Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 144 Cha Hot Pot

Chapter 144 Cha Hot Pot

After Fang Lin and Yang Zhen's bilingual explanations, Jiang Baibai finally understood the relationship between Kaka, the man in front of him, and Deng Jiefu.

Yang Zhen was also worried about what kind of trouble this princess from another world would make against Kaka when she was staying at Kaka's house.

So when he narrated, he looked like he was protecting the calf, which made Jiang Baibai think that Yang Zhen was a bit naive.

She pursed her lips and said to Fang Lin in animal language: "So you are so close to the human officials? I thought you were unfamiliar and wanted to help Xueqiu cover it up."

Fang Lin replied modestly: "It's just the backstage, so there's nothing to talk about."


Jiang Baibai didn't bother to complain about him, and he looked very proud.

At this time, Yang Zhen looked at the cat and the dog chatting happily and even tacitly, and felt that something was wrong.

Why are encrypted calls suddenly started? ? ?
Come on, talk so much and become an outsider?
He quickly said, "Don't all speak your dialect, I don't understand."


Jiang Baibai was a little speechless, and continued to talk to Fang Lin: "This Yang Zhen doesn't want me to be an interpreter, does he?"

"He's like this, he's a little familiar. Although he's not very flexible, he's actually a nice person, and he treats his friends very warmly."


Yang Zhen saw that the two were still talking encrypted, so he began to take the initiative to find a sense of presence.

"Why did you step on me at home just now? It almost made me feel like an adult. Watch me step back."


Hehe, afraid of you?

Jiang Baibai looked at Yang Zhen and Kaka who were starting to interact, and squatted on the side seat thinking.

Looking at it this way, Kaka really has great luck and great fortune.

As she got to know the ancestral land, she also gradually realized that Mama Yang's family is not an ordinary family in Longguo.

In the beginning, it was just an ordinary husky sold by human traders. It was first bought by a wealthy family, and by chance, he met a well-connected person like Yang Zhen who gave him a rare elixir.

This elixir can actually directly activate spiritual wisdom, no matter when this elixir must be the most cherished thing for spirit beasts.

It seems that with the revival of the spiritual energy in the ancestral land, the former background is gradually revealed.

In addition, Xueqiu, who was bought back with Kaka at the same time, had such a strong talent, and then met himself, the royal princess of the spirit world.

Everything has a relationship center - Kaka.

This is the predestined law, the predestined law that does not make sense at all.

Even if one's status is as low as dust at the beginning, through various opportunities, one can obtain geniuses and treasures, meet noble people and good friends, and finally achieve a qualitative leap.

If Kaka can grow to a very high position in the future, then this kind of adventure in childhood can definitely be recorded in the classics, starting with a mere dog, and finally changing his life against the sky and stepping into the imperial realm step by step.

This plot Jiang Baibai feels very excited even thinking about it, comparable to the autobiography of those legendary strongmen that I have seen before, the proper future star of the ancestral land.

Legend has it that these people with great luck can find treasures when they go out to explore and fall off the cliff, so I must follow the wool to make a profit!

She became more and more determined that she would not leave.

But coincidentally, Fang Lin thought the same way, and now he looked at Jiang Baibai's little bell more and more pleasing to the eye.

Who is picking whose wool can only take one step at a time.

After Yang Zhen quarreled with Fang Lin for a while, he finally remembered that there was still business to do.

So he coughed lightly and said, "So Snowball is awakened now?"


After speaking, Fang Lin signaled Jiang Baibai to translate.



"And also awakened the companion magic power."


Yang Zhen was a little puzzled, he knew supernatural powers, but what was the companion supernatural power?Does that mean that Snowball has supernatural powers right after awakening?

Seeing that he was ignorant, Jiang Baibai explained the concept to him, and at the same time told him very seriously: "In the spiritual world, all spirit beasts that have awakened and accompanied by supernatural powers, unless they die halfway, without exception, eventually become King."

Jiang Baibai compared the classification of human beings that he knew when he communicated with Deng Jiefu at that time, so he added: "That is your S-level."

Hearing this, Yang Zhen's expression instantly became serious. He is the director of the Sioux City Special Affairs Bureau and has been with Deng Jiefu for a long time, so he knows a lot of information, and he deeply understands the meaning behind advanced force.

And as a person who has seen Deng Jiefu make a move with his own eyes, he knows how terrifying B-rank is, so when he heard that Xueqiu had the possibility of being promoted to S-rank, he felt that things were a little out of control.

After feeling around for a while, he said, "It's not suitable to talk about this kind of thing here. Come back to the Bureau of Special Affairs with me. Don't mention this matter to anyone other than Lao Deng and me."

"Remember, anyone."

Yang Zhen planned to tell Deng Jiefu about it when he went back, and he was already thinking about how to hide his snowball talent in his mind.

Although the Longguo Federation has a strong centripetal force now, he can't guarantee whether anyone will have a different heart.

With the recovery of spiritual energy, while some rules are changing, people's hearts are also in turmoil.

Looking at Yang Zhen's shocked expression, Jiang Baibai was inexplicably happy.

Yang Zhen knew that the awakened Xueqiu must be as intelligent as Kaka, and it would definitely not work to keep Xueqiu in the small cat bag.

So he put on a very friendly smile on his face and went to open the cat bag: "Snowball, it's really stuffy inside, come out and get some air."


Xueqiu looked at Yang Zhen's approaching big-faced plate and greeted him, then jumped off his seat in the pavilion and came behind Fang Lin.

She also heard what Yang Zhen said just now, and knew that the relationship between him and Kaka was not usually her own, so she felt that her attitude towards Yang Zhen should also be gentler.

"Snowball is so good, Kaka greets her, let's go."

As Yang Zhen said, he led the only princess who needed to worry about to the parking spot. On the way, he looked at Xueqiu, who was closely behind Kaka, with an aunt-like smile on his face.

Soon the black off-road vehicle drove into the Sioux City Special Affairs Bureau. Yang Zhen led the princess, followed by Fang Linxueqiu and Jiang Baibai to the office building.

It is the safest point within the Bureau of Special Affairs, especially after Wen Yu moved the office here as well.

Originally, the people sent by the General Administration to Yang Zhen had undergone a screening at that time. Recently, Wen Yu checked carefully again to make sure that these people were all clean.

"Hello, Director."

"Junior Yang."

"Ju Yang is back?"

People who passed by Yang Zhen along the way all took the initiative to say hello to Yang Zhen.

Yang Zhen, on the other hand, nodded slightly, full of style, and looked at Fang Lin inadvertently.

Fang Lin could tell at a glance that Yang Zhen was suspected of acting aggressively, but he really envied this feeling.

After entering the office, Yang Zhen told Fang Lin and the others to stay in the office first, and he closed the door and walked out alone.

In the office, Fang Lin looked left and right at the office furnishings. There was a boss chair, a dark solid wood desk, and two flags on the desk besides the computer. There was also a set of black leather sofas and a tea table.

The whole office looks clean and tidy.

After getting familiar with Fang Lin's surroundings, Xueqiu couldn't help asking, "Brother, how long are we going to stay?"

"what happened?"

"A little hungry."

After saying that, Xueqiu felt a little embarrassed, and swayed his tail unnaturally behind him.

But she is indeed hungry, and she needs more energy after awakening, especially since she has been driving her passive to provide Fang Lin with cultivation bonuses.

Fang Lin was taken aback when he heard this and comforted her, "When Yang Zhen comes back, ask him for food, and we'll have to kill him once we finally come out."

Speaking of this, Fang Lin became interested: "We can let him eat hot pot."

At home, Yang's mother was worried about their health, so she didn't even think about heavy salt and spicy food. Now she finally had a chance to relive the taste of the past.

"Hot pot? Is it the one that played in the TV drama at that time?"

Jiang Baibai also became excited. She felt very novel after seeing hot pot eating in TV dramas, especially when Kaka described the details to her with emotion.

"Yes, you can cooperate with me then."

Fang Lin told the two of them about the details of cooperation after Yang Zhen came back, which made the simple Xueqiu feel a little embarrassed.

Then Fang Lin suddenly remembered that Jiang Baibai was able to speak and asked her about it. Xueqiu was also listening carefully, and she was also a little curious.

After Jiang Baibai's narration, Fang Lin probably understood that, just like the kind of refining horizontal bones mentioned in the novel, normal spirit beasts can accumulate their own bones at the level of beast envoys.

When Fang Lin had finished chatting, Yang Zhen opened the door and walked in and sat down on his boss chair.

"Old Deng can arrive in two hours at most, let's wait for him to come back."


As he spoke, Fang Lin gave Xueqiu a look.

After Xueqiu knew it, he came to Yang Zhen's feet pitifully and whispered in a pitiful voice: "Meow~"

Looking at Xueqiu, Yang Zhen hurriedly observed Xueqiu himself and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Baibai immediately said: "She's hungry."

"I'm hungry, why don't you tell me earlier, I'll make it up for you if you want to eat."

Fang Lin hesitated for a while and said, "Why don't we go back first, the usual food is not available here."

After Jiang Baibai translated, Yang Zhen patted the table unwillingly: "Why not, I'll buy you whatever you want to eat."

"Really? M9 Wagyu Steak, Aulong or whatever."


Yang Zhen choked for breath, scratched his head and muttered, "This is better than me."

He looked at the few awakened foodies present, and estimated in his heart how much blood he would suffer if he bought these things.

The more Yang Zhen counted, the more frightened he became, the corner of his mouth twitched and he wanted to regret it.

However, when he saw the look of expectation in Xueqiu's big bright eyes, he gritted his teeth and was ready to fight.

However, Fang Lin shook his head when he saw Yang Zhen's tangled appearance. Isn't he the chief? Why does he feel very uncomfortable.

So he cut him off before he could speak.

"But it's been too long since you bought these, so get something else."

After Jiang Baibai finished translating, Yang Zhen nodded and said, "Indeed, I have to travel a long way to buy these. Think about it again, is there anything else you want to eat? Anything else will do."

Hearing what Yang Zhen said, the two cats and one dog at the scene were a little happy.

"Can I eat hot pot? I saw it on TV and wanted to try it."

"Hot Pot?"

Yang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this request: "Of course, there are special copper pots at the logistics side, I'll get someone to fix them for you."

Then he went out again.

At this moment, Xueqiu walked up to Fang Lin and said softly, "Brother, you are really amazing."

There seemed to be little stars shining in the sapphire eyes.

"Not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

Xueqiu praised him so much, his old face was really hot.

He had only heard such words from his "cute" teammates in the game before.

Now that Xueqiu's words are full of sincerity rather than yin and yang, he doesn't know how to deal with it for a while, but he still feels a little dark in his heart.

Jiang Baibai sneered at the side and shook his head: "It's nothing to Xueqiu, I can do it by myself, Kaka has a lot of eyes, so don't be fooled by him."

She felt that Xueqiu had just awakened too innocently, and was taken aback by Fang Lin.

Before Fang Lin could fight back, Xueqiu said innocently again: "I think my brother is very considerate and treats me very well."

After she woke up, she slowly recalled the scenes of Zhen Huan's biography that she had seen together when she was ignorant.

For Kaka, she couldn't admit defeat.

When Fang Lin, who was about to fight back, heard Xueqiu's words, he immediately felt as warm as a spring breeze blowing on his face. He smiled proudly and said, "How is it? The eyes of the masses are discerning."

He grinned and stretched out his claws to pat Snowball's head. He didn't hurt you in vain.

Seeing this, Jiang Baibai rolled her eyes, but she still didn't give up her plan to build a good relationship with Xueqiu. After all, Xueqiu's talent is really good. It would be great if she could have the same status as Kaka in her heart.

"Snowball, I'll give you some delicious spiritual fruit when I go back. I brought it specially, and it's also very good for you now."

"Really? Thank you."

"It's okay, it's okay, Xiaoyi."

"Then can you give me two copies? I will give one to my brother."


Jiang Baibai couldn't take it anymore, so he jumped on the sofa and nestled in the corner without talking, while Fang Lin laughed so hard that his face was almost sore.

Soon Yang Zhen walked in with a fat man wearing a chef's attire with a wide heart and a fat body.
Yang Zhen was carrying a copper pot and a kettle, while the fat chef was carrying a small stove and a wooden board.

Seeing the two people coming in, Jiang Baibai was no longer depressed, he stretched his head to watch their movements curiously.

"Just put it on the coffee table."

"it is good."

The fat chef put the wooden board on the tea table in front of the sofa, Yang Zhen put the classic copper hot pot on it, and then the fat chef took a few red carbon spheres from the stove and put them in the inner pot of the hot pot.

Fang Lin who was around could feel the temperature coming from the carbon ball. There were some mushrooms and fungi in the pot, and Yang Zhen poured the bone broth from the pot into it again.

Then Yang Zhen and the fat chef walked out, and after a while Yang Zhen came in with two bags, which were full of boxes of chopped beef and mutton.

This kind of product specially supplied to the Special Affairs Bureau is very fresh, after all, the personnel in this kind of organization can keep up with nutrition.

The portion in each box is not small, and the pieces are packed closely together, which is much more than what is sold in the supermarket. Yang Zhen directly brought in 20 boxes and stacked them on the coffee table.

After that, the fat chef brought in another helper to bring in the bowls and chopsticks and a large pot of sauce.

"Okay Director Yang, call me again if you need anything."

"Okay, you go first."

Yang Zhen took out four bowls and put them away, and added small ingredients to them, which was the prepared sesame paste, chili oil, and some crushed peanuts and sesame oil.

He doesn't have a mandarin duck-style copper pot here, so I don't know if anyone doesn't like spicy food, so he made a mushroom soup pot, and added some chili oil to the small ingredients.

These chili oils are also special products. Eating chili oil alone is only spicy for the mouth but not for the stomach.

The soup base in the copper pot has slowly started to bubble, and the fragrance has begun to linger in the room.

That's what it feels like.

Fang Lin looked forward to it even more, his tail wagging constantly.

(End of this chapter)

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