Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 141 Kaka, My Senior Brother?

Chapter 141 Kaka, My Senior Brother? (Ask for a monthly pass!)
A gleam of light flashed in Snowball's sapphire-like eyes, and then she stared shyly at Fang Lin with those clear and spiritual eyes.

Jiang Baibai also gathered around and looked at Xueqiu with Fang Lin at this time, and she rarely saw such a case of an ordinary creature without wisdom leaping over the dragon gate to awaken.

Perhaps because of the awakening of the blood of the moon, Snowball's hair became softer and shinier, and her demeanor became more humane, gentle and serene.

Fang Lin was a little puzzled, stretched out his paw and patted Xueqiu's head and said, "Why don't you talk? Could it be that you haven't awakened your mind?"

But he could clearly feel Xueqiu's current situation through his talent, including her awakened supernatural powers, aptitude, and so on.

Xueqiu should indeed have double awakened his intelligence and aptitude.

On the other hand, Xueqiu had indeed fully developed the ability to think independently.

And because Fang Lin used his supernatural power to summon Yuehua to enhance her aptitude and provide her blood, she now has an indescribable intimacy with Fang Lin.

Coupled with the previously ignorant feelings, she couldn't express the excitement in her heart when she looked at Fang Lin.

After awakening, Xueqiu understood how ordinary she was before, and she was not really qualified to be by Fang Lin's side until this moment.

Xueqiu struggled with Fang Lin's first words after the freshman for a long time, and she was also thinking about how to address Fang Lin in her heart.

How can I express some of my feelings for him without being so abrupt?

Xueqiu blinked his big eyes twice, summoned up his courage and said softly to Fang Lin: "Brother"

She thinks this title is very good. It looks closer than Jiang Baibai but is not so abrupt. He can attack and retreat as well as defend.

This warm and soft voice made Fang Lin feel refreshed.

He finally awakened, and he lived up to his all-night hard work for so long. He felt like a gourd baby watering him every day.

Fang Lin nodded as he accepted her title. It seems that he will not be able to treat her as a cute pet at home in the future.

He asked, "How do you feel?" Then he looked at Xueqiu, but he didn't see any abnormalities on the outside.

Xueqiu thought for a while and said, "It feels good, I feel a little smarter than before."

Jiang Baibai couldn't stand seeing the two chattering for a long time, so she hurriedly interjected and asked, "What companion supernatural power has awakened, let me see."

After talking, Jiang Baibai felt a little inappropriate, so he added: "I'm just a little curious, because I've only seen the accompanying supernatural powers in classics, so forget it if you mind."

However, after Jiang Baibai finished the supplementary words, she still felt something was wrong, and she always felt coerced. She frowned and wanted to continue explaining but was interrupted by Fang Lin.

"It's okay, release Snowball for her to see."

Fang Lin shook his head inwardly looking at Jiang Baibai's appearance, the eldest lady seems to have no experience in begging for help.

He knew the information about Snowball's supernatural power, because he drew it for Snowball, and it was a benefit given to the blood of the moon.

But he can't choose the direction now, he can only choose randomly from the various types included in the blood of the moon. Maybe when he becomes stronger in the future, he can customize other creatures according to his personality, such as attack, support, etc.

The supernatural power awakened by Snowball has a nice name - Moon Soil.

In fact, it's quite similar to his, but it's like a passive aura-like buff.

The effect is probably to increase the cultivation speed of creatures in a certain environment and increase the recovery effect during battle. The specific affected people can be chosen by Xueqiu.

With Xueqiu's own development of the lunar soil, the effect will become more abnormal, such as temporarily improving understanding and so on.

And because it is a passive aura, the consumption is almost negligible, Snowball can also increase the effect by consuming aura.

However, Xueqiu's aura reserves could not compare with Fang Lin's. I am afraid that there were almost no aura cores larger than Fang Lin's at the same level.

So generally speaking, she can only wear the basic effect of the halo, but even the basic effect is terrifying for the improvement of cultivation.

The moment Snowball woke up, Fang Lin had activated the halo effect, and Fang Lin probably felt it.

The speed of my 24-hour passive practice has probably increased by about [-]%, and this is just that Xueqiu has just awakened.

Fang Lin estimated that this kind of thing should be quite effective for Jiang Baibai. After all, she seemed to be able to improve quickly by eating unlimited spiritual fruits, but she still had a limit and had to rely on 70% of her own cultivation.

Through what happened this morning, Fang Lin already understood that the relationship between people is improved by giving each other.

If Jiang Baibai hadn't offered to give him monkey wine, a precious treasure, he wouldn't have changed his impression of her.

Fang Lin felt that he had many more good things, and Xueqiu's talent was just one of his insignificant backgrounds. If anything wanted to develop rapidly, he couldn't rest on his laurels.

When Xueqiu activated Jiang Baibai's supernatural power, Jiang Baibai's different pupils became straight.

She looked at Xueqiu with a look full of disbelief, and then it was as if she saw a peerless treasure, and the whole Snowball got goosebumps.

Xueqiu quietly hid behind Fang Lin, wondering if Jiang Baibai had a special hobby.

Seeing Xueqiu's movements, Jiang Baibai realized that she lost her composure. She smiled at Xueqiu twice and then paced back and forth several times in place.

"How about it, is Xueqiu's supernatural power good? I don't think it's very good, it's very ordinary."

Fang Lin suddenly wanted to tease Jiang Baibai again, so he coughed lightly and asked.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could this be bad!"

"But it doesn't seem to have any attack power at all. It feels like rubbish."


Jiang Baibai seemed to be annoyed by Fang Lin's stupid ideas and poor vision, she took a deep breath and said: "There are a lot of offensive supernatural powers, any creature will be able to do so when it is promoted to the beast level. Awaken your powers."

"Unless there are very special laws, there is really nothing unusual about ordinary supernatural powers."

"But Xueqiu's associated supernatural power is different. I felt that it can increase my cultivation speed and spiritual energy recovery speed by [-]%, and this is only the effect when she just awakened."

"As she grows stronger and develops her supernatural powers, the effect will become more terrifying, which is simply priceless for a group."

After hearing this, Fang Lin suddenly realized: "So that's the case."

Then he added: "Then can she also increase the cultivation speed of the king you mentioned?"

Jiang Baibai shook his head: "The king already has his own domain, and others cannot interfere with him in their own domain, unless it is stronger than his domain."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Fang Lin with some amusement: "Do you know how powerful Xueqiu is? Hmph, I don't know."

Fang Lin chuckled and didn't speak.

But when Xueqiu saw Jiang Baibai saying that, Fang Lin was naturally unhappy. You can't even imagine how powerful my brother is.

She directly canceled the supernatural power's coverage of Jiang Baibai.

"Hey, Snowball, don't cancel it."

Feeling that the boost on his body disappeared, Jiang Baibai became a little anxious.

She had cultivated in the spirit world for 100 years before she reached the realm of beast envoys, and now the strong human beings she met in the ancestral land had reached the level of beast masters in 5 years, and some of them had even touched the edge of kings.

Seeing that a magnificent new era is coming, can she not be in a hurry?

It is recorded in various classics that there are countless opportunities at this time, and it all depends on the individual's fate.

If you can benefit from this great struggle, then the emperor will have hope!
She originally planned to get acquainted with the environment of the ancestral land here first, and then leave here to go around the ancestral land after the spiritual energy recovered to see if she could encounter any opportunities.

Now that she understands, the opportunity is by her side, isn't Snowball's supernatural power boost better than some paradise?
Furthermore, although Kaka has not awakened supernatural powers, no matter how you look at it, he looks lucky.

Moreover, Kaka seems to have a close relationship with the strong human beings. This is the lucky son of the ancestral land that has not yet risen.

It seems that my luck is really good.

Why not go to other places, just hang out with her slowly, Zudi's world will must take care of her own children more, maybe she hasn't gotten a lot of money by running around.

Thinking of this, Jiang Baibai touched his own bell, took out two fiery red spirit fruits and placed them in front of Fang Lin.

Fang Lin could feel the surging vitality from these two spiritual fruits.

"What does it mean?"

"Aren't we friends? Of course your sister is also my sister. Of course, my sister Jiang Baibai cannot lack cultivation resources."

"This is Vermilion Fruit, which can temper her body and improve her aura. It is the best spirit fruit that Xueqiu can take at the spirit beast stage, and after passing the spirit beast stage, she will not be able to use it at the level of a beast envoy." It works so well now."

Fang Lin pretended to hesitate and said, "Isn't that appropriate? It's too precious."

"No, no, it's suitable. Of course, I, as a sister, have to take care of our sister."

Fang Lin looked at Jiang Baibai's eager look with emotion. When he said before that he regarded Jiang Baibai as a friend, this little princess from another world still felt a little novel and like a game.

And Xueqiu was a little unhappy when he heard that Jiang Baibai had been in a relationship with Fang Lin, and that he wanted to be his brother and sister with Fang Lin.

It was because she wanted to be different from Jiang Baibai that she thought of calling Fang Lin brother, so as to achieve the effect of advancing and retreating.

Now Jiang Baibai directly put her and Fang Lin in the same seat, isn't this picking his own peaches?
She glanced at Zhu Guo and turned her head.

What Zhu Guo, she doesn't care, it must be better to stay with Fang Lin.

Fang Lin thought about it for a while, and the heat was almost ready, so he couldn't make Jiang Baibai too anxious.

She is a princess from another world, so it's not bad that she can lower her posture so much now.

After all, he really intended to treat her as a friend instead of taking advantage of her because of the monkey wine incident. His belief has always been that whoever treats him well will treat him well.

Moreover, he is indeed lacking the source of natural treasures, and Jiang Baibai can just make up for this gap.

Fang Lin said to Xueqiu: "This vermillion fruit is good for you, you should eat it."

Hearing Fang Lin's words, Xueqiu didn't hesitate, held a Zhu Guo in front of him and opened his mouth.

"You can only eat Zhu Guo once, and the effect will not be obvious after that. The other one is for you."

Hearing Jiang Baibai's words, Fang Lin glanced at Jiang Baibai in surprise. He didn't expect her to be quite troublesome.

And Jiang Baibai smiled at Fang Lin when he saw Fang Lin's expression.

She could tell that Xueqiu followed Kaka's lead, and whether she could enjoy the mobile paradise in the future would depend on Kaka.

Why doesn't he have such a useful sister?
Jiang Baibai thought of Uncle Yuan's daughter who was born not long ago, and if he had the chance to go back, he would have to see if she was also some kind of hidden genius.

Damn, what are you thinking about, how can it be so simple.

Jiang Baibai shook his head and put these distracting thoughts behind him.

Since coming to the ancestral land, geniuses seem to be worthless, and things in legends have started to appear.

Even in the ancestral land, it is impossible to have so many locals like Xueqiu and Kaka.

"Well, in a few days, let the princess also eat the spiritual fruit from before."


Jiang Baibai responded casually.

However, after she finished speaking, she felt that something was wrong, so she pondered for a while and said in a hesitant tone: "Princess, can you wake up too?"

She didn't mention the accompanying supernatural powers. In her opinion, it is inconceivable that the princess can be awakened by eating spiritual fruits.

She has never heard of companion supernatural powers in the spirit world. If a direct descendant of a royal family has companion supernatural powers when he awakens, it must be to block the news directly to protect him from growing up.

Because if he grows up normally, he is almost certain to be the new emperor.

Fang Lin made a funny expression and said, "How do I know, how can I wake up when I say wake up?"

"That's right. All right, eat the vermilion fruit, I'll watch it for you."

After she finished speaking, she jumped onto the recliner next to her and lay down, looking conscientious.

"Snowball, you can also use your accompanying magic power for her."

"it is good."

"Hey, thank you for your hard work. Are you tired of using supernatural powers for three targets at once?"

"No uh, sort of."

"It's okay, your sister will definitely not treat you badly. Right?"

As he spoke, Fang Lin looked at Jiang Baibai.

Jiang Baibai rolled his eyes and said, "Don't worry, you may not know what the royal family is. These are just my pocket money."

She also used a vocabulary learned from her ancestors.

Fang Lin was envious for a moment, and began to lie down to take Zhu Guo, and after Xueqiu opened up the supernatural powers for Jiang Baibai, Jiang Baibai finally felt comfortable.

Sioux City, Bureau of Special Affairs.

"Ring, bell, bell."

Yang Zhen, who was crossing his legs in the director's office, answered the internal call.

"Hey, sister Yu, what's the matter?"

Wen Yu's gentle voice came from the other end of the phone.

"The ass wants to bloom, right? Why are you pretending to be confused with me?"

"What's the matter, Sister Yu, how dare I pretend to be confused with you? Master will scold me to death if he knows?"

"Don't be poor with me, what happened to the abnormal fluctuations of the two auras at Kaka in Yunting Community last night and just now? You just suppress it and don't report it, why don't you hurry up and check the situation? Don't worry at all, right? "

Yang Zhen heard that Wen Yu didn't want to pursue his suppression of information, so he said with a smile: "My apprentice may have awakened his spiritual energy. Since my wife agrees, I'll go and have a look. I'm worried."

"Hehe, Kaka is your apprentice?"

"what happened?"

"Is there a possibility that he is your senior brother, maybe he is still a senior brother."


"what does it mean?"

"It's nothing, you go and have a look first, and you have to change your style. Seeing that a complete recovery is coming soon, there will be a big change in the whole situation, and the Special Affairs Bureau has to be forgotten. I'm too lazy to play the piano with the cow. ,Bye."

"do not!!!"

Listening to the blind tone coming from the microphone, Yang Zhen hung up the phone anxiously.

He really didn't listen to what Wen Yu said later, he only cared about what was said earlier.

Isn't Kaka my apprentice?Did I bring him in alone?
And forget about junior brother, what does senior brother mean?
Yang Zhen looked at the small building where Wen Yu was, wanted to ask about the situation but was a little timid, he could still play on the phone, but in reality he really didn't dare to be presumptuous.

Forget it.

Yang Zhen shook his head, took out the car keys from the drawer and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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