Chapter 138
Yang's mother was even more surprised when she heard this. She looked at Xiaojie carefully in the rearview mirror, which was a little unexpected.

She thought that Xiaojie was going to buy a robot Lego or something, but it turned out that it was really robot programming.

She and Lin's father usually don't care much about Xiaojie's studies, they just let him grow wildly.

Because both of them have experienced the hardships of learning, now that they have this kind of condition, they are actually very Buddhist in their children's learning.

The reason why Mama Yang asked about Lin Yuqing's grades before was mainly because she was a girl. Mama Yang was very afraid that she would suffer in the future, especially if she had a typical case like Liu Jing by her side.

As for the boy Xiaojie, to be honest, she really thinks that she just needs to pay close attention to his virtues.

However, I didn't expect Xiaojie to come up with such a big surprise all of a sudden. Robot programming is usually a competition in college, and many undergraduates may not have such practical experience after graduation.

How old is Xiaojie, and he has inherited his intelligence.

Mama Yang coughed lightly and said, "Okay, Mama supports you with all my strength, and you can tell Mama if you want any information or need a teacher."

"And your father's company has a lot of talents like this. It seems that this year it has recruited a gold medal in the National Intelligent Robot Competition. If necessary, mother can pay for him to come over."

Xiaojie shook his head again and again: "No, no, it's not that complicated. We only have one month."

Yang Ma nodded and asked, "Who is your other teammate?"

Xiaojie hesitated for a moment and said, "Meng Xichen."

Fang Lin captured the key point very keenly, and this 80.00% is that Chenchen, right?
He glanced at Xiaojie speechlessly, Chenchen couldn't be a bastard in charge of serving tea, could he?
Before, I suddenly felt that Xiaojie's image was a bit taller, but after a long time, he was still a licking dog.

However, the possibility that this Chenchen is also awesome is not ruled out.

Yang Ma didn't care much, she just asked casually.

Then she inadvertently turned her head and glanced at Lin Yuqing, who made Lin Yuqing very uncomfortable.

"Mom, what do you see me doing?"

"It's nothing."

"I have made great progress in mathematics recently, and the teacher praises me every day in class."



Although Lin Yuqing was very sad and angry, she didn't dare to fight with Yang's mother, so she secretly pulled Xiaojie's ears in the back seat, making him grinning.

After that, he held Kaka and stopped talking.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the whole living room was filled with a fresh fragrance. Yang's mother was still preparing dinner in the kitchen. Because there were many kinds of dinner, she hadn't served it yet.

Lin's father is helping him with planning in his study after learning that Xiaojie is going to be a robot. The progress of a project should be planned at the beginning and then implemented step by step.

Although Lin's father has been away from front-line development for a long time, the entire robot is still within reach.

Liu Jing was scrolling TikTok on the sofa to read private message comments and so on, while Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai had nothing to do to watch.

Lin Yuqing was watching a TV show, and Xueqiu and the Princess were lazily lying beside her.

The sofa at home is actually not small, it is more than enough for a family of four to sit together for family activities and watch a movie or something.

Now there are four more furry children in the house, and each of them has to take up a lot of space, and the sofa sometimes seems a bit crowded.

After Fang Lin and the others have grown up in a few months, Fang Lin, especially, will probably have to lie down on the ground.

Lin Yuqing hugged the snowball and stroked it casually. Recently, she found that it feels really good to finish her homework ahead of time, and she can do whatever she wants when she comes back.

A little happy, she picked up Snowball and rubbed her face.

But she looked at the honest princess sitting on the sofa and suddenly became curious.

In the past, princesses should always run around the living room, when did they become so honest.

"Why are you so good today? Are you uncomfortable?"

Lin Yuqing stretched out his hand and scratched the Princess' chin and asked.

Liu Jing explained: "Your mother beat her up for mischief today."


Hearing someone being beaten, Lin Yuqing immediately became interested.

"Hey, your mother also recorded a video."

Liu Jing opened the video sent to her by Yang's mother and handed it to Lin Yuqing. Lin Yuqing laughed happily after watching it.

Seeing her like this, Fang Lin couldn't help sighing. He wondered if the male students in Lin Yuqing's school would break their dream of being a goddess when they saw her silly look.

Liu Jing took back her phone and continued processing private messages.

She now has more and more fans, and the number of private messages from fans every day is 999+. The piles of private messages give Liu Jing a headache.

In fact, many bloggers basically do not reply to private messages, but Liu Jing still thinks that this is a channel for communicating with fans.

Although she won't reply one by one, she will take a look if she has nothing to do, and some of them are more interesting.

After reading a new private message, Liu Jing complained: "Every day, someone private messaged me to ask Kaka to help train the dog, and said that the dog would grow up later."

Lin Yuqing said casually: "Auntie, why don't you choose one? I see that those bloggers have a lot of fan benefits. You can make a lottery."

"Is Kaka training a dog considered a welfare?"

"It should count."

Liu Jing was a little moved, but after thinking about it, she gave up.

The thought of meeting strange fans makes her feel uncomfortable, and now she is somewhat inexplicably repelling these social interactions.

Fang Lin knew this situation very well. His symptoms were more serious at that time. After all, what he encountered was much more serious than Liu Jing.

Liu Jing flipped through the comments on her video and suddenly laughed, and then said to Lin Yuqing, "Look and see."

Lin Yuqing came over with Xueqiu in his arms, put his right arm around Fang Lin and put his head next to him, looking at the screen with him.

A girl commented on the dog training video: "I told my mother to raise a husky, and she agreed. I'm so happy. Now she calls me a husky."

Lin Yuqing was also amused, covering her mouth and laughing, then she looked at the screen and said, "Hey, many comments said to let the live broadcast go."

"If you can't open it, you can't open it, why do you open the live broadcast?"

"When you take Kaka somewhere in the park, you can take pictures. The pet bloggers I usually like are like this sometimes. I like to watch it."

"Really? I'll think about it."

Liu Jing thought about it and felt that it was indeed feasible. In this way, Kaka was showing her face anyway, and she only needed to talk.

But she is too lazy to go out recently, let's wait until I have a chance to talk about it.

She decided to look for the videos of those pet bloggers to learn and see if they had any other ideas.

Swiping and swiping, Liu Jing came across a blogger's video and was attracted to it.

The ID of this video blogger is Mr. Wang. He has a big yellow dog and a very cold little white cat at home. What surprised Liu Jing and Fang Lin the most is that he also raised a pigeon named Called little brother.

The little brother is gray-black all over, but the feathers are very neat and bright, and there is a touch of turquoise color on the neck, which looks very nice.

This blogger has more than 400 million fans. Fang Lin thinks this video is really interesting.

Maybe it's because the little brother was picked up by the blogger, and he is very close to him. The big yellow dog and the little white cat at home will be protected by her wings if they want to get close to the blogger.

Especially when he was looking for a partner for his little brother, and sprinkled some grains on the balcony for the wild pigeons to eat.

Fang Lin, who had never seen a pigeon, watched it with great interest, and Liu Jing also clicked directly into the homepage and continued to look forward from this video.

However, watching a video with a very heavy atmosphere suddenly came across, Liu Jing felt a little bit wrong, clicked on the comment and was a little surprised.

"Huh? Is my little brother dead?"

After watching it several times to confirm, Liu Jing and Fang Lin looked at each other and continued to watch the video with frowns.

In the video, the blogger started when he accidentally picked up the little brother after get off work one day. At that time, the pigeon’s hair was messy, and it didn’t have the beautiful feathers it has now.

After that, the blogger would come to feed her every day after get off work, teach her to walk, fly, and bathe, and slowly get to know her and her favorite food.

Introduced her girlfriend to find a snow-white hen after painstaking efforts, only to find out later that the younger brother is also a female.

Seeing this, the corner of Liu Jing's mouth curled into a smile, and then she quickly became lonely again.

It wasn't until later that she saw the blogger start to be sensational, how much she wanted to feed you a snack, how much she wanted you to scratch my ears again, how much she wanted you to protect me again, and finally she couldn't hold back.

Originally, Liu Jing was in a heavy mood, but she didn't expect to see such a heartbreaking scene again today.

"Why is it so sudden?"

Liu Jing's eyes were a little red.

She suddenly realized that one day in the future, Kaka, the princess, Xueqiu, and the general might all leave her in this way. This thought has been lingering in her mind ever since.

Fang Lin was also watching the video with a frown, and suddenly felt that Liu Jing stretched out his arms around his neck while watching the video, and seemed to be trembling a little.


Are you trying to strangle me?

Fang Lin was a little helpless, but he could understand Liu Jing's feelings. After all, her spiritual support is actually the existing "family" around her.

Liu Jing began to search why the little brother left suddenly. A professional pigeon breeder made a video explaining that the lifespan of a normal pigeon should be 12-15 years.

But the little brother is only over two years old. Before returning to Pigeon Star, he suddenly gasped and couldn't make a sound. The analysis should be that there is trichomonas in the respiratory tract.

After reading it, Liu Jing silently found the WeChat account of the staff of the pet hospital at that time, and directly sent a message to make an appointment for a full set of examinations tomorrow.

He also emphasized that the inspection must completely ignore the issue of money, especially the inspection of the respiratory tract, which made the people in the pet hospital a little confused.

After contacting, Liu Jing breathed a sigh of relief, put away her phone and patted Fang Lin's head.


Fang Lin licked her palm to comfort her. In fact, Fang Lin wanted to tell her not to worry about herself, and it would not be sure who would send the other away.

Fang Lin thought of the video just now, and a feeling of impermanence came to his mind.

At that time, during the summer vacation after the college entrance examination, his first reaction when he received the news of his parents' unexpected death was also a little ridiculous.

Fang Lin looked at Xueqiu and the Princess who were lying beside Lin Yuqing, and suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

In his last life, he was unable to protect the people around him, but now that he has the ability, he will never allow this kind of thing to happen to himself and the family around him.

Even if it is a serious illness.

He is most worried about Xueqiu and the princess. Pets that are not adults are really easy to get sick. Even if the living environment has improved and humans take good care of them, many people's pets will suddenly get sick and leave.

Otherwise, let the two of them wake up without waiting for the spiritual energy to recover.

In fact, there is no risk. After Xueqiu and the princess awakened, they would definitely have opened their spiritual wisdom, and now that Jiang Baibai was here, he could completely push the reason for their awakening to those spiritual fruits.

The only worry is whether there will be any trouble after the two of them wake up.

Fang Lin struggled for a while, shook his head and made up his mind.

Damn, done.

The future will be Emperor Ha's people, so how do you look forward and backward?
I was responsible for the education of the two of them after they awakened.

After awakening, IQ is an adult. If anyone who can't understand people's words and uses force to demolish the house or even do bad things, don't blame him for being rude.

Fang Lin looked at the princess's eyes with seriousness, and a feeling of the sect's suzerain spontaneously arose, and he had to personally take action to abolish his cultivation base in the face of unworthy children.

The princess, who was lying on the sofa and yawning, suddenly felt a chill on her back, turned her head and looked around but found nothing.

Just do it, Fang Lin jumped off the sofa, called Jiang Baibai to the balcony and asked, "Do you have a spiritual fruit that can awaken ordinary animals?"


Jiang Baibai was a little puzzled, Kaka has already awakened, why ask this?

But she quickly realized that this was for the cat and the dog again, she shook her head and said, "Do you want Xueqiu and the Princess to wake up too?"


"There are, but I didn't bring them here. The first difficulty in awakening ordinary animals is intelligence, and intelligence is determined by a creature innately."

"Enlightening animals is tantamount to turning stone into gold. Even an emperor can't do it. It can only be done by some natural treasures that absorb the essence of the sun and moon. After all, it depends on nature."

Fang Lin was silent for a while, he suddenly understood the value of the Qiling Pill that Yang Zhen gave him before, and also understood how outrageous his Yuehua magical power was.

It is a usurpation of the authority of nature.

"Then if you keep eating fruits that contain spiritual energy, is it possible to awaken if you keep absorbing spiritual energy? I think they are quite smart."

"Smartness and Wisdom Are Not the Same Thing"

Jiang Baibai looked at Kaka seriously and sighed and didn't continue to hit him: "It's possible, then I'll replace your reward with ordinary spiritual fruit for them to eat?"

"Maybe they also have the luck of their ancestors."

Jiang Baibai wanted to laugh when he said that, everyone who bears luck is equivalent to being favored by the world.

And this is actually quite a terrifying buff. Some races in the spirit world may not be able to give birth to a genius for thousands of years.

Fang Lin didn't care, since Jiang Baibai said there was such a possibility.

Whether it is luck or not, everything is possible with him.

I first use Yuehua to push their aptitude to a critical point, then just ask Jiang Baibai for spiritual fruit, and then I secretly use Yuehua to help them pass this threshold.

I just don't know if other practitioners can sense it when he uses his supernatural powers.

Fang Lin thought for a while and suddenly came up with an idea, his concealment talent can hide all his aura, so can he hide the moonlight magical power he released?

If this is the case, then he can use Yuehua supernatural powers at any time. He said before that he would not bother to try to develop the ability to summon Yuehua during the day, so he can try it tonight and tomorrow.

Fang Lin heaved a sigh of relief after the problem was solved, and let the whole family be awakened by him at that time, so that he would not stand out very much.

But how many times should Xueqiu and the princess eat ordinary spiritual fruits before awakening?
If one person and one coin are awakened directly, will Jiang Baibai's jaw drop from shock?
Fang Lin imagined the surprised expression of the little white cat at that time, and felt a little amusing.

"It's time to eat~"

Jiang Baibai's eyes lit up when he heard Mama Yang's call: "Hurry up, hurry up, I'm going to starve to death after eating." After speaking, he rushed directly to the restaurant.

Fang Lin pouted, why are you in such a hurry to eat?
After complaining in his heart, he ran into the house in a panic.

 Tomorrow will be ten thousand, I said.

(End of this chapter)

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