Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 143 You Can Say Chapters?

Chapter 143 Can You Talk?

It was approaching noon, and the atmosphere at home had become a little lazy. Yang's mother had already stuck herself on the sofa, and she didn't want to accept the upcoming cooking.

But she looked around and saw all the big and small foodies in her eyes, so she sighed silently.

Fang Lin was resting his head on Liu Jing's lap and watching a TV series. Since he was reborn as a husky, he didn't have to think about eating, drinking, and messing around, let alone doing housework.

According to his roommate when he was in college, every time he returned home during the holidays, within three days, the original deep-rooted mother-child relationship would change.

If you don't do some housework at home, you will be disgusted even if you drink saliva.

It's a pity that Fang Lin has never experienced this kind of thing. Before graduating from university, he was the baby of the family, especially when he was in high school.

Later, he was left alone, living at home during his holidays, and tidying up the housework.

When people have nothing to rely on, there is actually not much inertia.

But now Fang Lin belongs to heaven again.

Liu Jing was wearing home shorts and a white T. The material was relatively soft, and Fang Lin felt a little drowsy by leaning on it comfortably.

Liu Jing seems to have changed to a new perfume, which smells very light and fresh, with a refreshing feeling of autumn.

Fang Lin felt the faint scent coming from the tip of his nose, and his eyelids began to twitch.

Suddenly, the mobile phone in Liu Jing's trouser pocket rang a text message, which happened to be on the side of Fang Lin's pillow.

So Liu Jing supported Fang Lin's dog's head with one hand, and slowly pulled out the phone with the other.

After taking it out, he slowly put down the dog's head, Fang Lin maintained Ge You's paralyzed posture the whole time.

Liu Jing hummed a little tune, picked it up, put it away, and looked at it. While watching, she rubbed Fang Lin's head with her left hand, and unconsciously pulled the hair on the top of her head.

Fang Lin was still enjoying the head massage, and then felt a sudden pain on the top of his head. He hurriedly looked up, and saw Liu Jing's right hand pinching a small hair.

Liu Jing also noticed Fang Lin's terrified eyes, and put the hair back on her hand with some embarrassment.


"Hey, not bald, not bald~"

She rubbed Fang Lin's stomach to comfort him, and when she finally calmed him down, she read the text message again.

Looking at Liu Jing's innocent appearance, Fang Lin secretly sighed.

He stretched out his paws and scratched his head, plucking away the sticky clump of hair.

Under Fang Lin's gaze, the white hair slowly fluttered and finally fell to the floor.

Fang Lin suddenly felt a little puzzled. Does it matter if you practice longevity?
But I don't usually shed hair, why does the hair on the top of my head fall off when I pull it?
When Fang Lin was struggling, Liu Jing suddenly jumped up in surprise, and Fang Lin, who was lying on her lap, fell to the ground with a plop without noticing.

"Qian! The advertising fee has arrived!"

Fang Lin got up from the ground, bouncing left and right on the ground and complained to Liu Jing.


You went too far today!
"Woo Kaka, I was wrong, I apologize to you."

Liu Jing hurried over to comfort Fang Lin in her arms, because she was so happy that Fang Lin was directly submerged in the mountain.

The dog's nose was buried a bit solidly, Fang Lin struggled to escape from her arms, and quickly jumped onto the sofa to be next to Mama Yang.

Today he might have some conflicts with Liu Jing, so he has to stay away from her.

Fang Lin Husky glared at Liu Jing angrily, then lay down on Yang Ma's lap.

Liu Jing resentfully sat back on the sofa and stuck out her tongue.

Yang's mother touched the place where Fang Lin's head fell to the ground just now, and said to Liu Jing with a smile, "How far? Are you so excited?"


Liu Jing happily showed Mama Yang the receipt text message from the bank.

Yang Ma counted the digits and said indifferently, "Is it only 50?"

"50 is already a lot."

Seeing that Mama Yang was not interested, Liu Jing curled her lips.

"Which ad money is this?"

"The prepayment for the mobile game advertisement shot today, and there is still 150 million, which is said to be called the next day after the video is released."

Hearing this, Yang Ma was a little curious: "Why is this family the fastest? What about the previous two or three?"

"I don't know. It is said that we have to wait for a few days. Anyway, it is not overdue."

Mama Yang nodded her head to express her understanding, there really aren't many advertising fees that are paid so neatly.

Fang Lin was not angry when he heard that the money had arrived. He came to Liu Jing to check the receipt text message.

To be honest, he has never transferred so much money once, and this feeling is really cool.

After the spiritual energy recovers, his identity as a citizen of the Dragon Kingdom can be exposed, and at that time, the money he earns now can truly belong to him hehe.

Didn't expect that being a dog can have a day of free consumption?
At that time, I estimate that I will have a lot of small coffers, so what should I buy?
All he could think of besides delicious food were the skins that he was reluctant to buy when playing games before.

It's really a bit low to say, the first thing I think of when I have money is to buy skins, but the skins of cs are indeed not cheap.

Then the doorbell rang.


Hearing the doorbell, Yang Ma and Liu Jing looked at each other with some doubts, who knocked at the door at this time?

Yang Ma suddenly remembered some videos she had seen, that is, when strangers knocked on the door or passed by, the pets raised by those bloggers, like the German Shepherd, would look out the door very vigilantly.

Thinking of this, Mama Yang became interested: "Kaka, someone is knocking on the door, don't you care?"


Fang Lin, who was watching the phone next to Liu Jing, raised his head and looked at Yang's mother puzzled when he heard this. Why did someone knock on the door and shut him down?
"Oh, it's really unreliable, what if it's a bad guy?"

Yang Ma sighed and got up and walked over to open the door. Fang Lin rolled his eyes looking at Yang Ma's back.

Who else, Yang Zhen.

He has felt it since Yang Zhen stepped out of the elevator.


"Why are you here again?"

Mama Yang opened the door after seeing clearly who was outside through the electronic peephole, and said to Yang Zhen with a smile.

Yang Zhen scratched his head in embarrassment: "There is something about Kaka."

"Okay, come in first, just come in and don't need to change your shoes."

"it is good."

Yang Zhen secretly heaved a sigh of relief after entering the door.

Ever since the first time he met Yang's mother, his lies were exposed and he was thrown into trouble again. He has always felt embarrassed to face Yang's mother.

Especially after Yang's mother found out that he was actually an official special department, she felt even more ashamed.

Fortunately, Mama Yang didn't know his specific identity, if Mama Yang knew that he was the director of the Special Affairs Bureau.
"Hey, it's you, Yang Zhen."

Seeing Yang Zhen coming in, Liu Jing stood up from the sofa to welcome him, led him to the sofa and sat down, and said, "I haven't thanked you for the event you contacted."

"Thanks to that event, the number of fans on my account has increased a lot."

Yang Zhen waved his hand: "Small things, it's because of your own video content, I'm also watching your video, Kaka is very cute haha."

"Thank you."

Fang Lin glanced at Yang Zhen who was obviously teasing him, jumped off the sofa and walked by his feet, and when he passed by, he stepped on his feet hard.


Yang Zhen's face twitched instantly.

Seeing that something was wrong with him, Liu Jing asked, "Huh? What's the matter? Are you uncomfortable?"

At this time, Mama Yang also came over with tea and put it on the coffee table, and asked curiously: "Who is feeling uncomfortable?"

Yang Zhen silently put away his feet and coughed lightly, "It's all right, I was stepped on by Kaka just now."

Hearing this, Liu Jing and Yang's mother were a little puzzled. Did a big man react so much when Kaka stepped on him?
But because the two of them didn't know Yang Zhen too well, they didn't joke or ask any more questions.

Yang Zhen looked at Yang Ma's strange gaze again, and felt a little regretful in his heart, why did he say that he was stepped on by Kaka.


Fang Lin let out a cry of joy, and jumped onto the sofa wagging his tail.

Yang Zhen sneaked a peek at Fang Lin resentfully, and then got down to business: "Well, the reason I'm here this time is about Kaka."

"Didn't the Southern Provincial Legion choose Kaka as the endorsement of the military dog ​​before? So a weekly health check was specially arranged for him to prevent any problems with him."

Liu Jing nodded happily and said, "That's great. Where is the place? I'll take Kaka there."

Yang Zhen paused and said, "Uh, it's like this. The place where this equipment is located is not open to the public and there are many secrets, so it may not be convenient."

Yang Ma and Liu Jing looked at each other and asked, "What does this mean?"

"That is, I will come over every week to bring Kaka to check. After the inspection, I will bring Kaka back. There are many professional military dog ​​psychological counselors, nutritionists, and some massage equipment, all of which can be experienced by Kaka. Experience."

Liu Jing was a little ignorant when she heard that Yang Zhen finished speaking and fell silent. If Yang Zhen wanted to take Kaka away one day a week, he needed Yang's mother's consent.

And Yang Zhen also knew that the final target of persuasion must be Yang Ma, so the living room became quiet for a while, waiting for Yang Ma's decision.

Yang Ma thought for a while and asked suspiciously: "You don't think my Kaka is too smart, so you want to study something?"

"How could it be? It's true that the testing area and equipment are kept secret, and you will be able to bring Kaka in half a year to a year at most."

Liu Jing was a little curious: "Does this mean that the test is for life?"

"Yes, Kaka is valid for life. After the half-year to one-year confidentiality period is over, you can bring him here by yourself."

Hearing what Yang Zhen said, Mama Yang felt relieved.

In fact, Mama Yang was not very worried at first, because the centripetal force of the people of the Dragon Kingdom in this world is very strong, especially in recent years, the Dragon Kingdom's world status has risen rapidly, and it already faintly feels like an oriental dragon in the past.

So Mama Yang is quite at ease about what Yang Zhen said.

"Okay, I agree."

Yang Zhen lifted his spirits and said, "It's not too late. I'll take Kaka to get familiar with the environment first, and then after the Mid-Autumn Festival, I'll take him for the first physical examination, so that he won't be nervous at that time."


"Yes, it happens that there is also a special nutritious meal over there. He can just eat there for lunch. I'll bring it back for him in the afternoon."

Yang's mother nodded in agreement, and it happened that at noon, she could save a little trouble and skip cooking a steak.

Hearing the nutritious meal, Liu Jing asked, "Well, if it's convenient, can you bring the princess along? I feel that she may be lacking in nutrition recently, and her hair doesn't look as smooth as Kaka's."

Yang Zhen looked down at the princess on the side and said casually, "She looks fine and healthy."

From the experience he accumulated in his old business, he could tell at a glance that the princess was the kind of husky that was well-fed, but it was indeed inferior to Kaka and the two cats.

But this is also normal, Kaka has awakened, and Jiang Baibai is a princess from another world, Snowball.

Yang Zhen was a little surprised when he looked at Xueqiu on the sofa. He actually felt the aura fluctuations from Xueqiu, which was clearly a sign of awakening.

Since Fang Lin awakened from acting in front of Jiang Baibai, he has maintained a little fluctuation, and Yang Zhen felt it as soon as he entered the door.

But Snowball's awakening really surprised him, because the proportion of awakened animals is very, very small.

"It's fine if it's inconvenient."

Seeing that Yang Zhen was silent, Liu Jing said hastily, after all, it sounds like it would be good to give Kaka a free medical examination for life.

I am actually pulling wool.

Yang Zhen reacted and said, "It's okay, it's okay, it's not troublesome, one and four are the same."

"Well, I'll take the four of them there every week from now on."


Finally, after some negotiations, Yang Zhen successfully led the two huskies and came downstairs to the community with two cat bags on his back.

As soon as he arrived in the community, Jiang Baibai kept patting the cat bag, wanting Yang Zhen to let him out.

Jiang Baibai didn't like the narrow environment of the cat bag very much, she just wanted to jump on Fang Lin's back to go out like before.

In the end, because it was Yang Zhen who took it out, Yang's mother was worried and finally got into the cat bag helplessly.

The residents of Yunting Community are not too many but the green area is not small, so Yang Zhen quickly found a quiet and unoccupied small pavilion and released Jiang Baibai.

Then he looked curiously at the snowball in the cat bag and Kaka on the other side and asked, "Kaka, are you awake?"

Fang Lin nodded at him.

"Then Snowball has also awakened?"

Fang Lin still nodded.

Yang Zhen suddenly fell into deep thought: "How do you know about awakening?"

Jiang Baibai complained that Yang Zhen's ink traces interrupted him directly: "I told him that Xueqiu was awakened by feeding the spirit fruit."

When she said this, she was a little unnatural. After all, it should be the reason for Xueqiu's extraordinary talent.

But she could feel the strength of Yang Zhen's beast envoy, and she was a little worried that Yang Zhen, an official member of the Dragon Kingdom, would be unfavorable to Kaka and Xueqiu, so she directly helped them take over.

Otherwise, if Yang Zhen knew about Xueqiu's extraordinary talent and awakened his supernatural powers, what if something happened to him?
You must know that the accompanying magical powers are legends in the spirit world, and she knows that the earliest record is a peerless genius of the Phoenix clan more than 300 years ago.

Now in just 300 years, she has touched the threshold of the emperor.

And the fact that she awakened the companion supernatural power was also the news released by the Phoenix Clan after she stepped into the King Realm 100 years ago.

Snowball's talent must be well covered.

Jiang Baibai gave Fang Lin a look to signal that he would leave it to himself.

However, Fang Lin, Yang Zhen, and even Xueqiu in the cat bag all looked at Jiang Baibai in amazement.

"what happened?"

"You, can speak Dragon Mandarin?"

"Well, I just taught myself."

Yang Zhen and Fang Lin looked at each other excitedly.

Jiang Baibai also noticed something was wrong: "Are you two familiar?"



(End of this chapter)

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