Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 139 really convinced

Chapter 139 I'm Really Convinced ([-] words)

It's almost eight o'clock in the evening now, because Yang's mother has always done a good job in logistics support, and usually it is already possible to have dinner at seven o'clock.

So now the stomachs of the family have been protesting since seven o'clock.

After Mama Yang shouted, the big and small foodies immediately set off and rushed to the dining table to sit down.

Xiaojie deliberately opened the door of the room in order to hear the news of the meal in time, and now he and Dad Lin also hurried down from the second floor.

"I've smelled the aroma since I got home, and now I can finally eat it. Why did it take so long to prepare today?"

Father Lin sat down with a smile and said.

Yang Ma gave him a blank look: "Of course there are too many tricks, what do you know?"


Lin Yuqing, who was sitting next to Dad Lin, curled her lips at him. She didn't understand why Dad had to rush to get scolded every time.

Father Lin noticed Lin Yuqing's eyes and coughed lightly, wanting to save some image.

However, Mama Yang immediately said to him, "Why are you standing still, come over and serve the food."


No way, family status.

Amidst the sighs of the two children shaking their heads, Father Lin stood up and went to help.

Lin's father was serving the dishes, and Yang's mother clapped her hands to attract the family's attention.

After waiting for everyone's eyes to focus on her, he spoke.

"Ahem, today is a special day."

Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie looked at each other and looked at Liu Jing with a feeling.

Fang Lin also looked at Mama Yang at the dining table. He heard that Liu Jing was going to divorce this morning.

But it doesn't feel right to mention it here.
I don't know if Liu Jing is open enough to be brought up for divorce in public.

When Liu Jing heard this, she subconsciously sat up straight and moved her lips, but she still didn't speak.

At this time, Mama Yang smiled and continued: "I checked the calendar, and today is considered an auspicious day."

"From today onwards, Liu Jing is the godmother of the two of you, and of course Kaka and Xueqiu."

"So I celebrated the occasion with a huge dinner."

As soon as these words came out, the time on the scene seemed to freeze, and everyone's reaction was a beat slower.

Father Lin was the first to react: "I support it. Liu Jing can be regarded as watching you grow up, especially Xiaojie. Over the years, I think you have a lot of affection for Auntie."

The two children nodded subconsciously.

At this time, Liu Jing was so shocked that she stretched out her hand to tightly cover her open mouth, and her eyes kept switching between several people present.

This was too unexpected for her.

She was a little nervous, she stood up subconsciously and stammered: "Ah, this, it's so sudden, I, I, I have nothing prepared for the children"

"Why do you stand up and sit down?"

Yang Ma greeted her to sit down with some amusement and said: "Is there anything to prepare, I worked so hard to make such a big table is enough."

Liu Jing bit her mouth lightly, and looked at Yang Ma with a complicated expression.

She thought that Qian was going to tell the children that she was divorced and finally free, but she didn't expect that she would let her be the godmother of four children
Liu Jing is not a fool, she can naturally understand Yang Ma's good intentions, and she can't help feeling a little warm in her heart.

It can only be said that true friends, everything goes without saying.

At this time, Xiaojie asked with some doubts: "Do you need to kowtow?"


The eyes of the family focused on Xiaojie who was a little dazed again, Xiaojie quickly shut up, he didn't understand why everyone was looking at him all of a sudden.

Mama Yang was about to speak but Papa Lin took the conversation away.

He had already seen that Mama Yang hadn't prepared enough on the spur of the moment, so he directly took over to help deal with it.

Even if it was prepared temporarily, it was a very important matter for the children and Liu Jing, and it was better to be more solemn.

It's nice to look back on after a few years.

"Knock, of course you have to knock."

Father Lin smiled and said to everyone: "Actually, worshiping a godmother and godfather was a very complicated thing in the past. The richer the family, the more steps there are."

"But now the times are different, and we don't have to deliberately follow so many red tapes before, but the basic sense of ritual is still necessary."

"Come on, you two come here, and Kaka, you call Xueqiu here too."


Fang Lin finally came back to his senses at this moment, he listened to Papa Lin's words and asked Xueqiu, who was eating beside him, to follow him to Papa Lin's place.

The development of the matter to this point has exceeded his cognition, and he feels that godfather and godmother only appear in TV dramas.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Baibai began to put on a very solemn expression, sitting by the side and watching quietly.

Such things as dry kissing are somewhat common in the spirit world. She has not heard these two words in reality in the ancestral land for so long, and she thought that there was no such relationship between humans in the ancestral land.

However, such occasions in the spiritual world are very serious, and there is no room for any faux pas.

It's no wonder that Jiang Baibai was surprised. In today's society, interpersonal relationships are actually getting weaker and weaker. Many people have no relatives except their parents.

Only very close friends will have this idea, and for modern people, such a friend is a luxury in a sense.

Simply put, I have no friends.

Lin's father walked to Liu Jing's seat, called the children over, and asked Yang's mother to prepare a pot of tea.

"Now kowtow to Auntie and offer a cup of tea, and she will be your godmother from now on."

At this moment, Liu Jing was sitting on a chair by the dining table, facing the two children with a trace of tension and anticipation in her eyes.

Lin's father stood aside and looked at the two children with a serious expression, and Yang's mother also stood beside her with a little excitement holding the small jade pot.

Lin Yuqing, Xiaojie, Fang Lin and Xueqiu lined up facing Liu Jing.

A sense of solemnity suddenly permeated the scene, and Fang Lin put away his joking attitude.

Modern people are always like this, as if nothing is important and they don't care about anything, and Fang Lin used to be like this.

However, at this moment, he somewhat understands why some customs such as ancestor worship and other such solemn scenes have been passed down for thousands of years, and also understands why there are flag-raising ceremonies and public memorial days.
These things are like a kind of accumulation and a kind of precipitation, silently sinking into the hearts of every participant, so that they can understand what is responsibility and what is inheritance.

Xiaojie didn't hesitate about this, Liu Jing was present on almost every birthday he could remember and gave him presents.

Originally, Liu Jing was one of the people who accompanied him to the present, and that's why Xiaojie agreed to buy Liu Jing a schoolbag for him before, otherwise he would not have made such a request with the upbringing of two children.

He was the first to kneel down on the floor. Although Lin Yuqing was a little shy as a girl, she followed Xiaojie and knelt down without saying a word.

The two children kowtowed slowly in front of Liu Jing, then raised their bodies and shouted, "Godmother!"


The cold and stiff touch of the floor was transmitted to the two children. They looked at the red eye sockets with their mouths covered, and suddenly felt a heavy feeling in their hearts.

"Pass the tea."

Yang Ma gave Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing a teacup each, and poured them some tea.

The two children raised their hands one after the other and handed them to Liu Jing respectfully. Liu Jing wiped away her tears and took the tea cups very seriously and drank them one by one.

Father Lin asked Kaka to command Xueqiu to lie down on the face of Liu Jing with him, and he did his best.

"Okay, the two children will work hard for you to take care of them with us."


Hearing Papa Lin's words, Liu Jing hurriedly helped the two children up.

Lin Yuqing was still wearing a long skirt, and her white and tender knees were bright red.

Liu Jing asked with some distress: "It's all red, does it hurt?"

"It's okay, godmother."

The family returned to their seats again, but the atmosphere was a little more serious than before.

Everyone feels that there seems to be a little more magical connection between each other, and they are getting closer, but they are not quite used to it yet.

Fang Lin secretly sighed that the sense of ritual is really a very strange thing. Both Eastern and Western history and culture value these things very much.

And the more noble and knowledgeable people are, the more they care about this sense of ritual.

When he used to be a keyboard warrior, he would sneer and think that this was just moaning for nothing, it didn't make any sense, and it didn't improve his life in any way.

However, when he came to Yang Ma's house and participated in so many things, he really envied Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie from the bottom of his heart, and firmly believed that if there was no spiritual recovery, they would definitely surpass ordinary people in terms of temperament and character in the future.

The birthday that the family celebrates together every year is a sense of ritual, which gives them joy and confidence, because it makes them know that they have family members who can rely on and accompany them.

For example, the family dinner held by Fang Lin and Liu Jing this time is also a sense of ritual, which let them know what family is and what is responsibility.

There are also so many famous sites with a strong historical atmosphere that the two children went to. This is actually a sense of ritual, which will let them understand what inheritance is and make them more restrained.

In those families whose family background is ordinary but with good views, their parents must have taught them in gentle voices to respect their teachers, not to move when the national flag is raised, and to be brave to help when they see someone in need. We have to lend a helping hand to the great disaster.
The worst thing is to feel that nothing matters, that nothing matters.

"Then serve you food now."

“The first appetizer platter~”

Mama Yang and Papa Lin put a small plate in front of everyone.

Everyone's plate is filled with the same three kinds of food in small quantities.

A millet spicy seaweed shreds, a drunken shrimp and a small slice of ham.

The kelp shreds are wrapped in a small piece of white sashimi-like thing, which looks very refreshing.

The drunken shrimps are shrimps that Yang Ma has already peeled and opened their backs, exuding a delicate fragrance.

The smoked ham specially bought by Yang Ma is bright in color.

Afterwards, Mama Yang brought a small plate to each of the four furry children, but there was a simplified version inside.

Fish, cooked shrimp, a slice of ham.

This made Fang Lin feel extremely dissatisfied. His keen sense of smell has already smelled the aroma of the food on Xiaojie's plate next to him. How come he has nothing to eat.

Ah, so annoying.

I also want to eat drunk shrimp.

Jiang Baibai on one side finished off the plate in two or three bites, and now he is nodding his head again and again.

Fang Lin looked at the family enjoying delicious food at the dining table, and now he really wanted to perform a dog paw on the spot for Mama Yang to let her know that he was not an ordinary husky!Can eat anything!

When will the spiritual energy recover completely? This has seriously affected his life goals, okay?

The appetizers are appetizers. After eating these delicacies, the family only feels a big appetite and looks forward to what will come next.

“This is Chicken Wing Shrimp Slider~”

Chicken wings and shrimp slippery?

Fang Lin shrugged his nose, this sounds like it should be edible, right?

As usual, Mama Yang brought a small plate for each person. According to the food intake, each plate contained two to three pieces. She also decorated some small decorations with fruits, which looked very high-end.

The chicken wings and shrimp slips made by Yang Ma have the shape of grilled wings, but they look bulging and shiny, and they are very appetizing at first glance.

Father Lin asked curiously, "How did you do this?"

"I cut off the joints that connect the two sides of the whole chicken wing, and then take the bones out."

"Chop the shrimp meat and fill it in, marinate it and put it in the oven."

"How about a quick taste, I've been chopping the shrimp slippery for a long time."

Living up to Fang Lin's expectations, Yang's mother directly installed four for him.

Fang Lin bit off half of it curiously. Under the golden skin of the chicken wing was a thin layer of tender chicken, and inside was the delicious shrimp.

Terrific, as expected of Mama Yang.

Fang Lin, whose curiosity was satisfied, swallowed the rest one by one.

Jiang Baibai was also stunned by this layered delicacy. Is this the delicacy of human beings?

She felt that she was a fake princess, and her food was not as delicious as that of ordinary people in Longguo.

When the family had almost eaten, Mama Yang got up and put away the plates, and began to serve the next dish.

"Caviar Matsuba Crab~"

This one is very simple, that is, Yang Ma put the peeled crab meat on a plate, poured some delicious sauce on it, and sprinkled some caviar on top.

Fang Lin was very satisfied with the full crab meat that he swallowed.

To be fair, he didn't like eating crabs before because he felt it was too troublesome. The feeling of peeling and eating a big bite like this is really great.


Lin Yuqing touched her little belly and pouted her mouth, feeling a little uncomfortable. She already noticed that her mother seemed to have other dishes that were not served.
Seeing her expression, Dad Lin said, "It's okay. I'll try it later and don't eat too much. It should be fine."

Then Mama Yang began to serve the last dish.

“Spring rolls with lion heads.”

On the plate is an oval lion's head dripping with juice. On top of it is a crispy-looking spring roll, dotted with a few small green leaves.

Fang Lin likes meat the most, and he swallowed the lion's head in one gulp, and the juice burst in his mouth as soon as he bit his teeth.

Fuck, is this still juicy?
Jiang Baibai was much more elegant and ate by the side.

The princess watched eagerly from the side. She and Xueqiu ate the prawn meat and chicken wings and prawn slippery that Yang Ma hadn't dipped in sauce in front of her, but this lion's head had a bit too much seasoning.

Mama Yang thought about it and decided not to let the princess and Xueqiu eat.

After all, although Kaka is a husky, his appetite looks like the pastoral dog he raised at home, and he can eat any food.

At this point, Mama Yang had been busy all afternoon preparing the ingredients and had already eaten them. She said regretfully, "It's a pity that I don't have enough time. Otherwise, I would like to cook some Buddha Jumping Wall. Wait until the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Now Liu Jing and the two children are basically full.

Lin's father almost scored seven or eight points, and Yang's mother went to fry steaks for him and Kaka on the spot, and finally the dinner was over.

At 09:30 in the evening, Liu Jing had already returned with the Princess and Jiang Baibai.

Lin's father is leaning against the bedside in the bedroom, playing with his mobile phone very leisurely, waiting for Yang's mother to come back and turn off the lights and go to bed together after the skin care is finished.

Suddenly he saw someone on Douyin share a video with him.

He opened it and found that it was Xiao Wang who helped him cut the video before. Xiao Wang is now the technical director of Ruisi headquarters. He followed him very early, and now he is a handsome talent who can be alone.

What video is this?
Father Lin looked at the woman in black silk on the cover of the video with some curiosity.

In the afternoon, Xiao Wang shared with him a video of a technical expert discussing the future development of the Internet. Some views are still fresh in his memory. It can only be said that some front-line personnel have a good vision.

Is this about some new hot topic of entertainment?

Beginning with a dance, attracting attention while eliciting a professional but boring point later?
He clicked on it, and in the picture was a woman in a short skirt with a hip wrap and black silk, the curves of her body were perfectly outlined.

The woman faced the screen with a charming face, and then stretched out a hand.

At the same time, the dynamic drum music of the video was heard in the room.

"Wipe the glass~ wipe the glass~"

Father Lin: "."

Just when he was about to turn off the video and ask Xiao Wang what was going on, Mama Yang opened the door and walked in in her pajamas and mask.

"Wipe the glass~ wipe the glass~"

Mama Yang: "."

Father Lin hastily turned off the phone and leaned against the head of the bed obediently.

Yang Ma didn't say anything, she went to the bed and pulled off the quilt and went to bed and leaned on the pillow.

Then she pressed her own mask and said in a tone of doing something wrong.

"I didn't tell you about Liu Jing in advance, mainly because I had a whim."

Father Lin quickly answered: "It's okay, I saw it at the time. It's an emergency, so it's not your fault, and I quite agree."

Yang's mother nodded and explained to Lin's father: "Because Liu Jing married Ren Da because she disregarded her parents' opposition, her parents don't want to contact her anymore."

"Now that she's divorced again, it means that she has no support at all, so I want Xiaojie and the others to recognize Liu Jing as a godmother, so as to give her some family connection."

"Otherwise, she might be even more sad after experiencing such a difficult thing and facing our family every day."

"I understand."

Lin's father reached out and held Yang's mother's hand and said, "I will support you in whatever you do."

Mama Yang was a little moved, she moved her face closer and wanted to kiss Papa Lin.

Father Lin ducked and smiled and said, "You're still wearing a mask, it's all water."


Mama Yang pressed her own mask and leaned against the head of the bed again, then she stretched out a hand in front of Papa Lin.

Seeing her actions, Lin's father was inexplicably flustered: "What do you mean?"

"Bring it."

"what's that?"

Yang Ma's beautiful eyes under the mask gave him a sideways look: "What do you say? Bring the phone."


Father Lin hesitated for a moment, but still handed over the phone.

Yang Ma pressed her fingerprint to unlock and opened the video just now, and immediately "wiping the glass~" began to echo in the room again.

After reading it, Mama Yang calmly returned the phone to Papa Lin.

Just when Papa Lin was a little nervous, Mama Yang said, "Am I not as good-looking in black silk as she is?"

"Of course she's prettier than her!"

Yang's mother nodded, she took off the mask and threw it in the trash can beside her, and wiped her face with the wet towel on the bedside table.

Then he straddled Father Lin directly.

"I see you are still not tired."


The lights in Lin Yuqing's bedroom had already been turned off at this time, and Xueqiutuan fell asleep with her by her side.

Fang Lin lay at the end of the bed, ready to study his two supernatural powers.

He has basically not studied these two supernatural powers since he got them, and what they looked like when they got them is still what they look like now.

The supernatural powers are so powerful in the novel, he feels that he should be able to continue to develop these two.

Just use the matter of awakening Xueqiu to study it.

The first is to hide the supernatural powers. Since you can hide all your fluctuations, you may also be able to cover yourself and release other supernatural powers.

He lay down there, closed his eyes and calmed down, trying to establish his connection with the supernatural power, trying to sense the deep mystery.

At this time, a message appeared in his heart, and his whole body appeared in the emperor's space as soon as his mind moved.

The sky in the space is still deep and dark forever, and the dilapidated ruins around are still full of dilapidation and loneliness.

Qi Ling told him just now that he can use the black tablet in the space to comprehend supernatural powers.

So Fang Lin walked slowly in front of the black stele, and looked up at the black stele full of cracks and a long history.

He raised his paws and placed them on the stone tablet, and a refreshing feeling of refreshing touch revived his spirits.

Following his induction, his supernatural power pattern appeared again on the stone tablet, with the black cloak and the bright moonlight at the front, while the one behind was shrouded in mist.

Fang Lin lay down in front of the stele, focusing on the pattern of the cloak.

Suddenly, the feeling of hiding in the darkness became more and more obvious, as if entering a completely dark space to hide everything about oneself, light, smell, sound, even space and time disappeared.

Fang Lin was inexplicably panicked, but there was a voice in his heart telling him to let go of himself, this was his supernatural power.

So Fang Lin completely let go of the control, allowing himself to fall and dissipate in the darkness.

a long time,

Fang Lin opened his eyes again, and a burst of moonlight appeared instantly, shining on the open space in front of him.

That bright and soft beam of light still exudes a little bit of starlight, and those who see it can immediately feel abnormally peaceful.

With Fang Lin's control, this moonlight slowly disappeared before Fang Lin's eyes.

However, Fang Lin knew that it didn't really dissipate, but hid his figure from all senses.

Tsk tsk, yes, yes.

Fang Lin felt relieved now that he could release Yuehua anytime and anywhere without being discovered.

This feeling of secretly awakening others, how can there be an inexplicable refreshing feeling?
Then the next step is to guide Yuehua during the day.

It stands to reason that this should be easy, because the moon has always been there, and even the moon in the supernatural power is actually just a concept, and he can still release it in places where there is no moon.

Fang Lin put his mind back on the second pattern.

The difference this time was that the Yuehua supernatural power gave him a very warm feeling, and that familiar intimacy kept coming to his heart, as if he had returned to his mother's embrace.

With previous experience, he has not rejected this intimacy now, letting himself indulge in it.

Soon he seemed to be in a warm and bright space, he seemed to have vision but he didn't, a gentle voice sounded in his ear, as if greeting him and comforting him.

After a long time, Fang Lin opened his eyes again, and his mouth couldn't help grinning.

Not only has he obtained the ability to summon Yuehua at any time, but now he can also control the intensity of Yuehua through aura, and he can also perceive the current progress of awakening.

That is to say, Yuehua, which seems to be exactly the same, can make one person awaken quickly, while the other may not be useful for 100 years.

Fang Lin looked at the stone tablet in front of him, and was a little shocked by the function of this stone tablet.

This stele seems to have brought him into the birthplace of supernatural powers, and his idea will soon be realized.

Maybe it's like playing Tianshi, but I have actually realized it for many years without knowing it?

Alas, boring.

Fang Lin didn't know how the people from Jiang Baibai's other world realized how to improve their supernatural powers, whether it was as simple as himself.

And it seems that magical powers are very rare?

So what's going on with me?

Take one when the aura is awakened, and one when a spiritual core is filled.

Fang Lin shook his head. In fact, he wanted to rely on his own efforts to become Emperor Ha Tian. In the future, he can also shout: everything I have is obtained by my own efforts.

But this is also very good, hehe.

Fang Lin withdrew from the space, he was already looking forward to Jiang Baibai's discovery of Xueqiu awakening in front of him.

He opened his eyes and looked into the dark bedroom.

Lin Yuqing seemed to have dreamed of something very happy, and the corners of her mouth curled up a little.

It seems interesting that a young school girl becomes a beautiful girl magic warrior?
It's a pity that now is not a good time for Lin Yuqing to awaken. Human awakening is different after all, and it will receive too much attention now.

He believes in the power of his supernatural powers, not to mention the top-level aptitude like him in the future, it will definitely be no problem to see seven or eight aura cores when he awakens.

It's okay for Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie to shine again when the time comes.

And if the recovery of spiritual energy is slower, maybe he is C-level, and with Yang Zhen and Deng Jiefu as thighs, they can grow better.

In this life, he will definitely protect all the people he cherishes, and nothing will happen to one of them.

As soon as this idea came out, Fang Lin's spiritual energy began to circulate rapidly, and the core of the spiritual energy emitted a dazzling light at the same time.

Some strange substances seemed to emerge from the void and sink into his body.

The aura around him suddenly began to form a huge vortex around him, which was quickly absorbed by Fang Lin.

His blood seemed to be boiling hot, and a powerful wolf roar in his blood exploded in Fang Lin's mind.

However, Fang Lin heard sadness and loneliness from the wolf roar.

old wolf king
A message in the blood appeared in Fang Lin's heart.

It turned out that after reaching the holy level like the old wolf king, he could already burn himself before dying, and put his last everything into the bloodline inheritance.

The "wealth" left behind will be given to him when he meets a younger generation who is pleasing to the eye, so that he can grow rapidly.

This is also a kind of inheritance.

He once again recalled the picture that the old wolf king showed him back then, feeling a little heavy.

If this dark tide appears in his world, can he protect the people around him?
You have to grow up fast.

Although there is no such thing as the Kuroshio in his world, wouldn't it be nice for him to be invincible earlier and then be a grandfather behind the scenes, secretly helping Lin Yuqing grow up?
And why is it not easy to do after being invincible?

If you want to be leisurely, you can be leisurely, and you can do whatever you want, and you are not afraid of anyone who offends you.

Like nuclear weapons, you can do without the sword but not without the sword.

And who doesn't want to be a grandpa?
Grandpa represents strength and being needed, just like many people like to give presents to female anchors. At that time, they were actually the grandfathers of female anchors.

Therefore, although Fang Lin's practice speed let anyone know that he would be shocked and unable to sleep for several days, Fang Lin still felt that it was too slow.

The fun blue moon he played back then was all 999 dollars.

Fang Lin can practice on-hook for 24 hours now, and if he wants to increase his speed, he can only start from the place of Tiandibao.

He thought about it for a while and didn't think about it anymore. Apart from picking up the wool from Jiang Baibai, there is no other source for the time being.

Fang Lin got rid of distracting thoughts and began to concentrate on digesting the wealth left to him by the old wolf king.

Soon, the movement in Fang Lin's body gradually calmed down, and the spiritual vortex outside also slowly dissipated.

However, when Fang Lin checked, he was speechless by the scene in his body.

His aura core now seems to be shining with golden light, with a dark golden color, as if it has been upgraded.

But it didn't matter. What disgusted Fang Lin the most was that the nine aura cores on the horse had grown bigger again.

Old wolf king, can't you wait for me to fill up all nine cores before giving it to me?
Really satisfied.

At 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, in a relatively simple bedroom in Sioux City.

Wang Yihua finished Douyin Time at night and was about to take a break when suddenly she received a message on WeChat.

"Look at the girl I sent you."

He clicked on it and saw the very disdainful reply: "This is boring, did you read what I sent you before?"

"No, when did you send it to me? The one at work in the afternoon?"

"No, it's just after nine o'clock."

Wang Yihua clicked on Douyin and began to check, and broke out in a cold sweat for a moment.

"It's over. I sent that video to the boss."


 Thank you Zhutou Yusheng for the reward of 500 starting points! ! !

  Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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