Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 134 Tremble, Silver Cub

Chapter 134 Tremble, Silver Cub

Fang Lin took the lead and ran to Lin Yuqing's bedroom. After approaching, he jumped and opened the door and rushed in. Lin Yuqing and Jiang Baibai followed closely behind.

And Xiaojie was a little miserable.

At first, he wanted to hide in the bathroom, but halfway through the run, he found that his other "comrades" were all running to the same place, so he quickly ran over halfway.

As a result, halfway through the run, Ren Da opened the door of the study with a heavy face and walked out.

"Hi, uncle."

"Ah hello."

Ren Da squeezed out a smile and hurried downstairs.

Before Xiaojie breathed a sigh of relief, he saw Yang's mother walking out with her hands crossed and her chest expressionless.

She looked around and found that Xiaojie was alone, so she asked, "Are you free?"

Xiaojie shook his head frantically, and quickly slipped back to his room.

After watching Xiaojie return to his room, Yang Ma walked back to the study.

At this moment Liu Jing was sitting in a chair in a daze, propped up on the tea table in silence.

Although she had made psychological preparations early on, when she really brought up this matter to Ren Da face to face, she would still feel inexplicably sad in her heart.

If a person really takes a relationship seriously, it will be difficult for her to get out of it for a period of time, especially a marriage like Liu Jing's that is simple and lasts so long.

The pictures of the previous acquaintances emerged from my heart irresistibly, but the more I thought about it, the more painful it became.

Lin's father stood aside for a while, winked with Yang's mother and walked out slowly.

He knew that he was useless here, so he should leave the space for Yang Ma and Liu Jing.

Maybe Liu Jing will stay to sleep tonight.

Thinking of this, Father Lin stepped out a little more briskly.

As soon as Father Lin left, the study became quiet again, leaving only Mother Yang standing beside Liu Jing to stay here quietly.


Mama Yang lowered her head when she heard the sound, and Liu Jing's red eyes met her eyes, with a bewildered and aggrieved expression like an abandoned little animal.

Mama Yang didn't speak either, she leaned close to Liu Jing who was sitting, stretched out her hand and hugged her lightly.

Soon, suppressed sobbing sounded from Mama Yang's arms.

Alas, this is the pain of love.

Looking at Liu Jing's appearance, Yang's mother secretly rejoiced that she and Lin Wenshao still had a tacit understanding, and there were no twists and turns in being considerate of each other along the way.

She gently patted Liu Jing's back to accompany her.

"Ask what love is in the world, and directly teach life and death."

In Lin Yuqing's bedroom, Fang Lin couldn't help sighing.

Jiang Baibai, who was next to him, heard this sentence, and after savoring it a few times, he felt that it was very flavorful, and it was quite in line with her imagination of love in her heart.

She suddenly understood why her father stayed alone in the claustrophobic hall every day, as if she was confining herself.

The Jiuyouxuan cat clan has a large territory, and there are always some rumors about the emperor of the clan. When she learned about her mother's situation intermittently, there was a period of time when she also had great opinions on Jiang Xuan.

But at this moment she understands, if it wasn't for her, Jiang Xuan might have dropped everything to take revenge, right?

"Is this the only sentence?"


"It's the poem you just read."


Jiang Baibai's sudden question made Fang Lin a little confused for a while. Now that his aura is awakened, his mind is very clear, and he basically has an impression of everything he has read seriously.

But it seems that he really hasn't understood the before and after of the phrase "Ask what love is in the world, and teach life and death."

He thought for a while but couldn't think of it, and then he simply stopped thinking about it: "I don't know, I'm just under half a year old, it's good to know something, and you can see for yourself when you learn the language."



Jiang Baibai didn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

Kaka is only half a year old!
She had forgotten about the short lifespan of the creatures in the ancestral land because of the lack of aura before.

Some of her younger brothers in the clan are about the same age.

It turned out to be a little brother.

Thinking of this, Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin with a half-smile.

Fang Lin looked at Jiang Baibai, who suddenly became happy and stared at him inexplicably, with some doubts.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, Brother Kaka."


This is.

Fang Lin was bored for a while, but still didn't ask how old you are.

After all, it's not good to ask a woman's age casually, and this alien spirit beast should be similar.

He has the desire to go straight to the line after asking the question.

But thinking that he was a little touched by Jiang Baibai's behavior today, he temporarily let her go.

Otherwise, she must show her what a keyboard man is.

Thinking of this, Fang Lin couldn't help thinking of his previous ideas.

If these spirit beasts from other worlds really played the game with a special keyboard and mouse, I don't know what kind of mood they would be facing those canyon pianists.

Because of the role of Yuehua, Lin Yuqing was very focused when studying, which led to rapid improvement in her studies. Coupled with Zhao Hanya's urging, she has been in the limelight in math class these days.

If Zhao Hanya could answer questions freely in math class, the students would not think it was surprising, but for Lin Yuqing, who is a school beauty but partial to subjects, the students are very concerned about her performance in math class.

Especially those male students, who usually dare not talk to her, but when she answered the wrong question and booed, one by one became more active.

But after these few days of hard work, Lin Yuqing's mathematics is no longer at the bottom of the class, at least it feels above average, and is still making progress visible to the naked eye.

Coupled with her somewhat exaggerated Chinese, English and other subjects, the overall score of this week's quiz took off immediately.

Combining beauty, wealth, and learning, her dazzling light makes her the focus of attention when she walks on campus.

The math homework is not a big problem now, she finished her homework early today.

The campus goddess Lin Yuqing is currently lying on the bed with a tablet in her arms to watch a variety show, with a soft pillow on her chest, otherwise she will collapse after lying down for a long time.


Lin Yuqing was amused by the fun scenes in the variety show, laying on the bed, patting the cute pink bed with her little hands, her two little feet bouncing back and forth in the air.

"What's up with her?"

Jiang Baibai felt that Lin Yuqing was laughing silly and bursting into tears, and now he seemed to be out of breath from laughing, curled up covering his stomach, unable to laugh, and his body was still twitching.

"Watching a variety show."

Fang Lin quickly jumped onto the bed, and kept patting Lin Yuqing's back with his paws, trying to help her relax.

This is stupid, don't laugh at yourself.

After a while, she finally calmed down, and Jiang Baibai also jumped to her side and stared at the screen curiously, wanting to see what was so interesting.

Lin Yuqing hugged the fluffy Kaka, and found that he and Jiang Baibai had come over, so he asked, "Do you want to see it too? Okay."

She happily took off the small bluetooth earphone from her ear, put it into the earphone box with SpongeBob SquarePants protective cover, and turned on the speaker.

"Hey, come on."

She arranged the pillows at the head of the bed and leaned against them, then waved to Kaka and Jiang Baibai.

In the end, Lin Yuqing was very excited holding two cute and fluffy cats and dogs on one left and one on the right. This kind of movie-watching experience is also great!
She stretched her head and rubbed against Kaka and Jiang Baibai, smiling while watching the variety show together.

Happy time is always short. At ten o'clock, a picture of Liu Jing who had just cried and had red eyes followed Mama Yang into Lin Yuqing's bedroom.

She took Jiang Baibai and the princess away, said goodbye to Mama Yang and went upstairs, which made Lin's father who was watching the football game in the living room feel a little pity.

Before Jiang Baibai left, he did not forget to tell Fang Lin not to forget to take her to play games at noon tomorrow. Fang Lin nodded to express his understanding, and then began to think about whether there were any other games for her to play.

The main line of Pokémon is not difficult. After clearing the level, there is basically no motivation to continue playing except for hardcore fans.


I don't know if it is convenient for her two paws to play mobile games, Fang Lin imagined Jiang Baibai's two paws controlling the game characters to release skills.

He raised his paw and looked at his meat pads, as if it was not bad.

Fang Lin decided to experiment first at night, or follow the previous routine. When Lin Yuqing and Xueqiu fell asleep, he quietly came to the bedside.

He gently pulled out the charging head with the charging cable in his mouth, and then brought the tablet to the floor at the end of the bed.

Turn it on and see that the battery is only 30%. It is estimated that Lin Yuqing ran out of battery while watching variety shows.

After Fang Lin muted his voice, he opened a mobile game on the tablet, and Lin Yuqing's rank was clearly displayed in front of him, Silver Two.

Fang Lin, who hadn't played the moba mobile game for a long time, opened up a ranking after gearing up.

Although ten o'clock in the evening is bedtime here in Lin Yuqing, but looking at the entire Longguo, it can only be said to be the beginning of nightlife.

And there were countless players staying in Silver II, so Fang Lin entered the game instantly. He directly chose the mid laner he was good at, and kept sending news pushes about his carry.

After a series of bombings, Fang Lin felt that his teammates must have regarded him as a confident master, and a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

Soon he entered the game screen, looking at some familiar game screens on the tablet, Fang Lin took a deep breath, as if the fighting spirit in his blood was gushing out.

I am back.

He directly picked out the chat box, and typed one letter at a time: "If you don't help the jungler, I'll just mess it up and punish you as a grumpy ghost."

Jungle: "???"

Ah, the familiar taste.

Because typing was not very comfortable at first, Fang Lin came out of the spring and the soldiers had already set off, and he quickly manipulated the characters to follow and run towards the middle.

During this period, I was constantly familiar with the operation.

The meat pads on his hands are logically similar to human fingertips. He just needs to carefully retract his claws and keep only using the meat pads to control.

It is equivalent to curling up fingers and moving on the table with only the palm.

Although he was a little tired, it was nothing to him. Coupled with his hand speed like an afterimage, after he got used to it, he could block and kill gods and Buddhas.

Hey, silver cubs, tremble.

He directly crossed the tower at level [-] and killed the opponent's mid laner, and a system prompt popped up on the screen.

First Blood!

The cute little cutie has already won the first blood!

Jungle: "Qiang, are you a girl?"

Fang Lin: "Yes."

Jungle: "It's amazing."

As the game progressed, Fang Lin's high-level game understanding in the past coupled with the god-like operation for the silver level now made him feel like slaughtering a pig.

The reason why high-segment players can fry fish at low-segment players is that low-segment players often go up and fight some fights that shouldn't be fought.

In the eyes of high-level players, this is like giving away, so after they get an advantage online, they will directly clear the line and roam, and radiate the advantage to the whole world.

Crazy withdrawals in the upper, middle, lower and wild areas.

The cute little cutie is already super god!

Jungle: "Sister, come get Lan!"

Fang Lin: "Okay, I'm my sister."

Jungle: "Sister Hong gave it to you too, do you want to join me?"

Fang Lin: "No, I'm a little sleepy and I'm going to sleep after I beat this."

Jungle: "Okay, pay attention to rest."

Fang Lin didn't want to continue teasing honest people like the jungler, and the game ended in less than 20 minutes.

After the opponent's base exploded, Fang Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

After trying this round, he already knew that Jiang Baibai would definitely be able to adapt to this game, but he didn't know how she would play it then.

It should be like a noob who has good operation but knows nothing about the game, right?

Is this strong or weak?

Fang Lin thought for a while and estimated that this little white cat should be in prison for a while.

When the game is not clear, the operation is not called operation, it can only be said that the hand speed is fast, so maybe the delivery is also fast.

After the test, Fang Lin suddenly felt a little itchy in his heart.

He hadn't played this kind of game for a long time, and when he first came up, it was a very enjoyable fish pond game, and there were such cute junglers, which made him a little bit unable to let go.

Play one last hand, then go to bed.

Fang Lin looked at Lin Yuqing's previous record, he was very popular, the earliest was almost two months ago, probably because someone recommended him to play for a while during the summer vacation.

He reckoned that this little girl didn't have much interest in the game anymore, so she probably wouldn't be able to find out for a while, anyway, she couldn't suspect him of a husky.

So Fang Lin didn't think about it any more, and started the next game cheerfully.

"If you don't help me, I'll turn into a ghost!"

This game lasted several times, and Fang Lin didn't care much about the low battery that the system prompted. He didn't quit the game and close the tablet until the tablet indicated that the battery would be shut down after 30 seconds.

Fang Lin came to the bedside table with the tablet in his mouth, put the charging head into the gap between his claws and clamped it, then carefully aligned it with the charging port and inserted it on the bedside table.

Waking up tomorrow will be another beautiful day, Fang Lin returned to the end of the bed and slowly closed his eyes.

The atmosphere in Liu Jing's house on the fifth floor is completely different.

In the bedroom, the soft light of the bedside lamp was always on.

He just slept for a while at noon, and the princess who had been sleepy for a day fell asleep directly on his side next to the pillow, and Jiang Baibai also rolled into a ball on the other side.

Liu Jing was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling in a daze. She didn't feel sleepy at all, and her thoughts were in a mess.


She sighed softly and got up from the bed, looked at the sleeping cat and dog, and got out of bed quietly.

When she put on her slippers and prepared for the bedroom, she found that Jiang Baibai raised her head and looked at herself quietly with a pair of beautiful different pupils.

Liu Jing asked softly, "Did it wake you up?"

Jiang Baibai still looked at her quietly without speaking.

Liu Jing thought for a while and said, "I'm going to take a look at the balcony, do you want to come with me?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Jiang Baibai gracefully stood up from the bed and jumped out of the bed, and looked back at her when she came to the door.

It seems to say, open the door.

Seeing this scene, Liu Jing couldn't help showing a little smile on her face. She bent down and picked up Jiang Baibai and left the bedroom.

The balcony of this house was remodeled by the seller to be more like a viewing platform.

The tables and chairs made of vines have a special flavor under the moonlight.

The sky is clear tonight without a single cloud.

The pure white moon, like a silver plate embedded in the deep and silent sky, sprinkled a piece of silver light, and there was a faint halo around it.

Liu Jing just sat on the chair and watched the full moon in the sky with Jiang Baibai quietly. The whole world was very quiet, as if there were only the two of them left.

Jiang Baibai jumped from Liu Jing's arms to another chair and squatted down. When she was in the spirit world, she looked up at the sky of the spirit world many nights like this, thinking of the person in her heart.

The moon is always like this, it is obviously the same bright moon, but it is entrusted with different feelings by countless people.

Jiang Baibai was suddenly very curious, not knowing what the poem Kaka would tell him was.

She looked at Liu Jing who was at the side, then looked up at the moon in the sky, and lay down to accompany her.

Before she knew it, she had grown strong enough to be with others.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the night slowly deepened.

a long time,

Liu Jing tightened her pajamas and stood up from the chair.

Gently picked up Jiang Baibai, who was asleep at the side who didn't know when, and went back to the room.

 There may be a lot of updates tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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