Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 133 Who Was Found Who Was Embarrassed

Chapter 133 Who Was Found Who Was Embarrassed ([-] words)
Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai did not eat hot pot maocai in the end, and Yang's mother was unwilling to let them eat such spicy food.

The two had no choice but to eat barbecue and steak.

The home oven is really useful. The large chunks of beef and mutton skewers and chicken wings eased Fang Lin's mood that he didn't eat the fried vegetables.

He likes to eat slightly burnt grilled chicken wings. This kind of chicken wings tastes burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

Chickens are truly great creatures.

Jiang Baibai was also conquered by the grilled chicken wings. Fang Lin told her that the soul of barbecue is chili noodles and cumin powder, but it is a pity that the whole ones for them are not sprinkled.

The princess also got two grilled chicken wings, and they were eating them deliciously.

Jiang Baibai looked at the big family in a lively atmosphere, sitting around the long dining table chatting and having dinner every day, with pets of all sizes sitting beside them.

The dinners are all delicious. Is this one of the ordinary happy families in the Dragon Kingdom that those strong human beings said?

Just as Xiaojie kept inhaling to pick up vegetables from the spicy pot, Dad Lin wiped his mouth and said, "Next Monday is the Mid-Autumn Festival, are you ready?"

Yang Ma picked up a piece of hairy belly in the small bowl, and said with some dissatisfaction: "It's ready, but if I don't prepare it, do I still count on you?"

Papa Lin loosened his shoulders resentfully and did not pick up the quarrel anymore, feeling a little regretful in his heart, what am I doing talking about when I have nothing to do, I hope I am ok tonight.

Hearing this, Fang Lin was startled, and unconsciously turned his head to look out at the gloomy night through the transparent sliding door of the balcony.

Is it already Mid-Autumn Festival?
The Mid-Autumn Festival is a day of reunion, but in the past it was Fang Lin's eternal pain.

During this special festival, he, who was already home and closed, cut off all social media directly.

Douyin, Beep, etc. are directly uninstalled. He is very afraid of seeing those videos of blessings for the reunion, and various media will continue to post beaming messages of condolences. He doesn't want to see a single word.

In the past few days, he has been engrossed in playing games, and he does not attend 1-on-1 classes, and he is in the dark every day.

However, the thing that broke his defense the most is that there will be various Mid-Autumn Festival activities in the game, which is really beeping.

But at this moment, when he heard the words Mid-Autumn Festival, he no longer felt that fear in his heart, but instead had some expectations.

Jiang Baibai was a little curious, and approached Fang Lin and asked, "What is Mid-Autumn Festival?"

"The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very ancient festival in this human country. On the Mid-Autumn Festival, people will worship the moon and admire the moon, entrust the moon to commemorate their memories, and express their feelings of missing their hometown and relatives."

"In some places, in addition to admiring the moon and eating moon cakes, there are also folk customs such as playing with lanterns, admiring osmanthus flowers, drinking osmanthus wine, etc., which have been passed down to this day and last for a long time."

Jiang Baibai's eyes were a little dazed after listening.

"Hey, don't you have any festivals over there?"

Fang Lin's words pulled her back from her chaotic thoughts, and she answered, "There are some festivals, such as worshiping ancestors, but there is no such thing as Mid-Autumn Festival."

At this point, she was a little unable to describe, Fang Lin answered: "A festival with such a heavy humanistic sentiment."


Fang Lin was a little surprised. He didn't expect Jiang Baibai to learn so quickly, and he could understand the word humanistic feelings.

But indeed, he also feels that Longguo has been a very warm civilization since ancient times. The nostalgia for his hometown and the longing for his family all express his yearning for a better life.

Liu Jing and the two children watched the movement quietly, then continued to eat while suppressing a smile.


Yang Ma snorted softly and did not continue to chase.

Fang Lin could understand some of Yang's mother's feelings, as if he wanted to study on his own initiative or had already finished his studies, and his parents suddenly asked, "Did you study today? If you haven't learned, hurry up and learn."

Seeing Papa Lin pretending to be cowardly, Mama Yang simply spoke to him.

"I don't care if your company sends holiday gifts to your subordinates. You can just ask the secretary to decide."

"At home, I bought a bunch of mooncake gift boxes and some wine. When the time comes, I will give away some of the things that I usually have a good relationship with."

Xiaojie's eyes lit up when he heard this and he shouted, "I want to eat moon cakes too! I want to eat five kernels!"

With Xiaojie as the first bird, Lin Yuqing also said with a smile: "I want to eat coconut paste."

Liu Jing made fun of it: "I want to eat rose stuffing."

After she finished speaking, she blinked her big eyes and looked at Yang's mother, but she didn't feel 29 at all.

"Moon cake, is it delicious?"

Oh my god, it's only been so long, she seems to have heard a delicacy again.

Jiang Baibai felt that this family matched him very well in terms of taste, and he liked everything they said was delicious.

Fang Lin looked at Jiang Baibai who was quietly swallowing his saliva and smiled secretly: "It's delicious, and there are many different flavors, there must be something you like."

"Moreover, the word moon cake is also very interesting. The moon on the [-]th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar is the roundest and largest in a year. In ancient times, people would look at the moon to appreciate the moon to express love, so moon cakes are also round. It has been like this for thousands of years. passed down."

Jiang Baibai nodded, she felt that the moon has a different temperature in the culture of this human country, and the meaning is always very profound.

She unconsciously read a poem: "Looking up at the bright moon, looking down at my hometown."

This made Fang Lin a little bit amused, because this poem has been sung so widely, and I have heard it in TV dramas in the past two days.

"I told you casually at the time, and you still remember it."

"of course."

Jiang Baibai looked a little proud.

"When the Mid-Autumn Festival comes, I will teach you another poem, no, it should be words."

"Is it about the same as this?"

"Well, there are some differences between words and poems, but the ones that can be handed down to this day are very flavorful."


Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin with a smile and said, "I didn't expect you to know a lot."


Fang Lin felt a little tentative in these words, coughed lightly and said: "You will know soon, now is the information age of human beings, after you know the language, you can easily learn a lot of things without leaving home .”

"Use that phone?"


Jiang Baibai, who received the answer, had no doubts, but had some expectation in his eyes.

And Yang Ma, who was interrupted by three live treasures in the middle of the chat, promised helplessly: "Don't worry, there are, there are."



Liu Jing also stretched out her hand and patted Lin Yuqing across the table, Xiaojie also wanted to high-five her sister, but Lin Yuqing had already started cutting her own small piece of steak.

Father Lin smiled gently when he saw this scene.

Yang's mother continued to talk to him: "I called your parents and asked if I should take care of them. The old couple are traveling abroad happily. I guess they are in Paris by now."

Father Lin nodded and said, "What about you? Do you need to go back?"

"Why do you go back? The northeast is so far away. The two of them have recently expanded the size of the chickens, ducks and geese they raise at home, and they serve them every day."

Father Lin smiled: "It's good to have some hobbies."

After he finished speaking, he paused, and said seriously: "It's not far away, the traffic is so developed now, why don't we go back and take them all with us."

Lin's father also gestured to Yang's mother for Fang Lin and other cats and dogs.

He knew Yang's mother was homesick, after all, she only went back once a year.

Although Yang's mother looks a little strong at home, she is still as soft as a girl in her heart.

Generally speaking, girls are the most homesick outside, because parents generally love their daughters very much, and home is their eternal harbor for them.

Lin's father felt that he should take the initiative to consider Yang's mother, and the family also had such conditions.

Seeing Papa Lin's gesture, Mama Yang froze for a moment, a little amused: "Why do you bring it?"

"Charter the plane, fly back with us."

Mama Yang was obviously moved, but she shook her head in the end: "Forget it's too troublesome, and you must have a party during the Mid-Autumn Festival, so it's not worth traveling so far during the three-day holiday."

Seeing what Father Lin wanted to say, she waved her hand: "Okay, that's it."


Papa Lin paused and coughed lightly: "That Monday there was indeed a dinner party at Jinling. The Governor of Southern Province just contacted me today and asked me to come. It seems very important."

"You see."

Papa Lin smiled and didn't explain, if Mama Yang wanted to go back, she could push this as well, it's no big deal.

It can be said that Ruisi has been in line with the scientific and technological center of the Dragon Kingdom, and many top technologies have been shared with the Dragon Kingdom Federation at a very low price.

(You can bring in the technology-related Tengda "Being the Richest Man at Losing Money", which is either a business war article or a background, and I will rarely describe it in the future. Dad Lin is as low-key as Mr. Pei.)
Just then, the doorbell rang.

Father Lin went to open the door with some doubts, and saw that it was Ren Da.

Ren Da was wearing a formal suit with a tired expression on his face. He chatted with Papa Lin with a smile.

"Come in first."

Ren Da nodded repeatedly, changed his shoes and walked in.

The family found out that it was Ren Da, and the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

Liu Jing's face turned cold instantly, the joy and happiness just now were like an illusion.

Yang's mother frowned and stared at Lin's father, as if she was complaining why he brought him in, indicating that he didn't have any good fruit for him tonight.

Lin's father secretly gave Yang's mother a helpless look with a bitter face, he couldn't shut the door and shut him out directly.

This is not the etiquette that their family has always had.

Ren Da cautiously walked to the table, looked at Liu Jing and scratched his head.

"Hey, what about eating, is this hot pot and barbecue? It looks delicious."

Father Lin coughed lightly and said, "Have you eaten, Lao Ren? If you haven't eaten, sit down and eat something, there is still in the kitchen."

Ren Da quickly said: "Okay, I came here as soon as I came back from a business trip, and I haven't eaten yet. I've been really busy these days."

Fang Lin's current dining table at home is a relatively long rectangular dining table.

Usually, Papa Lin and Mama Yang sat at the front facing each other, next to Mama Yang was Liu Jing, and on Papa Lin's side were Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie.

Ren Da originally wanted to sit next to Liu Jing, but after seeing the look in her eyes, he had no choice but to sit next to Xiaojie.

This made Xiaojie a little restless, this feeling of being the first to eat melons is really exciting.

"Is he that Ren Da?"



Jiang Baibai looked at Ren Da's figure and snorted coldly.

Liu Jing looked at Ren Da's cautious look a little disgusted, what did she do so early?
She took a deep breath and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I didn't go out to do chain work these days. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't say it because I was afraid you would be annoyed."

Ren Da thought about his words and replied.

He knew that Liu Jing should be given some time to see if he could change his mind.

"What you're doing has nothing to do with me."

Facing Liu Jing's cold words, Ren Da smiled cheekily and said, "It's okay, I know I was wrong, please give me a chance."

Liu Jing shook her head: "There is no chance."

Facing such an explosive scene, Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie glanced at each other quietly, and they could see the unrest in each other's eyes.

Xiaojie pretended to be serious about eating, but all his attention was on the conversation between the two.

If he could control the direction of his ears, then one of his ears must be facing Liu Jing and the other facing Ren Da.

But Mama Yang obviously didn't give the two of them a chance, she said calmly to the two melon-eaters.

"Are you two full?"

"uh full"

"I've eaten too."

Seeing Mama Yang's threatening eyes, Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie wanted to slip away.

"No, I'll go up and talk to him."

Liu Jing wiped her mouth, got up and left from the dining table. She was dressed in designer casual clothes that perfectly set off her graceful figure, and the delicate and slim fabric showed her charm to the fullest.

Although her face is expressionless, she has a kind of affectionate feeling.

Fang Lin shook his head, he really didn't understand what was wrong with Ren Da.

Father Lin didn't know if Liu Jing was talking about going up to the fifth floor, or in the study on the second floor.

But he hurriedly led the way and led Liu Jing to the study on the second floor. In this case, whether they listened or not, it was best to be by his side.

What if something happens under the excitement?
So the four adults went upstairs in silence.

Seeing the adults leave, Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie both relaxed. They had never experienced such a tit-for-tat plot. Although the family was ruled by Yang Ma, the atmosphere was still harmonious.

Xiaojie sighed pretentiously: "Oh, I hope Aunt Liu Jing is okay."

Lin Yuqing glanced at him and said, "Men are big pigs." After she finished speaking, she added: "In addition to Dad, oh, there are also Grandpa and Grandpa."


"Hey, except for Kaka."

Xiaojie heard that his sister excluded a bunch of people, and finally even excluded Kaka, but he didn't exclude himself.

"And me?"


Lin Yuqing rolled her eyes and said nothing, while Xiaojie dared not speak out.

He felt that he was very specific.

If he catches up with Chenchen, he will definitely treat her wholeheartedly.

He rolled his eyes and asked, "Sister, do you think Aunt Liu Jing will reconcile with Uncle Ren Da?"

"I guess Xuan, anyway, if it were me, I would definitely not reconcile. This is cheating."


Regardless of the communication between Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie, Jiang Baibai couldn't bear to poke Fang Lin.

"Hey, Kaka, let's go up and hear what's going on?"

Seeing Jiang Baibai excitedly wanting to eavesdrop, Fang Lin nodded: "That's fine."

So he and Jiang Baibai went upstairs one after the other, squatting carefully at the door of the study.

However, what he didn't expect was that Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie also came over and pressed their ears to the door.


Xiaojie silently gestured to Lin Bi.

This made Fang Lin a little helpless, don't make a noise and expose the group of people at the door to burn incense, and take care of me.

Fang Lin shook his head and began to listen to the conversation inside.

There seemed to be no preheating in the study room, and it immediately entered a white-hot mode.

"Jing Jing, can you give me another chance, really, I was drunk for a while, but it was all a trap for me, and she deliberately put that thing in my clothes."

"Ren Da, you've said so much and you're still trying to get rid of your responsibilities."

"No, I've realized my mistake, and I will definitely not have this kind of situation again in the future. I will go home every day to accompany you for dinner without socializing, okay?"

Ren Da's posture was already a little humble.

However, Liu Jing gritted her teeth and shook her head: "Do you know how I spent those few nights?"

"Every time I think of you sleeping with other women, my heart hurts like a needle prick, and the more I think about it, the more sick I become."

"I woke up from the nightmare again and again, and every time I woke up, I was more disappointed in you."

"I used to value you so much, but you didn't cherish it at all. I waited for you every night from nine o'clock to ten o'clock! Waiting for you to come back full of alcohol!"

"I can bear all this, but why would you do such a thing?"

"Tell me! Why are you doing this to me!!!"

Speaking of this, Liu Jing was already a little excited, and her big watery eyes were filled with tears, making her very cute.

Seeing Liu Jing's appearance, Yang's mother felt distressed, she and Lin's father stood in the corner without daring to say a word.

Faced with Liu Jing's appearance, Ren Da was speechless, and thousands of words could not describe the regret in his heart.

Liu Jing restrained her emotions and let out a breath slowly.

"Let's end it like this, Ren Da, let's get a divorce."

"Okay! That's how it should be."

Outside the door, Jiang Baibai gritted his teeth and Fang Lin quickly covered her mouth with his claws.

The bits and pieces of the years are now reappearing in Ren Da's mind. He was silent for a long time, and said hoarsely: "Okay."

He looked at Liu Jing and said, "I'm sorry."

Turn around and walk out of the study.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the two people at the door, a dog and a cat, turned pale with fright, and hurriedly scattered away. At this time, whoever was found was embarrassed.

 At this point, the relationship between Liu Jing and Ren Da has finally come to an end, and Ren Da basically has no role to play.

  Liu Jing can also really start a new life, and everyone has a bright future.

  Thank you for the 100 starting point coins rewarded by the Golden Meili, thank you for the 500 starting point coins rewarded by Prelude and Xingyao Xianchen, thank you for the 1000 starting point coins rewarded by S Yuchen, and thank you for those who don’t see the ancients and don’t see the comers. 5000 starting point currency! ! !

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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