Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 140 You Don't Understand

Chapter 140 You Don't Understand

At six o'clock in the morning on Friday the next day, Yunting community.

When Fang Lin and Yang Ma came down, they saw Liu Jing and the Princess who were already waiting downstairs.

Liu Jing was wearing a set of pure white sportswear. Seeing Kaka and Yang's mother showing happy smiles, it seemed that she had changed back to the smiling girl she used to be.

"Are you in a good mood?"

"Yeah, thank you Qian~"

Mama Yang waved her hand: "We are all a family and still say that."

Liu Jing looked at Mama Yang with bright eyes, and she stuck out her tongue: "Sometimes I envy you and Lao Lin."

Yang's mother also laughed when she heard this, she knew that Liu Jing really came out when she said that.

In a good mood, Mama Yang put her arms around Liu Jing and whispered into her ear, "He doesn't have any extra energy."

After she finished speaking, she took Fang Lin and ran straight away.


Liu Jing didn't react for a while, but soon she blushed and spat lightly.

The princess found that Fang Lin had already started running, and she couldn't wait to jump and urge Liu Jing.

Liu Jing made a gesture and also stepped forward to follow.


Fang Lin stood up from the kennel in the living room, shaking his hair like a washing machine.

He has become more and more fond of this movement, and stretching has gradually become a priority.

When he sits for a long time or just wakes up, it is best to stretch and shake, and he will be full of energy immediately.


Jiang Baibai walked past him on catwalks, greeted him, and then came to the dining table to wait for his breakfast.

She squatted there and licked her hair slowly, preparing to give herself a facial.

Since she came to the ancestral land, her life has become more and more lazy. She goes to bed at 10 o'clock and sleeps until almost [-] o'clock in the morning.

She woke up Liu Jing after she came back from morning practice and washed up, and then came down to eat a ready-made breakfast.

Jiang Baibai does not reject her own changes, she likes her current living environment very much.

Because the spiritual world is actually a very cruel environment for the survival of the fittest among races.

There are only so many cultivation resources, and if you occupy others, it is useless.

Just like the monkey wine she gave Fang Lin before, it is a resource-level resource that only the three-eyed monkey tribe can produce, which is related to the future of the tribe.

That's why the three-eyed monkey clan was taken by so many royal families to take measures that seemed to protect but actually controlled, and even established the monkey protection alliance.

From the name, you can tell how perfunctory this is, just a superficial job.

Even the members of this alliance do not include the three-eyed monkey clan, but the royal family who share the spoils.

But after coming to the ancestral land, Jiang Baibai felt that there was peace and stability in the air. It seemed that every ordinary person here could not worry about his personal safety, and could do what he wanted freely.

There are also mobile phones, Douyin, games, food and other things that opened her eyes.

This caused Jiang Baibai, who had been prepared for a near-death adventure, to turn his head and fall into the fairy tale, how comfortable it was.

"Morning godmother~"


Lin Yuqing came to the dining table with brisk steps, and greeted Liu Jing who was already sitting there.

"Why are you so happy?"

"Hey, it's Friday, and we have three days off from tomorrow to Monday!"


Soon the family washed up and went downstairs to take their seats.

Mama Yang served today's breakfast. There were still some ingredients for the spring rolls prepared by Lion's Head yesterday. This morning it was spring roll eggs and millet porridge.

Liu Jing took a bite of the crispy spring roll and said, "I bought a piece of jade for the two children."

Yang's mother was a little dissatisfied: "I said I don't need gifts, why do I still buy them?"

Liu Jing was very troubled: "The child kowtowed, how could I not give a gift?"

Lin's father smoothed things over with a smile: "Jade is good, what kind of jade?"

Speaking of this, Liu Jing is very proud.

"Hetian jade, I asked for a pair of Hetian jade safety buttons from an uncle who has a good relationship with my parents."

"Yesterday, I just saw him posting on Moments to show off. The ones I just made have never been worn."

Legend has it that Hetian jade has spirits, and if worn for a long time, it will be contaminated with the breath of the owner and bring good luck.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, the Confucian school headed by Confucius put forward the theory of "to compare virtue with jade, to give virtue to jade", combining the characteristics of jade with moral knowledge, this view is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Therefore, many people have worn jade since ancient times, and jade is often used to praise those who are talented and virtuous. A gentleman is as gentle as jade is an example.

It's just that with the changes of the times, there are not so many modern high-quality jades, and many of the jade sold in the market mall are IQ tax.

"Hetian jade?"

Father Lin was a little surprised: "It took a lot of money, didn't it?"

"Hey, a pair totals 30 yuan. At the beginning, he was actually planning to collect them and not sell them to the public. I have been thinking about them for a long time."

Father Lin nodded and asked, "Then this is still a debt of gratitude. Does your uncle like anything?"

Liu Jing's parents used to be professors of history at Jinling University, so they have known many people from all walks of life throughout their lives.

Of course, Father Lin also knew about the relationship between Liu Jing's parents, so when he heard that this person had a good relationship with her parents, he knew he had taken advantage of it.

Because in this era, good jade is already a scarce resource, and there is a feeling that there is a price but no market.

What's more, this kind of new accessories that have not been worn before are made from the accidental fine jade mine.

For these accessories whose price is in units of [-], the price has largely lost its original meaning.

This piece of jade was sold to Liu Jing at a price of 30. Maybe the owner who spent 40 would not necessarily sell it. After all, collecting at this level has become a hobby.

"no, I'm fine."

Father Lin didn't insist any longer, turned to Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie and said, "Thank godmother soon."

"Thank godmother~"

"Thank you godmother."

After Lin Yuqing finished speaking, she asked expectantly: "What is the safety button? Is it good-looking?"


Speaking of which, Liu Jing turned on the phone and called up the picture and handed it to Lin Yuqing.

And Lin Yuqing was attracted by this piece of jade as soon as he took it.

This pair of Hetian jade presents a very warm white color, which looks very delicate under the light, with almost no trace of impurities.

The shape is the classic safety buckle, and a ring rope passes through the middle to tie it.

"This white jade material is really good, there are almost no water lines and cotton."

Father Lin came over and found that the fineness of the two pieces of jade was completely beyond his expectation.

The cotton he mentioned is the aggregate of white crystals in the body of Hetian jade, mostly in the shape of needles or flakes, but it is actually silicon dioxide.

White jade with a lot of cotton looks like white particles, so the value is not very high.

The evaluation criteria for this kind of Hetian white jade actually depends on the fineness of the material. With the fineness of the two pieces of white jade that Liu Jing gave to Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie, I am afraid it is far from being able to win 30 yuan.

It is estimated that there must be a fatal friendship between her uncle and her parents.

Xiaojie was also very curious, so Lin Yuqing took the phone over and showed him, and the two children kept exclaiming.

This also aroused Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai's curiosity and came to join in the fun.

Father Lin hesitated a little. The most valuable thing about this kind of jade is not its price, but the humanistic feelings and perfect relationship behind it.

Because everything always has a price, just like those hundreds of thousands of luxury goods.

But can those really compare with this piece of beautiful jade that may have been conceived by nature for thousands of years?
Seeing that Papa Lin wanted to speak, Mama Yang silently shook her head at him, and Papa Lin immediately understood Mama Yang's meaning, so she didn't say anything else.

In fact, whether it is friendship, family affection or even love, it is actually built and stabilized in this kind of mutual giving.

In the eyes of Liu Jing's uncle, the value of this piece of jade may be far less than the coquettish courtship of his best friend's daughter, and he may have long regarded it as his own daughter.

In Liu Jing's eyes, what Yang Ma and Lin Pa did for her may be more precious than this piece of jade.

Fang Lin didn't understand Hetian jade and the like, nor did Lin's father talk about threaded cotton.

There was only one thought in his mind, and that was, "Damn it, it looks so fucking good."

Looking at these two pieces of jade, you can feel that kind of warmth, and there is also an indescribable feeling.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being one of the representatives of the cultural heritage of the Dragon Kingdom.

Seeing that the curiosity of these people was almost satisfied, Mama Yang coughed lightly and proposed a vacation plan.

"We're going to go out this Saturday and Sunday, but we'll keep the details of the project secret first, but it's very exciting~"

Lin Yuqing is the happiest to hear that she can go out to play. Although she is studying more efficiently now, it does not mean that she will choose to study between playing and studying.

Yang's mother said to her again: "You remember to tell Yaya, I will call her mother today so that she doesn't have to worry."

"it is good!"

Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai looked at each other and saw the happiness in each other's eyes. The cat and the dog had stayed at home for a long time, and they both wanted to go out and let the wind go.

It's the perfect rhythm to stay home for a week and then go out on weekends.

Nine in the morning.

The family has already started a routine environment for watching dramas, and Liu Jing is planning the commercials to be filmed today.

Because she was going out to play on the weekend, she planned to take a few more pictures today, and it happened that the dv bought by Tuo Lin's father before Mama Yang also arrived, so she had a chance to try it out.

Fang Lin, on the other hand, continued to use two supernatural powers to mobilize Yuehua to help Xueqiu awaken, because he can now control the intensity of Yuehua, so after the high-intensity moonlight last night, Snowball's awakening has only one left. Finished.

At this time, Xueqiu's eyes became more and more clear and full of spirituality, just like looking at the eyes of a human child.

And she also seemed to feel something, and she seemed a little nervous when she was clinging to Fang Lin on the sofa.

When Fang Lin stayed up all night last night, he was bored and went to the space to feel it again. He found that his supernatural power had a new function.

That is, if the affected object has no blood or the concentration is very low and does not show, then when awakening, you can choose to consume the energy accumulated and stored in the space and give the opponent the blood of the moon at the cost of not being able to use the supernatural moonlight function in the next week.

That is to say, he can give Snowball the blood of the moon. In the next week, he can only enjoy the buff of the night combat power bonus, and can no longer improve the aptitude of other creatures.

He once again felt the extraordinary power of his icon being a touch of moonlight.

It's as if he has some kind of authority. He can improve his aptitude and give blood out of thin air. It's really outrageous.

It's just that because of his current strength, the upper limit of improvement is not very high, at most he can only see five or six spiritual cores.

After Fang Lin promoted Xueqiu again for a while, he felt that he had reached a certain critical point, so he called Xueqiu and Jiang Baibai to the balcony together.

After reaching the balcony, Xueqiu meekly lay down against Fang Lin.

Jiang Baibai sighed in his heart and said: "It seems that you have made a plan, but I can tell you not to have too much hope, what Xueqiu can bear is only a very ordinary spiritual fruit."

"I know."

"Okay, and even if you wake up, there will be no monkey wine. This thing is too precious and I only have one bottle in stock."

After speaking, Jiang Baibai took out three spiritual fruits that Xueqiu had eaten before, and placed them on the ground.

Xueqiu looked at Fang Lin, stood up and came to the spiritual fruit, opened his mouth and ate them all at once.

"This way of eating is as wild as Kaka, and I don't even think about whether I can bear it."

Jiang Baibai shook his head silently, ready to take out his magic weapon to help her absorb spiritual energy.

Xueqiu couldn't survive eating one before, but now how can he bear three at once?
At this moment, Fang Lin had mobilized his supernatural powers, and a hidden moonlight appeared out of thin air and shone on Xueqiu.

From Fang Lin's own perspective, the strong and brilliant light was even a little dazzling.

Xueqiu's body was constantly undergoing drastic changes, and the aura produced by the spirit fruit was appeased by Yuehua in an instant and quickly absorbed by her.

But the spiritual fruit does not have any effect on awakening, which is almost the same as what Jiang Baibai said.

But because of Fang Lin's supernatural powers, decay can be turned into magic.

At this moment, Xueqiu frowned slightly. She felt her body gradually becoming hotter, but to her paradox, a cool and gentle aura was gradually formed in her body.

And Fang Lin had discovered that Xueqiu's awakening had reached a critical point, so he increased Yuehua's output again.

Finally, a tidal wave of spiritual energy was generated with the snowball as the center.

The moonlight shining on Xueqiu's body suddenly spread like a full-screen AOE. Fang Lin's eyes were full of bright moonlight. Fortunately, he used his hidden talent to hide his vision.

It's just that Jiang Baibai can still feel this gradually rotating aura tide, and it is still gradually expanding.

"This is not scientific."

Jiang Baibai was a little skeptical about life now, her eyes switched back and forth between Kaka and Xueqiu.

Why did the local creatures I met after arriving in the ancestral land challenge my three views?
Why?Can this also be awakened?

Unable to figure it out, Jiang Baibai can only think of one reason, that is, this cat, like Kaka, shoulders a certain kind of luck

Jiang Baibai was a little funny when he thought of this reason. Things like luck are very mysterious, and she only mentioned it to Kaka casually in order to attract Kaka's attention.

Because when the world is stable, the luck of the world is actually unstoppable, otherwise it would not be a mess if all the heroes keep fighting together.

but what now
"I really don't have any monkey wine."

Jiang Baibai, who accepted the reality, said helplessly to Fang Lin.

"It's ok."

Fang Lin smiled and said.

As the awakening progressed, the familiar intimacy reappeared, and he seemed to have entered the origin of the supernatural power again.

He took a deep breath and began to give Snowball the blood of the moon.

Receiving his thoughts, the second supernatural power picture on the black stone tablet in the space lit up, and a wave of energy began to slowly inject into Snowball's body.

At this moment, Xueqiu no longer had that hot body feeling, and could only feel very warm, like coming home.

At the same time, six glittering and translucent aura cores slowly appeared in front of her "eyes". These aura cores were slowly connected together, and at this moment a burst of moonlight suddenly descended.

The aura core began to frantically absorb the gift brought by the moonlight, and at this moment a feeling suddenly appeared in her heart.

From the perspective of the outside world, a strange fluctuation suddenly came from Snowball's body. This fluctuation was as obscure as the deepest mystery in the world, but it also carried a gentle aura.

At the same time, a soft moonlight appeared on Xueqiu out of thin air and could be seen by everyone.


"Accompanying supernatural powers!!??"

Jiang Baibai felt the nourishment brought by the moonlight that seemed to penetrate deep into the soul, and opened his mouth wide to shout out.

She really doesn't understand!
How could there be accompanying supernatural powers?
Is Xueqiu better than Kaka's aptitude and luck?

"Why did I bring a bottle of monkey wine?"

Jiang Baibai felt a little pity, the accompanying supernatural power represented too many things, Xueqiu even had the aptitude of an emperor.

But without the blood of the emperor, no creature can cross the limit of six first sights.

Fang Lin felt a little funny looking at Jiang Baibai's reaction.

Surprised like this?
Jiang Baibai also found that he had lost his composure, and Kaka looked at him very strangely.

She snorted softly and said, "You don't understand, companion supernatural power. Forget it, I'm too lazy to explain it to you."

The vision slowly dissipated at this time, and Snowball also opened his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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