Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 132 I Can Eat!

Chapter 132 I Can Eat! (seeking subscription)
The two ginkgo fruits melted in Fang Lin's mouth, and two auras of spiritual energy formed in Fang Lin's body and continued to scurry around, like two cavalry that went straight into the enemy's hinterland and began to show off their might.

However, after Fang Lin mobilized his aura, the body strengthened by his unique talent instantly showed a strong absorption ability.

Those mysterious lines in the body began to emerge one by one, and the core of spiritual energy began to run crazily, and this spiritual energy was absorbed step by step in an instant.

There is no threat to eating two spiritual fruits of the same level as Fang Lin, and Fang Lin's physical and core strength is actually far higher than that of the same level.

After a while, Fang Lin had almost absorbed it, and each of the three ordinary spiritual fruits before had almost the amount of spiritual energy he had cultivated for 24 hours.

And these two gingers, which were said to have the least aura content and the mildest, were directly multiplied by four or five times, adding up to ten days of continuous on-hook practice for him day and night.

Although the absorption was over, Fang Lin continued to maintain his cultivation posture, thinking in his heart.

He has been able to practice non-stop since he was able to devote a little of his mind to guide the aura.

If it were a normal person, he would not be able to compare with him in terms of the length of practice or the efficiency of practice in a day.

Alas, why do you feel that this practice is so easy?
Originally, my own cultivation speed seemed to be off the hook, and I could still practice 24 hours a day.

In normal practice alone, I don't know how many times faster than others, and now I can still eat spiritual fruits.

Fang Lin sighed secretly, and then planned to make a little noise, pretending to have awakened his aura, so that he could better ask Jiang Baibai for things in the future.

This little white cat is so timid as to die, it has never dared to give itself more spiritual energy.

Fortunately, Fang Lin can be regarded as someone who has experienced spiritual awakening, so he opened up a little bit of his hidden talent according to his previous feeling, and released a little spiritual fluctuation.

On the balcony, Jiang Baibai was lying on the deck chair, and the beads were placed next to her paws.

While carefully observing Fang Lin's state, she was also alert to the movements in the living room.

Kaka seemed to be fine. I didn't expect him to be able to bear the fruit of the beast spirit level (D), which was really unexpected.

After looking at it for a while, Jiang Baibai felt that there was no problem, and then he relaxed. He crossed his front paws on the recliner, and looked at the scenery very gracefully.

She looked at the lush green plants on the balcony, and hummed softly the background music she heard while playing games at noon.

At this time, she suddenly felt a wave of aura arising out of thin air.

When Jiang Baibai looked for the source with some puzzlement, he found that the aura fluctuations were continuously coming from Kaka.

This familiar feeling made her jaw drop in shock.

Awakened just like that?

Jiang Baibai was suddenly a little dumbfounded. The difference between ordinary creatures and spirit beasts in the spirit world can be said to be a natural barrier.

The two are fundamentally different species, both in intelligence and aptitude are worlds apart, just like humans and pigs.

The lucky ones recorded in the classics who accidentally ate some top-level spirit-enlightening fruit and were reborn directly, basically no longer exist in the current spirit world.

The resources have basically been divided up by the major families. In the spiritual world, which pays attention to birth and blood, these represent potential.

It would be good for those ordinary creatures to meet a family with riches and good intentions, just like the emperor tortoise that Jiang Xuan met.

There will always be some ordinary tortoises in the ornamental pond. After staying in the environment with rich aura for a long time, they will be inadvertently nourished, and one day they may become enlightened.

But what's going on with Kaka?
The fact that happened before his eyes told Jiang Baibai that this kind of thing really happened.

He just ate two ginkgo nuts.

It may be that Kaka has already reached a certain limit. At this time, the ancestral land really contains infinite possibilities.

Seeing that Fang Lin was in the critical period of awakening, Jiang Baibai did not hesitate, and quickly touched Zhe Tianling and took out a small conical bottle from it.

The bottle looks a bit quaint with a small cork on it.

She didn't expect Fang Lin to awaken at all before, and she didn't tell him about the awakening, nor did she know how his ignorance would work.

Jiang Baibai opened his small mouth and bit the stopper.


With a soft sound, the cork was pulled out by Jiang Baibai.

"Kaka, open your mouth quickly, this is the monkey wine brewed by the three-eyed god monkey, which is very good for your spiritual awakening."

Fang Lin was acting in a play, and had been sensing the movements of the outside world.

Feeling Jiang Baibai's movements at this moment, he quickly opened his mouth.

Jiang Baibai stood up with two hind paws to stabilize his figure, and two front paws held the bottle and carefully poured a small bottle of monkey wine into it.

An unusually strong aroma of wine began to permeate the balcony, gradually drifting into the distance.

Fang Lin felt a jolt when he smelled the aroma of the wine. The moment the monkey wine entered his throat, the blazing aroma of the wine exploded on his taste buds, and a warm current flowed from his mouth to his abdomen, and his whole body instantly became warm.

At the same time, a numb feeling swept over his whole body, and his mind was as clear as jumping into a clear swimming pool in summer.

What surprised Fang Lin the most was that the nine aura cores in his body began to shine brightly, competing for the energy brought by the monkey wine.

The spiritual path connecting the spiritual cores in the body slowly revealed its veins, and the phantom of the silver wolf that I saw when I was awakening also slowly emerged.

Fang Lin calmly absorbed the benefits of the monkey wine.

After a while, the vision in the body finally calmed down slowly.

Fang Lin felt it for a while, and it seemed that there was no actual change, such as the increase in strength, but his core seemed to have become a little bigger and looked more eye-catching.

This seems to increase his potential, right?


Fang Lin was a little speechless.

The core got bigger again.
Fang Lin waited for a while and felt that it was almost time, so he opened his eyes.

Jiang Baibai, who waited anxiously for a long time, saw that he opened his eyes and was about to speak, but his face changed and he immediately put the beads and wine bottle back.

After a while, Mama Yang came to the balcony with a look of surprise.

"General Kaka, are you two basking in the sun here?"

After touching the heads of the two of them, Yang's mother walked to the balcony and looked around the community, her nose still twitching.

"Who makes wine here? Why is it so fragrant?"

She observed for a long time but found no clues, and walked home with some regrets. If she could know who made the wine, she might be able to pay for some.

At this time, Jiang Baibai couldn't wait any longer, and asked, "Kaka, are you awakened?"

"Uh, it should be."

"How many, how many spiritual sources have you seen?"

Fang Lin considered this question and said, "Five or six."

"Hey, how can it be five and six again?"

"Originally there were five, but after you gave me that wine, the sixth slowly appeared."

Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin in surprise when he heard this.

In the spirit world, except for the direct blood of the royal family, ordinary geniuses only have six spiritual cores. I didn't expect this simple local dog to be able to awaken six spiritual cores.

At first she was worried that Kaka would know nothing but only see one or two things, but this time it was unexpected.

I underestimated him before.

Seeing that Jiang Baibai hadn't moved, Fang Lin took the initiative to ask, "What is that monkey wine you gave me? Is it very precious?"

Jiang Baibai said absent-mindedly: "It's very rare, so I brought a bottle. The three-eyed monkey tribe has no emperor, but they have superb wine-making skills for generations. This kind of monkey wine is helpful for the awakening of aura. It is their special product, and the output is very small and distributed to many royal families."

"It is also because of this kind of monkey wine that they, a group without a king, can survive in the spiritual world without being attached to any royal family. Of course, no royal family agrees that someone wants to monopolize them."

Suddenly, Fang Lin nodded and said, "The effect of this wine is so good, so they should live well."

"Ha ha."

Jiang Baibai sneered and said, "In the spirit world, strength is always the most important thing."

"The three-eyed monkey tribe has no emperor, so they have to keep offering the wine they make to other tribes."

"And it's not that they can't have a king, but that the royal family doesn't allow them to have a king. The spiritual world is just like this."

After Jiang Baibai finished speaking, he looked at Fang Lin with some strange eyes, and then explained: "This has nothing to do with us. We have always been very neutral in the spirit world and did not participate in any battles. Anyway, I have never bullied other weak people since I can remember. Clan stuff happens."

Fang Lin looked at the little white cat in front of him who was explaining for himself, and said silently, "Well, I understand."

He took a deep look at the little white cat on the recliner in front of him, and his impression of her suddenly changed.

At the beginning, he felt that Jiang Baibai was an extraordinary cat from another world, and he was still a little wary of her.

But as he got along, he found that although the little white cat was stupid and didn't know anything, he was still kind-hearted.

And it's still a big leek, a stupid person with a lot of money, the reason why he wants to act and pretend that he has just awakened his spiritual energy is to get better fruits from her.

However, this little white cat was so generous. Seeing him awakening, he gave him such precious monkey wine without hesitation.

Obviously she can do nothing, it has nothing to do with her.

Thinking of Jiang Baibai's behavior of giving charcoal in the middle of nowhere, Fang Lin suddenly felt a little annoyed. Is this cat stupid?

Obviously, everyone is taking what they need in a normal transaction, and now he feels a little embarrassed.

He was never a hard-hearted selfish person.

In the past, when I saw those firefighters and soldiers who sacrificed themselves, my eyes would always be red unconsciously; when I saw the videos of the bloody battles of the ancestors in the previous wars, my heart was always surging unconsciously, and I wished to go back to the past to fight. The enemy is just a death, anyway, there is no nostalgia.

Now that he is reborn in such a warm family, it is even more impossible to have that kind of refined egoism.

It's so annoying, this silly cat is so mad.

He didn't want to teach her things for a fee.

Jiang Baibai noticed that Fang Lin suddenly looked at him in a daze, wondering: "What's wrong?"

Fang Lin took a deep breath and said, "Thank you."

"Ham, it turns out that this is the matter. Although you rejected my offer before, you still have this kind of fate after all. I will help you if I can."

Jiang Baibai carelessly raised his right paw and waved his hand.

"And the awakening of spiritual energy is really important for spirit beasts, it is related to the hope of the entire future. But you have awakened 5 spiritual sources yourself, and I am of little use."

"Do not."

Fang Lin shook his head, stared seriously at Jiang Baibai's different pupils and said, "From today onwards, I will treat you as a friend."


Looking at Fang Lin's sapphire-like eyes, Jiang Baibai panicked inexplicably.

She pretended to be calm and said: "Oh, I see, you are so long-winded."

Fang Lin rolled his eyes: "You just need to know, I'll go back and watch the TV series first."

After speaking, Fang Lin left the balcony wagging his tail.

Jiang Baibai, who was squatting on the reclining chair, looked at Fang Lin's back leaving gracefully, with a look of excitement in his eyes.


Jiang Baibai repeated this somewhat special vocabulary in his mind several times.

In the spirit world, where strength is the most important thing, and birth is extremely important, she basically didn't play with her peers much since she was a child.

Because when they face Jiang Baibai, they always have a sense of looking up.

Because of Jiang Baibai's mother, Jiang Xuan stubbornly protected her in the vast territory of the Jiuyouxuan cat clan.

He could agree with Jiang Baibai sneaking out of the palace to play freely in the territory, but whenever Jiang Baibai planned to go outside, he would ask Jiang Yuan to stop him.

In order to prevent Jiang Baibai from understanding his bottom line and inclinations, he also asked Jiang Yuan to play some hide-and-seek games with Jiang Baibai occasionally, pretending not to know that she ran out.

This caused Jiang Baibai to either read the classics, or on the way to sneak away, all he came into contact with were the powerful spirit beasts bought by her in those territories.

It's not even a friendship.

Jiang Baibai didn't expect that when he came to his ancestral land this time, a local dog who knew nothing about cultivation would call him a friend.


A smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Baibai's mouth, and he quickly put it away.

She jumped off the recliner gracefully, and walked into the living room wagging her tail happily.

On the sofa in the living room, Fang Lin was already in his seat, lying on Mama Yang's lap and watching a TV series, Xueqiu quietly accompanied him as usual.

Jiang Baibai walked past Fang Lin slowly, and jumped onto the sofa not far away.

Seeing Jiang Baibai coming, Fang Lin nodded slightly to him.

The eyes of the two met briefly in the air.


Snowball looked at the cat and the dog who suddenly became more tacit, and didn't understand what happened in this short moment.

But she could see that Kaka didn't feel that way either towards her or the new cat, which meant that she still had a chance.

She secretly encouraged herself in her heart.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the family sat at the dining table and waited for Mama Yang's feeding.

Because the meal tonight is a little simpler, Mama Yang directly made hot pot with maocai and barbecue.

When a large pot of red hot pot maocai was served on the dinner table, the taste buds of the whole family became active.

Beef tripe, hairy tripe, sliced ​​meat, duck intestines, bacon, and many other delicious meats are rolling in the red pot. The color is bright red and the aroma is tangy. In addition, a lot of green vegetables are mixed in it.

Especially beef tripe and hairy tripe are a perfect match for hot pot maocai. Those who have eaten it will never forget the taste of cooking in a red hot pot.

Mama Yang knew this very well, so she released a lot of all kinds of belly, and the belly was free.

"Wow, maocai!"

At the dining table, Xiaojie immediately clapped his hands happily when he saw this big pot of cooking.

He follows Yang's mother, and he doesn't dislike spicy food, on the contrary, he likes it a little bit.

Lin Yuqing also licked her lips, holding the chopsticks with her small hands and making up her mind.

She knew that Mama Yang's hot pot maocai must be delicious, but every time she ate spicy food, she always had an unforgettable experience the next day.

However, this does not stop her from enjoying the food.

Fuck it, the hot pot is like a dish!
Fang Lin was also a little surprised when he heard the movement.

He used to like to eat maocai, and he often ordered takeaway.

Hot pot maocai advocates spicy and spicy. It has the red soup of hot pot and the aroma of spicy hot pot. The most different thing is that the base material of hot pot type maocai is improved from the previous brine type maocai and skewered spice base.

The taste is rich, spicy and delicious, and the more it is cooked, the more delicious it is.

Fang Lin felt that his saliva was coming out, and he walked directly to Yang's mother in the kitchen with the rice bowl in his mouth.

Seeing Fang Lin's appearance, Yang's mother smiled and said, "Don't worry, your steak is already frying."


No no no no.

Fang Lin shook his head, and motioned to the dining table with the rice bowl in his mouth.

Yang's mother suddenly realized: "You also want to eat maocai?"


Jiang Baibai felt a little itchy when he smelled the spicy scent, knowing that this must be another kind of Longguo delicacy, so he came over with a rice bowl in his mouth.

Mama Yang shook her head: "No, it's too spicy for you to eat, be good~"


I can eat! ! !

Fang Lin looked at Mama Yang who had turned her head and made up her mind, feeling a little desperate.

(Hey, give me a subscription~ The child can't hold back)

 Thanks to Xiaojiang’s licking dog for the reward of 500 starting points, and thanks to the little dinosaur who likes to eat fish for the reward of 2000 starting points! ! !

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health! ! !

  Today it is [-] words, rounded up to [-] words.

  Yesterday, Riwan was too strong, I felt a little unbearable, and there were many mistakes. Fortunately, the book friends reminded me in the group, and basically corrected them.

  And 50 coins a day is a bit much for many book lovers. I try to come once or twice a week, which is better for everyone's wallet.

  I am so considerate.

  Thank you for your support, please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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