Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 142 Senior Brother, I'm Decided

Chapter 142 Senior Brother, I'm Decided
Fang Lin's Yuehua can help absorb the treasures of heaven and earth, so he summoned Yuehua for Xueqiu after she swallowed Zhu Guo.

Fang Lin's feeling about Zhu Guo's effect is not obvious, after all, Jiang Baibai just said that the effect on the beast envoy is not that great.

But looking at Snowball's expression after absorbing it should be quite helpful.

"It seems that both of you have good physical aptitude, and the spiritual fruit is absorbed very quickly."

Jiang Baibai withdrew from the cultivation state and said to the two of them.

Originally, she didn't plan to practice until the aura of the ancestral land was fully recovered, because the concentration of aura in the ancestral land was not that high, and the effect of cultivation was not very satisfactory.

But she was still a little curious about the first time she enjoyed the accompanying supernatural powers of assisted cultivation.

Fang Lin was about to be humble, when Liu Jing's call came from his ear.

"Kaka, Snowball, where are you?"

Liu Jing had already figured out how to place the advertisement, so she got up from the sofa and prepared to greet several leading actors to start work.

After searching for a while, she saw two cats and a dog walking in slowly from the balcony and said with a smile, "Have you guys gone to play on the balcony? Come quickly."

She beckoned Kaka and the others to the sofa, where the serious on-site explanation of the script began.

Mother Yang held Xueqiu in her arms, and Fang Lin lay beside her and listened quietly.

The advertisement this time is still a game, and it is a very, very famous game Fantasy Mobile Game, a game similar to Pet Battle.

Local tyrants often recharge millions of dollars to play this game, and the official strength of the game is still very powerful.

Moreover, the game official is also very generous and directly gave a sky-high advertising fee of 200 million. Under normal circumstances, the price of Liu Jing's current account with 100 million fans is already topping the sky.

The 200 million is only the price of about 20 seconds in a video.

If the effect is good or if there are more and more fans of the account in the future, and more and more netizens who like Fang Lin, it is not impossible to use him as a prototype to create a new beast for him in the game.

In that case, the endorsement fee would not be 200 million.

"The new video I plan to post is about the demolition of the princess house that you recorded yesterday. I think it's quite interesting."

"Then you will sit here pretending to be very angry and tired after teaching the Princess and Kaka a lesson."

"Let me just say: Are you still angry? Come and try the fantasy mobile game that is at the top of the comment section, Barabara."

"After you finished the advertisement, you were a little surprised and asked, are you? Then I will give it a try."

"Then you turn on your phone and start playing this game, Kaka, when the time comes, let the three of them gather around and stare at the screen seriously, okay?"

Speaking of which, Liu Jing sat on the sofa with her arms around Fang Lin and said with a smile: "Just wait a while and I'll give you a sign. You can come to your mother's side as if you are looking at the phone with me, okay? By the way, let the three of them Also call the past."

After she finished speaking, she waited expectantly for Fang Lin's reaction. If this could be achieved, it would be fun for the four cute pets to look at their phones together.


Fang Lin responded that she understood.

This made Liu Jing very happy. She smiled and said to Yang's mother: "I will be the first to say no to anyone who says Huskies are stupid in the future. Kaka is so smart."

Due to her sudden emergence during this period, many pet bloggers have sent private messages to her to exchange experiences with her.

Among them, the topic of posed shots was mentioned. Except for some really smart pets, some bloggers did use posed shots to present the effect of the show.

Liu Jing didn't know how to reply to them. After all, she couldn't say that there was actually a director at home.

As a screenwriter, after finishing the script, Kaka will direct the rest, right?
It's not impossible, but next time we can make a video dedicated to this.

Jiang Baibai came to Fang Lin quietly, and asked him curiously, "Do you want to shoot an advertisement?"


"What about me? What am I doing?"

Fang Lin was a little surprised: "Didn't Liu Jing just say that? As soon as she gestures, we can just look at the screen seriously."

He turned to Snowball and asked, "Did you hear that just now?"

"I heard bro."

Fang Lin nodded, then only the princess was left.

At this moment, Jiang Baibai said unwillingly, "Is it that simple?"

"...It's not about making movies."

Fang Lin shook his head and ignored Jiang Baibai, who didn't know which muscle was wrong. He was going to talk to the Princess right now so that she wouldn't run away.

As soon as he got off the sofa, he saw that the princess was digging holes in his kennel with two front paws, and he was very energetic.



Seeing Fang Lin approaching, the princess stopped her movements a little guilty, put her paws in her arms and lay down with a very well-behaved appearance.

This princess.
Fang Lin suddenly had a headache.

After Xueqiu awakens, he has full confidence that he can restrain her from messing around, but the princess is very troublesome, and the three sleds are not called for nothing.

Because of their size, huskies are not as powerful as Alaska in demolition.

At best, the husky planed the leather of the sofa, and Alaska immediately started to dismantle the sofa frame.

If the princess wakes up, this destructive power will
It seems that after I wake up the Princess, I must pay close attention to her ideological education as soon as possible, and kill her idea of ​​demolishing the house from the very beginning.

How to say that sentence, children are a blank slate at the beginning, and 80.00% of them are influenced by their parents and family environment.

As a "parent", he must take responsibility when the time comes.

If it really doesn't work, as soon as she wakes up, she'll beat up Li Liwei first.

Looking at the "well-behaved" princess in front of him, Fang Lin had some terrifying thoughts in his heart.

The princess found that Kaka was not looking right in her eyes, so she quietly rolled her body up again, and circled her body with her fluffy tail.

When Fang Lin finished telling the princess what to do, Yang's mother also changed her clothes and came down.

She specially changed into clothes that were elegant (expensive) at first glance, and they were not the same as before.

After the leading actors were all in place, Liu Jing officially started recording the video. After two or three laughs, she finally finished filming the material of the previous conversation.

Immediately afterwards, there was a shot of Mama Yang and the four furry children looking at their mobile phones together. Mama Yang sat in the middle holding the snowball, Fang Lin and the princess were on both sides, and Jiang Baibai squatted on the back of the sofa condescendingly.

When Liu Jing made a gesture to indicate the start, Fang Lin called to the princess to let her approach, and at the same time stuck to Yang Ma's side.

Jiang Baibai is not very satisfied with her position, she always feels that Liu Jing's camera can't catch her.

So she rolled her eyes and jumped up, and landed on Fang Lin's head very lightly. Fang Lin felt that there was something heavy on top of her head.

Fortunately, Jiang Baibai is not the size of a big cat. With her four paws retracted, she can still find a position on Fang Lin's head, and as long as she finds the position, both she and Fang Lin can control the power.

So in the video, four furry children of different shapes surround Yang's mother, looking very harmonious. Jiang Baibai's tail hangs down from Fang Lin's head and is still shaking.

Liu Jing was very excited when she saw this scene. She was afraid of disturbing the general and told her to run away. She was relieved when she circled Yang Ma for 10 seconds.

"Perfect~ As long as there are sounds and patterns behind it, it will be fine."

Liu Jing happily sat down on the sofa, called up the video and showed it to Mama Yang.

Fang Lin also leaned over to see the effect, but Jiang Baibai still stayed on his head and seemed unwilling to leave.

"Come down."

"Hey, don't be so stingy, the view here is good."

What Jiang Baibai said was indeed the truth, because the height of her squat was much shorter than that of Fang Lin, and she had to jump on the back of the sofa to watch the video next to Liu Jing, and the distance was relatively far away.

Xueqiu, who was sitting in Yang's mother's arms, looked sideways at Kaka and Jiang Baibai on his head pursed his mouth and did not speak.

"That's right, your level of video shooting seems to be much higher than before."

"Hey, is it?"

"Yeah, your sense of lighting, angles, and composition have all improved."

Liu Jing smiled and asked Yang's mother, "Why do I feel that Xueqiu looks good again?"

"is it?"

As they spoke, the two looked at the snowball in Yang Ma's arms together.

Liu Jing touched Xueqiu's back and said, "Look, this hair is getting softer and smoother, and so are Kaka and the general."

As she spoke, she cast her eyes on the Princess who was looking around in the living room again: "Does the Princess have some problems with her diet?"

Although the princess looked like she was being well-fed normally, she was indeed a little less flavorful than Fang Lin and the other three.

"It seems a little bit, it may vary from person to person, I'm thinking about how to give her a nutritious meal."

Hearing Mama Yang's words, Liu Jing suddenly reacted: "By the way, Qian, I made an appointment for a full set of medical examinations for the four of them in the afternoon, why don't you take them there?"

She has been a little worried since she saw the news yesterday that her younger brother died of illness.

"it is good."

There is still some time before lunch, so I continued to pursue drama career in the living room.

On the outskirts of Yanjing, in a venue somewhat similar to an indoor martial arts arena.

A boy who looked about 1.7 meters tall with short hair and a firm face was holding a red-tasseled gun and performing a drill with the tall man opposite him.

He is the Mu Xi mentioned earlier.

Mu Xi was holding a white red-tasseled spear with a very serious expression and strictly controlled the distance, and there seemed to be some rhythm between advancing and retreating.

The man on the opposite side held a wooden sword and gave the boy a very easy move.

Seeing that the situation was at a stalemate, Mu Xi suddenly took a step back and shot the man in front of him, and there was a crackling sound in the air.

However, with a slight movement of the man's body, he avoided this fierce killing move, and at the same time, he leaned forward and lightly hooked the wooden sword with his wrist, and hit the boy's wrist.

The spear immediately fell to the ground.

"Yes, there is progress."

Mu Xi sat cross-legged on the ground with some exhaustion and didn't want to move any more. It seemed that he was only trying to fight in a square inch just now, but it was very exhausting for him.

"Second Uncle, will I not be able to beat him on Monday?"

"I definitely can't beat it."


The man noticed Mu Xi's dissatisfied expression, so he smiled and said, "That's the person Zhan Tianjian is optimistic about. It happened that Deng Jiefu was in the capital these two days, so I asked him to talk about it."

"He may be Zhan Tianjian's second apprentice. You must know that Yang Zhen can already sit on one side."

"Although Deng Jiefu told me that he is about the same age as you, it must not be easy to be seen by him. It would be good if you can equalize with him."


The man shook his head and said, "And the purpose of this time is not just for the two of you to have a hand-in-hand, but more importantly, to exchange experiences."

"My Mu family and Deng Jiefu have a relatively close relationship. Seeing that the world pattern is about to change, this can be regarded as an exchange between juniors."

The man saw that Mu Xi still didn't care, so he said in a serious tone, "You must not put on airs of a big family at that time. After the spiritual energy recovers, the great power will belong to the individual, and the weak will be a mob even if they are in a group."

"Deng Jiefu has already touched the edge of A-level, and he will definitely be at the top of the world in the future, and he only has these two apprentices. You must not be willful in this trip."

Mu Xi was taken aback when he saw his second uncle being so serious, and said obediently: "I understand, second uncle."

The man nodded in satisfaction, then he pondered for a while and coughed lightly and said, "If you find that you want to win this exchange, please let it go."

Mu Xi's eyes lit up when he heard this, it seemed that he was still very powerful in the eyes of his second uncle.

So he hurriedly nodded and said, "Don't worry, Second Uncle, I will let him in when the time comes, so that he won't lose too badly."

The man frowned suddenly: "Who made you win?"


"You have to lose, and it's reasonable to lose. Of course, if you can't beat it, it goes without saying."


It was as if Mu Xi had accidentally held back a sneeze, and he was feeling weak all over.

The Mu family is also a top military and political powerhouse in Yanjing, and this son of the Mu family actually wants to accompany others to act, who will believe it?

The man keenly observed the change in Mu Xi's expression, and he shook his head in his heart.

Xi'er has been deeply influenced since she was a child, and she doesn't understand the general trend of the world. If she has time, she has to talk to her elder brother and educate her.

Yunting District.

A black off-road vehicle drove into the community with ease, and soon Yang Zhen, who was wearing sunglasses, got out of the car.

All the way, he was slandering what Wen Yu told him in his heart.

No matter how much Yang Zhen thought about it, he couldn't figure out why Kaka might become his senior brother. Could it be that he was better than himself?
This is too funny, I am a D-rank, the director of the Sioux City Special Affairs Bureau.

It may also be that Kaka is extremely talented. Lao Deng values ​​his future development very much, which means that Lao Deng feels that Kaka's potential is not weaker than him or even stronger than him, otherwise he would not have revealed this to the public. Wen Yu.

Therefore, in order to avoid embarrassing himself by surpassing Kaka in the future, he simply accepted him as an apprentice.

In this way, Lao Deng is still doing it for his own good? ? ?
Yang Zhen couldn't help thinking of the aura fluctuations in Kaka's house last night and tonight, and it seemed that he had really awakened.

He was still very happy for Kaka in his heart, but the change in identity was a bit too drastic. Before that, he wanted to accept Kaka as his apprentice after his spiritual energy recovered, and provide him with resources to protect him.

No, no, I have to talk to him, it's good to be my junior brother honestly.

Yang Zhen made up his mind to lie to Kaka when they met, saying that Lao Deng wanted him to be his junior, and congratulated him directly.

After I went back, I told Lao Deng the news that Kaka volunteered to be a junior, it was perfect.

Yang Zhen, who had solved a problem in his mind, skillfully found the address of Fang Lin's house, took out a black card, swiped open the door and walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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