Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 137 Invention Competition

Chapter 137 Invention Competition
The atmosphere at the scene suddenly froze.

Yang Ma observed the scene of the crime without saying a word, and entered the door with a calm expression.

Looking at Yang Ma's appearance, Fang Lin secretly groaned in his heart.

What's the matter?

The princess, a brat, is so good at choosing a time to demolish the house, and he just chose a time when Mama Yang and Liu Jing were not in a good mood.

Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu looked at Yang's mother, who was full of murderous intent, and jumped onto the sofa, and the other returned to their cat climbing frame, hanging up high as nothing to do with themselves.

The princess was also a little panicked at this time. Although she was not very smart, she also knew that the house should not be messed up. Mama Yang cleaned in front of her every day.

But after that energy got to her head, she forgot about these things.

She found that Mama Yang was walking towards her, and with her tail between her legs, she slowly moved towards Liu Jing, wanting to seek protection.

On the way, he tripped over the toilet paper on his body and staggered.

Liu Jing watched the princess who was covered in toilet paper walking towards her, and immediately understood who the culprit was.

Normally, she might still stop it, but today she is not in a good state.

When the princess tucked her head between her legs and shrank there, Liu Jing walked away and lightly kicked her ass.

"Wait to be beaten."

After she finished speaking, she went upstairs. She just wanted to sleep well, preferably until night.


Seeing that Liu Jing didn't care about her, the princess glanced at Mama Yang and wanted to slip away.

However, Mama Yang directly grabbed her hind legs and pulled her back.

"Where are you going? Stand here for me!"

"Kaka favored her to me."


Fang Lin responded, and then told the princess not to move.

It's okay, as long as you don't blame yourself.

Yang's mother looked around and found that the loss was acceptable. The princess was quite cowardly and didn't dare to bite any furniture or anything like that. She just rummaged through two trash cans and played with two rolls of paper towels.

She thought about it for a while, and it could be used as a source material. It is inevitable that the princess caused trouble and demolished the house, so she had to use it thoroughly.

Liu Jing probably wasn't in the mood to shoot for the time being, so Mama Yang decided to help her record it first.

Mama Yang came to the porch and took out the Chanel sandal that was bitten by the princess, then took out her mobile phone and started shooting.

She first recorded the crime scene in the living room with the camera, and then pointed the camera at the very cowardly princess.

"I just went out all morning, and you made the house like this? Huh?"

"Let me catch my appearance again today?"

"I bitten my sandals a while ago and just beat me up, and today I started demolishing the house again. What do you think should I do?"

Yang's mother took a picture of the missing part of the Chanel sandals with the camera, and then continued to point at the princess.


The princess was so frightened by Yang Ma's aura, she begged Yang Ma for mercy and crawled behind Fang Lin who was watching the play.

"It's useless for you to hide behind him, and Kaka can't escape today."


I knew it.

Fang Lin turned his head and glanced at the princess who was hiding behind him, and began to think about educating her well that day.

This is still a child.

Go through the trash can now, and when you grow up, you don’t have to tear up the sofa, do you?
Yang Ma held up her mobile phone and continued, "I don't want to repair this shoe anymore. If I don't wear it in the future, I will use it as a homework method. If I do something bad in the future, I will beat you with it."

"Princess, come here!"

Fang Lin saw the princess squatting behind him without moving, so he turned his head and pushed her over with his paws.


The princess looked at Fang Lin with an aggrieved face, but Kaka unexpectedly pushed herself towards the female devil.

Fang Lin was speechless.

Good guy, you are still wronged.

He patted the princess's head with one paw, but the strength was not strong, the princess's head sank after being slapped, and she became more honest and stopped talking.

"Sit down and listen."


In the camera, the princess who was screaming at the beginning was photographed by Kaka and gave a lecture, and then watched Yang Ma sit down honestly.

The corner of Yang Ma's mouth curled up, and she quickly recovered, and began to lead the princess to identify the crime scene.

Trash cans, toilets.

Yang Ma pointed at the scene and told the princess not to damage these things any more, while Fang Lin was translating.

In the end, Mama Yang slapped the princess twice on the buttocks lightly as a punishment, and then slapped Fang Lin's buttocks again.


"If you don't like the princess, you must be sleeping late again."

Fang Lin pouted and said nothing.

The last thing he was afraid of was being spanked, as long as he didn't skip his rations, he would say anything.

After the filming, Mama Yang watched the video and nodded in satisfaction, then waved her hand to drive away the furry child watching the house and went upstairs by herself.

After Yang's mother left, Jiang Baibai walked over with a smile, and she was very much in favor of the princess being beaten.

"It's interesting."

The princess stared at Jiang Baibai, the bad cat, and leaned over to Fang Lin to rub against him. She could feel that Kaka was a little angry just now.

"Okay, just don't demolish the house in the future."


Jiang Baibai said: "She seems to be too energetic, how do ordinary humans deal with this problem?"

The princess is indeed quite energetic, especially when she ate a spiritual fruit that day. Although the spiritual energy was finally absorbed by Jiang Baibai's magic weapon, her body still absorbed some of it.

"Usually take them out to play."

But Yang Ma and Liu Jing would at most do some morning exercise and jog, and usually stay at home during the day.

Fang Lin thought for a while and said to the princess: "The house is so big, if you are bored, you can play with the ball and run back and forth by yourself, just be careful not to hit anywhere."

But this is not the solution. In the end, Liu Jing has to take it out for a walk every day, and find an opportunity to let her know this.

Liu Jing didn't come down to eat at noon and was still sleeping. Yang's mother left some for her in the kitchen, ready to let her wake up to warm up.

Since I haven't added ingredients to the house for a long time, I also said that there is no time to wait for a big meal in the evening.

So after lunch, Yang's mother hurriedly took Fang Lin and the princess to go shopping without sleeping, and she didn't want the princess to stay at home when she was not at home.

After Jiang Baibai found an opportunity to ask Fang Linping's password, he happily ran into Lin Yuqing's bedroom when Yang's mother went out and started his ranking journey.

Sioux City, Bureau of Special Affairs.

Yang Zhen looked at Wen Yu standing in front of him with resentment and said, "Sister Yu, there are more than 50 people, you moved the entire intelligence department here?"

Wen Yu was dressed in a formal suit with fair skin, black slim pants and a shirt and jacket on the upper body. It seemed that there was no heat in September.

Although it was a more serious public attire, it still couldn't conceal the gentle and refined feeling in her bones.

The plump and slim figure coupled with her aura gave people a kind of maternal tenderness.

She smiled and said, "No, I left two groups for Old Deng, and I brought four here."

"Save some for old Dundo, will the food expenses of so many people be reimbursed?"

Wen Yuliu raised her eyebrows slightly with resentment in her eyes, stretched out her jaded hand and tapped Yang Zhen's forehead lightly: "It's not big or small, why do you call your master."

Yang Zhen, as the dignified director of the Special Affairs Bureau of Sioux City, even if the city lord of Sioux City came, he had to take care of his emotions and talk with him.

However, when facing Wen Yu, he has no temper at all. Deng Jiefu and Wen Yu are usually too tacit to understand each other.

He even suspected that Wen Yu might be his teacher's wife in the future, but neither of them said so, and now is indeed not a very good time.

Yang Zhen subconsciously looked around after Wen Yu nodded his forehead.

He is now in the small building prepared for Wen Yu, with Yi Fei and the action team next to him, and the intelligence personnel brought by Wen Yu are also busy making arrangements.

After he found out that Lin Shaohua and these hipsters were looking elsewhere, he whispered to Wen Yu, "Sister, there are so many people, save me some face."

When he told Kaka what was in his heart, they overheard them, and it took them a long time to wear small shoes to relieve their anger.

Wen Yu smiled and said, "It's okay, they are all our own."

She knew that Yang Zhen was a little hypocritical, so she didn't bother him. She took Yang Zhen to the secret room that had been cleared out by her subordinates and she spoke.

"I came here mainly for the little princess in the spirit world. Old Deng told me some things, but this is your territory. I think you should know some information. Tell me later."

"it is good."

"You don't have to worry about Jiang Baibai. I also brought you Kaka's training plan. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, you can bring him here in the name of a physical examination."

"And I heard that Lao Deng specially found him a partner from Yanjing."


Yang Zhen was a little anxious: "Are you going to practice actual combat as soon as you come up? Then what kind of partner can you find for training? It's fine if I come?"

Wen Yu squinted at him and said, "When will you change your temper? Since Lao Deng recognized Kaka, he would definitely not harm him, and don't take Kaka too lightly, he is bigger than you imagined. It's amazing."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Old Deng told me that if you want to know, ask him."

Just ask, what charades are you playing?

Yang Zhen complained silently in his heart.

Wen Yu told him some future work arrangements, and Yang Zhen saw that Wen Yu's talk was almost done, so he asked some curious questions.

"How did you know that the little white cat is a princess of the spirit world before negotiating with her? You even know her name?"

"It's not what we found out, it's what her people said."

"Because the passage in Sucheng was closed at that time, an elder of hers named Jiang Yuan went to the passage in Shanghai, and sent someone to contact our people and said that he wanted to communicate with us."

"It just so happened that those stupid lions had nothing to do with us, so they borrowed the donkey's truce to make way for us to negotiate."

It turned out to be the case.

"Then who is the sparring partner for Kaka?"

"Mu Xi."

"Mu Xi? That little genius from the Mu family?"

Wen Yu nodded.

"Because of the Explorer program?"

"There are factors in that."

Yang Zhen nodded thoughtfully.

Four o'clock in the afternoon.

Fang Lin returned home with a bunch of things on his back.

He was looking forward to the big meal in the evening. Mama Yang bought a lot of delicious ingredients. Although he worked as a coolie, it was all worth it.

Liu Jing also got up at this time, and her complexion looked much better. When she saw Yang's mother came back, she took the initiative to greet her and go forward to get her things.

"You're back, okay Kaka, you helped me carry so many things."

Yang's mother agreed: "I find that Kaka is more and more useful."

In the past, when she was alone, she definitely wouldn't buy so much, or call the grocery shopping service directly.

But now she can not only enjoy the feeling of grocery shopping, but also store a lot at a time.

She unloaded the things from Fang Lin's back and touched Fang Lin's head: "Good job, there is a surprise tonight, go and play by yourself, I have to prepare dinner quickly."

"Qian, let me help you."

"it is good."


Fang Lin watched the two go to the kitchen, he answered and left.

He looked around in the living room and was a little surprised that he didn't see Jiang Baibai.

Isn't she still playing?
Fang Lin let go of the sensor, and the 3D map in her mind told her that Jiang Baibai was indeed still concentrating on operating in Lin Yuqing's bedroom.

Fang Lin couldn't help but sigh that Jiang Baibai's courage is really great.

However, he has such a large-scale induction, and Jiang Baibai must have his own ability, so it seems that there is nothing to worry about.

As long as you notice Mama Yang or Liu Jing going upstairs, hide the tablet aside first.

He didn't think about these things anymore, he went upstairs to see how Jiang Baibai's victory was.

When he arrived at Lin Yuqing's door, he jumped up and pulled the door open. The sound of the door opening made Jiang Baibai jump, and she threw the tablet aside, and quickly lay down on the bed.

But soon she found out that it was Fang Lin. Jiang Baibai picked up the tablet and complained to Fang Lin: "I was scared to death. I just said that I just sensed that they were in the kitchen. It turned out to be you."

Fang Lin closed the door and jumped onto the bed and asked, "How was the game?"

Jiang Baibai immediately began to complain to him. After playing two games, she prefers Lu Xian's mid laner, after all, he is a long player.

With some experience, she can fight back and forth with her opponent, but this is the first time she knows what torture from teammates is.

She didn't understand why the jungler on the opposite side would come to catch her every time it was critical, but the jungler on her side would never come.

Or wait for her to die to collect a wave of troops.

Fang Lin comforted: "Normal, the opposite jungler and mid laner may be in duo, and playing together will certainly help."

Speaking of this, Fang Lin suddenly had a flash of light in his mind.

That's right, why didn't I expect to be able to play with him? I'll go and get Xiaojie's tablet, won't it be all right?
He played jungle, let Jiang Baibai experience a few times what is the feeling of an emperor, how could she endure the solo queue after that?

Is it okay to charge some hard work fee for accompanying play?
Fang Lin took a few deep breaths to relieve his agitation, and when he was going to ask Yang Zhen for an account, he didn't feel very good about using Lin Yuqing's account.

Although Lin Yuqing's most likely reaction after finding out is that her own account has been hacked.

"Come and teach me, what should I do now?"


Fang Lin went on to start his teaching career.

At six o'clock in the evening, Yang's mother ordered Liu Jing to take care of the stewed meal, and then took Fang Lin and the princess out to pick up Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing after school.

As soon as Xiaojie got in the car, he said to Yang's mother, "Mom, the school held an invention competition, and my classmates and I signed up for it."

"Okay, what are you going to invent?"

Fang Lin and Lin Yuqing were also interested, and they were a little curious about what Xiaojie was going to do.

He used to participate in these when he was a child, and he almost used some materials to make some boats and the like. The more refined the materials, the better the final product.

Lin Yuqing interjected with a smile, "Do you want me to give you the cabin I made before?"

She used to make a small house with disposable chopsticks compared to the drawings, and won an award.

"No, we're going to try to be a robot."

Fang Lin: "???"

Lin Yuqing: "???"

Yang Ma was also a little surprised: "A robot? What does it look like?"

Xiaojie put away his schoolbag and said excitedly: "We are going to make a simpler one, as long as it can be operated and walked. We have a month."

Fang Lin was dumbfounded, is it really the kind he understands?

Want to program and assemble yourself?
He looked at Xiaojie's immature face, and suddenly a feeling appeared in his heart.

If a person studies hard since childhood, or does not study, eat, drink and have fun since childhood, it is actually a choice of his own.

The most regrettable thing is that I didn't read the book well, played the game badly, didn't look good enough, didn't become a good person, and wasn't completely bad, didn't keep the person I liked, and was never firmly chosen by others.

And Xiaojie is like this.
 Thanks for tearing up the monthly pass, and the 1500 starting point coins rewarded by Shinobuy! ! !

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health!

(End of this chapter)

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