Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 136 Fang Lin: Listen to my explanation

Chapter 136 Fang Lin: Listen to My Explanation ([-] words)
Sioux City Special Affairs Bureau.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Yang Zhen had nothing to do and locked the door of the office, and then prepared to touch fish.

Who knew that as soon as he sat down and put on his headphones, there was a knock on the door.

He got up helplessly and opened the door to see Yi Fei who was dressed as a professional OL secretary.

She stepped on her high heels and walked in frowning with some discomfort: "What are you doing locking the door in broad daylight?"

Yang Zhen waited for her to come in and closed the door and said truthfully: "There are more and more people in the bureau, I want to play a game."

He has nothing to hide from Yi Fei, as both a teacher and a friend have experienced life and death.

Although he was promoted to D rank first because of his talent, he took Yi Fei with him, but the relationship remained the same.

Speaking of this, Yi Fei immediately understood what he meant. It turned out that she was burdened by the bureau chief. She shook her head and said nothing.

After Yang Zhen finished speaking, he sat on the boss's chair and glanced at Yi Fei's attire, no matter how he looked at it, it was a bit weird.

Other ol outfits have long hair fluttering, but Yi Fei is more handsome than him with short hair.

He used to secretly go to the barber shop to get this hairstyle.

The white shirt was flat, although it didn't have the charm of a mountain, but it exuded a heroic spirit, and the two straight and slender thighs also added a lot of points.

"Why are you wearing this all of a sudden?"

Yi Fei rolled her eyes: "Isn't it the director who said yesterday that I wear casual clothes every day, that I don't look like I don't have a secretary?"

She turned around in a circle: "Isn't it pretty?"

Yi Fei wore a white shirt and a black skirt. Although she was a little shy and didn't wear stockings, her slender thighs were very eye-catching.

There is no trace of fat in the trained thighs, and they are not as muscular as athletes.

It is a very smooth and streamlined shape, which sets off the temperament of the whole person more outstandingly.

Taking advantage of Yi Fei's turning around, Yang Zhen glanced at her thigh quietly and coughed lightly: "It's okay."

"How does it compare to Li Mei?"


Yang Zhen was a little puzzled, wondering if he had heard wrong, why did he suddenly mention Li Mei.

Yi Fei also felt that it was inappropriate to say it, so she changed the subject and said: "It's nothing, by the way, I came to tell you that Wen Yu will arrive in the afternoon, and I have already ordered someone to sort out the small building behind."

Yang Zhen was successfully attracted by the news, and he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Because of the fact that he was censored a year ago, the last thing he wanted to come into contact with were these intelligence officers.

Before Li Mei came to be his subordinate, it felt a bit unnatural, why would he still have to close the door while playing games?
It's all right now, the biggest intelligence chiefs in the southern province are here, and if they occupy his territory, it won't be under his control.

Yang Zhen waved his hand: "You can arrange it, and when the time comes, just say I'm not here."

Yi Fei smiled and said, "Then you'd better find something to do. Li Mei was her right-hand man before."

The implication is that Wen Yu must know where you are hiding.

"It's against her, so you still dare to call me a small report?"

Although Yang Zhen spoke domineeringly, his heart was still pounding.

He was not afraid of anyone, he dared to turn over the table in the deputy director's office because of the unfairness Yi Fei encountered at the headquarters.

The main thing is that Wen Yu is Deng Jiefu's right-hand man, and belongs to his own family.

But Yang Zhen was a little shadowed by Li Mei, who normally reviewed the process of stripping?

So when he was at the headquarters, he also avoided Wen Yu. After all, she was Li Mei's immediate boss. How could she be normal when Li Mei was like this?
In fact, it doesn't matter who it is, Deng Jiefu's identity is too important, he is so optimistic about Yang Zhen, of course the censorship must be comprehensive, including how he faces the opposite sex.

It is indeed a little bit special than others.

Yi Fei didn't pay attention to Yang Zhen's sternness, "Anyway, it's fine if you know, I don't have anything else to do and I'm leaving first."

After she finished speaking, she stepped on her high-heeled shoes and walked out.

Yang Zhen looked at her back and said, "If you're not used to it, change it back, it looks weird."


"That's right."


Yi Fei turned her head.

"Aren't you considering growing long hair? I think you might look better with long hair."

Yi Fei's face can be easily controlled by short hair, it's a pity not to have long hair.

The Bureau of Special Affairs is a special department in charge of spiritual energy. In order to fully recover and work after recovery, the dress code is actually not as strict as in the army.

"I want you to manage."

Yi Fei glared at him and left straight away.

Yang Zhen shrugged as he watched the door being closed again, and began to think about finding a reason to go out to work in the afternoon.

And Fang Lin has already watched Jiang Baibai finish the first ranking.

The League of Kings mobile game has a hidden mechanism. The first ranking of each account will most likely be ranked by someone who has not played a few times.

Because real-name authentication is done very well now, a person can only have one account.

If you want to fry fish, you can only borrow someone else's account.

So Jiang Baibai's first move went relatively smoothly. She used Juggernaut mid laner to face a crispy mage who was not very good at playing.

After winning this victory, Jiang Baibai's eyes were a little bit wrong, as if the title of the strongest king was already in his hand.

But from the second hand, the system will mix her into the vast sea of ​​players.

According to reliable sources, among the hundreds of millions of players in the world, the proportion of bronze players is about 20%.

This is a pretty high ratio. Basically, after getting out of the Bronze rank, players have already seen various popular heroes, and have had some experience fighting against many opposing heroes.

The second Jiang Baibai chose Juggernaut after being banned as usual.

Then she got hit right away.

Jiang Baibai only has fast hand speed now, and he doesn't know the restraint relationship between heroes.

Some heroes just can't be beaten at the first level.

The opposite of this should be an old bronze. After analyzing the mid laner of Juggernaut, he directly chose Nuo Shou.

It's not unreasonable that the hand of Nokasas is called the top single quality inspector. The mechanism is simple and the damage is high, and it is the same when it comes to the middle.

Jiang Baibai learned a skill at the first level and went up to fight the opponent before the pawn line arrived, and lost a blood without accident.

"Ah, why can't I beat him?"

Jiang Baibai was a little surprised, she had killed the opponent like this before, why doesn't she feel very well now?
She was a little unbelieving, and when she came back from resurrection, she was ready to go up and fight with the other side.

Fang Lin laughed beside him and said nothing, the plot was proceeding as he expected in his heart.

The jungler on Jiang Baibai's side is a slave, and he typed directly: "Don't send me in the middle, wait for me to help you."

After Fang Lin translated it for her, Jiang Baibai felt a little overwhelmed.

She didn't care what the jungler said, and rushed up directly, not even noticing that the opponent's level had already learned the second skill at level 2, and she was still a baby at level [-].

As expected, he was taken away directly, and Nuoshou didn't expect that he would meet a stunned young man, who gave him a thumbs up after killing him.

The jungler's question mark followed: "???"

"Don't send it away, wait for me."

However, Jiang Baibai was already on top, and she would be beaten as soon as she was resurrected, and sent away after the beating, and she was already a little numb in the end.

The black screen time is about the same as the playing time.

The jungler was already in a state of numbness. It was the first time he met such a teammate. He had such a temper, and he couldn't sit still after Jiang sent him off four times in vain.

He played a small cooperation with Jiang Baibai, but directly sent a double kill to the opposite Nuo Shou.

He even suspected that Jiang Baibai was giving it away on purpose, but it was strange that the Juggernaut could see that he was working hard every time.

In a short period of time, the number of Jiang Baibai's deaths has reached an even number, and no matter how good the mentality of the teammates is, they can't stand it.

Jiang Baibai still refused to surrender, and when the four teammates unanimously surrendered 20 to [-] in [-] minutes, the jungler couldn't hold back.

"Caibi Zhongdan, I don't want to see you again."

After finishing speaking, he exited the game.

This game finally made Jiang Baibai realize what it means to go to jail. She didn't want to play it anymore, but she was still a little unconvinced when she thought of her previous scenes.

"Kaka, why can't I beat him?"

"Normal. The hero on the opposite side is stronger than you in the early stage. It belongs to the kind that restrains you. You can beat him when you develop later."

Fang Lin briefly described to her the concept of the early, middle and late stages of a hero, and then silently turned on the game console and found a random game to play.

Jiang Baibai understood a little bit. Some heroes need to grow up. She felt that she could do it again and said excitedly: "Then tell me in the next game when I can fight against the opponent?"

I'm coming.

Fang Lin touched the game controller, and began to pretend to be a little embarrassed: "I want to play games too, why don't you explore and explore by yourself? If it doesn't work, stop playing. That Pokemon is actually quite fun?"

Now Jiang Baibai was unhappy: "That can't be done, I haven't become the strongest king yet."

"Teach me. Two ginkgo fruits."


Fang Lin cheerfully turned off the game console.

It takes a few months to hang up the second aura core for normal practice, but it takes a month for six ginkgo fruits.

Jiang Baibai opened a ranking again, but this time the Juggernaut went directly to the ban position, and the probability of being banned for a Juggernaut below gold is indeed very high.

"How about this?"

"It's okay, I'll choose a better one for you."

Fang Lin directly chose Lu Xian for Jiang Baibai. This hero has a very high explosion rate and also has a movement skill. Passively, every time he releases a skill, he can trigger a double level A.

So just put a skill level A, put a skill level A and it's over. Jiang Baibai's fast hands can just play this hero a little bit, and it's still a long-range.

Novices will always suffer a little when playing melee.

Fang Lin briefly explained the skills to her and entered the game. The opponent's mid laner was Zed.

However, who knows that he was ranked in the last jungler again. Maybe he didn't pay attention when picking a hero, and only after he came in did he find that the ID of his mid laner was very familiar.

"Meet the last jungler again."


"Send him a question mark, and most of you will blame him for not helping you in the early stage."

"it is good."

After seeing it, the sub-slave jungler typed directly.

"I thought about it for a while. What I said just now was a bit too much. I did have a problem with my last move."

"Hold on, I'll help you after I finish clearing the jungle."

Fang Lin was dumbfounded. He thought that only diamond tiers had such slave players.

Shark Terrace, the League of Kings mobile game division.

An anchor named Phantom Tribulation-A Tao is live broadcasting, with a refreshing DJ playing in the background, and there are three or four thousand VIPs, so he is quite a popular anchor.

"Brothers, this one is against Lucian. We all know that it is difficult to beat Lucian in the early stage of Jie. He is a master of explosives and has a lot of skills. He can only wait until he has learned his ultimate move at level 6."

"But, who am I? Phantom Jie Atao!"

"Look at my third level and kill him directly, brothers!"

However, the barrage did not buy his account.

"Why is the anchor so shameless?"

"My Tao'er has a bronze division, does she feel superior?"

"I'm curious how A Tao got so many trumpets? Isn't it real name?"

"Hehe, he registered all the numbers of his parents, grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents, and now he probably uses his second uncle's."

A Tao has long been used to these bullet screens, and his selling point is the clown and funny anchor.

He said indifferently: "If you don't fry them, I won't fry them. When will the fish grow up? I fry the fish for the sake of their progressive brothers. Only by playing against a strong player like me can they improve."

"Okay, this Lucian just wanted to hit me with a skill when he came up, and watch me move."

"How about it? Spiritual hiding skill, who among the brothers present can shake off this skill?"

"Kaka, why can't my skills beat him?"

"There is a little bit of delay, you try not to put it in a straight line, and it is better to hit it with a little angle."

The level of speaking has reached level 2, and A Tao's second learning skills have consumed a set of Jiang Baibai.

Jiang Baibai, who has no experience in grabbing second, didn't realize it for a while. He just wanted to fight back and A Tao had already stepped back and waited for the skill CD.

"Haha, this Lucian looks like a novice, silly, let me kill him alone."

At the third level, A Tao's direct and smooth release of skills plus ignition and electric shock killed Jiang Baibai who had just been consumed with residual blood.

"How about it, if you say level [-] solo kill, it's level [-]!"

He lit up his face.

Looking at the black screen, Jiang Baibai looked a little unhappy.

Fang Lin felt that the other party didn't look like a person in this segment, whether it was positioning, consumption, or the timing of his shots, he was very well-adjusted.

Probably fried fish.

He pondered for a while and said: "The opposite side is a high-level player who comes to play trumpet, and you are not very familiar with this hero. Let me show you a demonstration, and I will give it to you when you are familiar with it?"

Jiang Baibai took a deep breath and said in a muffled voice, "Okay."

Fang Lin held the tablet in front of him, with a smile on his lips.

Fried fish, right?

It's a pity that my shark was blown up.

"Brothers, this Lucian is online again. I killed him just now and didn't go home. There is still blood left, but don't worry about watching me operate."

"If I consume him directly on a shadow part, he will definitely not be able to react."

"Hey, I didn't win. This kid is lucky."

"Yo, dare to fight back, watch me move, move."

"Zhuo! The damage is so high!"

A Tao looked at the blacked out screen and was a little speechless. He suddenly felt like a different person was on the opposite side, which made him a little numb.

The barrage also frantically swiped up.

"You can't beat bronze?"

"That's it? That's it?"

"My dear Tao'er, frying fish every day has blown your brains out?"

A Tao didn't change his face, and coughed lightly: "But I'm not at a loss. Just now I wasted and didn't go home to replenish my equipment or I was still bloody. He won't be able to beat me when I go this time."

"Level [-] consumption, level [-] single kill, let's kill him again before level [-]."

However, A Tao's script didn't come true at all. Fang Lin relied on his advantage of long hands and flexible positioning to consume crazily.

He blatantly walked up to A, and as soon as A Tao released his skills, he used his displacement to dodge and then leveled A. A Tao, who had no skills, could only be forced to retreat.

After finally reaching level six, Ah Tao looked at Fang Lin's two-thirds of his blood volume and his already improved Ignition, he said.

"It's finally level six, brothers, don't look at him with half as much HP as me now, I'll just let him evaporate."

Perhaps A Tao was really impatient, and the next wave of soldiers walked this way before they came up, and the intention to zoom in was too obvious.

Fang Lin directly launched the ultimatum baptism of the holy gun from a long distance, and the dense barrage directly attacked A Tao.

The distance of Lucian's ultimate move is farther than Zed.

A Tao didn't expect that Fang Lin didn't fight him at close range, but such a shameless sneak attack with a big move.

He looked at his bloodline that was rushing away, and flashed forward directly to release the big move.

However, Fang Lin had already guessed his intentions, and he dodged back in anticipation, and the distance between the two of them was not shortened at all.

A Tao was dumbfounded. At this time, he thought of running for his life, and released the shadow clone to move, but Fang Lin handed in his own movement skills.

A set of ultimatum holy gun baptism directly washed A Tao to death.

Everything that happened in this short period of time made A Tao look like a fool, and he was counted to death from the beginning to the end.

"My mother, I can't stand it anymore."

"It's not even lunch time yet, what does the anchor mean?"

"Ugly, really ugly."

"Find a class and take it, I really don't want to play."

A Tao was slapped in the face crazily, and he was a little stunned when he glanced at the barrage.

He stopped laughing and joking, and confronted Fang Lin seriously.

However, one mistake in the top game is enough to snowball, not to mention that Fang Lin and his level are not at the same level at all.

When Fang Lin took the lead and robbed a large item, he handed over the tablet to Jiang Baibai.

"Have you remembered all the essentials I told you just now? Try it?"

"it is good!"

Jiang Baibai watched to relieve his anger, recalled what Fang Lin taught just now, and started to operate seriously.

A Tao was already a little numb, and he still couldn't beat Fang Lin after he was serious, especially when he missed a skill after using his ultimate move, he was stunned directly.

"The opposite is Xiao Dai."

He explained helplessly in the live broadcast room.

However, the barrage didn't buy it at all.


"If you can't beat it, it's power leveling?"

"Tao, do you really think of yourself as a local? If you can't beat the bronze round, blame the opponent is a booster?"

A Tao was speechless looking at the barrage, he could only pray that the game would end quickly, and frantically voted to surrender.

However, he didn't expect his teammates in the bronze game to be so resilient, they wouldn't surrender at all, unlike when he was at a disadvantage in a high-scoring situation, he basically passed unanimously and took the next round.


He sighed, and continued to climb up the line and shrink under the tower.

However, he suddenly found that this Lucian's position was not as agile as before, and became a bit straight and stiff at the beginning again.

A Tao instantly figured out what had happened. A girl couldn't beat her while playing with her account, and then her boyfriend directly took over and killed him.

Good for you.

You are lofty, you are amazing, you use me, A Tao, to coax your woman?

He was a little angry. Although he was behind by a big piece, he still attacked Jiang Baibai.

Although Jiang Baibai's hands are fast, he still lacks control over his body position, and Fang Lin's outfits also have some extreme output, which is still not enough for Jie.

But at the critical moment, the jungler arrived, and when he saw the mid laner kill indiscriminately, he suddenly felt that there was hope in life.

Holding his breath, he has been wandering in the middle of the road ready to help, but Fang Lin didn't need him before, and now he can be regarded as waiting for the opportunity.

Amumu directly approached Zed with the ability to lick the soldiers, and controlled him with a big move.

Zed is also a crispy skin. When he became a target, Lucian killed him with a set of damage.

"Dead! Die! Die!"

A Tao looked at the scarlet ult mark on Lucian's body and roared angrily in the live broadcast room.

(Jie's ultimate move:

Forbidden Profound Truth! Instant Prison Shadow Killing Formation.

1. Zed advances until an enemy hero becomes unselectable, and at the same time applies a death mark to the target.

2. After 3 seconds, the imprint will explode and cause additional damage.

3. The more damage Zed causes during the activation of the imprint, the higher the extra damage will be.

However, when the final settlement damage exploded on Jiang Baibai's body, it happened to blow her into a trace of blood and not kill her.


A Tao slapped the table fiercely, and the live broadcast room went offline on the spot.


"Where's the host?"

"It's broken, Tao's son is so angry."

"Laughing to death, this show is full of effects."

Afterwards, Jie hung up the phone directly and did not go online, and Jiang Baibai successfully won the game.

"Yes, the opponent has at least a diamond level, and you killed him."

"No wonder he was so powerful in front of him."

"It's okay, you're just playing, and you'll be great if you play again."


Fang Lin praised Boss Jiang vigorously, and he was happy when the boss was happy.

Finally at 11:30, he sensed Yang Ma and Liu Jing who were going upstairs to take Jiang Baibai out of the bedroom in a hurry and put the tablet back.

When Fang Lin, Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu went downstairs to the living room together, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

The two trash cans in the living room were overturned on the ground, and the trash spilled out. Long balls of toilet paper were scattered all over the living room, as if they were going to seal the ground.

There was also a roll of toilet paper rolled up on the princess, which was almost a ball of paper.

She was also happily running around in the living room, and the paper towels fluttered behind her with a touch of elegance.

Fang Lin's expression turned ugly.

"How do you feel now?"

Yang Ma asked Liu Jing in the elevator.

Liu Jing smiled and said, "It's okay."

When she really got the divorce certificate, she suddenly realized that she was not as sad as she imagined.

She now has a new life and a new career, surrounded by Yang Ma's family who like her, as well as the lovely princess and general.

Everything is so beautiful, she should not be sad.

Seeing the smile from the heart on Liu Jing's face, Mama Yang felt relieved.

"Eat casually at noon, and have a big meal in the evening to celebrate that you have become a single noble again."

"Hey, good."

The two smiled and opened the door.

For a moment, everyone present was stunned.

Mama Yang: "."

Liu Jing: "."

Fang Lin: "."

 There should not be such a detailed description of the game screen in the future.

  Thank you for the 2 starting point coins rewarded by Kitty Maoer 500!

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is happy every day, smoothly and directly makes a fortune and never dies.

(End of this chapter)

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