected as the endorsement dog of the military dog. It really has such strength."

"Why send it to me, send it to my husky!"

"My husky read it and said it was a script."

The more people who pay attention, the more voices will naturally question it.

"Is the effect so immediate? Is this a staged shot?"

However, the fan stickiness of pet bloggers is generally very high, and they also have deep feelings.

After all, watching the videos of these cute pets, it seems that I am raising them and I am the owner of the cloud.

The reason is actually that pet bloggers’ videos share pets’ daily life. If pets are outstanding, people are naturally fond of them, and their styles are also relaxed and happy.

So soon some people began to reply to these questioning comments.

"Dog: This is a posing."

"Kaka is Kaka, Husky is Husky."

"Can you stop not being able to see the good of others if you can't do it yourself?"

"Do you understand what is the gold content of a military dog ​​spokesperson?"

Liu Jing was moved by these comments, except that it was the first time someone in Mama Yang's family spoke for her.

She was a little worried that they would become more and more noisy, so she couldn't help asking Mama Yang what to do.

Yang's mother paused the TV series and glanced at it, then said indifferently: "You just say in the comment section that one game is either a script failure or a dog training skill, and don't worry about the rest."

"You have millions of fans, how can there be no other voices in the comment area? Don't worry so much."


Fang Lin memorized the IDs of these faultfinders one by one.

Immediately, the spirit revived, how could he, the future Emperor Ha, not rise up.

At that time, in case he wants to give back to the society for free welfare or something, the first thing he will do is to check the Douyin ID, grandma's.

Hmph, when the time comes, he will have to operate in secret to let the representative troll he remembers win a spot, and then finally kick him.

Huskies are not big-minded.

With the release of this video, Fang Lin's status in the hearts of many netizens has increased a bit.

Changed from "a dog is a dog, a border herd is a border herd", "a husky is a husky, and a kaka is a kaka" has also won more people's approval.

Netizens called Treasure Husky directly, wondering what surprises Kaka could bring them.

Compliments such as "Take the child to the hospital, it's not a problem if you don't talk all the time. (cover your face)" and other compliments made Fang Lin blush a little.

"Hey, Kaka, everyone likes you even more."

Liu Jing said and rubbed Fang Lin's head.

Because of the high popularity recently, many pet bloggers or funny bloggers who usually come across have left messages.

Liu Jing felt that she was a newcomer and couldn't put her attitude too high like Yang Ma's, so she basically replied when she saw it.

"Hey, why is no one scolding me for accepting commercials? I have been building my mind for a long time."

Yang Ma and Fang Lin glanced at her and said nothing. Netizens have long been accustomed to this kind of thing, that is, Liu Jing, a newcomer, will worry about it.

After watching for about 10 minutes with a reply and a refresh, Liu Jing started watching the second video with Fang Lin.

This video was posted in less than half an hour and has already broken 10k likes. Many old fans are a little curious about where this little white cat came from, and new fans also like that it occasionally sits on the little vest behind Fang Lin. Ginger in vain.

"It turns out that the general is a stray cat he picked up."

"Hey, why can't I find such a beautiful kitten?"

"It doesn't look like a stray cat."

At the end of the video and in the comments, Liu Jing mentioned that if you can prove it is the owner, please contact me, and also posted the V letter of the legal job that Yang Ma found for her at that time.

The experienced legal counsel can easily tell whether these people are liars, and she doesn't need to bother.

Fang Lin agrees with Yang's mother's decision. Lin Zi is big enough to have all kinds of birds. Maybe someone will be jealous. Find a little white cat who is similar to Jiang Baibai and wear a bell to find work. Those netizens who liked Jiang Baibai before also Not a lot.

Leaving this matter to professionals is the last thing to worry about, and with the size of Papa Lin's company, if they are really so blind, they will definitely be sued for autism.

But Jiang Baibai's little bell is a bit difficult to imitate. Fang Lin turned his head and looked at Jiang Baibai not far away. The little bell on her neck has very complicated lines, which looks very advanced.

"Haha, I didn't expect the general to run away directly."

"Sure enough, Millennium Killing is the number one secret skill."

"I was scared to death. Fortunately, the general knew the way. I thought I was going to lose it."

"Fuck, this car is a BMW M760Li, and it costs more than 200 million."

Under this comment, a blogger doing car evaluation replied: "I think too much brother, I can't get a new car without 300 million."

Since then, the style of painting has changed directly.

"There was a loud noise in the sky, and the old slave made his debut."

"Why do you still use Mother Qian to personally take the general for a physical examination? Where does this put the old slave?"

These comments made Liu Jing and Fang Lin amused.

Jiang Baibai jumped on the back of the sofa and looked down curiously when he heard the movement. While watching, he asked Fang Lin to translate for her.


When Liu Jing played this video again to enjoy, Jiang Baibai found that the video that he was almost caught was posted on this phone.

By asking Kaka, she learned that this video may be seen by tens of millions of people, and this number shocked her all of a sudden.

Now it's a big shame, how could she lose such a big person when she just came to the ancestral land?
Seeing it, she was a little anxious, but Fang Lin quickly translated a lot of comments for her, telling her that everyone liked her very much, so she calmed down a little.

"Come with me to the balcony."

After Jiang Baibai finished speaking, he left with a lot of thoughts, and Fang Lin slipped over when he found a chance.

Seeing Fang Lin's leaving figure, Xueqiu shook his tail and didn't make a sound.

on the balcony.

Jiang Baibai jumped onto the reclining chair, maintaining the same height as Fang Lin who was standing on the ground, and said, "Tell me what Douyin is, what it is."

So Fang Lin briefly described Douyin's positioning, videos, and users, and gave her examples to analyze and analyze. In conclusion, it is a place to share a good life.

If you have more fans, you can make money and buy a lot of delicious food.

Jiang Baibai found it a bit interesting, but when he thought of his embarrassing things being posted for so many people to see, he felt a little bit bitter.

"How can you send me such a thing out, how shameful it is."

"They won't care, they will only think you are cute and cute. Haven't you seen so many people like you? In their eyes, you are just an ordinary cat."

Fang Lin talked for a long time before making Jiang Baibai feel better. At the same time, he suggested: "Liu Jing will make another video. Then you will perform better. Just show what you want to show."

The appearance of this little white cat is quite cute. If she can be persuaded to cooperate with the filming of the video, maybe the number of fans will increase even more, anyway, she doesn't care about her money.

When Jiang Baibai heard this suggestion, he immediately forgot what happened before, and began to think carefully.

To be honest, she was a little shy, and she had never experienced this kind of experience before, just like the feeling of people who used to take photos for the first time.

But although it is weird, it seems to make many humans in the ancestral land like her. She heard the comments translated by Kaka before and thought these humans were very interesting.


Seeing that she was almost fine, Fang Lin suddenly realized that the reward had not been paid, so he said, "Hey, by the way, can you give me that spiritual fruit now?"

"Wait a moment."

Jiang Baibai jumped off the recliner and went into the living room to observe the situation, then came back and asked Fang Lin: "I will give you two ginkgo fruits, which are the mildest among the beast spirits, but they also contain a lot of aura, are you sure?" Do you want to eat?"

Does this need to be said?
Although Fang Lin was slandering in his heart, he still said with some seriousness and firmness on the surface: "I'm sure, if I have any bad reaction, you can use that ball to suck it out for me."

At the same time, Fang Lin took the opportunity to ask Jiang Baibai about his cultivation: "What will happen if I really absorb them? Will I sense the aura you mentioned?"

Jiang Baibai smiled and said: "Even if you absorb it, you can't absorb it all. You can't cultivate these auras and can only be absorbed into your body, unless your body training talent is very high."

"Awakening the aura is a bit difficult. In fact, it depends on whether your overall aptitude such as spirit has reached the limit of being able to sense the aura."

She didn't think that Fang Lin would be able to awaken just by eating these two fruits. Cultivation is a very difficult thing.

But she still said comfortingly: "If you wake up, let me remind you. When you wake up for the first time, you will be able to see the number of spiritual sources in your body. This is related to the height you can reach in your future cultivation."

Spirit source?

It is estimated that it is the core of spiritual energy.

Fang Lin heard about the core for the first time, and he hurriedly continued to ask: "Why?"

Seeing Fang Lin's face of seeking knowledge without even knowing common sense, Jiang Baibai coughed lightly and said, "Nine is the extreme number, and there can be up to nine spiritual sources in the body, but when you first awaken, you can see three or four with ordinary aptitude. One is not bad, and those who can see seven upwards are top talents."

"Being able to absorb spiritual energy at the beginning is actually stepping into the path of cultivation, which can be called a spirit beast. When you fill up the first spirit source, you will reach the beast spirit level."

"When the third spirit source is filled, it is the Beast Envoy level, when the sixth one is filled, it is the Beast Venerable level, and when the ninth one is filled, it is the Beast King level. After that, the Emperor level is too far away from you, so I won't tell you."

"Everyone has their own unique spiritual path, and every time they reach a level, the spiritual sources that are lit up will be connected together to emit stronger power."

"If you haven't seen the innate spiritual source, you need to rely on your own perception to find the next spiritual source along your own star path. This is actually a very difficult process of self-cultivation."

Speaking of this, Jiang Baibai couldn't help sighing, as if he felt sorry for him.

It is the most difficult thing when it comes to enlightenment. No one can help you, only you can rely on yourself.

"Maybe in a year, a decade, a hundred years, you will be able to understand your star path and sense the next spiritual source, or maybe you will never see the hope of moving forward in your life."

Cultivation is cruel.

Jiang Baibai looked at the "ignorant" Kaka in front of him, and unconsciously felt a sense of superiority called being well-informed.

Just like she doesn't recognize these things in the ancestral land, Kaka is also in this ignorant state when facing the tortuous and winding road to heaven.

She said: "Don't worry, come and tell me if you encounter any problems in the future. You are the first person I can communicate with in the ancestral land. This is a wonderful fate."

Fang Lin found it very interesting to see Jiang Baibai holding back his smile.

When he first came to the school after graduation, the teacher sitting next to him said the same thing, with the same concern, but there was a hint of condescension hidden behind it.

But unlike that old fried dough stick, he really felt sincerity in Jiang Baibai's place.

There is more of a childishness, as if I lost face before and finally found a place where I can earn it back.

After all, Fang Lin started teaching her when she knew nothing. At that time, she couldn't even drink water from a drinking fountain. This little white cat must have held her breath.

"You are so good and know everything, then I will rely on you."

"Hey, don't worry."

Fang Lin rolled his eyes and asked, "How many spiritual sources did you sense at that time?"

When Jiang Baibai heard Fang Lin asking this question, he couldn't help showing a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After so much laying the groundwork just now, Kaka finally asked about this matter.

She jumped on the reclining chair just now to keep level with Fang Lin, coughed lightly and said with enough momentum, "Eight."

Fang Lin nodded and said, "Oh."

Seeing that Kaka's reaction was not obvious, she quickly added: "In the spiritual world, only the blood of the royal family can sense more than seven spiritual sources as soon as they wake up. .”

Fang Lin heard that Jiang Baibai felt that his previous reaction was too flat and was not shocked.

It's strange, is this young lady from another world usually not praised by anyone?

Why does it feel like I always need his support.

However, Fang Lin was still very face-saving, and exclaimed with widened dog eyes: "Then you can sense eight spiritual sources as soon as you wake up, isn't it the arrogance of today's heaven and the world? Are you so powerful?"

Jiang Baibai's smile could hardly be held back: "Hey, it's not as powerful as you said."

Seeing her like this, Fang Lin felt more and more amusing. The eldest lady in the feudal era seemed a little innocent, so he suddenly became interested in teasing her.

"Then what if nine were sensed at the beginning?"

Jiang Baibai calmed down and said, "I've only heard that there are such people in the Shenglin and Zulong clans, and they are very rare."

"Aren't they great?"

"Of course, this is called the natural source body. Not only is it a smooth path to be promoted to the king, but the overall speed of cultivation is also far beyond ordinary. It is very powerful, and there are few in the entire spirit world."

"Oh, don't know how much I can."


Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin and comforted him: "You are considered talented and intelligent among the local beasts in the ancestral land. You may have a lot of luck, and you may be the same as me."

But Fang Lin didn't hear any possibility from Jiang Baibai's words, he shook his head in his heart and stopped teasing the child.

After you make up your mind, don't tell her that you are actually born with a body, or else it will be so dead?
"Then you have the spiritual fruit, which is a heavenly material and earthly treasure, to assist in your cultivation, so you can cultivate very quickly?"

Jiang Baibai squatted down and shook his head and said: "That's not the case. Firstly, unless the cultivation technique is very top-notch, it is rare to be able to completely absorb all the spiritual energy. Second, it is impossible for each spiritual source to absorb the spiritual energy through foreign objects. If it exceeds a certain limit, otherwise there will be troubles affecting future development, this is the iron law summed up by the ancestors for thousands of years."


Do you still have exercises?

But how could he cultivate without any exercises?
Fang Lin settled down to feel the body that automatically absorbs the spiritual energy in his body after hanging up for 24 hours. He did find that the spiritual energy runs along some lines after entering the body from the outside world.

There is also the special talent of one's own body, the lines formed automatically by oneself, and so on.

What's the situation?Is this your own hook?
Could it be caused by the change that Qi Ling and himself said?

"What will happen if it exceeds?"

"Some comprehension will become very difficult, for example, if you want to sense a spiritual source that you haven't seen at the beginning, it will become extremely difficult."

Ah this
"Then those who are born with source bodies can eat unlimited food?"

Jiang Baibai rolled his eyes and said: "Maybe, I'm not a natural source body, how do I know, anyway, their cultivation speed is really abnormally fast."

"Hey, are you a natural source body?"


"Then don't ask."


Why is this little white cat so impatient, okay?

Jiang Baibai observed the situation again, touched his bell and took out two white spiritual fruits.

The two spiritual fruits are somewhat like apples and pears, but the whole body seems to emit a little white light, and at the same time there is a burst of fragrance, which is very attractive.

"Are you ready?"

"All right."

Fang Lin took a deep breath, gulped it down one by one, lay down on the balcony floor, closed his eyes and calmed down.

"Hey you."

Seeing Fang Lin who had swallowed two spiritual fruits in one go, Jiang Baibai raised his paw and covered his forehead.

Oh, why are you in such a hurry?
How much can this absorb, what a waste, don't blow yourself up.

She silently took out the transparent bead, and the spiritual energy absorbed in it seemed to have disappeared.

Jiang Baibai watched Fang Lin's movements nervously, intending to quickly absorb Kaka's physical strength as soon as there was a sign of a problem, so as not to cause anything to happen.

Ordinary creatures swallowed two beast spirit-level spirit fruits at once. She must be crazy to allow Kaka to do so.

 defended their nationality brothers
(End of this chapter)

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